Family Life Education (FLE) program descriptions for grades 9-12
Ninth graders participate in Family Life Education unit through health and physical education class for human growth and development and emotional and social health units. In tenth grade, students study human growth and development during health class.
During ninth and tenth grades, students continue building on their base of knowledge regarding human reproduction, sexually transmitted infection prevention, and the skills needed to make health decisions. In grades nine and ten, students learn how maturation affects adolescent development and learn to recognize the development of sexuality as a lifelong aspect of personality. Students are provided definitions for heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual, and transgender and that all persons deserve to be treated with respect regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Students are taught that substance use/abuse affects decision making and that abstinence from sexual activity is the only way to guarantee the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. The issue of dating abuse and violence to include human trafficking and sexual assault (grade 10) is instructed and students are taught prevention strategies and resources for help and assistance when it is needed.
During grades eleven and twelve, students continue their study of sexually transmitted infections, contraception, and exploitation to include human trafficking and sexual assault. Students in grades 11 and 12 receive FLE instruction through social studies courses. Grade twelve has a lesson on Virginia laws that pertain to family and family life education topics.
Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered by FCPS, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction.
Grade Level Program Descriptions
Learn more about the FLE instructional objectives by grade level.
Opt-out forms for students in general education classes are available in the Parent Digital Consent (PDC). A paper opt-out form is being used for students in special education and using the modified FLE lessons for the 2024-25 school year.
For help using the PDC, contact your child's school.