Dual Enrollment with Northern Virginia Community College Student Checklist
Use this checklist to manage the process of signing up for any Dual Enrollment Class.
Step 1: Discuss
- Discuss your plan to take dual enrollment courses with your parent or guardian and high school counselor.
- Meet with your high school counseling office to learn more about your options for enrollment
- Follow the steps to request the specific courses offered through your high school.
Step 2: Verify Eligibility
Work with your high school counselor to verify you meet the college readiness requirements and all prerequisites.
Step 3: Apply to NOVA
Applying to NOVA is free. Submit your NOVA application online. Follow the guidelines provided.
After you submit the application online, you will receive a:
Seven digit Student ID (EMPLID)
NOVA Student IDs are used to identify students in myNOVA and for college records and transcripts.Username
You will use this to login to myNOVA and NOVA’s Canvas siteTemporary password.
This password is good for 24 hours. You must:
- Log in
- Reset your password
- Set up your security questions
- Complete the two-step multi-factor authentication process (MFA).
Step 4: Select Your Courses
Students who have never taken a Dual Enrollment class must create a NOVA Dual Enrollment account.
- Create an account using your personal email address and a new username and password.
- This is not the same as your myNOVA username and password
- Do not log in with your myNOVA credentials.
- When prompted for your Student ID, you must add your seven digit EMPLID that you received after applying to NOVA. This is not your FCPS student ID.
Returning users log into your existing NOVA Dual Enrollment account.
- Select your course(s)
- Parents/Guardians will receive an email and/or text message from NOVA. They will be asked to provide electronic consent (e-consent) for their student to participate in the Dual Enrollment course(s). Failure to complete this step can result in delays to student enrollment. Make sure you provide a valid parent/guardian email/phone number for approval.
Step 5: Prepare
Student Orientation
Students will need to attend a virtual FCPS Orientation during advising and a NOVA orientation in August. The FCPS orientation will outline
- the Dual Enrollment program.
- Student resources.
- Key NOVA policies and procedures.
Orientation Dates
Orientation dates will be shared during the academic advising season.
Students with Individualized Education Plan’s (IEPs) or 504 Plans must apply for a Memorandum of Accommodations (MOA) for their Dual Enrollment courses. Any accommodations for the NOVA course/grade must be on record at NOVA.
NOVACard is your official ID for Northern Virginia Community College. Stop by your nearest NOVACard office to verify your identity and have your account activated. The NOVACard is offered as a physical card and as a digital card called GET Mobile ID.
All NOVA students are encouraged to get a free NOVACard to access benefits and services.
NOVA Grades and Transcript
Check your final NOVA grades and request an unofficial NOVA transcript in your myNOVA account. Learn more about the official transcripts request process.