Advanced Academics Identification and Placement for Students New to FCPS Boundaries
Families New to FCPS Boundaries: Identification and placement process for Subject-Specific, Part-Time, and Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs.
The Advanced Academic Program (AAP) develops the strengths and talents of all students. FCPS provides advanced academic services at all grade levels to meet a broad range of student needs.
- Elementary School Continuum
- Tier 1 Access to Rigor - All students, no referral needed
- Subject-Specific AAP - Grades K-6
- Part-Time AAP - Grades 3-6
- Full-Time AAP - Grades 3-6
- Young Scholars - Select students, Grades K-6
- Middle School:
- Honors Classes - Open access at all FCPS middle schools, no referral needed
- Full-Time AAP - Grades 7-8
- High School: Open access, no referral needed
- Advanced Placement
- International Baccalaureate Program
The Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission (MIC3)
If you are a military family moving to the area, please follow the directions on the AAP Identification and Placement for Military Families page.
Identification for Subject-Specific and Part-Time Advanced Academic Services
Screening is done when school is in session once the new student is enrolled and attending their local school. Questions regarding student eligibility or placement in school-based services should be directed to the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) at the local school.
All students are evaluated for school-based services using multiple measures during the spring screening timeframe in May. For consideration outside of the screening window, please follow the steps below.
Step 1
- Submit the Subject-Specific or Part-Time AAP Services Referral Form to the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) at your local elementary school when school is in session.
- Questions regarding student eligibility or placement in school-based services should be directed to the AART.
Step 2
- The AART reviews all pertinent information with the local screening committee.
- The school will notify you of the eligibility decision within approximately 30 days.
Step 3
Students begin receiving services immediately after a decision is processed.
The decision may be appealed once per school year by contacting the AART in writing and providing new information about the student.
Full-Time Services - Identification for Immediate Placement
Note: This process is ONLY for families physically moving into Fairfax County boundaries. Current Fairfax residents attending private or home school either follow the private or home school procedure. Current FCPS students must go through fall screening.
Step 1
Complete the student registration process for your local school. No student may be considered until they are registered in FCPS with a student ID number.
Step 2
Put together a file with the following information. Please make copies as the materials will not be returned.
- Required
- FCPS Student ID Number.
- Report cards for the two previous years.
- At least one nationally normed ability test from the list below. Test results need to be reported in ability index format as well as percentile.
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
- Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3)
- Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) (7th Edition)
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC V)
- Cognitive Assessment System (CAS)
- Differential Ability Scale Second Edition (DAS II)
- Kaufman Assessment Battery
- Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS)
- In-View Cognitive Abilities Assessment
Ability tests do not expire. If your student already has results from one of these tests (in ability index format as well as percentile), we can accept them.
- Optional -
- Achievement test results.
- Record of previous advanced academic or gifted services.
- Five pages of student work samples.
Additional Information Regarding Ability Testing
If the student does not currently have an ability test score testing can be done:
- At GMU through the Cognitive Assessment Program (CAP)
- Group tests include the CogAT and NNAT.
- Individual tests include the WISC-V and DAS-II.
- GMU offers testing at no charge for children who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Families must complete the Consent to Share Information form to qualify.
- Email CAP at [email protected].
- Through a private, state-licensed psychologist. A copy of their license must accompany the results.
Step 3
During the School Year:
- Schedule an appointment with the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) at your local elementary school or the Director of Student Services (DSS) at the middle school.
- The AART/DSS will review the information and share the processes for referring and screening for Advanced Academic services (Subject-Specific AAP, Part-Time AAP services, or Honors) or Full-Time AAP Services.
During the Summer:
Complete Steps 1 and 2 (above), and get their student ID number.
- Submit your paperwork to the AAP Office for screening:
- Scan the paperwork.
- Email the paperwork to [email protected].
- In the subject line write your student's ID number and Summer Placement (e.g., 1000007 Summer Placement).
The last day to email a file to be processed in time for the first day of school is August 1, 2025.
We continue to accept summer files through August 17, 2025. Your student may start at the base school and transfer to a Full-Time AAP classroom (at the Local Full-Time school or the center school) if found eligible for services.
After August 17, 2025, please follow the instructions above for applying during the school year.
There is no appeal process for students who are found ineligible during screening for immediate placement. Students who are found ineligible may be screened again in the next scheduled screening cycle for current FCPS students by submitting a referral to the local school according to published deadlines.