Grade 5 Progress Report Information
Information for Parents and Guardians
The information below helps you understand how the curriculum your child is learning aligns to the progress report standards. The items listed under each standard outline the content students learn over the course of the year. Not all standards will be taught each quarter. Content not taught in a particular classroom or school (e.g., band, strings, World Languages) will be marked as “nt” (not taught) on the progress report.
Language Arts
PRS = Progress Report Standard
- Expand, combine, and reduce sentences.
- Use adverbs to express time, frequency, degree, and level of certainty.
- Use interjections, prepositional phrases, and coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
- Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense and number.
- Use standard subject-verb agreement.
- Prepare for and participate in a range of collaborative discussions grade five topics and texts. This includes:
- Listening actively and speaking using agreed-upon discussion rules.
- Respectfully demonstrating agreement or disagreement with others’ ideas.
- Asking and answering relevant questions to build on others’ ideas.
- Summarizing the main ideas being discussed.
- Share responsibility for the learning.
- Report orally on a topic or text or present an opinion in an organized manner. This includes:
- Using content specific vocabulary.
- Demonstrating appropriate speaking techniques.
- Using facial expressions and gestures.
- Demonstrating awareness of and sensitivity to the appropriate use of words.
- Encouraging audience participation through planned interactions.
- Develop general academic language and content specific vocabulary.
- Discuss meanings of complex words and phrases acquired through conversations and literature.
- Determine the meaning of complex words using frequently occurring root words and inflectional affixes.
- Use the context of a sentence to apply knowledge of homophones.
- Apply knowledge of grade-level appropriate synonyms and antonyms.
- Analyze the morphological relationships between words.
- Develop breadth of vocabulary knowledge.
- Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs and adjectives.
- Use strategies to infer word meanings.
- Use glossaries, beginning dictionaries, and thesauruses, to determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases.
- Use newly learned words and phrases.
- Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
- Formulate questions that help narrow the topic and revise questions.
- Identify search terms to locate information.
- Organize and synthesize information from resources, evaluating their relevance, reliability, and credibility.
- Develop notes.
- Organize and share information.
- Avoid plagiarism and give proper credit.
- Use knowledge of syllabication and syllable types to decode and encode words.
- Use knowledge of morphology to decode words.
- Read grade-level high-frequency words.
- Read a variety of grade-level complex texts with accuracy, automaticity, appropriate rate, and meaningful expression in successive readings to support comprehension.
- Proficiently read and comprehend a variety of literary and informational texts.
- When responding to texts, draw several pieces of evidence to support claims, conclusions, and inferences.
- Regularly engage in listening to a series of conceptually related texts.
- Use reading strategies as needed to monitor comprehension.
- Summarize the story or play and explain how they are developed through specific details.
- Describe plots as a sequence of events that develops the central conflict and resolution, including initiating events, climax, and resolution.
- Explain how events from the plot cause the character(s) to change or evolve and impact the plot.
- Describe how an author develops a character.
- Analyze the author’s use of language and their impact on understanding characters, setting, and plot events.
- Analyze how the characteristics of a poem and the author’s use of patterns of sound impact meaning.
- Set a purpose for reading by activating prior and background knowledge.
- Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated.
- Compare and contrast details in paired texts including their treatment of similar themes, topics, and patterns of events.
- Summarize the main ideas of texts, including how they are developed through the details.
- Summarize events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in historical, scientific, or technical texts.
- Describe how an author uses reasons, evidence, and opinions to support points in a text, by identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).
- Describe the overall organization patterns of texts and how each successive part builds on earlier sections.
- Examine text features to evaluate and gain meaning from the information found.
- Determine the author’s purpose(s) and describe how the author’s perspective influences the meaning of the text.
- Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic.
- Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in historical, scientific, or technical texts.
- Deconstruct various types of media to identify the characteristics and determine the effectiveness.
- Identify the purpose, intended audience, and credibility of information.
- Compare and contrast techniques used in a variety of media messages.
- Differentiate between auditory, visual, and written media messages and their purposes.
- Compare and contrast how ideas and topics are depicted in a variety of media and formats.
- Write personal or fictional narratives in poetic form around a central problem, conflict, or experience.
- Write expository texts to examine a topic and convey ideas that develop the focus.
- Write persuasive pieces, supporting a clear perspective with adequate facts, and reasons.
- Write in response to texts read.
- Engage in writing as a process to compose well-developed paragraphs. This includes:
- Introducing a clear topic sentence and logically organizing ideas and factual evidence.
- Developing, selecting, and organizing ideas relevant to topic, purpose, and genre.
- Using transition words and prepositional phrases for sentence variety.
- Providing a concluding statement or section.
- Maintain legible printing.
- Maintain legible cursive.
- Sign their first and last name.
- Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology to spell accurately.
- Use phoneme-grapheme correspondences to decode and encode grade-level high-frequency words with automaticity and accuracy.
- With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing.
- Self-edit and peer-edit the writing for capitalization, spelling, punctuation, sentence structures, paragraphing, and Standard English.
- Use commas correctly in compound sentences.
- Use colons to separate hours and minutes and to introduce a list.
- Use a hyphen to divide words at the end of a line in writing.
- Use spelling patterns and generalizations when pronouncing and writing words.
- Consult reference materials to check and correct spelling.
Teachers will choose from several units of study. They will teach two of the following ancient civilizations: The Fertile Crescent, India, China, or Pre-Columbian Civilizations. Teachers will teach one of the following classical civilizations: Greece or Rome. Teachers will also teach one of the following post-classical era civilizations: “Africa: Two Cultures” or “Southwest Asia.” The final unit will be a study of Western European civilizations. Students will also complete the Global Awareness Technology Project.
Explains how people and events of the past have influenced the present
- Identifies and interprets artifacts and primary and secondary source documents
- Determines cause and effect relationships
- Compares and contrasts historical events
- Draws conclusions, makes generalizations, and makes connections to the past and present
- Identifies common attributes all cultures share
- Demonstrates how the past has affected the modern world
- Demonstrates skills needed to create a Global Awareness Project
- Describes origin and beliefs of major religions
- Describes changes in art, learning, and trade during Renaissance
- Sequences events in world history
- Demonstrates understanding of ideas and events from different historical perspectives
- Compares modern world culture and the United States
Reads maps and understands the impact of geography on culture
- Draws conclusions and makes generalizations
- Analyzes maps and relationships between history and geography
- Demonstrates skills to create Global Awareness Project
- Explains impact of geography on classical civilizations
- Explains climate’s effects on classical civilizations
- Explains how Indian Ocean trade contributed to exchange of ideas
- Answers one of the 8 Global Awareness questions
Recognizes the structure of government and the relationship among rules, laws, and becoming a good citizen
- Explains social structure in classical civilizations
- Describes the governmental structure of classical civilizations
- Compares Pre-Columbian civilizations to others
- Explains the growth of democracy in Greece
- Explains facts about Roman government and its influence on the U.S.
- Describes feudalism in the Middle Ages in Western Europe
- Answers one of the 8 Global Awareness questions related to geography
Understands economic concepts and the impact of economics on culture
- Describes spread of Islam and the effect on trade, art, and science
- Explains the effect of Crusades and Silk Routes on trade, beliefs, arts, and sciences
- Explains how Indian Ocean trade contributed to the exchange of ideas
- Describes changes in art, learning, and trade during the Renaissance
Represents numbers accurately and understands number relationships
- Rounds decimals to nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth
- Recognizes and names fractions in equivalent decimal form
- Compares and orders a given set of decimals and fractions
- Identifies and describes characteristics of prime and composite numbers and odd and even numbers
Computes numbers with fluency and makes reasonable estimates
- Creates and solves problems involving operations with whole numbers
- Finds the sum, difference, product, and quotient using decimals
- Creates and solves practical problems involving decimals
- Solves problems with addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers
- Evaluates whole number expressions using order of operations
Measures with accuracy and estimates measurements
- Finds perimeter, area, and volume in standard units of measure
- Differentiates among perimeter, area, and volume
- Identifies equivalent measurements within the metric system
- Chooses an appropriate unit of measure for a given situation
- Identifies and describes diameter, radius, chord, and circumference of a circle
- Determines an amount of elapsed time in hours and minutes
- Measures right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles
Analyzes characteristics and properties of geometric figures and demonstrates an understanding of spatial relationships
- Classifies angles as right, acute, obtuse, or straight
- Classifies triangles by angles and by sides
- Develops definitions of specified plane figures
- Investigates and describes results of combining and subdividing shapes
Uses data to describe, interpret, and predict events
- Makes predictions and determines the probability of an outcome
- Collects, organizes, and interprets a set of numerical data
- Describes and finds the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data
Represents situations and relationships using algebraic symbols
- Describes and expresses the relationship found in a number pattern
- Investigates and describes the concept of variable
- Writes an open sentence to represent a mathematical relationship
- Models one-step equations in one variable
- Creates a problem situation based on a given open sentence
- Investigates and recognizes the distributive property
Investigates and demonstrates understanding of the natural world in a systematic way like a scientist and applies these skills and knowledge to solve problems
- Identifies rocks, minerals, and organisms using a classification key
- Estimates and measures length, mass, volume, temperature, and elapsed time
- Forms hypotheses from testable questions
- Identifies independent and dependent variables and constants in experiments
- Uses proper graphical representation and metric measurement of data
- Makes predictions using patterns
- Makes inferences and draws conclusions
- Constructs models
- Uses current applications to reinforce science concepts
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of physical science including matter, force, motion, and energy
- Investigates and understands the following:
- sound energy; compression waves, frequency, wavelength, and vibration
- ability of different media to transmit sound
- uses and applications of sound
- light energy; visible spectrum and transverse waves
- reflection of light from reflective surfaces (mirrors)
- refraction of light through water and prisms
- terms opaque, transparent, and translucent
- atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds
- mixtures, including solutions
- properties of each phase of matter
- effect of temperature on phases of matter
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of life science including life processes and living systems
- Investigates and understands the following:
- basic cell structures and functions
- characteristics, body structures, and behavior of organisms
- vascular and nonvascular plants
- vertebrate and invertebrate animals
- traits of organisms that allow them to survive
Demonstrates understanding of Earth’s patterns, cycles, changes, and Earth/Space Systems
- Investigates and understands the following:
- geological, physical, and ecological characteristics of the ocean
- rock cycle and the identification of rock types
- Earth history and fossil evidence
- basic structure of the Earth's interior
- plate tectonics (earthquakes and volcanoes)
- weathering , erosion, and deposition
- human impact on the Earth's surface
Acquires, interprets, and understands health concepts
- Identify structure and function of the integumentary system and examine the risks associated with sun exposure
- Explain the impact of healthy habits and behaviors on cardio fitness
- Describe why food groups have different recommended servings and explain the concepts of moderation and energy balance
- Identify the influence of marketing techniques and the media have on health behaviors
- Describe how activity, sleep, and health are related and the importance of sleep
- Explain the importance of good hygiene
- Describe ways to prevent vision and hearing loss
- Analyze effects of alcohol and drugs on relationships
- Analyze why people choose not to follow safety rules
- Identify strategies for managing stress
- Recognize the relationship between social skills and sustaining relationships
- Identify effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills and analyze the role of active listening
- Examine community and environmental health and safety issues
Identifies valid and accurate health information, products, and services to make healthy decisions
- Determine and demonstrate healthy habits including sun protection, cardiorespiratory fitness, and selecting healthy foods
- Identify the connection between nutrition and weight, explain the importance of exercise and recreation, and analyze the benefits of sleep
- Describe and demonstrate effective communication skills, appropriate behaviors, and managing emotions in a variety of situations
- Practice strategies for managing stress
- Explain the relationship between health promotion and disease prevention
- Demonstrate personal hygiene habits
- Demonstrate proper lifting and carrying techniques
- Recognize the importance of positive self-image and demonstrate respect for individual differences
- Describe how to report harassment
- Describe consequences of an unhealthy environment
Demonstrates appropriate health practices and behaviors to promote a safe and healthy community
- Identify strategies to protect against the sun
- Support others in making healthy choices , encourage others to not use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, and promote the value of health and wellness
- Identify physical activities that build positive relationships and explain benefits of positive relationships
- Develop a plan to prevent the spread of disease and examine the role of self in injuries
- Recognize trusted adults as health resources
- Identify how culture and media influence health
- Describe ways to offer friendship
- Advocate for a caring school community and promote community service
- Recognize responsibility to protect and preserve the environment and develop a plan to work collaboratively on environmental issues
Engages in the creative process to develop artworks and express meaning
- Develops ideas for artworks before beginning
- Reflects on art and art making by describing and explaining own artwork
- Expresses personally relevant ideas in artworks
Applies art media and techniques appropriately to produce artworks
- Uses a variety of art materials to produce artwork
- Explores methods of representing subject matter
- Follows appropriate steps in art making
- Uses art materials safely and appropriately
- Demonstrates control and craftsmanship with art materials
Demonstrates an understanding of art by engaging with art history, culture, criticism, and aesthetics
- Engages in discussions about artworks from different places and times to inform art making
- Responds to own and other’s artwork
- Uses art vocabulary appropriately to identify and describe artwork
- Uses and applies knowledge from other subject areas when creating artwork
Develops and Demonstrates competency in motor skills
- Demonstrate locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills in combinations
- Create and perform an educational gymnastic sequence and an individual or group rhythm/dance sequence
- Demonstrate the use of space, accuracy, and force in a variety of activities
- Apply concepts of direction and force in striking
Applies basic anatomy and physiology and movement concepts and principles, to improve motor skills
- Identify components of major body systems including the cardiorespiratory, vascular, muscular, and skeletal system.
- Apply knowledge of the body systems to describe a variety of movements
- Describe concepts of direction and force to strike an object
Applies knowledge of fitness and active lifestyles to evaluate and plan for personal fitness
- Identify methods for evaluating and improving personal fitness
- Compare and analyze fitness data and create a personal fitness plan
- Explain FITT
- Calculate heart rate at rest and during activity and explain the relationship between heart rate and cardiorespiratory fitness
Demonstrates skills and behaviors leading to personal and group success in physical activity, both in and out of school
- Create and implement rules and consequences for activities
- Create and implement safety rules and etiquette for one activity
- Explain the importance of inclusion in physical activity settings
- Describe and demonstrate respectful behavior
Demonstrates knowledge of the basic nutrition and fitness concepts of energy balance
- Explain recommended dietary allowance (RDA) and the effect of portion size on RDA
- Explain the purpose of vitamins and minerals
- Evaluate components of food labels for a variety of foods
- Explain the guideline recommended 60 minutes of activity everyday
Develops and demonstrates skills in singing
- Sing melodies accurately, demonstrating expression, appropriate diction and technique
- Maintain individual part when singing in two to three-part ensembles
- Sing expressively using dynamics and phrasing
- Improvise vocally
Develops and demonstrates skills in playing instruments
- Maintain individual part while performing longer ensemble compositions and accompaniments
- Perform and improvise accompaniments, ostinati and melodies of increasing complexity
Responds to music with movement
- Perform and improvise movement to a wide variety of music
- Participate in choreographed movement including traditional folk dances
Develops and demonstrates music literacy skills
- Identify, read and notate rhythmic patterns, melodies and symbols
- Compose and notate original rhythmic and melodic variations
- Compose music using contemporary media and technology
Applies critical listening skills when responding to and connecting with music
- Listen for and analyze how musical elements are used to create expressive ideas
- Compare and contrast music and music performances from a variety of styles, periods and cultures with music terminology
- Identify selected compositions and composers from four periods of musical history
- Analyze individual music performances and reflect on success and areas for improvement
Category 1 & 2 Languages* (French, German, Spanish)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Demonstrate understanding when listening to texts read aloud, such as by drawing images as they are described or by acting out story actions
- Read and understand repeated words, taglines, or short quotes from jingles, ads, movies, songs, rhymes, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary. Students may demonstrate understanding by drawing images of what they read or by acting out story actions
- Follow simple steps to create an object, play a game, solve a puzzle, or follow a scavenger hunt when listening and reading
- Exchange simple information using texts, graphs, or pictures as support
- Exchange greetings and information
- Ask for and give simple directions for games, destinations, or for any content topic when speaking and writing
- Describe favorite activities during the school week, weekend, or vacation
- Write about favorite activities during the school week, weekend, or vacation
- Provide simple information related to content in other classes using graphic organizers or simple sentences when speaking and writing
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify similarities and differences in everyday products and practices of native and other cultures, such as currency, sports, or activities
Category 3 & 4 Languages* (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Demonstrate understanding when listening to texts read aloud, such as by drawing images as they are described or by acting out story actions
- Read and understand repeated words, taglines, and short quotes from jingles, ads, movies, songs, rhymes, chants, book titles, including content vocabulary. Students may demonstrate understanding by drawing images of what they read or by acting out story actions
- Follow simple steps to create an object, play a game, solve a puzzle, or follow a scavenger hunt when listening
- Follow classroom instructions, routines, schedules
- Exchange simple information using texts, graphs, or pictures as support
- Exchange simple greetings or information
- Ask for and give simple directions for games, destinations of any content topic
- Ask and answer simple questions, such as personal information, food, seasons, or any other content-related topic
- Describe favorite activities during the school week, weekend, or vacation
- Use words, list, and rank items related to content
- Provide simple information related to content in other classes using graphic organizers or simple sentences when speaking or writing
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify similarities and differences in everyday products and practices of native and other cultures, such as currency, sports, or activities
*Language Categories 1, 2, 3, & 4 follow US Department of State Foreign Service Institute guidelines for language acquisition. Languages are placed into categories based on the level of difference from English, such as pronunciation and/or writing systems.
Category 1 & 2 Languages* (French, German, Spanish)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Identify the main ideas from a variety of familiar fiction and non-fiction texts when listening and reading
- Maintain a conversation and exchange information on familiar content topics
- Exchange written information on familiar content topics
- Present detailed information on a variety of learned or researched content topics
- Create fiction and non-fiction texts with detailed information on a variety of learned or researched content topics
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Compare and contrast familiar and some unfamiliar products, practices, and perspectives of own and other cultures when listening to and reading authentic media/texts
- Interact and correspond with peers (including international peers) in familiar situations
- Advise peers on a variety of personal, content, and intercultural topics
- Create fiction and non-fiction text corresponding or advising peers on a variety of personal, content, and intercultural topics
Category 3 & 4 Languages* (Japanese, Korean)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Identify the main ideas from a variety of familiar fiction and non-fiction texts when listening
- Identify the general topic from simple sentences and familiar fiction and non-fiction texts when reading
- Maintain a conversation and exchange information on familiar content topics
- Exchange written information on a variety of everyday topics
- Present detailed information on a variety of learned or researched content topics
- Create short fiction or non-fiction texts on familiar content-related topics
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Compare and contrast familiar and some unfamiliar products, practices, and perspectives of own and other cultures when listening to authentic media
- Identify a few similarities and differences in familiar products, practices, and perspectives of own and other cultures when reading authentic texts
- Interact with peers (including international peers) in familiar situations
- Meet basic writing needs in familiar situations
- Advise peers on a variety of personal, content, and intercultural topics
- Write with some details on topics of interest within own and other cultures
*Language Categories 1, 2, 3, & 4 follow US Department of State Foreign Service Institute guidelines for language acquisition. Languages are placed into categories based on the level of difference from English, such as pronunciation and/or writing systems.
Demonstrates skills playing selected instrument as an individual and a member of an ensemble
- Demonstrate correct body and hand positions, finger patterns, tone production, articulation, phrasing and expression
- Demonstrate appropriate ensemble skills
Develops and demonstrates music literacy skills
- Read, write and perform music with various rhythmic patterns and meters
- Identify key signatures and scales
Develops and applies critical listening skills as an individual and a member of an ensemble
- Sing simple melodic tonal patterns
- Demonstrate the ability to appropriately match tone, intonation and volume with others