MTSS, Local Screening, and Students with Disabilities
MTSS provides early interventions and support for all students.
MTSS is a proactive, preventative, data-based approach to decision making. Students access tiered support for academics, behavior, and wellness based on need. MTSS uses universal screening, diagnostic, classroom, and progress monitoring assessments to inform decision making. MTSS is meant to provide early interventions and support for all students. MTSS is not intended to provide a pathway to special education. If you suspect a disability, a referral to the local screening committee (LSC) should be made at the student’s school.
MTSS for students who have been found eligible for special education services or qualified under Section 504:
At Tier 1, a student’s individualized education program (IEP) provides detailed information regarding the student’s areas of need, accommodations, and level of access to the general education setting. A student’s Section 504 Plan provides detailed accommodations and/or services a student requires based on a documented disability. In a Multi-Tiered System of Supports, students who have a disability should receive high quality culturally and linguistically responsive core instruction with scaffolds and differentiation. A student’s 504 Plan provides detailed information regarding the student’s supplemental aids or services, including accommodations, required for them to access the school setting.
At Tier 2, a student with an IEP or 504 Plan may receive additional time and support for reteaching essential grade level standards and/or interventions for behavior/wellness skills in a timely and systematic manner in an area of need that may or may not be identified in the IEP or 504 Plan. A general education or special education teacher may provide any required instruction.
At Tier 3, for an area of intensive need in a foundational skill in academics, behavior, or wellness not already identified in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan, the IEP team or 504 committee must reconvene to review all available data and determine whether or not additional formalized assessments are needed to identify new areas of need, or if additional interventions and/or specialized instruction are required. The IEP team or 504 committee, not the MTSS site intervention team, is responsible for addressing all areas of concern for students with disabilities. If the IEP team or 504 committee determines that assessments are warranted to address this new area of concern, interventions can occur during the evaluation process. If no additional assessments are required and the student still requires support, the IEP team or 504 committee will identify specific interventions to address this area of concern, monitor student progress, and reconvene as necessary. This should be prioritized by the collaboration of the IEP or 504 and the site intervention teams.
Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
A multi-tiered system of support that uses students’ data to make decisions in order to provide high quality instruction and intervention.
MTSS Tiers of Support
The three MTSS tiers of support apply to academics, behavior, and student wellness.
MTSS Family, School, and Community Partnerships
Families, schools, and communities collaborate to set goals and support student learning.
English Learners within the MTSS Framework
Students receiving English language services are supported across all three MTSS tiers.