Glasgow Middle School Capacity Challenges
Addressing the Capacity Challenges
Glasgow Middle School Boundary Study Will Not Proceed
Updated: March 22, 2024
The Fairfax County School Board did not approve the proposed scope for the Glasgow Middle School boundary study at the March 21 meeting.Without an approved scope, the boundary study will not move forward.
The Fairfax County School Board is engaged in a holistic review of Policy 8130 (Local School Boundaries, Program Assignments, and School Closings). Board Members expressed concerns regarding approving the Glasgow Middle School boundary study as the larger work around the boundary policy is occurring.
The motion to approve the proposed scope for the Glasgow Middle School boundary study failed with 7 voting no, 3 voting yes, and 2 abstaining.
You may watch the full discussion at the March 21 School Board Meeting on the FCPS YouTube Channel.
Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County School Board appreciate the public’s input and engagement in this process.
Future Engagement Opportunities
There are no community meetings or feedback forms scheduled at this time.
Past Information, Engagement and Feedback
Community Feedback from August/September 2023
- Online Feedback Form Responses
- Questions from Online Feedback Form
- Questions from In-Person Meetings
- Feedback from In-Person and Zoom meetings
September 11, 2023: Glasgow Capacity Challenges Community Meeting
August 29, 2023: Glasgow Capacity Challenges Community Meeting
July 13, 2023: School Board Meeting
- Agenda Item 4.03: Action Items Amend the Capital Improvement Plan – Glasgow Middle School
Motion & Voting
Final motion, as amended:
I move to direct the Superintendent to complete the Glasgow Middle School scoping study concurrently with the development of the Proposed FY25-29 Capital Improvement Program. This initial scoping project will be added to the end of the existing FY 2024-2028 CIP work plan. This project will be considered for inclusion in the Priority Recommended Boundary/Capacity Adjustments chart in the proposed FY 2025-2029 CIP.
Motion by Ricardy J Anderson, second by Melanie K Meren.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Stella Pekarsky, Laura Jane H Cohen, Karl V Frisch, Ricardy J Anderson, Megan McLaughlin, Tamara D Kaufax - Vice Chair, Rachna S Heizer - Chair, Karen Corbett Sanders, Elaine V Tholen, Melanie K Meren, Karen A Keys-Gamarra
Follow-on motion:
I move to direct the superintendent to provide the board with guidance, based on best practices and pedagogical research, for the optimal size and program make-up of elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. This guidance should be used to inform future Capital Improvement Plans.
Motion by Karen Corbett Sanders, second by Ricardy J Anderson.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yes: Stella Pekarsky, Laura Jane H Cohen, Karl V Frisch, Ricardy J Anderson, Megan McLaughlin, Tamara D Kaufax - Vice Chair, Rachna S Heizer - Chair, Karen Corbett Sanders, Elaine V Tholen, Karen A Keys-Gamarra
Not Present at Vote: Melanie K Meren
June 26, 2023: School Board Meeting
June 3, 2023: Community Meeting
- Meeting with School Board Member, Dr. Ricardy Anderson and Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Reid