Advanced Academic Program (AAP) Forms

Advanced Academic Program (AAP) forms, purpose, and deadlines

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Advanced Academics Identification and Placement for Private/Home Schooled Families

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Advanced Academic Programs (AAP)

Fairfax County Public Schools offers a continuum of advanced academic services (AAP) for students K-12 that builds upon students' individual strengths and skills and maximizes academic potential for all learners.

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Advanced Academics (AAP) Identification and Placement for Current FCPS Students including Forms

Learn about the referral and screening process for full-time AAP (Level IV) and school-based AAP (Levels II-III) including referral forms, gifted behavior rating scale, parent/guardian questionnaire, reactivation, transfer and appeal forms.

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Full-Time AAP Level IV Services Identification Procedures

Learn about the referral and screening process for full-time AAP (Level IV). Referral forms, HOPE Rating Scale, parent/guardian questionnaire, reactivation, transfer and appeal forms for Current FCPS Families.

Advanced Academic Programs Identification and Placement for Military Families

AAP offers flexible deadlines and will match previous gifted and talented services per the Interstate Compact for Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

a young student working at a computer

Advanced Academic Programs - Full-Time Appeals

Learn about the Advanced Academics Program (AAP) Full-Time Appeals process for full-time placement. Find forms and guidelines for current and private/home schooled students who applied during the most recent screening cycle.