Davis Career Center (Career and Transition Services)
The S. John Davis Career Center is one of two Fairfax County Public Schools centers that provides career and employment skills instruction to students with disabilities.
The Davis Career Center is one of two Fairfax County Public Schools centers designed to serve students with disabilities aged 18-22 years who require instruction through a modified curriculum focused on life and career skills.
The Davis Career Center strives to meet the independent living and career educational needs of all students regardless of their personal challenges by:
Providing career and independent living skills training to students with disabilities
Empowering a diverse population of students for transition to a variety of post-secondary options
Providing students with the requisite skills for self-determination, independent living, and education for employment
Coordinating the transition of all students with postsecondary service providers
Successful transition is facilitated through a continuum of instructional strategies, interdisciplinary team services, technology utilization, and community resources.
Instruction is provided in a wide range of environments, including:
Small group classrooms
School-based job sites, both enclave (group) and independent
Community-based job sites, both enclave and independent
Community resource sites, such as public transportation, banks, shops, etc.
Supervised settings, with support provided by school staff and/or natural supports
Unsupervised settings, such as independent job sites and use of public transportation