MTSS Tiers of Support
The three MTSS tiers of support apply to academics, behavior, and student wellness.
MTSS Tiers of Support
Tier 1: All students receive:
- Evidence-based high quality core instruction.
- Differentiated instruction and additional support as needed.
Tier 2: Some students receive:
- Small group targeted intervention in addition to high quality core instruction.
- Reteaching of essential grade-level/content standards (academics), and behavior/social emotional (SEL) needs.
Tier 3: Few students receive:
- Intensive intervention in areas of need in addition to high quality core instruction.
- Focus is generally on foundations skills.
Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
A multi-tiered system of support that uses students’ data to make decisions in order to provide high quality instruction and intervention.
MTSS Family, School, and Community Partnerships
Families, schools, and communities collaborate to set goals and support student learning.
English Learners within the MTSS Framework
Students receiving English language services are supported across all three MTSS tiers.
MTSS, Local Screening, and Students with Disabilities
MTSS provides early interventions and support for all students.