Online Campus
Take an online course for high school credit!
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The FCPS Online Campus offers virtual courses that are identical to those taught in brick-and-mortar classrooms. These courses are delivered using both synchronous and asynchronous components, and they are aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning, Advanced Placement and Northern Virginia Community College standards, as well as the FCPS Program of Studies.
Standard School Year
Mandatory virtual classes are held once a week for 60 - 90 minutes in the late afternoon or early evening. Class times are established during course orientation.
Since Online Campus classes only meet once a week, students are expected to miss no more than three virtual classes each year.
- Mondays: Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Health and Physical Education (HPE)
- Tuesdays: English and Science
- Wednesdays: Mathematics and World Language
- Thursdays: Social Studies
Students will also complete an average of 5-6 hours of asynchronous work weekly.
All students must attend in person exams.
FCPS Students
Students interested in taking an online course must visit their counselor to enroll.
FCPS full-time high school students may register for up to 2 credits as part of their standard 7 credits. Students registering for more than seven credits will be charged $680 ($340 reduced lunch/$68 free lunch) per extra credit in October.
Eligible middle school students may register for language and math courses.
Eligible elementary school students may register for math courses.
Students must use their FCPS assigned laptops or devices that meet the Technology & Skills Checklist for FCPS Online Courses.
Non-FCPS Students
Non-FCPS students registered in a Commonwealth of Virginia Public school must fill out and return the Non-FCPS student registration form. Students can take no more than two credits. There is a fee of $780 for each credit.
Program Information
- All students may register for summer classes between January and early June.
- Students must use a device that meets the Technology & Skills Checklist for FCPS Online Courses.
- FCPS students can use their FCPS assigned laptops.
- Mandatory virtual summer classes are held daily for 60-90 minutes starting between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.
- Students will also complete an average of 6-7 hours of asynchronous work each school day.
- Students must attend required in-person exams (no make-up dates).
Mailing Address
4414 Holborn Ave., Room #7
Annandale, VA 22003