Combined School Board Minute Book, Part 1 (1872-1899)
Meeting Minutes of the Combined Fairfax County School Board
From 1870 to 1922, the school trustees of the magisterial district and town school boards gathered periodically to consider matters affecting the entire school division; such as finances, legislation, and the school.
The record of these meetings of the combined Fairfax County School Board were transcribed by members of the Providence Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), Fairfax Station, Virginia. Line-by-line transcription preserves the integrity and style of the original writing. The transcribed text has been converted from shorthand to longhand on this webpage to improve accessibility and searchability.
Part 1 of the transcribed minute book is available for download below in PDF format, including photographs of the original record book pages.
The minute book of the combined Fairfax County School Board is the most complete pre-1922 record book in the school system’s collection. Because of its length, the book has been separated into two parts. Part 1 covers the period of 1872 to 1899, and Part 2 covers the period of 1900 to 1922.
A Note on Language
The history of Fairfax County Public Schools from 1870 to 1922 includes racially charged language that is archaic and often problematic by modern standards. “Colored” was commonly used to describe students and schools. The terminology remains in direct quotes from primary source material.
April 25, 1872
The County School Board met according to a call by the chairman; a quorum being present. A motion was made and carried to present the claims of the several townships for approval by the board in rotation commencing with Centreville Township - the account approved March 26, 1872, was then furnished and read. Estimates of levy amounts needed to fund the public schools in the several townships were as follows:
- Centreville Township: 7.5 cents on $100.00
- Lee Township: 5 cents on $100.00
- Mount Vernon Township: 2.5 cents per $100.00
- Falls Church Township: 7.5 cents per $100.00
- Providence Township: 7.5 cents per $100.00
The above claims were approved by the County Board. It was moved and carried that the Board of Supervisors levy a tax of 7.5 cents on $100.00 for county school purposes. It was moved and carried that a committee from each township be appointed to wait upon the supervisors when that board meets. The committees were as follows: John R. Pugh from Centreville Township; James H. Rice from Lee Township with B. Skinner as an alternate; Robert F. Roberts from Falls Church Township; and John J. Shipman from Providence Township.
Mr. Ruffner (William H. Ruffner, the State Superintendent of Public Education) answered a communication stating that there were no funds to the credit of Fairfax County. Information from Mr. Ruffner gives the County School Board control of the County School Fund for incidental expenses, clerk’s salary, books, etc. It was moved and carried that the county superintendent draft rules and regulations for the government of the public schools of the county and ordered 500 copies to be printed for the trustees and schools of the county.
It was moved and carried that $25.00 be appropriated from the county funds to the county superintendent to defray the expense of stationery, postage, etc. It was moved and carried to adjourn; the date of the next meeting subject to the call of the superintendent. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
- The term “township” as it appears in the minutes does not refer to individual towns. The township system was the form of administrative organization used by county governments in Virginia beginning in 1870. In 1874, an amendment to Virginia’s constitution changed the form of administrative organization used by county governments to the magisterial district system.
- The chairman (sometimes referred to as the president ex officio) of the combined Fairfax County School Board was the division superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools. The vice chairman (or vice president) and clerk of the school board were elected annually by their fellow board members.
- Historically, residents of Fairfax County paid state, county, and district taxes to fund public education. The county tax rate for schools was uniform, but the district levies sometimes varied. The levy amounts for county and district school taxes were approved and enacted annually by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.
September 5, 1872
An informal meeting of the County School Board was held because a quorum was not present. It was decided an informal meeting should transact the business before it subject to the approval of the state superintendent. Those present were Daniel McCarty Chichester, President (FCPS Superintendent); B. Skinner, Vice President; Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk; John J. Shipman, Jared T. Reynolds, Eben E. Mason, Ray Bailey, and Isaiah Brady.
An application being made for a cadetship to the Blacksburg Agriculture and Mechanical College. The board, after due consideration, granted it, and elected Harvey Tyson as the legal candidate from this county.
It was moved and carried that the county treasurer be allowed two percent commission for receiving and disbursing the state funds for public school purposes up to September 5, 1873. It was moved and carried that the County School Board adjourn subject to the call of the county superintendent. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
September 23, 1872
The County School Board met in accordance to a call of the county superintendent. A quorum being present, the board proceeded to business and annulled the proceedings of the former informal meeting.
Committees were appointed by the president to examine the accounts of the clerks of the different district boards: Richard L. Nevitt and Robert F. Roberts were appointed to examine Centreville and Lee Townships; John J. Shipman and Alfred Leigh for Mount Vernon Township; B. Skinner and Eben E. Mason were appointed to examine the accounts of Falls Church Township; Ray T. Bailey and James H. Rice were appointed to examine the accounts of Dranesville and Providence.
George P. Wright of Centreville, James H. Rice of Lee, Richard L. Nevitt of Mount Vernon, Robert F. Roberts of Falls Church, John J. Shipman of Providence, and Alfred Leigh of Dranesville were appointed a committee to examine the county treasurer’s accounts on the state and county funds. The board then took a recess for the performance of the committee duties and desires.
At 2 o’clock P.M., the board was called to order and the report of the several committees were received.
- The clerk of Centreville Township not being present the committee was unable to report.
- Lee Township showed a credit for State Funds of $454.00 and a credit for County Funds of $340.50, making a total of $794.50; the township paid teachers’ salaries to the amount of $778.10, leaving an unapportioned balance of $16.40. Signed, Robert F. Roberts, Chair
- We the committee have examined the books of Eben E. Mason of Mount Vernon Township and find them to be correct. Signed, Alfred Leigh and John J. Shipman
- We the Committee have examined the clerk’s books of Falls Church Township and find them to be correct. Signed, B. Skinner and Eben E. Mason
- The clerk of Dranesville Township not being present, the committee was unable to report.
- We the committee have examined the clerk’s books of Providence Township and find them correct. Signed, Ray L. Bailey and James H. Rice.
It was moved and carried that the county superintendent instruct the county treasurer to keep the funds of each district separate and not to pay any order except from the district the funds are credited to.
A resolution was offered censuring Judge Charles B. Cockrell for not allowing the sum apportioned to the county superintendent by the County School Board, which was adopted and ordered to be printed in the Fairfax News, Alexandria Gazette, and the Alexandria Sentinel. It was moved and carried that the county treasurer be allowed two percent commission for receiving and disbursing the state funds.
It was moved and carried that Harvie Tyson be appointed as a cadet to Blacksburg College. It was moved and carried that the trustees of Providence Township be ordered to pay Herbert Rumsey $10.00 for service as teacher during the school year 1870-1871 out of the County Fund. It was moved and carried that we adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
The committee to examine and report on the treasurer’s account reported that the district clerks’ accounts for state and county funds correspond with the treasurer’s book, and that the State Fund has been overdrawn $520.16, which has been charged to the County Fund, and that there now is a balance in the hands of the treasurer of the County Fund of $846.12. Signed, George P. Wright, Chair
An order for two meetings was drawn and signed by the county superintendent for clerk’s service. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
November 18, 1872
The County School Board med in accordance to a call of the county superintendent; a quorum being present, the board proceeded to business. The following townships presented their estimated levies to meet expenses for schoolhouses and other expenses in the district:
- Centreville Township asks for the full limit of the law which is 7.5 cents per $100.00. Teste, William M. Ayre and George P. Wright
- Lee Township’s estimated expenses were $800.00 for six schoolhouses, $60.00 for firewood, and $20.00 in assessor and clerk’s fees, making a total of $880.00. Lee Township asks for the full limit of the law – 7.5 cents per $100.00. Teste, James H. Rice and B. Skinner
- Mount Vernon Township asks for the full limit of the law which is 7.5 cents per $100.00. Teste, Richard L. Nevitt and Eben E. Mason
- Falls Church Township asks for the full limit of the law which is 7.5 cents per $100.00. Teste, Robert F. Roberts and Benjamin F. Shreve
- Providence Township’s estimated expenses were $1,000.00 for schoolhouses, $144.00 for firewood, and $44.00 for register books for teachers, assessor, and clerk, making a total of $1,188.00. Providence Township asks for the full limit of the law – 7.5 cents per $100.00. Teste, Edgar Vanslyck and J. T. Reynolds
- Dranesville Township asks for 5 cents per $100.00. Teste, Thomas E. Carper and Alfred Leigh
Giving to the omission of the school boards of the several districts to making written reports of their estimated expenses for the coming year, it was moved and carried that each district school board make a written report and forward it to the county superintendent.
It was moved and carried that the assessor’s account for carrying out the column of figures for the County School Tax be refunded to the county superintendent. It was moved and carried that the county superintendent be allowed an additional sum of $150.00 to his present salary to be paid from the County School Fund. The chairman of each district board of trustees is appointed to wait on the Board of Supervisors in December. Moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
September 2, 1873
The County School Board met pursuant to call of the county superintendent to transact the annual business of Fairfax County; there being a majority of the townships present and ten trustees. The board organized and adjourned until 1:30 P.M. for dinner. The board was called to order at 1:30 P.M. The first order of business was to examine the clerks’ books.
- We the committee have examined the clerk’s account for Falls Church Township and find the State and County Fund to be correct and vouchers furnished for all disbursements. The District Fund we find correct with proper vouchers therefor. Teste, J. H. Shurmer and George P. Wright
- We the Committee have examined the clerk’s account for Providence Township and find the State, County, and District Funds to be properly disbursed and vouchers shown therefore to be correct. Teste, Ray Bailey and George P. Wright
- The accounts of Dranesville Township were examined and proper vouchers were found to sustain all the State, County and District monies paid out. Teste, Alfred Leigh and William Ayre, Jr.
- The accounts of Lee Township were examined and in the District Fund vouchers were found for all expenditures except two items: Smoot account for $26.60, and a bill amounting to $121.60 that had no receipt. State and County Fund money was all properly expended and vouchers shown for same with stub receipts for all money paid including bills not receipted and Smoot’s account. Teste, Leigh and Brady
The townships of Mount Vernon and Centreville were not ready for settlement; the clerk of Mount Vernon not being present, and the clerk of Centreville not being ready.
It was moved and carried that the county superintendent pay Mr. Whitings’ bill to Mr. Hawxhurst for publishing a synopsis of the County Superintendent’s Annual Report. It was moved and carried that the Rules for Governing Schools by Daniel M. Chichester be published, except clauses 6, 9, 13 and 15, and that copy be furnished to each school in the county. It was moved and carried that Providence, Lee, Centreville and Falls Church Townships be permitted to subdivide their district into subdistricts and appoint a committee of oversight.
An order was drawn and signed by the county superintendent for $4.00; it being for the service of the clerk of the County School Board. It was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck
November 17, 1873
The County School Board met pursuant to a call by the county superintendent. A quorum being present, the board proceeded to business. The following estimated levies to meet expenses for schoolhouses and other expenses for the year 1874 were presented:
- Lee Township asked for $0.10 to be levied on $100.00. Signed, R. Selectman and B. Skinner
- Centreville Township asked for $0.10 to be levied on $100.00. Asked by the County Superintendent, Daniel M. Chichester
- Providence Township asked for $0.10 to be levied on $100.00. Signed, John J. Shipman, Edgar Vanslyck, and Bleecker Canfield
- Dranesville Township asked for $0.075 to be levied on $100.00. Signed, Alfred Leigh
- Mount Vernon Township asked for $0.10 to be levied on $100.00. Asked by the County Superintendent, Daniel M. Chichester
- Falls Church Township asked for $0.10 to be levied on $100.00. Signed, Benjamin F. Shreve and George A. Gordon
- The County Board asked for $0.10 to be levied on $100.00 for Fairfax County for the support of teachers. Signed, Daniel M. Chichester, County Superintendent
It was moved and carried that the superintendent ask the Board of Supervisors for a levy to meet the expenses of rent, fires, and furniture for a room for the County School Board to meet in. It was moved and carried that the county superintendent’s salary be increased in accordance with the law to $150.00 per year. It was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
May 17, 1874
The County School Board met pursuant to a call by the county superintendent, with the county superintendent in the chair. It was moved and carried that George A. Bowman be appointed to Blacksburg College.
Moved and carried that the furniture for the use of the County School Board be paid for out of the several district funds of the county, also the printing of the annual report, and Job Hawxhurst’s bill per Whiting.
Moved and carried that the president of the County School Board and the clerks of district boards be a committee to settle accounts with the county treasurer and the president and one clerk may constitute a board to settle for the districts for which the clerk represents.
Moved and carried that the county superintendent call the committee to settle accounts with the county treasurer when he may deem proper. Moved and carried to adjourn subject to call of the county superintendent. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
September 2, 1874
The County School Board met pursuant to a call of the county superintendent, with the county superintendent in the chair, to settle accounts with John H. Chichester, County Treasurer. The districts stand as follows:
- Mount Vernon District has due from Richard R. Farr, Ex Treasurer: $570.90
- Centreville District has due from same: $453.41
- Lee District has due from same: $79.13
- Falls Church District has due from same: $809.69
- Providence District has overdrawn her account with Richard R. Farr, Ex Treasurer, to the amount of $96.57
- Dranesville District has due from same: $314.91
Township | State Fund | District Fund | County Fund |
Centreville | Blank | $493.25 | Blank |
Lee | Blank | $9.28 | Blank |
Mount Vernon | Blank | $30.19 | Blank |
Falls Church | Blank | Blank | $25.06 |
Providence | Blank | Blank | $116.64 |
Dranesville | Blank | Blank | $8.08 |
The District Fund total is $532.72 and the County Fund total is $149.78.
- Due Richard R. Farr, Ex. Treasurer: $382.94
- Due the County from Ex. Treasurer: $169.25
- Due the Ex. Treasurer from State and County: $213.69
It was moved and carried the report of the clerks and former county treasurer be adopted. The settlement with County Treasurer John H. Chichester was satisfactory. The settlement on state and county funds were as follows:
- Lee Township has due her: $23.00
- Mount Vernon Township has due her: $250.56
- Dranesville Township found her account correct.
- Providence Township found her account correct.
- Centreville Township found her account correct.
- Falls Church Township was not present.
On motion, Alfred Leigh was called to the chair. The board drafted a resolution informing Mr. Ruffner, the State Superintendent of Public Schools, of a petition being in circulation for the removal of Daniel McCarty Chichester, County Superintendent, and of the unanimous wish of the County School Board that he be retained, setting forth for reasons, his efficiency, indefatigableness and unbiased feelings towards free schools. The resolution was offered before the County School Board, adopted, and ordered a copy be sent to Mr. Ruffner. Moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
- Richard Ratcliffe Farr was the State Superintendent of Public Education from 1882 to 1885.
November 16, 1874
The County School Board met pursuant to call by the county superintendent at Fairfax Courthouse. The board was called to order by County Superintendent Daniel M. Chichester. On motion, Alfred Leigh was unanimously elected vice president.
In regard to levy amounts: Centreville, Lee, Falls Church, Mount Vernon, and Providence Districts asked for a tax of $0.10 per $100.00 for each of their districts. Dranesville District asked for a tax of $0.75 for its district.
The vice president was called to the chair. It was moved and carried that the county superintendent be allowed $150.00 out of the County Fund in addition to his salary from the state which was unanimously carried.
On motion, it was resolved that the County School Board authorize the county superintendent to take proper legal steps to collect the amount due each district from Richard R. Farr, late County Treasurer. The vote on the above resolution was taken by Aye and No, and resulted in Aye 7, No 3.
It was moved and carried that the county superintendent decide as to the propriety of holding a teachers’ institute this fall. Motion to adjourn carried. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk Pro Tem, and Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
August 15, 1875
The County School Board met pursuant to call by the county superintendent; it being an adjourned meeting with the county superintendent in the chair.
It was moved and carried that the chair appoint a committee to meet on September 20, 1875, to settle accounts with the county treasurer.
It being the occasion of a Conservative Mass Meeting, and the county treasurer being engaged with collectors, it was deemed best to adjourn; therefore, it was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
November 15, 1875
The County School Board met in pursuance to call of county superintendent, with Daniel M. Chichester in the chair.
In regard to levy amounts: It was moved and carried that Centreville, Falls Church, Providence, Dranesville, and Mount Vernon Districts ask for $0.10 per $100.00 be levied for district purposes. Lee District asks for $0.05 per $100.00 for district purposes. It was moved and carried that Fairfax County ask for $0.10 be levied per $100.00 for county school purposes. It was moved and carried that the district clerks be present when the Board of Supervisors make the levy for school purposes.
The county superintendent read the law relating to teaching the higher branches. It was moved and carried that Providence, Falls Church, and Centreville Townships require 50 cents per month in advance for each and every additional study higher than the elementary branches.
It was moved and carried that Richard R. Farr, late County Treasurer, be required to pay legal interest on the amount due the several districts from the time of settlement with the County School Board on September 2, 1874.
It was moved and carried the present County Superintendent, Daniel McCarty Chichester, be allowed $200.00 out of the County Fund in addition to his salary received from the state. It was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
- The “higher branches” referred to in the minutes were studies beyond seventh grade. In the above text, we see that persons wishing to continue their studies beyond elementary school in a Fairfax County public school were required to pay tuition. The first tuition-free publicly-funded high schools in Fairfax County opened in 1907.
August 29, 1876
The County School Board met this day for the purpose of settling the annual accounts of the different school districts in Fairfax County; Daniel M. Chichester, County Superintendent, presiding. Committees were appointed to compare warrants with the county treasurer’s list and found them correct. On motion, the following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas the School Board is informed that the collectors of several of the late townships are largely delinquent or behind hand in the payment of taxes for 1874 including school funds and; Whereas the County Treasurer says he has according to law placed the claims against delinquents in the hands of the Commonwealth’s Attorney who has as yet taken no action; Therefore Be It Revolved, that it is the sense of this board that it is highly incumbent upon the Commonwealth’s Attorney to urge and prosecute the payment of these claims without further delay, and that a copy be delivered to the Commonwealth’s Attorney by the clerk.
Whereas there has been some difficulty in issuing teachers’ warrants as they become due, Therefore Be It Resolved that hereafter teachers’ warrants be issued as fast as they become due regardless whether there are funds in the hands of the county treasurer or not.
$578.00 credit to Providence Teachers’ Fund. It was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
November 18, 1876
The County School Board met pursuant to a call of the county superintendent. It was moved and carried that the names of members present at the meetings of the County School Board be entered in the minutes. Members present were: Bleecker Canfield, George A. Gordon, Alfred Leigh, Eben E. Mason, Richard L. Nevitt, James H. Rice, J. W. Sewall, Benjamin F. Shreve, Edgar Vanslyck, and Frank L. Wooster.
In regard to levy amounts: Providence, Mount Vernon, and Dranesville Districts asked for $0.10 per $100.00 to be levied by the Board of Supervisors for district purposes. Lee District asked for $0.05 per $100.00. The above petitions were carried by the board. It was moved and carried that $0.10 per $100.00 on real and personal property be levied by the Board of Supervisors for county school purposes.
The following resolution was carried: This County Board of School Trustees recommend in the absence of the trustees of Centreville District that the County Board of Supervisors levy $0.10 per $100.00 or any less amount that may be asked by the Centreville District Board of Trustees and in case of the no action by said board that the above amount be levied.
It was moved and carried that the county superintendent be allowed $150.00 as supplementary to his salary received from the state. It was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
September 4, 1877
The County School Board met pursuant to a call of the county superintendent. The following trustees were present: George Auld, John D. DeBell, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, Richard L. Nevitt, Eben E. Mason, J. W. Sewell, Benjamin F. Shreve, Edgar Vanslyck, M. H. Wells, and Frank L. Wooster.
The following committees were appointed to examine treasurer accounts: George A. Gordon and Edgar Vanslyck; Richard L. Nevitt and Richard Johnson; M. H. Wells and John D. DeBell; J. W. Sewall and George A. Gordon; M. H. Wells and Frank L. Wooster; and Benjamin F. Shreve and Eben E. Mason. The committees reported that the county treasurer’s books were found to agree with the clerks’ accounts up to this date. George A. Gordon of Falls Church reported a deficiency of one voucher in the amount of $21.00.
It was moved and carried that a committee of six be appointed to investigate whether or not it would be advisable to introduce a new series of textbooks. The committee members were appointed as follows: George A. Gordon, Frank L. Wooster, Eben E. Mason, John D. DeBell, Richard Johnson, and Edgar Vanslyck.
A resolution adopted by the School Board of Frederick County was unanimously adopted. It was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
October 29, 1877
The County School Board met pursuant to call of the county superintendent for the purpose of sending in estimates to the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year. The following members were present: George Auld, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, Alfred Leigh, Eben E. Mason, Richard L. Nevitt, James H. Rice, J. T. Rigg, Edgar Vanslyck, M. H. Wells, and Frank L. Wooster.
The board moved and carried the following district levy estimates: Centreville, Dranesville, Falls Church, and Mount Vernon Districts asked for a levy of $0.10 per $100.00. Lee and Mount Vernon Districts asked for a levy of $0.05 per $100.00. The following resolution was adopted by the County School Board: We the members of the County School Board present respectfully ask that the supervisors levy a tax of $0.10 per $100.00 worth of real and personal property of Fairfax County for county school purposes for the year 1877 and 1878.
M. H Wells was appointed to draft rules governing the schools in the county and submit the same to the district boards.
It was moved and carried the subject of textbooks be laid over until the next meeting of the County School Board, and, in the meantime, the trustees inform themselves of teachers’ opinions of the same. It was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
June 22, 1878
The County School Board met pursuant to call by the county superintendent. The following members were present: George Auld, Thomas E. Carper, John D. DeBell, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, Alfred Leigh, Eben E. Mason, John F. Mayhugh, Richard L. Nevitt, J. W. Sewell, Robert I. Simpson, Edgar Vanslyck, and Frank L. Wooster.
The action of the County School Board is required to suspend the Act of the Legislature to subdistrict the several (magisterial) school districts in Fairfax County. The vote was taken on the question as above marked. Whole number of votes 13: 11 for “aye” and two for “no.”
The board adjourned for 40 minutes and reconvened at expiration of the adjourned time. The question of textbooks was taken up. It was moved and carried that a member of each district be put upon a committee for selection of textbooks. The following members were chosen: George Auld, Thomas E. Carper, John D. DeBell, John F. Mayhugh, Richard L. Nevitt, and Edgar Vanslyck.
The resolution to draft rules was continued to next meeting. It was moved and carried to adjourn. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
January 11, 1879
The County School Board met pursuant to adjournment, with Eugene DeAtley Ficklin, County Superintendent, presiding.
A quorum being present, the estimates for district expenses were made for the ensuing year and made ready for the Board of Supervisors.
Resolved: That the General Assembly be requested to frame an amendment to the constitution abolishing the present State School Tax for Free Schools, and requiring each county in the commonwealth to levy and collect annually a tax equal to the present state tax for the support of the free schools; such tax to be paid over to the school boards and expended in the county where collected. Resolution carried. Signed by M. H. Wells for Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
August 23, 1879
The County School Board met pursuant to adjournment, with the County Superintendent, Eugene D. Ficklin, in the chair. The following members were present: George Auld, Thomas E. Carper, John D. DeBell, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, Eben E. Mason, John F. Mayhugh, W. R. Millan, Benjamin F. Shreve, Dr. Robert I. Simpson, Edgar Vanslyck, and Frank L. Wooster.
A resolution of condolence for the family of M. H. Wells, our associate and county trustee, was read and directed to be published in the Fairfax Messenger.
- George Auld and Edgar Vanslyck were appointed to examine the accounts of Providence School District with the County Treasurer and found them correct.
- Richard Johnson and Dr Robert I. Simpson were appointed to examine the accounts of Dranesville School District with the County Treasurer and found them correct.
- Eben E. Mason and Benjamin F. Shreve were appointed to examine Mount Vernon District’s accounts with the County Treasurer and found them correct.
- Frank L. Wooster and W. R. Millan were appointed to examine the district accounts of Lee with the County Treasurer and found them correct.
- John D. DeBell and Thomas Carper were appointed to examine Centreville School District’s accounts with the County Treasurer and found them correct.
- George Gordon and John F. Mayhugh were appointed to examine Falls Church School District’s accounts with the County Treasurer and found them correct.
It was moved and passed that the County School Board recommend to the district school boards not to open any public schools for the school year 1879 and 1880. The preceding motion was amended and passed: “The schools be not opened until the first of January.” The board adjourned subject to call of county superintendent. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
November 30, 1879
The County School Board met pursuant to adjournment, with County Superintendent Eugene D. Ficklin in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
It was moved and carried that a committee be appointed to examine the accounts of the county treasurer in relation to all the school funds that comes into his hands and report the same to this board. An amendment was offered and carried that the report be published in the Fairfax Messenger. Frank L. Wooster, Richard Johnson, Eben E. Mason, Edgar Vanslyck, and W. R. Millan were appointed members of the committee.
The levy estimates for another year were then made. All six districts, namely Centreville, Dranesville, Falls Church, Lee, Mount Vernon, and Providence, requested that on $100.00 of real and personal property in the county, ten cents be levied for county school purposes and ten cents be levied for district school purposes. There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to call of the county superintendent. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
- In the second paragraph above is the first indication in the minutes that the Fairfax County School Board suspected something was amiss with the accounts of the county treasurer, John H. Chichester. A few years later, John Chichester was accused by the county of not adequately carrying out his duties. The county sued Chichester, but he passed away on June 27, 1889, before the case was settled. Several record books related to School Board finances were admitted as evidence in the trial. See Fairfax County Circuit Court Chancery File CFF# 1893-040: Commonwealth of Virginia vs. Sarah E. Chichester, et al. for more information.
June 28, 1880
The County School Board met in obedience to call of County Superintendent Eugene D. Ficklin. On motion, Frank L. Wooster was appointed secretary pro tempore. The following trustees were present: George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, Eben E. Mason, John F. Mayhugh, E. M. Pittman, Andrew J. Sagar, Benjamin F. Shreve, Dr. Robert I. Simpson, and Frank L. Wooster.
The following committees were appointed to examine the vouchers of the several districts on account of state school funds:
- Centreville: Robert I Simpson and E. M. Pittman
- Dranesville: Richard Johnson and Andrew J. Sagar
- Falls Church: George Gordon and Benjamin F. Shreve
- Lee: Robert I. Simpson and Frank L. Wooster
- Mount Vernon: Andrew J. Sagar and Eben E. Mason
- Providence: Andrew J. Sagar and Eben E. Mason
The following committee was appointed to report to the state superintendent on the amount of state funds expended: Frank L. Wooster, Robert I. Simpson, and George A. Gordon; who made the following report to the state superintendent of public instruction:
We the committee appointed by the by the county superintendent of schools for the county of Fairfax to examine the warrants drawn on the State School Fund by the county superintendent report that having performed that duty and found the following amount expended which was apportioned under the Hinkle Bill to be $4,647.40 for which we find proper vouching. Respectfully submitted.
The finance committee appointed at the last meeting reported the following amount on hand, August 15, 1879, in the County School Fund account to be $2,393.00. On motion, the board adjourned subject to call of the county superintendent. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk Pro Tem
August 18, 1880
Annual Meeting of the County School Board. The County School Board met pursuant to adjournment, with County Superintendent Eugene D. Ficklin in the chair. The following members were present: George Auld, Richard Johnson, Eben E. Mason, John F. Mayhugh, E. M. Pittman, Andrew J. Sagar, Benjamin F. Shreve, Robert I. Simpson, Edgard Vanslyck, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Alfred Leigh was reelected vice president and Edgar Vanslyck was reelected clerk of the board.
The accounts of the several school districts were then examined by committees appointed by the county superintendent and compared with the county treasurer’s statements and, being found correct, the board endorsed the report of the committee. The amount of $12.00 was allowed the committee that examined the county treasurer’s accounts as apportioned under the Hinkle Bill, the amount of $12.00 to be apportioned equally between the school districts and payed out of the district funds.
It was moved and carried that the county superintendent be authorized to purchase chairs, a pitcher, and two glasses for the use of the County School Board and that the amount of the cost be apportioned equally between the school districts. On motion, the board adjourned subject to call of the county superintendent. Signed, Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk
June 28, 1881 (Tuesday)
A meeting of the County School Board held at Fairfax Courthouse in pursuance to a call of the county superintendent. The following persons were present: County Superintendent and President Eugene D. Ficklin, George Auld, A. W. Harrison, Richard Johnson, Alfred Leigh, Eben E. Mason, W. R. Millan, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert I. Simpson, and Frank L. Wooster.
The board was called to order by the county superintendent who explained the object of the meeting and stated that by the resignation of Captain Edgar Vanslyck, Clerk of County School Board, the first business was the selection of a clerk to fill his unexpired term. On motion, Frank L. Wooster was duly elected to fill said vacancy.
The county superintendent appointed a committee (composed of all the above-named trustees) to examine and compare the warrants drawn on the State Fund by the county superintendent and those drawn on the county treasurer by the district boards. After a careful examination of the warrants, the committee reported them to be correct as far as they were compared. There being no further business, the board adjourned subject to call of county superintendent. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
July 28, 1881 (Friday)
A meeting of the County School Board held at Fairfax Courthouse in pursuance to a call of the county superintendent. The following persons were present: County Superintendent and Chairman Eugene D. Ficklin, Joseph E. Birch, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, John F. Mayhugh, W. R. Millan, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert I. Simpson, and Frank L. Wooster.
The county superintendent appointed the following committee to examine and compare the treasurer vouchers for county and district school funds for the year 1880 and 1881: Joseph E. Birch, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, John F. Mayhugh, W. R. Millan, Robert I. Simpson, and Frank L. Wooster. The committee reported that the district funds were all correct and that $452.43 was due to the County School Fund from August 1, 1880. On motion, the clerk of the board was requested to keep a regular debit and credit account with the county treasurer of county school fund disbursements.
On motion, the county superintendent was requested to purchase a punch for the purpose of cancelling vouchers in place of the one broken. It was moved and carried that the clerk of the board be directed to purchase a suitable record book for use of the school board. On motion, the board adjourned to meet at the call of the county superintendent. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
October 31, 1881 (Monday)
A regular meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse. The following persons were present: County Superintendent and Chair Eugene D. Ficklin, Richard W. Gaillard, Richard Johnson, Eben E. Mason, John F. Mayhugh, W. R. Millan, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert I. Simpson, and Frank L. Wooster.
On motion, the several district boards respectively asked for a levy of $0.20 per $100.00 for county and district school purposes for the year 1882. It was moved and carried that the several district boards should supplement their teachers’ salaries to the amount of $1.00 for the Educational Journal for each teacher. On motion, the board adjourned to meet at the call of the county superintendent. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
August 10, 1882 (Thursday)
A regular meeting of the County School Board held at the office of the county superintendent at Fairfax Courthouse. Present were County Superintendent and President Eugene D. Ficklin, George Auld, Joseph E. Birch, A. J. Downing, Henry M. Faulker, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, Alfred Leigh, Eben E. Mason, John F. Mayhugh, W. R. Millan, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert I. Simpson, and Frank L. Wooster. The board was called to order by the county superintendent. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The County Superintendent appointed committees to examine, settle, and report the amount of school funds on the state, county, and district accounts, and to compare, examine, and cancel all school vouchers with the county treasurer. The committees reported the vouchers had been canceled and the accounts of the county treasurer correct (state, county, and district accounts) as per vouchers exhibited and compared.
The committee appointed at a preceding meeting submitted their report and stated that the amount due to the County School Fund and in the hands of the county treasurer to this date is $2,743.84, which amount will be reduced by the amount of delinquents and by the amount of the county treasurer’s commission. Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day as clerk and that a warrant be drawn on the county treasurer for the amount.
On motion of W. R. Millan, it was resolved by the County School Board of Fairfax County that we unanimously recommend and earnestly request the State Board of Education to relieve this county of the School Director System under which we are now working; believing as we do that said system is injurious to the cause of education. The clerk of the board was directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the state superintendent of public instruction.
On motion, the county superintendent was requested to grade the public schools in the county as per suggestion of the state superintendent. It was moved and carried that Providence School District be granted the privilege of grading their public school at Vienna. On motion, the board adjourned. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
- A “graded school” was one in which the students were divided by grade level into separate classrooms. Generally, in a two-room graded school, children in grades 1-3 were taught in one classroom, and children in 4-7 in the other classroom. Depending upon enrollment, in a three-room schoolhouse with three teachers, the children would be divided into grades 1-3, 4-5, and 6-7.
November 1, 1882
A meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at the office of the county superintendent. Present were County Superintendent and President Eugene D. Ficklin, George A. Gordon, Alfred Leigh, Eben E. Mason, James P. Machen, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert I. Simpson, and Frank L. Wooster. The meeting was called to order by the county superintendent. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The object of the meeting was explained by the county superintendent.
On motion and unanimously carried, the amount of 20 cents per $100.00 value of real and personal property in the county was asked to be levied by the Board of Supervisors for county and district school purposes in each of the school districts of this county. The written petition of the several district boards asking for a levy of 20 cents per $100.00 for school purposes was given to the county superintendent to be presented to the Board of Supervisors. On motion, the board adjourned. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
February 19, 1883 (Monday)
At a meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at the office of the county superintendent at Fairfax Courthouse. Present were County Superintendent and President Eugene D. Ficklin, George Auld, Joseph E. Birch, Samuel M. Fitzhugh, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, Alfred Leigh, James P. Machen, Eben E. Mason, W. R. Millan, William Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert I. Simpson, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of preceding meeting were read and approved.
The county superintendent stated the object of the meeting to be the adoption of a series of textbooks for use in the county schools for three years in accordance with a resolution adopted by the State Board of Education. The following report of the advisory committee as amended was unanimously adopted:
We the undersigned members of the advisory committee having duly examined the textbooks licensed by the State Board of Education, hereby recommend to the County School Board for adoption for use in the public schools of Fairfax County for three years from the first of August, 1883, the following textbooks:
- Watson’s Spellers
- McGuffey’s Readers
- Ellsworth’s Reversible Writing Books
- Davies and Peck’s Arithmetic
- Swinton’s Grammar
- Appleton’s Geographies
- Eclectic History of the U.S.
- McGill’s History of Virginia
- Stickney’s The Child’s Book of Language
- Webster’s Dictionary
- Appleton’s Scientific Agriculture
Signed, Milton D. Hall, W. H. Hohteline, E. C. Cottrell, and E. E. Kidwell
On motion, the clerk of the board was requested transcribe the County School Board records to the new record book and send the bill for the amount to each district board for same. On motion, the county superintendent was requested to prepare and have printed the school laws and duties of trustees and all school officers of the county, and furnish the same to the clerks of the different district boards for distribution, and send bill for amount of cost and charges to each district board.
On motion, the clerks of the several districts were requested to prepare and circulate a petition to the State Board of Education asking the repeal of the Director System in this county. On motion, Centreville District was granted the privilege of having the higher branches taught in Clifton and Centreville Schools. The clerk of the board was allowed $4.00 for two days service and a warrant was drawn therefor on the treasurer. On motion, the board adjourned. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
- This is the first appearance of Milton Dulaney Hall by name in the minutes of the Fairfax County School Board. At this time, Hall was a teacher in the school system.
August 13, 1883 (Monday)
A regular meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse. Present were County Superintendent E. Frank Crocker and trustees George Auld, Joseph E. Birch, Henry M. Faulkner, George A. Gordon, Richard W. Gaillard, Richard Johnson, Alfred Leigh, Eben E. Mason, John F. Mayhugh, W. R. Millan, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The county superintendent appointed the following committees to settle the several school accounts with the county treasurer:
- Dranesville District: Richard Johnson and Alfred Leigh
- Falls Church District: George A. Gordon and George Auld
- Lee District: John F. Mayhugh and Frank L. Wooster
- Mount Vernon District: Eben E. Mason and Richard W. Gaillard
- Providence District: Andrew J. Sagar and William E. Moore
The several committees reported the vouchers all proper, and state, county, and district accounts all correct. Centreville and Herndon District (Town of Herndon) were not represented and their accounts were not settled. On motion, the report of the committees was unanimously adopted.
The clerk of the board was allowed $2.00 for one day of service and a warrant was drawn on the treasurer for the amount. On motion, the board adjourned. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
December 17, 1883 (Monday)
A meeting of the County School Board was held in the office of the county superintendent at Fairfax Courthouse. Present were County Superintendent and President E. Frank Crocker, and twelve trustees: George Auld, Joseph E. Birch, Samuel M. Fitzhugh, George A. Gordon, James P. Machen, W. R. Millan, William E. Moore, Albert Peacock, Andrew J. Sagar, James W. Smith, Jacob M. Troth, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The clerk of Centreville District School Board (Machen and Millan were from Centreville District) stated that not receiving any notice of the preceding meeting was the cause of his failing to attend, and that soon thereafter he, with the county superintendent, did settle the school accounts of his district with the county treasurer.
The object of the meeting was stated by Superintendent Crocker to be the election of the vice president and the clerk of the board. James P. Machen was duly elected vice president of the board for the ensuing term, and on motion Frank L. Wooster was reelected as clerk of the board for the ensuing term.
On motion of James P. Machen, the request of the Board of Supervisors was referred to the county superintendent for the proper information in regard to school funds. Adopted.
The school boards of Centreville, Dranesville, Falls Church, Lee, Mount Vernon, and Providence Districts respectively asked that $0.10 per $100.00 be levied for county school purposes and $0.10 per $100.00 be levied for district school purposes for the ensuing year. Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day of service as clerk of the board. There being no other business, on motion, the board adjourned. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
August 7, 1884
A regular annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County was held in the office of the county superintendent at Fairfax Courthouse. Present were Superintendent and President E. Frank Crocker, Vice President Joseph P. Machen, and George Auld, Joseph E. Birch, James F. Buckley, Samuel M. Fitzhugh, Richard W. Gaillard, George A. Gordon, William E. Moore, Albert Peacock, Andrew J. Sagar, James W. Smith, Jacob M. Troth, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of preceding meeting were read and approved.
The superintendent stated the object of the meeting to be the annual settlement of the several school accounts with the county treasurer. The following committees were appointed:
- Centreville District: James P. Machen and William E. Moore
- Falls Church District: Jacob M. Troth and George A. Gordon
- Lee District: Joseph E. Birch and Frank L. Wooster
- Mount Vernon District: George Auld and Richard W. Gaillard
- Providence District: Samuel M. Fitzhugh and Andrew J. Sagar
The committees for all five districts reported that the state, county, and district accounts had been found correct and all vouchers were canceled. The clerk of Dranesville District not being present, it was moved and carried that he, with the county superintendent, meet at the courthouse as soon as convenient and settle the accounts for that district with the county treasurer.
On motion, the county superintendent was granted the privilege of destroying all vouchers accumulated on hand after one year’s settlement with the county treasurer, and that the clerks of the several district boards be authorized to destroy the county superintendent’s receipts and the teachers’ monthly receipts after one year.
Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day of service as clerk of the board. There being no other business, on motion, the board adjourned to meet at the call of the county superintendent. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
November 12, 1884 (Wednesday)
The annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County was held at the office of the county superintendent at Fairfax Courthouse. Present were County Superintendent and President E. Frank Crocker, Vice President Joseph P. Machen, and trustees George Auld, E. L. Garrett, George A. Gordon, Richard Johnson, W. R. Millan, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert Wiley, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The object of the meeting was stated by the superintendent to be the election of the vice president and the clerk of the board. On motion, James P. Machen was unanimously reelected vice president of the board, and Frank L. Wooster was duly reelected clerk to serve for the ensuing term.
The district boards of Centreville, Dranesville, Falls Church, Herndon, Lee, Mount Vernon, and Providence Districts asked that $0.10 per $100.00 be levied on real and personal property for county school purposes and $0.10 per $100.00 be levied be levied on real and personal property for district school purposes by the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year. On motion, the amount asked to be levied by the several district boards was unanimously adopted.
On motion, R. Bill & Sons bill for stationery and a record book for the Electoral Board amounting to $3.05 was allowed. Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day of service as clerk.
On motion of James P. Machen, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved that the clerk be requested to inform the delegate to the General Assembly from Fairfax County that it is the sense of this board of school trustees of this county that the amendment to the school law authorizing the election of three directors for each school by the patrons thereof be repealed. There being no other business, on motion, the board adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
August 10, 1885
At a regular annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse, with County Superintendent and Chairman E. Frank Crocker present and presiding. The following trustees were present: George Auld, Joseph E. Birch, James F. Buckley, E. L. Garrett, George A. Gordon, Benjamin F. Higgs, James P. Machen, W. R. Millan, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, Jacob M. Troth, Robert Wiley, and Frank L. Wooster.
This being the annual meeting at which the several school accounts are settled with the county treasurer, the president appointed the following committees:
- Centreville: James P. Machen and William E. Moore
- Dranesville: James F. Buckley and Benjamin F. Higgs
- Falls Church: Jacob M. Troth and George A. Gordon
- Lee: George Auld and Frank L. Wooster
- Mount Vernon: Joseph E. Birch and Robert Wiley
- Providence: W. R. Millan and Andrew J. Sagar
The committees from Centreville, Dranesville, Herndon, Lee, and Mount Vernon reported that vouchers had been examined and were found correct. On motion of Jacob M. Troth, the following committee was appointed to report on Providence and Falls Church Districts at the next meeting of the County School Board: Jacob M. Troth, James P. Machen and Benjamin F. Higgs.
On motion, the clerk of the board was directed to procure a stamp for the purpose of properly canceling vouchers at the annual settlement of the county board.
On motion, the several district clerks were directed to purchase blank draft books for the purpose of drawing Grandstaff warrants directly on the county superintendent instead of the county treasurer so as to avoid exchanging vouchers.
It was moved and carried that the clerk of this board forward to the delegate from this county in the next General Assembly a copy of the resolution passed by this board in regard to the repeal of the director system in the public schools of this county.
On motion, the treasurer of this county was allowed to charge to the County Fund two percent commission on the Grandstaff Fund for the years 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882 and 1883, he having paid to the schools of this county the full amount that was apportioned from the state to this county and received no commission thereon. There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to call of the president. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
November 16, 1885 (Monday)
A regular meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse, with E. Frank Crocker, Chairman, present and presiding. The following trustees were present: George Auld, James F. Buckley, Richard W. Gaillard, George A. Gordon, Alfred Leigh, James P. Machen, William Moore, William M. Ritchie, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert Wiley, J. P. Woodyard, Frank L. Wooster. On motion, James P. Machen was unanimously reelected vice president, and Frank L. Wooster, clerk.
The several district boards asked that 10 cents per $100.00 on real and personal property be levied for both district school and county school purposes for the next year.
On motion, the clerk of the board was requested to procure draft books for the several district boards so as they can draw the Grandstaff Fund directly from the county superintendent.
On motion, S. R. Donohoe was allowed $1.00 for printing notice for the County Electoral Board. On motion, the board adjourned. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
August 14, 1886
An annual meeting of the School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse, with County Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present: George Auld, Thomas E. Carper, E. L. Garrett, George A. Gordon, William E. Moore, Albert Peacock, William. M. Ritchie, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert Wiley, and Frank L. Wooster.
William M. Ritchie, Robert Wiley and Andrew J. Sagar were appointed a committee to examine and compare the Grandstaff school warrants with the county superintendent’s vouchers. The following committees on county and district funds were appointed.
- Centreville District: James F. Buckley and George Auld
- Dranesville District: Albert Peacock and Thomas E. Carper
- Falls Church District: William E. Moore and George A. Gordon
- Lee District: Frank L. Wooster assisted by Milton D. Hall
- Mount Vernon George Auld and Robert Wiley
- Providence District: E. L. Garrett and Andrew J. Sagar
The several committees reported that they had examined the accounts with the county treasurer (state, county, and district), and had compared the state warrants with the county superintendent’s vouchers; all of which were found correct and so certified.
On motion, the board unanimously requested the State Board of Public Instruction to repeal or suspend the Director System in this county and the clerk of this board was directed to notify the state board thereof. On motion, the Graphic System of copy books were adopted for use in the schools of this county. On motion, the board refused to take action in regard to a change of textbooks in the county.
The county superintendent was requested to take the proper steps to secure the furniture belonging to the County School Board. It was moved and carried that all the districts be granted the privilege of introducing the higher branches in the public schools. It was moved and carried that there should be no legal holidays allowed teachers in this county. On motion, it was determined to commence all the schools in the county on the first Monday in October.
Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day as clerk of the board and $1.60 was allowed for stamps and pad. There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to call of the county superintendent. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk, and Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent
September 3, 1886 (Wednesday)
A regular annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse in the office of the county superintendent, with County Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present: John N. Ballard, Richard W. Gaillard, George A. Gordon, Alfred Leigh, James P. Machen, William E. Moore, William M. Ritchie, Andrew J. Sagar, Franklin Sherman, Robert Wiley, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. On motion, William E. Moore was duly elected vice president, and Frank L. Wooster was elected clerk to serve as such for the ensuing year.
It was moved and carried that the offer of R. F. Broadwater to supply six chairs in place of those that were lost be accepted and that the clerk of the County School Board be directed to purchase six additional chairs for use by the County School Board, also a table, and have all the furniture belonging to said County School Board plainly and intelligently marked.
Centreville, Falls Church, Lee, Mount Vernon, and Providence Districts asked that ten cents be levied on $100.00 on real and personal property for county school purposes, and ten cents on $100.00 for district school purposes. Dranesville District asked for ten cents per $100.00 for county school purposes, and five cents for district school purposes for the ensuing year. On motion, the county superintendent was requested to represent the County School Board before the Board of Supervisors and to secure the interest of the County School Fund in regard to the delinquent lands of this county.
Mr. Brawner, agent of J. B. Lippencot and Company, was introduced and briefly explained the merit of Worcester’s Dictionaries. On motion of Robert Wiley, the above series of dictionaries were adopted for use in the public schools of the county under special agreement.
It was moved and carried that the county superintendent appoint two committees of three members each to examine, compare, settle, cancel, and report on the accounts of the county treasurer on the County School Fund (to which Robert Wiley, James P. Machen, and Franklin Sherman were appointed) and on the District School Fund (to which Alfred Leigh, William M. Ritchie, and Andrew J. Sagar were appointed).
On motion, the bill of S. R. Donohoe for $2.00 and the bill of Frank L. Wooster, Clerk, for $2.00 for one day of service as clerk, were allowed. There being no further business, on motion, the board adjourned subject to the call of the county superintendent. Signed, Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent, and Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
August 15, 1887 (Monday)
At the regular annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse in the office of the county superintendent, with County Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present: Vice President William E. Moore, George Auld, John N. Ballard, James F. Buckley, Thomas E. Carper, Richard W. Gaillard, E. L. Garrett, William Hunter, Alfred Leigh, William M. Ritchie, Franklin Sherman, Robert Wiley, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
It was moved and carried that the schools of the county be opened the first Monday in October for the ensuing term. On motion, the county superintendent appointed William M. Ritchie, Franklin Sherman and Frank L. Wooster a committee on bylaws, rules, and regulations to codify, revise, and report thereon at the next meeting of this board.
Andrew J. Sagar, Robert Wiley and Frank L. Wooster were appointed a committee to examine and compare the vouchers of the county superintendent with the vouchers of the several districts on the state fund accounts and report thereon at the next meeting of this board. On motion, John N. Ballard was substituted on committee in place of Alfred Leigh who asked to be excused from serving as committeeman on the District Fund.
On motion, the expense account of County Superintendent Milton D. Hall for $40.72 for stationery, postage, and books was allowed and directed to be paid out of the County School Fund. Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day of service as clerk of the board. There being no further business, the board adjourned to September 26, 1887. Signed, Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent, and Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
September 26, 1887 (Monday)
A called meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse in the office of the county superintendent, with County Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present: George Auld, R. T. Bailey, James F. Buckley, William Hunter, William E. Moore, William M. Ritchie, Franklin Sherman, Robert Wiley, and Frank L. Wooster.
On motion, the county treasurer was allowed $4.60 on warrant for two percent commission for disbursing the Grandstaff School Fund, said warrant having been drawn by Dranesville District but not properly signed by the district chairman.
The committee on the State Arrearage and Grandstaff School Funds reported having performed that duty, examined and compared the vouchers of the county treasurer with the vouchers of the county superintendent and found them correct, both Arrearage and Grandstaff, and canceled the same amounting to $8,270.26. The committee on the District School Fund reported having performed that duty. The committee examined the district vouchers of the several districts, found them correct, and canceled them by the county stamp amounting to $3,968.65. The committee on the County School Fund reported having examined the vouchers of the county treasurer, found them correct, and canceled them amounting to $6,987.76.
On motion, the committee on bylaws, rules, and regulations was continued, to report at the next meeting of this board and also to report on order of business for the government of the board. Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day of service as clerk of the board. On motion, the board adjourned to the first Wednesday of November, 1887. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk, and Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent
November 2, 1887 (Wednesday)
A regular annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County held at Fairfax Courthouse in the office of the county superintendent, with County Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present: George Auld, R. T. Bailey, J. H. Edmunds, E. L. Garrett, William Hunter, Alfred Leigh, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, Robert Wiley, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The committee on bylaws, rules, and regulations made their report, which was adopted and ordered to be spread upon the minutes. On motion, the committee on the order of business not being present the board proceeded to adopt the following order of business for its government.
General Order of Business
- Calling of the Roll
- Reading of the Minutes of Preceding Meeting
- Report of Committees
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Motions and Resolutions
- Special Order of Business
Special Order of Business (August and October)
- August Meeting: First, reports of the several district boards of school work as required by law; Second, reports of the several district boards of name, number, grade and salary of each school, together with time of opening and closing of same.
- October Meeting: First, reports of the several district boards of estimates of amounts of money needed for district and county school purpose for the ensuing year as required by law; Second, revision of said estimates by the County School Board and request to the Board of Supervisors to levy the same by the County Superintendent of Schools.
On motion, the county superintendent was requested to represent Centreville District in regard to the district school levy of that district. On motion, the board refused to allow teachers to be paid for holidays. The clerks of the several district boards were requested to furnish the superintendent with a list of all warrants drawn by their respective boards on the State Arrearage Fund stating amount of warrants and to whom drawn. Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day as clerk of the board. There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to the call of the county superintendent. Signed, Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent, and Frank L. Wooster, Clerk
Bylaws and Regulations for the Government of the County School Board of Fairfax County
- The County Superintendent of Schools together with the District School Trustees of each school district including the School Trustees of the Town of Herndon shall compose the County School Board of Fairfax County; a quorum of which shall consist of not less than seven trustees representing at least four districts of the county for the transaction of business.
- The officers of this board shall be a president, vice president, and clerk.
- The County Superintendent of Schools shall be ex officio president of the County School Board, and the vice president shall be elected as often as a vacancy occurs, and the clerk yearly at the annual meeting in August.
- The duty of the president shall be to preside at all meetings of the board, and to call such meetings when in his judgment necessary or when requested to do so by two chairmen of any district boards.
- In the absence of the president, or when requested by the president, it shall be the duty of the vice president to preside.
- It shall be the duty of the clerk to keep in a bound volume a correct record of the proceedings of each meeting, and in another bound volume a just and true account with the treasurer of the County School Fund. The record of the proceedings of each meeting when duly signed by the president and attested by the clerk to be left in the custody of the president of the County School Board.
- The County School Board shall hold two annual meetings: one on the second Wednesday in August, and the other on the first Wednesday in November.
- At the annual meeting on the second Wednesday in August of each year it shall be the duty of the County Board, either through committee or otherwise, first to examine in detail the report of the County Treasurer together with his vouchers, books and other official papers which contain evidence of payment and other transactions pertaining to the receipts and disbursement of funds for the public free school purpose during the year next preceding; Second, to examine in detail the official record and account book, vouchers, contracts, deeds and all other official books and papers pertaining to the school business of the year just closed of the several clerks of each school district; Third, to examine in full the official record books of accounts, official papers and into the general condition of the office of the County Superintendent of Schools and compare the warrants drawn by this officer with the warrants of various district boards.
- The annual report of the County School Board to the Superintendent of Public Instruction required to be made by Chapter 52, Section 2, Acts of Assembly 1884 and 1885, at the August meeting shall be made by the president of said board in accordance with forms furnished by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
- At the annual meeting on the first Wednesday in November, it shall be the duty of the County School Board to prepare and file with the president thereof to be by him submitted to the Board of Supervisors at their earliest meeting; First, an estimate of the aggregate amount of money not in excess of the maximum prescribed by law which will be needed during the next scholastic year for county school purposes; Second, separate estimates of the amount of money which will be needed for district school purposes in each district.
- The president of the County School Board shall be the custodian of all official books, papers, stamps, and furniture of said board and shall be held accountable for the proper care and safekeeping of the same, and at the annual meeting on the first Wednesday in November, 1888, file with the clerk to be by him recorded in the minutes book of said board, a true inventory of all official books, papers, stamps and furniture belonging to said board.
Copies to William M. Ritchie, Franklin Sherman, Frank L. Wooster.
August 15, 1888 (Wednesday)
A regular annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County was held at Fairfax Courthouse in the office of the county superintendent, with County Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present at roll call: George Auld, R. T. Bailey, John N. Ballard, James F. Buckley, Thomas E. Carper, Enos S. Fairfax, Richard W. Gaillard, E. L. Garrett, William Hunter William E. Moore, William M. Richie, W. I. Robey, Andrew J. Sagar, George Schuerman, Franklin Sherman, Robert Wiley, and Frank L. Wooster. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. On motion of Frank L. Wooster, Captain John N. Ballard was unanimously elected as clerk of the County School Board for the ensuing term. The several committees reported the following:
To the County School Board of Fairfax County, your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the county treasurer with the State Arrearage Fund, the Grandstaff Fund, the County School Fund, and the District School Fund, respectively, beg leave to report that they have performed that duty and found the same correct as stated by the county treasurer as per statements furnished your committee. Signed by William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, and Franklin Sherman.
The account of the county superintendent with the Grandstaff Fund were compared with warrants issued by the several district boards and found correct. William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, and William M. Richie, the committee appointed by the county superintendent to cancel the vouchers of the county treasurer as surrendered to the County School Board, reported the vouchers had been examined by the respective committee.
Frank L. Wooster was allowed $2.00 for one day as clerk of the County School board. There being no other business, the board adjourned. Signed, Frank L. Wooster, Clerk, and Milton D. Hall, President
November 7, 1888 (Wednesday)
A regular annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County was held at Fairfax Courthouse in the office of the county superintendent, with County Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present at roll call: George Auld, R. T. Bailey, John N. Ballard, Joseph E. Birch, James F. Buckley, Enos S. Fairfax, E. L. Garrett, Alfred Leigh, James P. Machan, William E. Moore, Robert G. Nevitt, William M. Ritchie, Andrew J. Sagar, and Franklin Sherman. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The districts of Providence, Falls Church, Dranesville, Centerville, and Lee asked that $0.10 on $100.00 be levied upon real and personal property for district school purposes, and $0.10 on $100.00 be levied by the Board of Supervisors for county school purposes.
A reapportionment of surplus money credited to Dranesville, Lee, and Mount Vernon Districts was voted upon and carried, and the county superintendent was instructed to reapportion the same among the several districts of the county.
James P. Machen, Andrew J. Sagar and John N. Ballard were appointed by the chair a committee on the postage and stationery account of the county superintendent. John N. Ballard was allowed $2.00 for one day of service as clerk of the board. There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to the call of the county superintendent of schools. Signed, John N. Ballard, Clerk, and Milton D. Hall, President
October 30, 1889 (Wednesday)
A regular annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County was held at Fairfax Courthouse in the office of the county superintendent, with County Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present at roll call: George Auld, John N. Ballard, James F. Buckley, Thomas E. Carper, Enos S. Fairfax, Richard W. Gaillard, E. L. Garrett, William Hunter, Alfred Leigh, William E. Moore, Robert G. Nevitt, William M. Ritchie, Andrew J. Sagar, Franklin Sherman, and Robert Wiley. The minutes of preceding meeting were read and approved.
The committee appointed by the county superintendent schools to examine the vouchers of the county treasurer, John H. Chichester, deceased, and those of the county superintendent with the state Grandstaff School Fund performed that duty and report as follows:
- Providence District: The accounts of the county treasurer with the state Grandstaff School Fund, state Arrearage Fund, and County School Fund correct, but in the account with the District School Fund a discrepancy was found in the amount due at last settlement.
- Falls Church District: Same as Providence, except the balance due at last settlement.
- Mount Vernon District: Same as Providence.
- Dranesville District: Same as Providence, together with the following credits for which no vouchers are submitted: S. V. Adams in the amount of 28 cents, A. G. Hutchinson in the amount of 15 cents, C. N. Lacy in the amount of 48 cents, and (illegible) Jackson in the amount of 35 cents. Total: $1.26.
- Centreville District: Same as Providence.
- Lee District: The Grandstaff and State Arrearage accounts were correct, but in the account with the County School Fund there is a warrant for $25.00 drawn by E. Frank Crocker on this fund for 1885, which fund was fully exhausted in said year 1885.
- Herndon District (Town of Herndon): Correct.
The committee compared the warrants of the different districts with those issued by the county superintendent and found them correct. Teste: Andrew J. Sagar, William M. Ritchie, and John N. Ballard
The warrant drawn by E. Frank Crocker for the year 1885, in favor of Mary A. Botts that had been presented by the county treasurer was ordered to be paid. James P. Machen, Franklin Sherman, and Andrew J. Sagar were appointed a committee to complete the auditing of the balance of the treasurer accounts, and the superintendent of schools was added to this committee.
A vote was taken for redistributing the surplus funds of Mount Vernon and Lee Districts. Andrew J. Sagar, William E. Moore, Franklin Sherman, George Auld, Rob Wiley, Richard W. Gaillard, W. Hunter, Alfred Leigh, Thomas E. Carper, James F. Buckley, Robert G. Nevitt E. L. Garrett, William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax and John N. Ballard cast votes. (Messrs. Hunter, Fairfax, and Ritchie voted in the negative). The motion carried and was so ordered.
A resolution offered by William M. Ritchie, for the pay of $2.00 per day to committees on special work, carried and was so ordered. Various district boards may pay teachers for actual work. Messrs. Sagar and Ballard were appointed a committee on postage and stationery. The county treasurer was ordered to disburse the county school levies.
On the motion of Mr. Moore, a vote of thanks was tendered Milton D. Hall, Superintendent, and John N. Ballard, Clerk. There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to the call of the county superintendent of schools. Signed, John N. Ballard, Clerk, and Milton D. Hall, President
December 16, 1889
A called meeting of the County School Board by the superintendent of schools, met at the office of Milton D. Hall, Superintendent. Present at roll call were Messrs. Sagar, Moore, Sherman, Bailey, Birch, Wiley, Leigh, Machen, Buckley, Mankin, Garrett, Kerr, Chamblis, and Ballard.
After listening to the detailed statement of the superintendent in regard to the school account of the late treasurer, John H. Chichester, the committee composed of Messrs. Machen, Sherman, and Sagar, which had been appointed at the last meeting to finish or complete the school account of the late treasurer, was continued. Superintendent of Schools Milton D. Hall and Judge M. D. Chichester were requested by the board to finish this account and report the same to the above committee for their approval.
On motion of Mr. Franklin Sherman, the resolution passed in the preceding meeting paying $2.00 per day to trustees attending annual meetings of School Board and committee work was rescinded, and per diem for dinner and horse feed at a hotel was substituted. The motion carried and was so ordered.
There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to the call of the county superintendent of schools. Signed, John N. Ballard, Clerk of the County School Board, and Milton D. Hall, President
August 15, 1890 (Friday)
The annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County was held at Fairfax Courthouse in the office of the superintendent, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. The following trustees were present: George Auld, R. T. Bailey, John N. Ballard, J. W. Brown, James F. Buckley, M. F. Chamlain, Richard W. Gaillard, E. L. Garrett, W. F. Gasen, William. Hunter, James P. Machen, Richard L. Nevitt, William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, and William M. Ritchie.
The committee for the settlement of the school account of the late treasurer, John H. Chichester, was continued. The vouchers of the school superintendent, having been examined by an appointed committee composed of Messrs. Machen, Auld, and Nevitt, were found correct and ordered to be paid. William E. Moore, Andrew J. Sagar, and John N. Ballard were appointed to settle the school account with Stephen R. Donohoe, County Treasurer. The following business was also conducted by the board:
- The account of Jacob Troth for hotel expenses was ordered to be paid.
- No action was taken in reference to textbooks, except a guide to health for Little Folks which was recommended to teachers.
- The board directed that teachers only be allowed pay for time taught.
- The school census reports were all in except for Dranesville District.
- Extra pay to clerks for taking the school census was referred to the district boards.
- The date for opening schools was set as the first Monday in October.
- John N. Ballard was allowed $2.00 per day as clerk of the board.
There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to call of the superintendent.
- “Health For Little Folks” by Mary H. Hunt was published in 1890, by American Book Company of New York.
- Stephen Roszel Donohoe (1850-1921), or S. R. Donohoe as he was generally known, founded the Fairfax Herald newspaper in 1882, and was its editor through September 1916. He served briefly as the county treasurer of Fairfax County, and, in the 1890s, was a member of the Town of Fairfax School Board.
No meetings of the combined Fairfax County School Board were recorded in the minute book between August 1890 and September 1895.
September 23, 1895
The following members were present at roll call and came in after: Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent; J. Owens Berry, Franklin Sherman, and W. S. Smoot of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, Adam Martin, and W. R. Seaman of Falls Church District; Richard W. Gaillard, Thomas H. Haislip, and J. H. Mason of Mount Vernon District; Welby J. French, George W. Gunnell, and Alfred Leigh of Dranesville District; E. H. Jones, W. S. Kincheloe, and James P. Machen of Centreville District; Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt of Lee District; E. Dyer, E. L. Garrett, and W. I. Robey of the Town of Herndon; J. W. Brown, George W. Hawxhurst, and W. N. Lynch of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); Stephen R. Donohoe and James R. Jones of the Town of Fairfax.
The school census books for the year 1895 were offered for inspection. No fault found. Attention was called to publications of B. F. Johnson, Richmond, Virginia. The books of the county treasurer were offered for inspection.
The report of the committee on treasurer’s accounts with the several school funds was accepted. The committee on treasurer’s accounts with the several school funds for the year 1895-1896 was instructed to allow the treasurer five percent commission for disbursing school funds for amounts over and under $1,500.00 on all county school funds. On this motion, the ayes and nays being called for, the following vote was recorded: Those voting in the affirmative were Birch, Fairfax, Kincheloe, Seaman, Martin, Gaillard, Garrett, Sherman, Donohoe, Nevitt, Rice, Mason, Moncure, Haislip, and Jones (15). Those voting in the negative were Hawxhurst, Brown, Dyer, Leigh, Gunnell, Smoot, Robey, and Berry (8). Mr. Machen did not vote.
The County Superintendent explained the status of the suit of the County School Board against the sureties of Major Chichester. All the districts asked that the county and district levy be fixed at ten cents per $100.00.
It was decided that the school term for 1895-1896 would begin on September 30, 1895. It was decided that the Christmas holidays would begin after December 20, 1895, and continue to the first Monday in January, 1896. The motion of Mr. Jones that no day be declared a legal holiday was carried.
There being no one present to represent the Vienna School District; Superintendent Hall was appointed a committee to examine the accounts of the Vienna School District. The clerks of the districts being asked for their accounts of the District Fund, it was found Centreville, Lee, and Mount Vernon had been examined. Vienna was not present and the other clerks had not brought their vouchers.
The following resolution, offered by Mr. Hawxhurst, was carried: “When as the law as it now stands prevents the school boards from allowing teachers compensation for days lost in attending County Institutes, and as we consider it important for teachers to avail themselves of their opportunities to improve in methods of teaching; therefore, the County School Board approves of a change by which district and town boards may in their discretion pay teachers for each day as may be lost in attending such institutes.” It was decided that this resolution be sent by the county superintendent to the representative from Fairfax in the Virginia House of Delegates.
Undated 1895 or 1896
The following checks on the County School Fund were reported as having been drawn:
- H. M. Troth for feeding nine men and two horses on September 23, 1895 - $2.75
- B. F. Nalls for feeding twenty men and seventeen horses on October 7, 1895 - $11.25
- J. Owens Berry for services as clerk of the board - $2.00
- Milton D. Hall for stationery and postage ($34.55) and costs in suit against Chichester’s sureties ($10.80) - $45.35
- W. E. Graham for fees in suit versus Chichester, December 16, 1895 - $14.40
August 23, 1896
The following members were present: Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent; J. Owens Berry, Franklin Sherman, and W. S. Smoot of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, Adam Martin, and W. R. Seaman of Falls Church District; Richard W. Gaillard, Thomas H. Haislip, and J. H. Mason of Mount Vernon District; Welby J. French, George W. Gunnell, and Alfred Leigh of Dranesville District; E. H. Jones, W. S. Kincheloe, and James P. Machen of Centreville District; Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt of Lee District; E. Dyer, E. L. Garrett, and W. I. Robey of Herndon District (Town of Herndon) with R. C. Mahney (Mahoney); J. W. Brown, George W. Hawxhurst, and W. N. Lynch of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church) with Joseph S. Riley; A. M. Lewis of Vienna District (Town of Vienna); Stephen R. Donohoe, James R. Jones, and Walker P. Moncure of Fairfax District (Town of Fairfax).
The minutes of the preceding annual meeting were adopted. The committee to examine the treasurer’s account with the several school funds reported them correct, except a warrant of Lee School District for $90.00 was not found. No distribution of County Fund balances was asked for.
Superintendent Hall reported the progress of the suit in the case of the County School Board versus Chichester’s sureties. The superintendent also reported that no action was had by the state legislature on the resolution of the County School Board asking that teachers be allowed compensation for days lost in attending county institutes. It was decided that teachers shall not be paid for legal holidays.
The county superintendent named the committees to examine the accounts of district clerks as follows:
- Centreville: Welby J. French
- Dranesville: E. H. Jones
- Fairfax: Thomas H. Haislip
- Falls Church: W. N. Lynch
- Herndon: J. W. Brown
- Jefferson: Stephen R. Donohoe
- Lee: Franklin Sherman
- Mount Vernon: Adam Martin
- Providence: James H. Rice
- Vienna: E. Dyer
The meeting adjourned at 1:30 P.M. to meet at 2:00 P.M. Upon reassembling, the written reports of committees on accounts were read and recorded.
Upon motion of Mr. Machen, it was resolved that all contracts for school supplies for the districts shall only be made at meetings of the district school boards. Upon motion of Mr. Machen, district clerks were instructed to keep accurate minutes of the meetings of the district school boards. The county superintendent submitted the district clerks’ annual reports.
The several districts asked that a levy of $0.10 on $100.00 be made for school purposes. It was decided that the school term would begin on the last Monday in September. It was decided that the Christmas holidays would begin after December 23 and continue to the first Monday in January.
August 31, 1897
The following members were present: Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent; J. Owens Berry, Franklin Sherman, and W. S. Smoot of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, Adam Martin, and W. R. Seaman of Falls Church District; Richard W. Gaillard, Thomas H. Haislip, and J. H. Mason of Mount Vernon District; Welby J. French, George W. Gunnell, and Alfred Leigh of Dranesville District; E. H. Jones, W. S. Kincheloe, and James P. Machen of Centreville District; David S. Beach, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt of Lee District; E. Dyer, R. C. Mahoney, and W. I. Robey of Herndon District (Town of Herndon) with Theodore Oliver; J. W. Brown, George W. Hawxhurst, and Joseph S. Riley of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); A. M. Lewis of Vienna District (Town of Vienna); Stephen R. Donohoe, James R. Jones, and Walker P. Moncure of Fairfax District (Town of Fairfax). The minutes of the preceding annual meeting were adopted.
The county superintendent appointed committees to examine the accounts of district clerks as follows:
- Centreville: W. R. Seaman
- Dranesville: J. W. Brown
- Fairfax: Stephen R. Donohoe
- Falls Church: Richard W. Gaillard
- Herndon: Welby J. French
- Jefferson: James P. Machen
- Lee: Adam Martin
- Mount Vernon: E. Dyer
- Providence: James H. Rice
- Vienna: Joseph S. Riley
James R. Jones was appointed a committee to examine the treasurer’s account with the County School Fund. These several accounts were subsequently reported as correct.
Messrs. James P. Machen and Stephen R. Donohoe were appointed a committee to report upon any change they might deem necessary in the textbooks used. The time of the report was subsequently fixed for the next meeting of the County School Board.
It was decided that the school term for 1897-1898 begin on September 27, 1897. It was decided that the Christmas holidays would begin after December 23, 1897, and that schools would reopen on January 3, 1898. George Washington’s birthday and Thanksgiving Day were declared legal holidays.
The county and district levies were asked for as follows: Providence, Mount Vernon, Dranesville, Falls Church, Centreville, and Lee Districts asked that the county and districts levies each be $0.10 on $100.00. Herndon requested $0.25 for its district levy. Jefferson requested $0.30 for its district levy. Vienna requested $0.35 for its district levy. Fairfax requested $0.10 for the county and $0.10 for the district levy.
The committee to examine the treasurer’s accounts with the school funds reported them as being correct with the exception of the district funds which they hadn’t time to examine. Stephen R. Donohoe was appointed a committee of one to examine the treasurer’s accounts with the several districts and directed to notify the clerks of the several districts the result of his examination. On motion of Stephen R. Donohoe, it was resolved that the council of the Vienna Corporation (Vienna Town Council) be requested to report each year the receipts and expenses on the District School Fund account.
- After the Town of Vienna incorporated in 1890, it formed a separate school district. The two public schools in the town had previously been part of the Providence School District. One of the primary reasons for incorporation was the improvement of the public schools in Vienna.
August 29, 1898
The following members were present: Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent; J. Owens Berry, Franklin Sherman, and W. S. Smoot of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, Adam Martin, and W. R. Seaman of Falls Church District; Richard W. Gaillard, Thomas H. Haislip, and John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon District; Welby J. French and Alfred Leigh of Dranesville District; E. H. Jones, W. S. Kincheloe, and James P. Machen of Centreville District; David S. Beach, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt of Lee District; E. Dyer, Theodore Oliver, and W. I. Robey of Herndon District (Town of Herndon); J. W. Brown, George W. Hawxhurst, and Joseph S. Riley of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); Stephen R. Donohoe, James R. Jones, and Walker P. Moncure of Fairfax District (Town of Fairfax); Town of Vienna Absent. The minutes of the proceeding annual meeting were adopted.
The county superintendent appointed the following committees to examine the accounts of the several district clerks with district funds:
- Centreville: Theodore Oliver
- Dranesville: Richard W. Gaillard
- Fairfax: W. R. Seaman
- Falls Church: Welby J. French
- Herndon: J. W. Brown
- Jefferson: Walker P. Moncure
- Lee: E. Dyer
- Mount Vernon: James P. Machen
- Providence: Joseph S. Riley
Report of Messrs. Donohoe and Machen, Fairfax, Virginia, August 29, 1898
To the County School Board of Fairfax County: Your committee respectfully report that since its appointment the question as to the selection of textbooks for the public schools of the county has assumed a much wider scope in consequence of recent legislation and action upon the part of the State Board of Education than was at first contemplated. For this reason, your committee would suggest that a committee of six (to be appointed by the county chairman and of which he shall be a member and ex officio chairman) examine the books adopted by the State Board and select from the list the books to be used in the public schools of the county and to secure the same upon the most advantageous terms possible. Signed, Stephen R. Donohoe and James P. Machen
Upon motion, the county superintendent appointed the following committee to select school books for the county from the State Board of Education’s school books list: James P. Machen, Stephen R. Donohoe, Richard W. Gaillard, John P. H. Mason, J. Owens Berry, and Walker P. Moncure. The motion was carried that in the event of a vacancy in the committee on textbooks the county superintendent be authorized to fill the vacancy.
Upon motion of George W. Hawxhurst, it was decided that an appropriation of $10.00 (or as much of it as may be necessary) be made to publish a pamphlet relating to school funds and matters of interest concerning our county schools.
The following resolution, offered by Mr. Adam Martin was carried: “We the trustees of the public schools of Fairfax County, Virginia, believe it to be to the interest of our schools that the teachers shall be elected for the coming session on or before that first Monday of June of each year.”
It was decided to begin the school term on October 3, 1898. It was decided that schools close for the Christmas holidays from December 23, 1898, and begin again on January 2, 1899. Mr. Franklin Sherman moved that there be no legal holidays, which motion Mr. Machen moved be laid on the table. Vote to lay upon the table 12 against 5. Mr. James P. Machen then moved that the same days as last year be declared legal holidays, which motion was carried.
On motion of Captain Franklin Sherman, it was decided that the warrants unsigned by the chairmen of the district boards be read as valid in the present settlement but not hereafter.
The county superintendent reported from the committee which had in its charge the suit of the County School Board versus Chichester’s sureties that a compromise had been agreed upon. The motion was carried to continue this committee to distribute the compromise funds.
On motion of Mr. Sherman, it was decided that the Vienna School Board be urged to make annual reports to the County School Board of the receipts and expenses of the District Fund.
On motion of Stephen R. Donohoe, it was decided to pay the committee to examine treasurer’s accounts $2.50 per day; the committee members to pay their own expenses and not to exceed two days in the prosecution of their work. On motion of Mr. French, the chair appointed Messrs. Sherman, Berry, and Gunnell to examine the treasurer’s account for the year 1898-1899. Committees were appointed by the chair to examine the accounts of the district school clerks with the treasurer.
Warrants on the general County School Fund were paid as follows:
- Milton D. Hall for stationery, printing, postage, and old bills.
- J. Owens Berry for salary on October 3, 1898 - $2.00
August 31, 1899
Minutes of a meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County, with the county superintendent in the chair. The following members were present: Providence: J. Owens Berry and Franklin Sherman (W. S. Smoot absent); Falls Church: Robert W. Birch and Adam Martin (W. R. Seaman absent); Mount Vernon: Richard W. Gaillard and John P. H. Mason (Thomas H. Haislip absent); Dranesville: George W. Gunnell and Welby J. French; Centreville: E. H. Jones, W. S. Kincheloe, and James P. Machen; Lee: Nathan C. Davis and Robert G. Nevitt (James H. Rice absent); Herndon: W. I. Robey; Absent: E. Dyer and C. E. Reed; Jefferson: J. W. Brown and George W. Hawxhurst (Joseph S. Riley absent); Fairfax: Walker P. Moncure; Absent: Stephen R. Donohoe and James R. Jones; Vienna: None Stated (R. W. Cox absent) The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and there being no objection were ordered adopted by the chair.
The committee to examine the treasurer's accounts reported. On motion of George W. Hawxhurst, Messrs. Milton D. Hall, Franklin Sherman, and J. Owens Berry were appointed a committee to continue the examination of the treasurer’s account and to receive $2.00 per diem and expenses.
School Calendar
- On motion of Mr. Adam Martin, it was decided to open the schools for the ensuing term on the first Monday in October – October 2, 1899.
- It was decided that for the Christmas holidays the schools would close on December 22, 1899, and reopen on January 2, 1900.
- George W. Hawxhurst motioned that Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1900, be legal holidays. A vote was taken resulting as follows: Those voting in the affirmative were Mason, Gaillard, Gunnell, Machen, Nevitt, Robey, Brown, and Hawxhurst (8). Those voting in the negative were Sherman, Birch, Martin, French, Kincheloe, Davis, Moncure, and Jones (8). There being a tie, the chair (Superintendent Hall) decided in the affirmative.
The meeting adjourned to 2:00 P.M.
Statement showing the amounts each school district is entitled to in proportion to the amount sued for of the $1,500.00 less all expenses realized in suits of the County School Board against the personal representative and sureties of John H. Chichester, former treasurer of Fairfax County.
Amounts sued for:
Account | Suits B-1, B-2 | Suits A-1, A-2, E-1 | Suits D-1, D-2, D-3 | Suits C-1, C-2 | Totals |
Providence | $9.21 | $115.43 | $359.34 | $10.00 | $493.98 |
Falls Church | $280.85 | $66.76 | $926.96 | $41.39 | $1,315.96 |
Mount Vernon | $193.10 | $70.87 | $156.25 | $0.25 | $420.47 |
Dranesville | $102.73 | $11.01 | $250.51 | $0.00 | $364.25 |
Centreville | $45.64 | $70.36 | $237.52 | $7.75 | $361.27 |
Lee | $40.32 | $23.90 | $158.74 | $0.11 | $223.07 |
Herndon | $2.05 | $9.13 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $11.18 |
General County School | $1,175.37 | $612.47 | $555.86 | $0.00 | $2,343.70 |
Grand Totals | $1,849.27 | $979.93 | $2,645.18 | $59.50 | $5,533.88 |
Total expenses $786.10. And $1,500.00 less $786.10 leaves the net amount of $713.90. This $713.90 distributed among the several school districts and the general County School Fund in proportion to the amount each sued for will give the following amounts to each:
- Providence: $63.72
- Falls Church: $169.76
- Mount Vernon: $54.24
- Dranesville: $46.99
- Centreville: $46.60
- Lee: $28.78
- Herndon: $1.44
- General County School Fund: $302.37
On motion of Captain Sherman, the county superintendent appointed George W. Hawxhurst, Franklin Sherman, Milton D. Hall, and J. Owens Berry to spend as much of ten dollars as is necessary to print the accounts of the district secretaries with the district school funds and to print such other matters as may be deemed advisable:
Report of the Committees on District Funds
Jefferson District with George W. Hawxhurst, Clerk
Jefferson (Town of Falls Church) has a balance in the District Fund of $233.28 and a balance in the County Fund of $78.90. Signed, Welby J. French
Lee District with Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
Lee has a balance in the District Fund of $298.42 and in the County Fund of $362.95. Signed, James P. Machen
Lee District Receipts:
- District Fund: $1,454.02
- Grandstaff Fund: $937.84
- Arrearage Fund: $237.51
- County Fund: $865.86
Lee District Disbursements:
- District Fund: $1,155.60
- Grandstaff Fund: $937.84
- Arrearage Fund: $237.51
- County Fund: $502.91
Centreville District with W. S. Kincheloe, Clerk
Centreville has a balance in the County School Fund of $185.21 and in the District School Fund of $337.37. Signed, W. A. Davis
Providence District with J. Owens Berry, Clerk
Providence has a balance in the District Fund of $454.68 and in the Clerk’s Book of $420.83. Signed, J. W. Brown
Falls Church District
Committee report by Franklin Sherman
Mount Vernon District
Mount Vernon has a balance in the County Fund of $3.55 and in the District Fund of $2,016.28. Signed, Milton D. Hall
County and District Levies for the Year 1899-1900
Requests for assessment per $100.00 of real and personal property.
District / Town | District Levy Amount | County Levy Amount |
Providence | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Falls Church | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Mount Vernon | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Dranesville | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Centreville | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Lee | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Herndon | $0.30 | $0.20 |
Jefferson | $0.30 | $0.40 |
Fairfax | $0.10 | Not Stated |
Vienna | $0.35 | $0.10 |