Instruction 2 Industry: Career Events for High School Students
Connecting students with industry professionals through panel discussions, career planning support, and much more!
Future Ready Events
In February 2025 during Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, school divisions across the region team up with Virginia Ed Strategies to host the annual Instruction 2 Industry Future Ready Conference.
The purpose of this FREE career exploration event is to
- Provide students with an opportunity to prepare for tomorrow’s workforce today.
- Connect with more than 100 local industry professionals from in-demand career fields.
February 2025
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: Inova Conference Center, 8100 Innovation Park Dr, Fairfax, VA 22031
Previous "Future Ready" Events
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Architecture, Construction, & Manufacturing
Arts, A/V Technology & Communication
Business, Finance, & Marketing
Education & Training
Energy, Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Government, Public Administration, & Law
Health Sciences
Human Services
Information Technology
Tourism, Hospitality & Recreation
Architecture, Construction, & Energy (YouTube Link)
If you cannot see a Lego set without wanting to build a skyscraper, a career in Architecture, Construction, or Energy may be the cluster for you. Start building the pathway to your own future when you hear from the industry experts on this panel. These diverse professionals will share their stories and valuable insights on the field and what it takes to succeed in this growing arena.
Education & Training (YouTube Link)
The Education and Training career cluster includes teacher, coaching, and instructor roles; helping people to grow and develop at all stages, and in all aspects, of their life. If you are passionate about supporting the journeys of others, this may be the discussion for you! A group of industry professionals will speak to their own experiences and provide valuable insight into this pathway.
Health Sciences (YouTube Link)
The Health Science cluster includes careers related to veterinary science, medical care, and public health. In high demand, this pathway offers a lot of different opportunities. This discussion brings together a diverse group of industry professionals to share their own experiences and provide valuable insight.
Business, Finance, & Marketing (YouTube Link)
The Business, Finance, and Marketing clusters cover all aspects of the work world with opportunities from Internet start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. A group of industry professionals will speak to their own career journeys, and provide valuable insights for your future careers.
Government, Public Administration, & Law (YouTube Link)
The Government, Public Safety and Administration, and Law pathways include careers in the military, public servants, and emergency services. If you have a desire to serve your community and your country you’ll want to hear from this group of industry professionals. These dynamic individuals will speak to their own experiences, and provide valuable insight into the world of public service.
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (YouTube Link)
Without the land, we have no future at all. Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources careers seek to care for the earth we have and leave it better than we inherited it. If your passion is the environment, land stewardship, conservation, and the bounties the earth provides us all, this may be the pathway for you. Come hear from experts from across the northern Virginia region who protect, renew, and utilize our resources responsibly.
Arts, A/V Technology & Communication (YouTube Link)
The Arts, A/V Technology and Communications cluster may be a great choice for creative people. It includes writers, artists, and every aspect of the theater. If you are interested in a career that communicates your passions, this is the session for you! A diverse group of industry professionals will speak to their own experiences and provide insights into the varied opportunities within this pathway!
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (YouTube Link)
The STEAM career cluster includes some of the most in-demand employees, like biologists, engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, chemists, and geoscientists. If you took your toys apart, just to see how they work, or you cannot see a problem without trying to find a solution, this could be your future. Professionals will speak to their own experiences and provide valuable advice for what you can be doing today to prepare yourself for your future in STEAM.
Information Technology (YouTube Link)
The Information Technology (IT) cluster is for aspiring developers, web designers, network administrators, data center specialists, and cybersecurity specialists. IT careers are as varied as the people who fill them. If computers are your interest, check out this panel! IT professionals with diverse experiences will share their stories and offer valuable insights into what it takes to succeed in this high demand industry.
Tourism, Hospitality & Recreation (YouTube Link)
The Tourism, Hospitality, and Recreation cluster represents almost 10% of the American workforce. With 7 of the 20 fastest growing occupations projected in the next decade, this pathway could be an integral part of your future plans. Come hear from professionals from all aspects of the field on how they go where they are and how you can be a part of this high-growth industry!
- ACCA Child Development Center.
- Advanced Dental Assistant Training School
- Alexandria Soccer Association
- Amazon Web Services
- American Society of Naval Engineers
- Baker Concrete Construction
- Building Momentum
- Children's Science Center
- coderighter
- Del Ray Glass
- Deloitte
- Department of Labor & Industry (DOLI) Apprenticeship Program Information Session
- Fairfax County Park Authority
- FedEx Ground
- Gilbane Building Company
- Green Careers with Dominion Energy
- IEC Chesapeake
- Inova
- Intertstellar Careers
- Loudoun County Parks, Recreations and Community Services
- Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
- Naval Criminal Investigative Service
- Northern Virginia Community College
- Northwest Federal Credit Union
- Patriots Body Art
- Prince William County
- Purcellville Police Department
- The Alden/McLean Community Center
- Town of Vienna Police Department
- Trademasters
- Virginia Association of Surveyors
- Virginia Tire & Auto
- Virginia Work for Water
- Wegmans
Employability Skills Series
Every October, school divisions across Northern Virginia host a multi-part employability skills video series. Topics may include Informational Interviews, Starting Small Businesses, and Workplace Etiquette.
This event is free to all Northern Virginia high school students.
The workforce readiness event series is designed to spotlight workforce topics high school students may be interested in preparing for future Work-Based Learning (WBL) opportunities and the workforce.
Where do I Watch?
Tiggbee Career Exploration platform
Sessions are virtual and pre-recorded. Students can access the videos and download the self-guided resources immediately after they are released on Tiggbee.
2023 Employability Skills Recordings
This session highlights digital communication before and after an interview to help you land a job!
Learn about the benefits of having a résumé. Students will gain the knowledge they may use to start creating their résumé or improve the ones they already have.
Students will learn how to professionally introduce themselves and connect with industry professionals.
Students will learn job interviewing skills and strategies to implement and impress their future employers.