Work-Based Learning links the classroom to the real world. This offers students with disabilities knowledge, skills and experiences. They explore career options and develop tailored plans for the future.
What is Work-Based Learning?
Work-based learning (WBL) provides students with a continuum of career related experiences that support their career goals and prepares them for education and employment beyond high school. In partnership with businesses and community organizations, WBL brings the classroom into the workplace and teaches students the skills employers are looking for. WBL is a key part of all Career and Transition Services (CTS) courses and programs.
FCPS students can take part in activities related to career awareness, career exploration and career preparation through work-based learning. Examples of WBL are business tours, mentoring, job-shadowing, career and technical education, paid and nonpaid work experiences, and internships.
Work-Based Learning Includes:
A range of experiences to help students form a career plan.
Planned experiences with links to classroom instruction.
Ongoing assessment and support from employers and instructional staff.
A choice of work experiences.
Clear outcomes linked to career planning.
Students Benefits
Establish a connection between school and work.
Find academic and career paths based on interests and talents.
Understand the “soft” skills needed for success in the workplace.
Contact Sue Eaton (571-423-4596) or follow us @FCPS_CTS on X, to learn more about work-based learning and sponsor a unique learning opportunity for students with disabilities at your workplace.