Count on FCPS to offer an innovative and comprehensive math curriculum for all students!
The preK-12 mathematics team provides professional development, facilitates curriculum development, and disseminates and implements preK-12 mathematics instructional programs and materials for general and special populations. The team acts as a resource for regions, schools, departments, staff members, and the community.
The Fairfax County Public Schools elementary mathematics Program of Studies reflects national goals and incorporates the Virginia Standards of Learning. These standards and goals provide students with the opportunity to develop the mathematical understandings needed to pursue higher education and to compete in a global, technology intensive society. These goals include: becoming mathematical problem solvers, communicating mathematically, reasoning mathematically, and making mathematical connections.
Elementary students can access the advanced mathematics curriculum either in an advanced mathematics classroom or in a general education classroom through differentiation. The FCPS instructional sequence provides teachers with the tools needed for differentiation and offers multiple entry points for students to access the advanced mathematics curriculum when they have developed the cognitive skills to be successful. Advanced mathematics extended indicators and above grade level correlated standards will be available for students as early as kindergarten and will build a stronger foundation in mathematics.
The mathematics curriculum is being enriched and expanded to include extensions that allow students to develop critical thinking skills and develop a deeper understanding of mathematics that will better prepare them for upper level mathematics in high school and beyond. The current learning gaps that exist in compacted mathematics, created by selecting only certain standards, are being closed allowing students access to all standards. Compacted mathematics will become advanced mathematics to be more representative of the rigor in the program. The advanced mathematics curriculum will be available in all elementary schools including Advanced Academic center schools.