Family, School, and Community Partnerships
Families, schools, and communities collaborate to set goals and support student learning.
Schools, families, students, and communities are partners in a MTSS. They work together to set learning goals and understand needs. Schools provide timely updates on student learning goals, interventions, supports, and progress.
- By being your child’s advocate – you are an important part of the decision-making process. Provide insight to teachers about your child’s learning and development to inform next steps.
- Send an email, call, or communicate with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
- Ask your child about how they feel successful at school and celebrate those moments.
- Ask your child’s teacher to volunteer, visit your child’s classroom, or how you might support the school community.
- Offer opportunities to share about your family’s culture and background with your child’s teacher or class.
- Does my child have friends at school?
- Does my child have a trusted adult at school that they talk to or meet with?
- Is my child currently receiving intervention for anything?
- What research-based practices/programs are used as part of your instruction?
- What are my child’s strengths in the classroom?
- What would you like to know about how I support my child at home with learning and behavior?
- What are some things I can do at home to help my child be successful?
- How might I help support decisions being made about my child?

Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
A multi-tiered system of support that uses students’ data to make decisions in order to provide high quality instruction and intervention.

MTSS Tiers of Support
The three MTSS tiers of support apply to academics, behavior, and student wellness.

English Learners within the MTSS Framework
Students receiving English language services are supported across all three MTSS tiers.

MTSS, Local Screening, and Students with Disabilities
MTSS provides early interventions and support for all students.