Global Classroom Project
Global classrooms provide student collaboration opportunities with international peers to take action on content related global issues, while incorporating skills to prepare students for a sustainable future.
What is the Global Classroom Project?
The Global Classroom Project (GCP) provides learning experiences to meet the needs of every learner. Teachers design instruction to engage, empower, include, and challenge all students. They do this through a variety of learning opportunities. Students collaborate with peers from around the world on authentic tasks. Students develop the knowledge, skills and behaviors to engage in collective action. This includes issues on the local, national, and global level. Students learn Portrait of a Graduate attributes and use these skills as they work with global partners. Participation in the GCP prepares students to be innovative global citizens. They collaborate to identify solutions for positive impact on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their communities and beyond.
Foundational Elements of a Global Classroom Project
The Global Classroom Project is built around course content, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate attributes. The intersections of these 3 key foundational elements are what make the Global Classroom Project a unique and engaging experience for student learning.

Global Classroom Project Partnership Map
Interactive Map of Partner Schools: View partner schools and project goals.
Join the Project
This project is open to all K-12 teachers in Fairfax County Public Schools and around the world.
Interested in joining? Complete the GCP Interest Form and a member of our team will contact you with more information.
A Global Classroom Project partnership includes:
- Creating sustainable relationships between participating schools.
- Collaborating on student learning activities in support of one or more of the six pathways:
- Content
- Cultural Proficiency
- Environmental Stewardship
- International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program
- Language Acquisition and Intercultural Competence
- Identifying connections between content and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Taking action to impact one or more SDGs at the local, national and/or global level.
Global Classroom Project Pathways
Pathways offer an entry point and a focus for a Global Classroom Project. While there is overlap among the pathways, selecting one helps to define the project goals for the partner schools involved. The Pathways for the Global Classroom Project are:
The GCP Content pathway allows students to learn and engage. Student experiences in the GCP align with content skills and standards. This helps to deepen content knowledge. Students have many methods through which to show mastery of content. This pathway supports all areas of the FCPS Learning Model. The GCP content lesson integration lends itself to growth in POG. It ensures all students can reach Portrait of a Graduate (POG) outcomes. It also supports culturally responsive instruction. It also supports collective action.
Cultural Proficiency
The GCP Cultural Proficiency pathway gives students the power to learn. It does this by helping them understand different cultures. Students explore how our identity affects what we understand and appreciate. They also consider how we learn. Through this pathway, every student gets a chance at challenging learning. They build empathy and respect the dignity of people from all cultures. Students get excited about their learning journey. They promise to take action and think about what they've learned.
Environmental Stewardship
Through the GCP Environmental Stewardship pathway, students work with their international partners to learn about and try to solve important environmental problems. They practice Portrait of a Graduate skills as they take part in hands-on sustainability projects. This pathway supports the FCPS Get2Green program goals. We encourage schools to include the GCP in their Environmental Action Plans.
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP)
The GCP IB MYP pathway enables teachers to foster international-mindedness and cultural competency in their students. Students learn how to perform service as action. The GCP's performance-based assessment aligns with classroom content. Students will improve their ATL skills through the GCP’s learning experiences. They will reflect on and describe their growth with evidence. Students engage in work with their teachers and international partners. The work aligns with the philosophy and vision of the IB.
Language Acquisition and Intercultural Competence
The GCP Language Acquisition and Intercultural Competence pathway gives students chances to develop their language and cultural communication skills in real life contexts. As students are working with international peers worldwide, they communicate and take action on important global challenges. This helps them use the new language skills they are learning. It also teaches them how to communicate between different cultures. These lessons help with Portrait of a Graduate skills and culturally responsive teaching. Students use the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a guide for their actions. They gain knowledge and skills to thrive in a world where many languages and cultures are connected.
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM)
The GCP STEAM pathway encourages a hands-on learning approach. In STEAM, teachers incorporate Engineering and Computer Science practices. Students learn how to solve real-world problems. Participating in the GCP through a STEAM approach develops Portrait of a Graduate attributes. This helps students prepare for the future. It also helps them develop global workforce readiness skills.
Participating Schools for the 2024-25 SY
- Baileys Lower ES
- Beech Tree ES
- Braddock ES
- Cherry Run ES
- Fairhill ES
- Flint Hill ES
- Forest Edge ES
- Fort Belvoir ES
- For Hunt ES
- Franklin Sherman ES
- Great Falls ES
- Gunston ES
- Halley ES
- Herndon ES
- Hutchison ES
- Kent Gardens ES
- Laurel Ridge ES
- Lorton Station ES
- Mantua ES
- Mount Eagle ES
- Orange Hunt ES
- Shrevewood ES
- Terraset ES
- Westlawn ES
- Wolftrap ES
- Woodlawn ES
- Glasgow MS
- Hayfield SS
- Hughes MS
- Lake Braddock SS
- Liberty MS
- Luther Jackson MS
- Robinson SS
- Sandburg MS
- South County MS
- Thoreau MS
- Twain MS
- Centreville HS
- Chantilly HS
- Edison HS
- Fairfax HS
- Hayfield SS
- Herndon HS
- Justice HS
- Lewis HS
- Madison HS
- Mount Vernon HS
- Mountain View HS
- West Springfield HS
Partnerships to Support Student Impact
Participation in the Global Classroom Project elevates student voice around the world. The GCP has collaborated with the following organizations:
- The Brookings Institution - 17 Rooms (Established Ignite Partnership)
- George Mason University’s Institute for Sustainable Earth
- Global Leaders of Fairfax County
- The Ministry of Education in Colombia
- The Organization of American States (OAS)
- Office of Overseas Schools, U.S. Department of State
FCPS Global Classroom Project Awards and Acknowledgements
Fairfax County Public Schools Excellence Award (Global Classroom Project Team, Innovation Category, 2022)
17 Rooms at the United Nations SDG Pavilion (Highlighting the work of the Global Classroom Project through student-led impact on the SDGs within our community, The GCP established the first K-12 partnership with the 17 Rooms Project at the Brookings Institution, 2023).
Language Connects Foundation/Klett Award for Sustainable Development Education in the World Language Classroom (2023)
Connect with the GCP
For more information about the Global Classroom Project, contact Joann Hardy.