two people standing and talking in a school hallway

High-Quality Work Based Learning Internship Guide for Employers

Resources and guidance to support employers and schools

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The High-Quality Work-Based Learning Internship Guide provides employers with everything they need to consider when developing and implementing a high school internship program. Included in the guide are sections covering the basics of creating internship positions, the hiring process, management…

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Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning (WBL) is a coordinated educational strategy that provides students with a continuum of career related experiences to support their career goals and prepare them for education and employment beyond high school.

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Legal Considerations You Need to Consider

This guide brings together resources and guidance to support employers and schools planning to offer internships for high school students. It is an adaptation of the toolkit created by the Career Services department at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

work-based learning

Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning links the classroom to the real world. This offers students with disabilities knowledge, skills and experiences. They explore career options and develop tailored plans for the future.

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Business Partnerships

The local business community understands the importance of Work Based Learning and workforce development. Our partners provide valuable opportunities for career exploration and preparation for our students in real world settings.

Program Descriptions

Descriptions of many programs offered by the Instructional Services Department and the Department of Special Services in Fairfax County Public Schools.