International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Program (MYP)
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Program (MYP) is an all-inclusive program for students in grades 6 through 10, with students choosing to pursue the FCPS MYP certificate in tenth grade.
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Program (MYP) in Fairfax County is a whole school program for students in grades 6 through 10. Students can choose to pursue the FCPS MYP certificate in tenth grade. All students in the MYP take part in a curricular framework that focuses on:
the connections between traditional subjects and real world application.
becoming critical and reflective thinkers.
Teachers organize the MYP curriculum through the six global contexts:
To earn the certificate at the end of 10th grade, students must complete:
Two years of World Language.
All MYP assessments in 10th grade.
Service learning reflections.
The Personal Project.
Action (Service Learning) is an essential part of the Middle Years Program. IB MYP students are required to complete community service each year; they document their hours and reflect upon their experiences.
The Personal Project is the culminating experience for the IB MYP. It is a student’s unique response to the challenge to identify and pursue a personal goal to its conclusion. It includes a process, a product, and a report. Students determine their own criteria for success and demonstrate their development of Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills through evidence. The Personal Project is an opportunity for students to inquire, act, and reflect.
For more information about the FCPS MYP certificate, please contact the MYP coordinator at your school.