Providence District: School Board Minutes
Meeting Minutes of the School Trustees of Providence District
The minute records of the Providence District School Board — originally held in a bound volume — are found today on 43 loose papers. Intermixed within these papers are assorted letters, memorandums, lists of teachers, and newspaper clippings.
The handwritten and typewritten minutes and assorted documents were transcribed by students in the Applied History program at West Springfield High School. The students created a line-by-line transcription to preserve the integrity and style of the original writing. Photographs of the original record pages are available for download below in PDF format.
The minutes of the Providence District School Board cover the period of September 1915 to August 1922, however there are significant gaps. In the minutes, you will find lists of teachers and their salaries, matters related to school construction, and correspondence regarding the absorption of the public schools of the Town of Vienna into the Providence District.
A Note on Language
The history of Fairfax County Public Schools from 1870 to 1922 includes racially-charged language that is archaic and often problematic by modern standards. The terms “Colored” and “Negro” are commonly used to describe students and schools. The terminology used in the primary documents has been retained.
September 18, 1915
The Providence District School Board met at the residence of Franklin Williams, Jr. Dallas Berry was elected chairman and Douglass S. Mackall clerk. The clerk-elect is to assume office on January 1, 1916.
The teachers were assigned for the session 1915-16 as per schedule A, which is made a part of these minutes. Wood (firewood) contracts were awarded as follows:
Contractor | School | Amount |
Thomas S. Carper | Carper | $25.00 |
Thomas S. Carper | Lewinsville | $25.00 |
Thomas S. Carper | Langley | $33.33 |
Thomas S. Carper | Chesterbrook (white and Colored) | $33.33 |
Faust Day | Freedom Hill | $28.00 |
Faust Day | Andrew Chapel (each school) | $28.00 |
B. F. Clark | Clarke | $20.00 |
R. J. Miller | Odricks | $24.75 |
R. J. Miller | Brooklyn View | $16.87 |
R. J. Miller | Jermantown | $15.00 |
R. J. Miller | Hatmark | $18.20 |
R. J. Miller | Merrifield (white) | $28.00 |
Douglass S. Mackall was authorized to purchase a season’s supply of coal for the McLean school. Franklin Williams, Jr. was authorized to purchase a supply for Oakton and Robey (Idylwood) schools.
Franklin Williams, Jr. was directed to purchase from the Virginia School Supply Company enough single steel desks to reseat the Carper School. The old desks at Carper to be distributed between Odricks and Chesterbrook Colored.
After considerable discussion as to ways and means of promoting school interest in the Providence District, the board adjourned subject to the call of its chairman. Signed, Franklin Williams, Clerk
April 10, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall were present.
On motion, resolved that a warrant be drawn on the District funds to the National Bank of Fairfax for $450.00 on account of the principal of a $1,750.00 note of the School Board held by it; $35.00 to pay the interest on said note to April 16, 1916.
The warrants drawn on the school funds since January 1, 1916, were fully considered, as also the general condition of the school funds.
The appointment of Miss Alda Richardson as a third teacher at McLean, at a salary of $40.00 per month, was ratified and confirmed. The appointment of Miss S. Helen Walcott in the place of Miss Richardson, resigned, was likewise confirmed. The appointment of Miss Bernice Carper in the place of Miss Seoane at Merrifield (white), resigned, at a salary of $40.00 per month was likewise ratified and confirmed.
The question as to whether or not it was advisable for the district to carry insurance on the school buildings was considered.
The question as to whether it would be expedient to close the one room schools at Langley and Lewinsville and transport the children to McLean was considered. It was decided to hold a public hearing at each of these places before coming to any final conclusions in that matter.
For what purposes the use of the school buildings might properly be allowed was considered, also whether or not the use of tobacco in the public school buildings should be prohibited.
The appointment of teachers, etc., for the coming year, employment of janitors, fuel contracts, finances, etc., were all fully discussed, and action on the several matters was deferred to future meetings of the board.
The payment of all warrants heretofore drawn since January 1, 1916, were ratified and confirmed. Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
May 23, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at the office of Douglass S. Mackall. Dallas Berry, Chairman, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall, Clerk, were present.
Mr. Berry reported that after notice public meetings were held at the Langley and Lewinsville schools, respectively, for the purpose of obtaining the sentiment of the patrons touching on the suggestion to close the one room schools at these two places, and transport the pupils to McLean during the coming school year; that with few exceptions, the sentiment, after a full discussion of the matter with those present at such meetings, appeared to be decidedly in favor of the proposition. Thereupon, on motion, it was unanimously resolved, that this board is in favor of closing the one room schools aforesaid, and transporting the children to McLean, provided the same can be done at a reasonable cost, and within the funds at the disposal of the board for such purpose, and that the clerk of the board ascertain and report as soon as possible what the probable cost would be.
Resolved, that the clerk write to the commonwealth’s attorney for his opinion as to the character of the title to the school properties at Langley and Lewinsville.
Resolved, that during the period of vacation all school properties be, and they hereby are, placed under the care of the civic leagues of the several schools, subject at all times however to the control of this board.
The appointment of teachers for the school year of 1916-1917 was fully considered and resulted in the appointments designated in the schedule headed “SCHEDULE of TEACHERS - 1916-1917.” (Said schedule was not found in the minutes).
After general discussion of a number of subjects relating to the several schools in the district, the meeting, on motion, adjourned.
Undated 1916 (Newspaper Clipping)
The following report was printed in a local newspaper in 1916. A clipping of the article was found attached in the Providence District minutes. It may be the report that was printed in the Fairfax Herald on October 20, 1916, on page two.
Receipts and Disbursements of School Funds for Providence School District
for the school year ending June 30, 1916, in manner and form, as required by Act of the General Assembly approved March 22, 1916:
- Total balances from preceding years: $1,235.10
- Amount received from State funds: $5,713.48
- Amount received from County school levy: $2,704.50
- Amount received from District school levy: $3,698.14
Amount received from all other sources:
- Penalty: $128.80
- Loans: $659.39
- Delinquent tax previous years: $150.25
Total receipts and balances: $14,289.66
- Amount paid school trustees: $39.00
- Amount paid County Treasurer: $343.57
- Amount paid 22 teachers: $7,626.00
Amount spent for other incidental expenses:
- Repairs on school buildings: $133.05
- Furniture: $218.70
- Fuel: $792.60
- Debts former years: $2,425.95
- Transportation of pupils: $113.70
- Insurance: $126.60
- Pay of Janitors: $259.50
- Taking school census: $64.00
- School Fair: $62.21
- Disinfectants: $62.80
- Boys’ Corn Club: $7.50
- Textbooks for children: $2.16
- Other incidentals: $86.03
Total balances on hand: $1,926.29
Total disbursements and balances: $14,289.66
July 15, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at the office of Douglass S. Mackall. Dallas Berry, Chairman, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall, Clerk, were present.
Further consideration of the appointment of teachers for the coming year was had. The application of Miss Virginia Walker for an increase in salary from $40.00 to $45.00 was carefully considered and the clerk was instructed to inform Miss Walker that the board was in favor of granting such an increase provided the funds under the control of the board would permit them to do so.
The protest of Miss Nannie B. Jones against the reduction of her salary from $45.00 to $40.00 per month was also considered with the result that the clerk was instructed to inform Miss Jones that it could not pay her more than $40.00 per month.
Miss Issa Winsboro, of Front Royal, Virginia, was appointed teacher at the Merrifield School (white) at a salary of $40.00 per month.
The question as to the salary of Miss Millan was thereupon considered, and the clerk was instructed to inform her that if her salary during the past year was $45.00, the same salary would be paid her during the coming year.
Miss Elizabeth Haight was appointed teacher at the Freedom Hill School at a salary of $40.00 per month.
The appointment of teachers at Langley and Lewinsville was suspended pending further negotiations touching on the transportation of the children from these schools to McLean.
The account of the District School Fund was examined and the general financial condition considered so far as they could be in view of the unsettled condition of the county treasurer's accounts. Mr. Herbert Williams was authorized and directed to provide fuel for the Oakton School and Mr. Mackall for the McLean School. Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
August 5, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at McLean, Virginia, on Saturday, August 5, 1916. Dallas Berry, Chairman, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall, Clerk, were present.
This was a special meeting was held for the purpose of considering the bids received for the transportation of children from Langley and Lewinsville to McLean. After full consideration, the clerk was instructed to enter into a contract with Mr. Basil O. Gantt for transportation of the children as aforesaid for the sum of $55.00 per month. Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
August 30, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at the office of Douglass S. Mackall, Metropolitan Bank Building, Washington, D.C., with Herbert F. Williams and Douglass S. Mackall present.
Superintendent Milton D. Hall, and Mr. George E. King and Mr. Sanderson of the Town of Vienna School Board were also present. Mr. King stated that the Vienna Board was anxious to make some arrangement with the Providence District Board with respect to the Colored children who lived in Providence District but attended school in Vienna; that it would require two teachers to take care of the children from Providence and those in the corporate limits, etc.
After lengthy discussion of the subject, it was Resolved, that the Providence District School Board pledge to the Vienna School Board the sum of $35.00 per month during the school year of 1916-1917 with which to pay an additional teacher for Colored children, with the understanding that a second teacher for Colored children and proper building for teaching should be provided by Vienna, and that the Colored children from Providence District should be permitted to attend the schools so established free of expense. It is further understood that during this arrangement Vienna shall be entitled to all apportionments made as a result of the enrollment and the attendance in said Colored schools, so as aforesaid established and maintained; that the acceptance of this proposition by the Vienna Board shall constitute a contract between the two Boards.
On motion, Miss Agnes Terrett was appointed fourth assistant teacher at McLean at a salary of $40.00 per month.
Superintendent Hall went very carefully into the condition of the State, County, and District funds with the board, checking all warrants issued by the board, etc. Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
September 14, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at Fairfax County Court House on Thursday, September the 14th, 1916, with Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall present.
The trustees attended the meeting of the County School Board and participated in the general discussion of school matters and adjourned to meet at the office of Douglass S. Mackall on Saturday the 16th day of September, 1916, for the purpose of entering into contracts with teachers and such other business as might come before the board. Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
September 16, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at the office of Douglass S. Mackall. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall were present.
The board entered into contracts with all the teachers appointed by the School Board as per list on page 198 with the exception of those not present.
The board decided to meet at the fair grounds at Fairfax, on Friday, the 22nd day of September, for the purpose of considering the sanitary conditions of the various schools and other important matters. Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
September 22, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at the Fairfax County Fair Grounds. Dallas Berry, President, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall were present.
It appearing to the board that another teacher was necessary at the McLean High School (Franklin Sherman), the clerk was authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Mrs. Grace H. Clark at a salary of $40.00 per month as assistant teacher at McLean; and he was further authorized to purchase such additional furniture as might be necessary to furnish the fifth room in the school building at McLean and supplement the seating capacity in the other rooms.
Mr. Dallas Berry was authorized to take such steps as he deemed necessary to comply with the regulations touching on the sanitary conditions of the schools throughout the district.
Mr. Basil O. Gantt’s communication to the board stated that the great increase in the number of children to be transported from Langley to McLean made it impossible for him to convey them all in one trip. Gantt stated that he would be willing to make the second trip at an additional charge of $10.00 making his total compensation per month $65.00. The clerk was authorized and directed to enter into an amended contract with Mr. Gantt increasing his compensation to the sum of $65.00 per month for transporting the children from Langley and Lewinsville to McLean.
Proposals for furnishing wood to the several schools in Providence District for the school session of 1916-1917 were thereupon considered and the clerk was authorized to enter into contracts as per list submitted; to be found on page 197 of this minute book (list not found). Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
December 19, 1916
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at the office of Douglass S. Mackall, on Tuesday, December 19, 1916 at 11:00 o’clock A. M. Dallas Berry and Douglass S. Mackall were present. The clerk read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved.
All of the warrants issued since July 1, 1916, and accounts covered by such warrants were checked up and were approved.
A bill rendered by the Virginia School Supply Company for desks purchased for Franklin Sherman High School at McLean, for $155.25, was examined and ordered paid.
Mr. Mackall reported that he had attended the Patrons Day exercises at the Chesterbrook School and that the building needed painting badly.
Ordered, that the clerk issue a warrant to Dallas Berry for $22.00 in payment of his expenses, etc. as a member of this board for year ending June 30, 1916. Ordered, that a warrant be issued to Douglass S. Mackall for $39.00 in payment of his services and expenses as clerk for the year ending June 30, 1916.
Ordered, that a warrant be issued to Mutual Fire Insurance Company for $90.60, premium on fire insurance on school properties; and that a warrant be issued for $442.00 to the treasurer of Fairfax County, with which to pay on account of debt to Library Fund (possibly a typo for the State Literary Fund).
Ordered, that the salary of the Colored school teacher at Vienna be paid at rate of $35.00 per month in pursuance of agreement with said board.
Mr. Mackall reported that he had conferred with Mr. Ford touching on the title to the school property at Lewinsville; that the deed to this property, dated September 18, 1893, and recorded in Liber P, Number 5, page 335, contained the provision following, to wit:
- The provision in the deed referred to above, which was not found in the minutes, was a reversion clause that stated: “And it is further provided, that in case that the said lot of land herein ascribed shall cease to be used as a Public School for a period of five years in succession, then it shall revert back to the parties of the first part (Thomas J. Hodgen and his wife Mary M. Hodgen), their heirs or assigns.” To clear the title to the property, the Providence District School Board paid $300.00 to the Hodgens’ heirs and a quitclaim deed was recorded on September 24, 1919, in Fairfax County Deed Book N-8, pages 361-2. However, another heir, a minor, was later found to have interest in the property, which resulted in a suit in chancery court (see letter of Thomas R. Keith below, dated September 16, 1919, and Fairfax County Deed Book J-9:362).
Undated, 1917 (January to April)
Minutes of a meeting of the board held at McLean, Virginia, on Friday (Blank), 1917. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall were present. The board spent the day in attendance on the sessions of the teachers meeting.
Messrs. Williams and Mackall reported that they had attended the meeting of the committee of the County School Board held at Fairfax Court House which has under consideration the apportionment of the County School Fund; a copy of the plan of apportionment being inserted on the front page of this minute book (not found), and that on the same day they had both visited the Oakton School. On motion, adjourned.
April 19, 1917
Minutes of a meeting of the board held at the office of Douglass S. Mackall on Thursday, April 19, 1917.
All of the members of the board attended the meeting of the County School Board held at Fairfax, on Friday, April 13, 1917, when the question of the apportionment of the County Fund and other important matters were considered.
Upon motion it was resolved: That the communication of April 13, 1917, from Messrs. M. J. Gartland, H. A. Storm and Arthur Taylor, touching on the erection of a belfry on the Franklin Sherman High School at McLean, Virginia, at a proposed cost of $175.00, more or less, be acknowledged; and that the thanks and congratulations of the Providence District School Board be extended to these gentlemen for their efforts, resulting in so handsome and substantial an improvement as that proposed, and likewise our appreciation of the long and faithful work given to this object by these gentlemen, an appreciation in which we believe the entire neighborhood will concur. Resolved further, that permission is hereby granted to them to make said improvements, and that this resolution be inserted in the minutes of the Board and that a true copy be sent to them. On motion, adjourned.
May 5, 1917
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at McLean, on Saturday, May 5, 1917. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall were present. The members of the board attended the sessions of the teachers meeting held on that day.
Mr. Williams was authorized to secure coal for the next session at the Oakton School, and Mr. Mackall to secure coal for the McLean School.
On motion, it was decided to invite the civic leagues to cooperate with the School Board in the selection of teachers for the coming session. On motion, adjourned.
May 16, 1917
Minutes of a meeting of the School Board held at McLean, Virginia. All of the members of the Board were present, and participated in the final exercises of the McLean High School.
On motion, it was decided to hold a meeting of the board at McLean, on Wednesday, May 23rd, at 7:30 P. M. for the purpose of considering the applications of teachers for the high schools of the district. The civic leagues were invited to be present. On motion, adjourned.
May 23, 1917
Minutes of a meeting of the board held at McLean High School on May 23, 1917, at 7:30 P. M., with Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall present.
Miss Troughton appeared before the board and gave a detailed account of the present school situation at McLean High School and the needs and necessities for the coming session. Among other things, she called attention to the fact that the heating plant needed a thorough inspection; that it might be desirable to have the back porch enclosed in order to prevent the cold winds from affecting the proper heating of the building; that it was difficult to secure a proper janitor; that the present janitor would probably decline reappointment; that efforts should be made to secure the services of a music teacher, etc.; all of which matters were taken under consideration by the board.
Mr. Hawxhurst and Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Oakton appeared before the board and stated that there was no objection to the reappointment of any of the teachers at that place; that they thought the services were satisfactory, etc.
Mr. Benjamin C. Kadel, Mr. A. C. Busick, and Mrs. Isabel Sewall Hunter appeared before the board in behalf of the Civil League at McLean, and stated that careful consideration had been given to the question of the principal at McLean and that it had been decided that unless the board could afford to employ an able male principal at a sufficient salary to secure a first rate man, they had decided that it was better not to attempt to make any change with respect to the principal of said school. They felt, however, that Mrs. Clark was not qualified for the position of teacher held by her in said school and that it would be, in their judgment, to the best interests of the school to appoint someone else in her place. On motion, the meeting adjourned.
June 14, 1917
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at the office of Douglass S. Mackall in the Metropolitan Bank Building, Washington, D. C., on the 14th day of June 1917, at one o'clock P. M., with Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall present. The minutes of former meetings of the board were read and approved.
- In the following section of the minutes related to the applications of teachers, the typewritten page was heavily overwritten with penciled-in notes by the clerk. Many of these notes have since faded and are illegible. Some of the notes show whether or not an applicant had accepted or declined appointment to a school, or whether or not the salary offered to him or her had been found acceptable by either the board or the teacher.
Applications of teachers for the session of 1917-1918 were thereupon considered.
- Miss Charlotte L. Troughton was reappointed principal of Franklin Sherman High School at McLean, at $70.00 per month. Her appointment and salary were both noted as being okay.
- Miss Ola Whitmer was appointed as one of the assistant teachers at Franklin Sherman High School at a salary of $45.00 per month. Her appointment and salary were both noted as being okay.
- Miss Mary A. Traylor was selected as assistant principal of Franklin Sherman High School at a salary of $50.00 per month. Her appointment and salary were both noted as being okay.
- Miss Nannie B. Jones and Miss Elizabeth Marshall were selected as the two remaining teachers at Franklin Sherman High School at a salary of $45.00 per month each, such selections to be submitted to the Civic League of McLean, Virginia. Miss Jones declined appointment to the school.
The following reappointments were thereupon made:
- Miss Snead as principal at Andrew Chapel at $75.00 per month.
- Miss Vivienne Mays to Andrew Chapel at $45.00 per month. Her salary was okay.
- Miss Sallie C. Garber to Carper’s at $50.00 per month. Her salary was okay.
- Miss Inez A. Anderson to Chesterbrook (white) at $45.00 per month. Her name was crossed out and Blanche Haines was penciled in.
- Miss Elizabeth Haight to Freedom Hill at $45.00 per month. Her salary was okay.
- Miss Hilda I. Flohr to Hatmark at $40.00 per month. Her name was crossed out and Lola I. [illegible] was penciled in.
- Mrs. Ethel Hollister to Jermantown at $45.00 per month. Her salary was okay.
- Miss Blanch Haines to Merrifield (white) at $40.00 per month. Haines’ name was crossed out and the name Inez Anderson and $45.00 were penciled in.
- Miss Mary C. Millan to Robey at $45.00 per month. Millan’s name was crossed out and the name Clarice Haines and $40.00 were penciled in.
- Mr. Smith to Brooklyn (View) at $40.00 per month, or in the case of his failure to qualify Miss Clarice Haines. Haines’ name was crossed out.
- Miss Virginia Walker to Oakton at $45.00 per month. She accepted.
- Miss Claudia Miller to Oakton at $45.00 per month. Her salary was okay.
- Miss Huntington to Oakton at $55.00 per month. She declined. The name Dante Dowdy was penciled in.
- Miss Ruth C. Millan or Miss Clarice Haines to Clarke at $40.00 per month. Both names were crossed out.
- F. A. Brent to Odricks Colored at $40.00 per month. Salary was okay.
- P. A. Shirley to Chesterbrook Colored at $35.00 per month.
All appointments are subject to the approval of the superintendent and possession of proper certificates, etc. Miss Rose Curtice was tentatively selected for any vacancy at Andrew Chapel or Oakton. Also, one Colored teacher at Vienna is to be paid at $35.00, for the privilege of allowing Colored children in this district to attend the Vienna School. The consideration of the application of Miss Annie R. Walker as music teacher was postponed until next meeting.
Ordered, that a warrant be issued to Dallas Berry in payment of his expenses etc. as a member of the board for the year ending June 30, 1917 for $30.00; to Herbert F. Williams for same $30.00; to Douglass S. Mackall for same $30.00; to Douglass S. Mackall as clerk of this board, on the basis of $3.00 for each teacher, $66.00.
All warrants on the District Fund for the year beginning July 1, 1916, were checked over and compared with the clerk's book and approved. The question as to the proper basis for the apportionment of the county school funds was again considered but no determination of the matter was reached.
The question of appointing a teacher for young children at the Lewinsville School was considered, but decision was postponed until the next meeting of the board.
Ordered, that transportation of children from Spring Hill and from Chesterbrook to McLean over the trolley be continued next session as to all children in the seventh grade and over.
Ordered, that the clerk have the school building at Chesterbrook painted and the closets (outhouses) moved back. Adjourned.
July 2, 1917 (Letter)
State Board of Education
Department of Public Instruction
R. C. Stearnes, Superintendent of Public Instruction
J. N. Hillman, Secretary, State Board of Education
Mr. Douglass S. Mackall,
408 Metropolitan Bank Building
Washington, D. C.
Dear Sir:
I have the pleasure to inform you that at the last meeting of the State Board of Education the following resolution was adopted:
"Resolved, That Providence District, Fairfax County, on request of the school board and the Division Superintendent be authorized to use out of the surplus county fund an amount not to exceed $600.00 for painting and repairing school buildings at Chesterbrook, Carpers, Jermantown, and Merrifield; and an amount not to exceed $800.00, with which to pay a note at the First National Bank of Fairfax, this being the balance of the money borrowed to build school houses."
Yours very truly,
J. N. Hillman, Secretary
Copy to Superintendent Milton D. Hall, Burke, Virginia
July 10, 1917
Minutes of a meeting of the Providence District School Board held at Fairfax Court House, Virginia. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, Douglass S. Mackall, and Mr. Milton D. Hall, Division Superintendent, were present.
The State, County, and District School Funds for Providence District were checked over with the treasurer's accounts for the year ending June 30, 1917, and a copy of said accounts was ordered inserted at the end of these minutes (No copy found).
The resignation of Mr. W. H. Sanger at Oakton was accepted. The appointment of Miss Mary A. Traylor and Miss Nannie B. Jones at McLean was approved. Miss Clarice Haines was appointed at Clarke. The application of Miss Marshall was rejected. Miss Annie R. Walker was appointed as teacher of music for Oakton and McLean at a salary of $25.00 per month for one visit each week at each school.
The estimate of C. V. Shreve, as per his letter of June 27, 1917, for repairing furnace, boiler, and other repairs and improvements to the heating system at McLean, at a total cost of $165.00, was accepted and the work so ordered.
Ordered, that $500.00 be paid on account of the debt to the National Bank of Fairfax out of the County Funds under the authority of the State Board of Education as per its letter of July 2nd, 1917; and that the balance of said fund of $300.00 and interest of $24.00 to July 14th, be paid out of the District Fund.
Ordered, that Dr. Flanagan be authorized to have the one-room school closets (outhouses) put in sanitary condition. Adjourned.
September 1917 (No Day)
Minutes of a meeting of the board held at McLean, on Monday, September (blank), 1917, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., with Dallas Berry and Douglass S. Mackall present.
The offer of H. A. Storm to transport the children from Lewinsville and Langley to McLean for $90.00 per month, and to render janitor service for the McLean School for $20.00 per month, was accepted.
The clerk was authorized to order the necessary number of desks to meet the increased attendance at McLean. The difficulty of securing teachers was considered, their pay etc. Adjourned.
September 15, 1917
Minutes of a meeting of the board held on Saturday, September 15, 1917, at the office of Douglass S. Mackall. Dallas Berry and Herbert F. Williams were present.
This meeting was called for the purpose of entering into written contracts with the teachers. The following teachers were engaged and contracted with:
School | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
Andrew Chapel | Miss Mary M. Sneed | $75.00 |
Andrew Chapel | Miss Vivienne Mays | $45.00 |
Brooklyn View | C. W. Cole | $40.00 |
Carper | Miss Bernice A. Carper | $40.00 |
Chesterbrook (Colored) | Miss Naomi Coleman | $35.00 |
Chesterbook (white) | Miss Blanche Haines | $40.00 |
Clarke | None Stated | $40.00 |
Freedom Hill | Miss Elizabeth Haight | $45.00 |
Hatmark | Miss Ruth Anderson | $40.00 |
Jermantown | Mrs. Ethel Hollister | $45.00 |
Merrifield (white) | Miss Inez Anderson | $45.00 |
McLean | Miss Charlotte Troughton | $70.00 |
McLean | Miss Mary A. Traylor | $50.00 |
McLean | Miss Ola Whitmer | $45.00 |
McLean | Miss Issa Winsboro | $45.00 |
McLean | Miss Margaret West | $45.00 |
Oakton | Elizabeth Pulliam | $100.00 |
Oakton | Miss Dante Dowdy | $50.00 |
Oakton | Miss Bessie Foley | $45.00 |
Oakton | Miss Fannie Johnson | $40.00 |
Odricks (Colored) | Miss M. A. Plummer | $40.00 |
Robey (Idylwood) | Miss Clarice Haines | $40.00 |
- On the typewritten list of teachers were two notes handwritten in by the clerk. The first stated that Miss Issa Winsboro had resigned as a teacher in the McLean School and Miss May Walters had been appointed in her place. The second stated that Miss Bernice A. Carper had resigned as the teacher of the Carper School and Mrs. C. L. Buckley had been appointed in her place.
Wood (firewood) contracts for the session of 1917-1918 were entered into as follows:
Contractor | Post Office Address | School(s) | Amount |
V. O. Ayers | McLean, Virginia | Chesterbrook (white) | $40.00 |
V. O. Ayers | McLean, Virginia | Chesterbrook (Colored) | $40.00 |
V. O. Ayers | McLean, Virginia | Robey | $40.00 |
V. O. Ayers | McLean, Virginia | Freedom Hill | $30.00 |
V. O. Ayers | McLean, Virginia | Merrifield (white) | $40.00 |
B. F. Clark | Vienna, Virginia | Clarke | $20.00 |
Faust Day | Vienna, Virginia | Andrew Chapel | $6.00 per month |
Thomas Adams | Vienna, Virginia | Brooklyn View, Carper, Hatmark, Jermantown, Odricks | $6.00 per cord |
January 21, 1918
Minutes of a meeting of the members of the Providence District School Board held at the office of Douglass S. Mackall, Metropolitan Bank Building, at 9:00 o'clock A. M., on Monday, January 21, 1918, with Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall present. Superintendent Milton D. Hall was also present by special request of the Board.
On motion, resolved:
- That teachers who had heretofore resigned in violation of their contracts should not be paid.
- That all applications of teachers for increased pay be denied.
On motion, resolved: That a summer school be opened in the public school building at Lewinsville upon the close of the present regular session at McLean.
The warrants drawn on the several school funds were checked over and on motion approved. The application of Oakton for a $40.00 State Library was approved.
The clerk was authorized to draw warrants on the County funds to reimburse the District funds for the following disbursements made out of the latter funds:
- District Warrant 193 for debt due National Bank of Fairfax - $300.00
- District Warrant 231 to Annie R. Walker, Music Teacher - $29.50
The question of Miss Annie R. Walker's salary was considered and action was deferred until further information could be obtained. The board was informed that Miss Browning had left the Clarke School. The superintendent announced that a teachers' meeting would be held at McLean, on Friday, February 1, 1919.
The board considered the movement on the part of citizens of Vienna to abolish the Vienna School District, but took no action in the matter. Adjourned.
February 1, 1918
Minutes of a meeting of the School Board, held at McLean, Virginia. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall were present. The members of the board attended the teachers meeting, there being held, Superintendent Milton D. Hall presiding.
Mr. Williams presented a communication from the clerk of the Town of Vienna, touching on the contemplated annulment of the town's charter, and, in such event, the assumption by this board of the duties and obligations of the affairs of the School Board of Vienna. The said communication is inserted at the foot of these minutes (No such communication was found in the minutes).
On motion, resolved, that the clerk of this board acknowledge receipt of said communication, ask for further details, and report on the subject to the next meeting of the board. Adjourned.
February 25, 1918
At a meeting of the Providence District School Board held this day, the following resolution was adopted:
Whereas, the town of Vienna, Fairfax County, Virginia, has expressed a desire to obtain legislation authorizing it to eliminate itself as a separate school district and transfer its school property and jurisdiction over the public schools to Providence School District;
Resolved, that this board is in favor of legislation authorizing the Town of Vienna to enter into an arrangement with this board for taking over the public schools of Vienna, assuming the indebtedness incident to the same, and thereafter operating said schools as a part of this district, on terms to be mutually agreed upon by said Town of Vienna, and this board and approved by the commonwealth's attorney and the division superintendent for Fairfax County, Virginia.
Whereas - It has been called to the attention of the Council of the Town of Vienna, Fairfax County, Virginia, that the Providence District School Board is holding a school term of about eight months, September to May, and
Whereas - The Vienna School Board provides a term of equal period, and
Whereas - The Providence District School Board has the facilities and, we understand, the desire to improve and consolidate certain schools in their district, and
Whereas - The Vienna School District cannot make such consolidations, and
Whereas - The Vienna School District comprises the territory at the intersection of important railroads and highways of Providence District and is considered a "central point" both in population and geographically, and
Whereas - The Providence District School Board can give the same and better educational facilities to the children throughout all Providence District if the Vienna School District as a separate unit is abolished and combined with it, and
Whereas - The Providence School Board has signified its desire to form such a combination with the Vienna School District, and
Whereas - The Providence School Board has agreed to assume certain outstanding indebtedness as of July 1, 1918, due from the Town of Vienna and the Vienna School Board to the State Literary Fund at Richmond and the Washington Loan and Trust Company of Washington, D.C., and
Whereas - The Council of the Town of Vienna has agreed to transfer to Providence District School Board certain school properties, to wit: Five acres, more or less, with improvements of two school buildings now in use for the white schools and one acre, more or less, with improvements of one building, now in use for the Colored schools, together with all furnishings contained therein as of June 30, 1918;
Now, therefore be it resolved by the Town Council of Vienna, duly assembled in meeting at the Council Room, Vienna, that a bill be drafted setting forth an amendment to the charter of said town providing that the words, "Said territory shall also constitute one of the school districts,” be omitted and repealed from Section 1 of the said charter as approved March 5, 1908;
And, be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution, with draft of bill, be forwarded to the representative in the State Legislature from this district with the request it be given diligent attention, and
Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent the Providence School Board.
Done this 25th day of February, 1918.
Signed: Charles E. Babcock, Councilman and acting mayor; Joseph Berry, Councilman; L. L. Freeman, Councilman; W. D. Dixon, Councilman, A. B. Barringer, Councilman. Attest: John T. McCarthy, Clerk of the Town Council.
April 3, 1918
Minutes of a special meeting of the board held in the McLean School on April 3, 1918, at 7:30 P. M. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall were present.
The chairman stated that the meeting had been called at the request of the McLean Civic League. The Civic League was represented at the meeting by a committee consisting of Messrs. Kadel, Ball, Gorham and Lloyd. Mr. Ball stated that they desired to bring to the attention of the board several matters which they deemed important in connection with the operation of the McLean School and the care and improvement of the school property, namely:
- Engagement of a male principal.
- Better janitor service.
- Improvements in heating, and suggested in this connection covering the furnace and pipes, flooring the attic, etc.
- Improvement of sanitary conditions, cleaning up the school, etc.
All of which matters were discussed, and it was decided that every possible effort would be made by the board to bring about the desired changes and improvements. Mr. Lloyd was authorized to employ a competent person at once to give the school building a thorough cleaning up, etc. The result of the meeting was most satisfactory in that it promises to bring about a more active cooperation between the league and the board in the conduct of the school, and the care of the school property, etc. Adjourned.
June 11, 1918
Minutes of a meeting of the Board held in the school house at Vienna, on Tuesday evening, June 11, 1918. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, Douglass S. Mackall, and Superintendent Milton D. Hall were present.
Considerable time was given to the discussion of the taking over of the school affairs of the Vienna District by this board, Vienna being represented by Messrs. King (George E. King), Lewis, and Dr. (Not Stated). The Vienna Board agreed to furnish this board with a complete statement of its assets and liabilities. It was decided that before this board could act in the matter, it would have to consult the commonwealth's attorney as to its rights and duties as the result of the elimination of the Vienna School District.
On motion, it was resolved that a contract for painting the school at Chesterbrook be given to Harry Clark for the sum of $100.00. The letter of resignation from Miss Troughton as principal at McLean was read and the clerk was directed to make appropriate acknowledgement of the same. On motion, it was resolved that Mrs. Annie R. Walker be retained as music teacher for McLean and Oakton at a salary of $20.00 per month; she to visit each school once a week.
On motion, it was resolved that warrants be drawn to each of the three school trustees for $30.00 each to cover their expenses and attendance at the meetings of the School Board and of the County Board, and that a warrant be drawn in favor of the clerk for $66.00; it being $3.00 per teacher for his services as provided by law.
Inspection of the school property at Vienna was made. Careful consideration was given to the question of the necessary repairs and improvements, and to the advisability of bringing the children thereto from Clarke and Robey by trolley.
Mr. Herbert Williams was authorized to secure coal for Oakton and Vienna, and Mr. Mackall for McLean. On motion, adjourned.
July 29, 1918
Minutes of a meeting of the board held at the Oakton School House on Monday, July 29, 1918, at 8 P. M. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, Douglass S. Mackall, and Superintendent Milton D. Hall were present.
Mr. Berry stated that written protests against the reappointment of Miss Pulliam and Miss Dowdy had been filed with the board. After first giving notice to those protesting the reappointment of these teachers, Berry called this meeting for the purpose of considering the nature of the charges, etc.
There was a considerable number of patrons present, and some of them stated in detail the reasons why these ladies were objectionable. The objections seemed to be rather vague and indefinite. After the public hearing was ended, the board considered the matter. In view of the fact that both of these teachers had written to the board that they would not consider reappointment, it was:
Resolved, that in view of the fact that Miss Pulliam and Miss Dowdy had advised the board that they would not consider reappointments, no further consideration of, or action on said protests should be had.
The board thereupon considered and adopted a schedule of salaries to be paid the teachers in Providence District during the coming session. On motion, adjourned.
July 1919 (No Day)
Minutes of a meeting of the board held at the residence of Mr. Dallas Berry on the evening of July (No Date), 1919. Dallas Berry and Douglass S. Mackall were present.
Mr. Mackall tendered his resignation as a member of the School Board and stated that he would continue until his successor had appointed. Mr. Williams was requested to accept the position as Clerk of the Board. The selection of teachers was thereupon considered. Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
August 2, 1919
Minutes of a meeting of the board held at McLean, Virginia. Dallas Berry, Herbert F. Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall were present. Mr. Williams refused to act as clerk of the board.
The question of the appointment of teachers was thereupon fully considered. The claim of Mr. Baker for the balance of salary due him was considered and referred to Mr. Williams to settle after consultation with Superintendent Milton D. Hall.
Mr. Mackall submitted a statement showing the condition of the County School Fund, a copy of which statement is attached to these minutes (No copy found). Meeting adjourned.
September 16, 1919 (Letter)
Keith, McCandlish, Hall & Garnett, successors to Moore, Keith, McCandlish & Hall, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, R. Walton Moore, Thomas R. Keith, F. Shield McCandlish, M. Carter Hall.
Mr. Douglass S. Mackall,
Metropolitan Bank Building,
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. Mackall:
When I ‘phoned you the other day that I could close the school lot matter at Lewinsville, I did so under a misapprehension. T. J. Hodgen and his two sisters had written me, authorizing me to close out their interests at $100.00 each, and at the time I did not know that Mrs. Ormond H. Butler had left a grandson. My information was that Mrs. Butler was dead, leaving no heirs, and on that basis, I told you I could close with you for $300.00. All that I am authorized to do is to deliver a deed conveying the three interests mentioned for $100.00 each. This would leave outstanding the interest of the grandson of Mrs. Butler, who is I understand about eight years of age.
Very truly yours,
Thomas R. Keith
December 11, 1920
A called meeting of the Providence District Board was held at McLean. The chairman, Mr. Dallas Berry, being absent, Mr. Herbert Williams was elected Chairman Pro Tem.
Bills paid since the former meeting were examined and approved. Current bills were presented and ordered paid as indicated by stubs of warrant book bearing current date.
After discussing conditions, the board adjourned to meet with teachers then in session at McLean.
March 8, 1921
The Providence District School Board met at Vienna, with all members present.
Plans Number I of the State Department of Education were presented by Mr. Adams as suitable for the new building at Vienna. After consideration, said plans were adopted, and the clerk of board was ordered to advertise for bids in the Evening Star and Fairfax Herald.
On motion duly made and carried, the supervisors were asked for a 30-cent increase in the district levy. On motion, the Lewinsville school property was ordered to be sold. On motion, carried, Superintendent Milton D. Hall was endorsed for reappointment. The following bills were presented, and warrants were ordered to be issued to cover same:
Recipient | Item | Warrant Number | Amount |
George Speer | 1.5 cords of wood for Oakton School | District 41 | $12.50 |
I. B. Faidley | Janitor at McLean School | District 42 | $50.00 |
E. H. Curtis | Janitor at Oakton School | District 43 | $60.00 |
George W. Constable | Janitor at Vienna School (white) | District 44 | $25.00 |
W. T. Ralston | Axe handle for Vienna Colored School | District 45 | $0.50 |
I. B. Faidley | Transporting pupils to McLean School | County 11 | $100.00 |
James W. Pobst | Transporting pupils to Oakton School | County 12 | $80.00 |
The advertisement given below was sent to the Fairfax Herald and Evening Star.

Providence School District, Fairfax County, Virginia
Notice to Contractors – Sealed proposals for erecting six-room school building with auditorium at Vienna, Virginia, will be received by the Providence District School Board at the office Messrs. Clark & Adams, Vienna, Virginia, until 12 P. M., on the 15th day of April, 1921, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Specifications and plans may be seen at the office of Messrs. Clark & Adams or will be furnished by Mr. A. L. Adams, Vienna, Virginia, upon application and cash payment of one dollar. All correspondence should be addressed to Mr. A. L. Adams, Vienna, Virginia. No bids will be received unless accompanied by a certified check for $100.00 payable to the Providence District School Board. The successful bidder will be required to give bond and comply with the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia respecting contracts. The Providence District Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of Providence District School Board this 8th day of March 1921. Herbert F. Williams, Chairman. W. G. Edmondson, Clerk.
May 3, 1921
A regular monthly meeting of the Providence District Board was held at Vienna, with all members and Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall present.
Plans for a new building at Vienna were discussed with Architect Mitchell of Washington. It was agreed that it was feasible to use the foundation of the old building. On motion, plans of a one-story building furnished by the state department of public instruction were adopted for use. For lack of funds, no definite steps were taken to begin the work.
Bills were presented, approved, and warrants were ordered issued to cover same as follows:
Recipient | Item | Warrant Number | Amount |
A. Thomson | Duplicate of Number 24 | District 56 | $36.00 |
I. B. Faidley | Janitor | District 57 | $50.00 |
George W. Constable | Janitor | District 58 | $25.00 |
E. H. Curtis | Janitor | District 59 | $162.00 |
I. B. Faidley | Transporting Pupils | County 15 | $100.00 |
Signed, W. G. Edmondson, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams, Chair
- The school board meeting minutes of May 3, 1921, include the text of the “Notice to Contractors” referenced above, after which the clerk added: “Bids received and estimates given on building advertised approximated $35,000.00. Lack of available funds rendered it impossible to further consider the erection of this building.”
June 20, 1921
A called meeting of the Providence District School Board was held at Vienna, with all members present. The purpose of meeting was the payment of outstanding bills and closing the accounts of the scholastic year ending June 30th. The following bills were presented and warrants were ordered to be issued to cover same:
Recipient | Item | Warrant Number | Amount |
I. B. Faidley | Janitor at McLean School | 71 | $35.00 |
Nettie Jones | Wood for Providence Heights School | 72 | $30.00 |
Storm Brothers | Supplies | 73 | $13.70 |
J. M. Newlon | 1 Broom | 74 | $0.65 |
Herbert F. Williams | Expenses as Trustee | 75 | $30.00 |
W. G. Edmondson | Expenses as Trustee | 76 | $30.00 |
Alfred L. Adams | Expenses as Trustee | 77 | $15.00 |
W. G. Edmondson | Services as Clerk | 78 | $96.00 |
E. F. Curtis | Janitor at Oakton School | 79 | $26.00 |
George Speer | Wood for Oakton School | 80 | $13.50 |
W. U. Thompson | Wood for Vienna Colored School | 81 | $30.00 |
E. M. Dunn | Supplies for Merrifield School (white) | 82 | $30.05 |
E. L. Myers | Wood - Duplicate of Number 70 | 83 | $28.00 |
George W. Constable | Janitor at Vienna School and Repairs | 84 | $38.50 |
It was moved and carried that the Town of Vienna be requested to settle with Providence District School Board.
June 24, 1921 (Letter)
Mr. William C. Gloth
Rosslyn, Virginia
My dear Sir:
I have your favor relative to claim against our board in favor of the Town of Vienna and note that you will file suit for the same. Some of the officials of Vienna contend that this claim was incurred by our board when the town was merged into Providence District by act of legislature. This matter, however, is not clear to our board and we seriously doubt the legality of the claim. Our board will be glad to avoid unnecessary expense and hope that our duty in the matter can be made clear without a suit.
Yours very truly,
Clerk of Board
July 5, 1921
The Providence District Board held its regular monthly meeting at Vienna, on July 5, 1921, at 3:00 P.M., with all members present. The minutes of the former meeting were read and approved.
Notice was taken of the lawsuit instituted by the Town of Vienna against the board for $2,000.00 damages and correspondence pertaining thereto was read. Regret was expressed by the board at this action of the town in view of the fact that the town is asking the board for a school building that will cost many thousand. On motion, Mr. Williams was authorized to consult an attorney and take steps to defend the board.
On motion duly made and carried, the proceeds of the sale of the Lewinsville school building and grounds is donated to the McLean School to be used in providing additional room for that school.
On motion duly made and carried, the board agrees to make application for a loan from the State Literary Fund to the amount of two thirds the value of an addition to the McLean building to cost not over $20,000.00.
The following bills were presented and approved:
- J. E. Stalcup for small supplies at Chesterbrook: $11.39
- Eula Thomas, Trustee, for rent of the Baptist Church at Chesterbrook during the school session of 1920-21: $15.00
On motion, the board adjourned to meet on the third Tuesday in July at Vienna, at 3:00 P.M. Signed, W. G. Edmondson, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams, Chair
July 19, 1921
The providence District School Board held meeting at Vienna, on July 19, at 3:00 P.M. All members and Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall were present. The purpose of the meeting was the consideration of the suit brought by the Town of Vienna against the board. The minutes of the former meeting were read and approved.
The committee from the Citizens Association of Vienna was received. The committee inquired fully into the progress of the board in erecting a new building at Vienna. They were informed as to the attitude and action of the board in this matter. After full discussion, the following resolution was offered and carried:
Resolved, That the Providence District Board request the town of Vienna to withdraw pending suit for $2,000, and the said board pledges itself not at any time to plead the statute of limitation against this claim. That the board does not feel justified in proceeding with its extensive program of building so long as this is pending. Be it further resolved, that the board request assurance from the town council that this claim will not be pressed against the board in case a suitable building is provided by said board at Vienna.
A copy of these resolutions is ordered sent to the Mayor of Vienna and a prompt reply requested.
August 5, 1921
The Providence District Board met in regular monthly meeting at Vienna, with all members present. The minutes of the former meeting were read and approved.
A representative of the Alexandria Lumber Company was present and submitted plans and prices of temporary buildings. On motion duly made and carried, an order was placed with said representative for a two-room building for Vienna to cost F.O.B. factory: $2,032.00
Adjourned. Signed, W. G. Edmondson, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams, Chair
August 11, 1921
A called meeting of the district board was held at Maplewood, McLean, Virginia, on Thursday, August 11, 1921. All members were present.
The purpose of the meeting was to consider estimates prepared by contractor Ball of Washington, on proposed new buildings for Vienna and McLean. The proposed building was the new one-story building prepared by the State Department of Education. The estimate submitted was $35,000.00.
After discussion, the board adjourned without taking any action. Signed, W. G. Edmondson, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams, Chair
September 6, 1921
A regular monthly meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1, of the County of Fairfax, Virginia, a body corporate, was held at Maplewood, McLean, Virginia, in said school district, on September 6, 1921. All of the members of said board, to wit, Herbert F. Williams, Chairman, W. G. Edmondson, Clerk, and Alfred L. Adams, were present. The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, that this board does declare that additional school houses are necessary to provide additional public school facilities for the children of school age in such district, and the school funds of such district are not and will not be sufficient to provide such additional school buildings, and to furnish the same; this board does further declare that additional school buildings are necessary at Vienna, Idylwood, and McLean, and that the school funds of such district will not be sufficient to provide such additional school buildings by $50,000.00, and that it is necessary to raise said sum of $50,000.00 by a bond issue.
On motion duly made and carried, 75 Number 1 desks were ordered for Vienna and Oakton schools at $4.98 per desk. The following bills were approved and warrants issued for same: J. W. Sutton, supplies for Oakton, $3.75. On motion, Mr. Alfred L. Adams was authorized to order two containers of coal for Vienna, Oakton, and McLean schools.
On motion, Mr. Adams was authorized to erect a new building at Vienna, including a coal house and toilets, and to advertise for bids for each. On motion, it was ordered to insure the temporary building at McLean.
September 15, 1921
A called meeting of the district board was held at Vienna, Virginia, with all members and Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall present.
On motion duly made and carried, the following teachers were appointed for session 1921-22 and contracted with in due form: See contract forms (not included in the minutes). On motion, Mrs. Payne was elected to teach music in the Vienna white school at a salary of $10.00 per month.
On motion duly made and carried, a warrant for $400.00 was issued to School and Civic League Inc. of McLean, Virginia, for a loan of said amount paid by said league to H. C. Ball Construction Company in part payment for the erection of a temporary school building at McLean. The said warrant was made payable one year from date.
On motion made and carried, a warrant for $500.00 was issued to the H. C. Ball Construction Company in part payment on the temporary building at McLean. Total cost of said building to be $2,375.00.
On motion duly made and carried, the eight-room, one-story type of building be adopted for both McLean and Vienna; and further, that the two-room build as per plans furnished and approved by the state superintendent be adopted for Idylwood. It is understood that the adoption of this resolution does not commit the board to any apportionment of the proposed bond issue.
September 23, 1921
At a meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1, of the County of Fairfax, Virginia, a body corporate, held at Oakton, in said school district, on September 23rd, 1921, all of the members of said board, to-wit, Herbert F. Williams, Chairman, W. G. Edmondson, Clerk, and Alfred Adams, being present, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted and spread upon the minutes of the proceedings of said board:
Resolved, that the clerk of this board be, and he hereby is, directed forthwith to certify to the Circuit Court of Fairfax County, Virginia, the resolution of this board passed on September 6th, 1921, declaring that additional school houses are necessary in said school district as therein set forth;
Resolved, that the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County be, and he hereby is, requested to forthwith certify to said court the resolution of said Board of Supervisors passed on September 7th, 1921, confirming and approving the statement of facts contained in said resolution of said school board;
Resolved, that the location, plans, specifications and estimated cost of the three school houses proposed to be erected at Vienna, Idylwood, and McLean are as follows:
Location. One of the said three school houses is to be located on the present school lot at Vienna, one on the present school lot at Idylwood, and one on the present school lot at McLean;
Plans and Specifications. The school houses to be located at Vienna and McLean shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared and furnished by the State Board of Education for “Standard 8-Room School Building.” The school house to be located at Idylwood shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared and furnished by the State Board of Education for “Standard School Building… Comm. No. 353” - two classrooms.
Estimated Cost. The estimated cost of the school buildings at Vienna and McLean and furnishing the same is $30,000.00 each. The estimated cost of the school building at Idylwood and furnishing the same is $5,000.00.
Resolved, that the $50,000.00 proposed to be raised by bond issue be, and the same hereby is, apportioned as follows: to the Vienna School building $25,000.00, to the McLean School building $20,000.00, and to the Idylwood School building $5,000.00.
Resolved, that the clerk of this board be, and he hereby is, directed to forthwith certify to the Circuit Court of Fairfax County, Virginia, these resolutions, together with the plans and specifications prepared by the State Board of Education and hereinbefore referred to, and such court is now requested to order a special election to be held in such school district on Tuesday, November 8th, 1921, to pass upon the question whether such bonds shall be issued or not for the amount recommended by this board, to-wit, $50,000.00.
October 5, 1921 (Letter)
Barbour, Keith, McCandlish & Garnett
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
Fairfax Office: National Bank Building, Fairfax, Virginia
Thomas R. Keith and F. Shield McCandlish
Fairfax, Virginia
October 5, 1921
Mr. W. G. Edmondson, Clerk
Providence District School Board
McLean, Virginia
Dear Mr. Edmondson:
I secured from the County Superintendent and State Superintendent proper approvals of the plans, specifications, etc. for the school houses, and on Saturday last the Circuit Court of Fairfax County entered an order calling the election to be held November 8th. The court directed that the notice of the election be given in the Fairfax Herald for at least three weeks and by posting the same at ten points in the district. I have prepared and herewith enclose a notice, which I today delivered to the clerk to the handed the Sheriff for posting. I made out sufficient copies of the notice and made it quite full for the information of voters.
At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors today they passed a resolution, which I prepared, providing for the details of the election. I enclose also a copy of this resolution.
I think that the law has now be complied with in all of its details, and there appears to be nothing further for the school board to do until after the election is held.
I will undertake to see that the results of the election are properly canvassed and certified to the Board of Supervisors, and if the result is favorable, it will then be necessary for your board to have a further meeting to prepare for issuing the bonds. I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Williams with copies of the notice and resolutions referred to. I regret that I have not an extra copy for Mr. Adams, but will ask him to drop in the office and look at my office copies.
Yours very truly,
F. S. McCandlish
Attachment 1 – Board of Supervisors Resolution
Before the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia, at its regular meeting held at the Court House on October 5, 1921.
WHEREAS, the statute in such cases provided and an order entered by the Circuit Court of Fairfax County, Virginia, at its September Term 1921, require this Board to provide necessary details for the conduct of the special election to be held on Tuesday, November 8th, 1921, in Providence School District No. 1, to pass upon the question whether $50,000.00 of bonds shall be issued or not, for the construction of new school buildings in said district at Vienna, McLean and Idylwood; now therefore, be it resolved as follows:
- That the expenses of such special election shall be paid out of the County fund;
- That such election shall be conducted and held in like manner as regular elections, and the laws of the state applying to general elections shall apply to such special election, except as otherwise provided in Chapter 34 of the Virginia Code of 1919, that the judges and clerks of the regular elections in said district shall be the judges and clerks in such special election and receive the same compensation, and that the voting precincts in said district for general elections shall also be the same for such special election;
- That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to furnish appropriate voting lists, poll books and ballot boxes for such special election and the Sheriff of the County is required to deliver the same as provided by law.
- The Clerk is directed to deliver to the Fairfax Herald a copy of the notice of said special election now filed with this Board, to be published therein for at least three weeks next preceding such election, and to deliver to the Sheriff ten copies of such notice to be by him forthwith posted at Fairfax, Oakton, Vienna, McLean, Langley, Lewinsville, Chesterbrook, Lick, Tyson’s Corner and Kenmore.
Attachment 2 – Notice of Special Election
To the Voters of Providence District Number 1 of the County of Fairfax, Virginia:
Pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of Fairfax County, Virginia, entered at the September Term, 1921, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, November 8, 1921, there will be held in such school district a special election, to pass upon the question of whether or not the School Board of such district shall issue $50,000.00 of bonds, the proceeds of which, if issued, to be used as follows:
- $25,000.00 for the construction of a new school building at Vienna
- $20,000.00 for the construction of a new school building at McLean
- $5,000.00 for the construction of a new school building at Idylwood
Which said bonds shall be a lien on all the property in the said school district, and are to be in denominations of $500.00 each, coupon form, and payable twenty years after their date, redeemable at the option of the school board of said district at such time after their date as may be specified in the bonds, and such bonds are to bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall not be sold for less than their par value.
Whether such bonds are to be issued or not is to be determined by a vote of a majority of the qualified voters of such school district. Only those registered voters of said school district who were qualified by law to vote in the presidential election of 1920, are qualified to vote in said special election.
The law provides in event said bonds are issued, that from the school levies of said school district there shall be paid, as it matures, the interest on said bonds, and that there shall be set aside annually, as a sinking fund, such a sum as will provide for the payment of the principal of said bonds issued, when it matures.
November 4, 1921
The Providence District Board met at Vienna, on November 4th, at 3:00 P.M., with all members present. The minutes of the former meeting were read and approved.
Warrants issued since the last meeting were examined and approved.
The following were approved and warrants ordered issued for same (no attachment found).
Application for another teacher at Idylwood was discussed and passed until next meeting.
December 5, 1921
The Providence District School Board met at Vienna, Virginia, on December 5, 1921, at 3:30 P.M., with all members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
All warrants issued since the last meeting were examined and approved. Bills were presented, approved and ordered paid.
On motion, Mr. George W. Constable, janitor at Vienna, is allowed $40.00 per month for janitor service at Vienna School.
On motion, transportation charges were allowed to pupils of the sixth and seventh grades who reside two miles or more from schools teaching these grades.
After discussing conditions generally, the board adjourned to meet January 5, 1922, at Vienna. Signed, W. G. Edmondson, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams, Chairman
February 11, 1922
A called meeting of the district board was held at Vienna, on February 11, 1922, at 8:00 P.M., with all members and Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall being present; this being a joint meeting with the citizens of Vienna relative to the new school building.
Mr. Babcock of the citizens committee reported that it had been determined that a new building could be erected for less than $25,000. After discussion in which school officials and citizens generally participated, the motion to advertise for bids on a new building, said bids to be opened on March 18, 1922, was carried unanimously.
Mr. Williams of the school board made it clear to the citizens that in his judgement the board could not appropriate a sum in excess of $20,000 for a building at Vienna and do justice to needy communities in other places in the district. This opinion was concurred in by the board and the citizens indicated their willingness to cooperate to the end that the sum named should not be exceeded.
Current bills were presented and approved. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The board adjourned to meet in Vienna, on February 20, at 3:30 P.M.
March 18, 1922
The School Board of Providence District Number 1 met in the schoolhouse at Vienna, Virginia, with Herbert F. Williams and Alfred L. Adams present. Mr. W. G. Edmondson having resigned, Alfred L. Adams was elected clerk of the board.
The purpose of this meeting was to open bids for the erection of a proposed Standard Eight Room Building at Vienna, Virginia. A large number of citizens were present. Mr. W. T. Bauckman submitted the lowest bid, and the board requested Mr. Bauckman to meet with them on Monday, March 20th, to go into further details of construction.
Motion was made to adjourn, and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams, Chairman
May 9, 1922
The School Board of Providence District Number 1 met in the schoolhouse at Vienna, Virginia. All members of the board were present. The minutes of the meeting of March 18th were read and approved.
Mr. Chester L. Smith of Oakton, and a number of citizens of Vienna, attended this meeting. The cost of the proposed new school building to be erected at Vienna, was discussed briefly, after which a motion was duly made and carried by the board to reject all bids received from the various contractors on March 18, 1922.
On motion duly made and carried, the clerk of the board was authorized to advertise for bids for the building of a Standard Eight Room School Building to be erected at Vienna, in Providence District. The material to be used in this building is to be hollow tile or frame with Elastica Stucco Bishopric Board.
The following warrants were drawn and the clerk was instructed to hold same until Superintendent Milton D. Hall made necessary transfer of funds at the Treasurer’s Office for the payment of them.
- I. B. Fadley: $150.00
- George W. Constable: $40.00
- W. U. Thompson: $86.00
- James W. Pobst: $60.00
- Edward DeHaven: $55.00
- Nathan E. Hodges: $42.00
- L. A. Shelby: $55.00
- Alfred L. Adams: $19.75
- Chester L. Smith: $98.00
- Geo Sherwood: $30.00
There being no other business, motion was made to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
- The Bishopric Manufacturing Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, manufactured and sold Bishopric wallboard with an Elastica plaster coat for building interiors. Source: Taylor, James Knox, et al. (1918). “The American Architect,” Volume 113, Number 2212, Page 650. The Architectural and Building Press, Inc.
May 24, 1922
The School Board of Providence District Number 1 met at Vienna, Virginia, at 8:20 P.M., with all members of the board present. The minutes of the meeting of May 9, 1922, were read and approved.
Many citizens were present, including a delegation from McLean. The McLean citizens were heard immediately after the meeting was called to order, and they requested that the school board rent “The Parrish Hall” at McLean, and use the same to relieve the crowded condition in the school there. They also asked that the school board promise them that a $25,000.00 school be built there within the next three years. Motion was duly made and carried to accept the proposition of the McLean delegates and to go on record as favoring the erection of an adequate school building there within the next three years.
Bids for the erection of the proposed school building at Vienna were opened and made public. Motion was duly made and carried to request that Messrs. McMillan and Prentice meet with the school board on Friday evening, May 26th, for a personal interview in regard to their bids.
Motion we adjourn was made and carried. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
May 26, 1922
The School Board of Providence District met in the schoolhouse at Vienna, with all members of the board present. The minutes of the meeting of May 24, 1922, were read and approved.
The purpose of this meeting was to consider the bids for the erection of the proposed Standard Eight Room School Building to be located at Vienna. All the contractors that had submitted bids were present, and a discussion lasted for three hours, but no definite action was taken.
There being no other business, motion was made and carried to adjourn, to meet next on June 2, 1922, at 8:00 P.M. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
June 2, 1922
The School Board of Providence District met at Vienna, with all members present.
Mr. Raymond V. Long was present at this meeting and gave a very interesting talk in regard to the history of the Standard Eight Room School Building. He also answered many questions asked about the construction of this building, which was of interest to the board.
After a long discussion, motion was duly made and carried to accept the bid of Mr. Chester L. Smith for the erection of a Standard Eight Room Building at Vienna, Providence District, for the sum of $25,408.00, with the understanding that the citizens of Vienna and vicinity will furnish the excess over $24,000.00.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
June 9, 1922
The School Board of Providence District Number 1 met in the schoolhouse at Oakton, with all members of the board present. The minutes of the meeting of June 2, 1922, were read and approved as read.
This meeting was called to meet with the Oakton building committee, which outlined plans for an addition to the Oakton School House. Motion was duly made and carried for the board to go on record as approving the plans as suggested by the Oakton Building Committee. The board requested that the committee have blueprints and specifications of same made.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
June 17, 1922
A called meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1 was held in the schoolhouse at Vienna, Virginia, Saturday evening, June 17th, with all members of the board present. The minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1922, were read and approved.
The clerk reported that the contract and specifications for the proposed building at Vienna, Virginia, had been prepared, and the board took same under consideration. On motion duly made and carried by a two-thirds vote, Messrs. Hawxhurst and Adams voting in the affirmative, Mr. Williams voting in the negative, the chairman and clerk of this board were instructed to execute the above-mentioned contract with Chester L. Smith for the erection of a Standard Eight Room School Building in the Town of Vienna, Fairfax County, Virginia.
The contractor and clerk of the board signed this contract immediately, but the chairman of the board refused to act officially in regard to this matter at this meeting. Mr. Williams wished to have spread upon the minutes of this meeting his reasons for opposing the erection of the above-mentioned building, which are because of the fact that this is to be an 8-inch hollow tile wall and there is only $16,000.00 available at present for this work, which is $9,408.00 less than the contract price.
Motion was duly made and carried authorizing Alfred L. Adams to take under consideration the division of the auditorium in the Franklin Sherman High School building at McLean, and report to the board as soon as possible the estimates received on same.
Motion was duly made and carried authorizing Mr. Herbert F. Williams to communicate with the Masonic Order at Vienna, Virginia, and request that they lay the cornerstone of the Vienna School Building at a date named by them.
The board approved bills for payment, which in the aggregate are $709.30.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
- The following text pertaining to the minutes of the above meeting was found on a small piece of paper. It may be the “proposed wording” referred to below in the minutes of June 22, 1922: “Mr. Williams protested against the action of the board in ordering the execution of the contract in its present state. He objected to the 8-inch tile wall as being unsafe in a building of this size. He also asked that the contract be separated, and the plastering, trimming, and heating plant be provided for in a later contract so that the board may not be placed in the position of signing $25,400 obligation with only $16,000 in hand or assured.”
June 22, 1922
A called meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1 was held in the Oakton School House on Thursday evening, June 22, 1922, with all members of the board present. The minutes of the meeting of June 17, 1922, were read and approved except paragraph six, which Mr. Williams wished to have worded differently and promised to furnish the clerk with the proposed wording in writing.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried, to declare all offices of this board vacant, and reorganize as this had not been done for more than a year, and a new member had been appointed in that time. Mr. Hawxhurst acted as temporary chairman while the board was being organized. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, Henry Hawxhurst was elected chairman of the board. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, Alfred L. Adams was elected clerk of the board.
The auditorium in which the meeting was held was crowded with citizens from every locality in Providence District. The board first took under consideration the executing of the contract with Chester L. Smith for the erecting of the school building at Vienna, and a hot discussion lasted for more than an hour. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the chairman and clerk were authorized on behalf of the board to execute the contract with Chester L. Smith, dated June 9, 1922, for the erection of a Standard Eight Room Building in Vienna, Virginia, which was then done.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the chairman and clerk were authorized on behalf of the board to execute the contract with the Oakton Building Committee, which was then done.
Alfred L. Adams reported that he had been to McLean in regard to the work that is to be done there and expected to receive an estimate on the same within a few days.
Motion was made and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
July 3, 1922
A duly called meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1 held at Vienna, Virginia. Henry Hawxhurst, Chairman, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams were present. The minutes of the meeting of June 22, 1922, were read and approved.
Mr. Adams offered the following resolution:
WHEREAS, The School Board of Providence District Number 1 is about to construct a Standard Eight Room Building at Vienna, in Providence School District, Fairfax County, Virginia, and,
WHEREAS, The said school board has on hand $16,000.00 for the construction of same, and,
WHEREAS, said completed new building, as per plans and specifications received from the Department of Public Instruction, Richmond, Virginia, will cost $25,408.00;
NOW, therefore be it resolved, that the said School Board of Providence District Number 1 borrow the sum of $11,000.00 on a short term loan payable within five years after date as required by Chapter 352, Page 534, Law of 1918, and the School Law of 1920, Page 41.
Whereupon, Mr. Williams moved to amend the same by adding the following: That $5,000.00 of said loan be used in making addition to Oakton School Building, $1,000.00 be used for purchasing land for a school site at Chesterbrook, $500.00 be used for repairing the schoolhouse at Merrifield, and $4,500.00 to be used for the said Vienna School Building; which said resolution, as amended, was unanimously adopted by the board.
The following warrants were drawn, totaling $245.95:
- Idylwood Citizens Association: $15.00
- W. F. Carne: $5.75
- I. B. Fadley: $150.00
- Lewis E. Hall: $30.00
- Wallace Carper: $40.00
- J. W. Sutten: $5.20
There being no other business, motion was made and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
July 24, 1922
A duly called meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1 was held at Oakton, Virginia. Henry Hawxhurst, Chairman, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams were present. The minutes of the meeting of July 3, 1922, were read and approved.
Committees from Oakton, Idylwood, McLean, and Vienna, were present at this meeting.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried, Mr. Salisbury was authorized to have Harrison Tinner dig a well at Idylwood School House.
Mr. Miles reported that the water in the well at Oakton School was not good and, after a brief discussion, a motion was duly made, seconded and carried authorizing the Oakton Building Committee to have a well dug there.
Mr. Williams offered resolutions and a motion to adopt same in regard to changing the plan of the Vienna School Building to a two-story building, but after being opposed vigorously by representatives from that part of the district the motion did not receive a second and was lost.
The board took under consideration a proposition made to it by F. Shield McCandlish, Chairman of the Town of Fairfax School Board, which is as follows: “That the pupils of the Germantown (Jermantown) School be transported to Fairfax, and the high school pupils of Fairfax be received in the Oakton High School.” Motion was duly made, seconded and carried accepting this plan.
Mr. Gidker from McLean was called upon to give some information in regard to the proposed lease of the Parish Hall, which he did. No action was taken.
Warrants were drawn as follows:
- On the State School Fund to F. W. Huddleson: $271.50
- On the District Fund to Eula Thomas: $15.00
Motion was made and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
July 31, 1922
A duly called meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1, held at Vienna, Virginia. Henry Hawxhurst, Chairman, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams were present.
This meeting was called at the request of Superintendent Milton D. Hall. Being present, he at once took the floor to advise the board in regard to the erection of the Vienna School House. Superintendent Hall stated that in his opinion all opposition to the construction of this building had been removed, and he urged that the board proceed with same at once. He said that the money was available, that the contract was satisfactory, and he was perfectly satisfied with the inspection of the building as provided by the contract.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to propose the name of Joseph Berry to the State Board of Public Instruction for an assistant inspector of the Vienna School Building.
The following resolution was offered: “WHEREAS, Chester L. Smith, Contractor, has made application for an extension of time on the contract for the erecting of the Vienna School Building because of the unnecessary delay in starting the work, NOW, be it resolved, that the School Board of Providence District Number 1 change the completion date of this contract from November 15, 1922, to December 31, 1922,” which on motion duly made, seconded and carried was adopted.
There being no further business, motion was made and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
August 7, 1922
A duly called meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1 was held at Oakton, with Henry Hawxhurst, Chairman, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams present. The minutes of the meetings of July 24 and July 31, were read and approved.
The clerk reported that the notes for the loan of $11,000.00 from the First National Bank of Alexandria were read for execution, and on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the chairman and clerk of the board were authorized to execute the five notes for $2,200.00 each, which was then done.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the plans for the addition to the Oakton School House, as made by Mr. Blake and approved by the State Board of Education, were approved by the board. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried, extending thanks to Mr. Blake for his valuable services in preparing the plans, and that he be requested to inspect the building while under construction as often as possible.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Oakton Building Committee to take in charge the work of the proposed addition to the Oakton School House; to hire a foreman, and erect the building as soon as possible with the approval of the board. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried, authorizing a 12-inch tile basement wall for the above-mentioned building, if approved by Mr. Raymond V. Long, Supervisor of School Building Construction. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried, to make an application to the Literary Fund for a loan of $10,000.00 for the Oakton High School.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk
August 15, 1922
A duly called meeting of the School Board of Providence District Number 1 was held at Vienna, Virginia, with Henry Hawxhurst, Chairman, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk, and Herbert F. Williams present. The minutes of the meeting of August 7th were read and approved.
The board took under consideration the bond signed by Chester L. Smith and twenty citizens of Vienna, and, after a brief discussion, motion was duly made, seconded and carried, to accept this bond and make it a part of the contract made with the said Chester L. Smith on the 9th day of June, 1922.
Motion was duly made and carried to adjourn. Signed, Alfred L. Adams, Clerk