Combined School Board Minute Book, Part 2 (1900-1922)
Meeting Minutes of the Combined Fairfax County School Board
Continued from Part 1, this records collection includes meeting minutes of the combined Fairfax County School Board from 1900 to 1922.
From 1870 to 1922, the school trustees of the magisterial district and town school boards gathered periodically to consider matters affecting the entire school division, such as finances, legislation, and the school calendar.
These records were transcribed by members of the Providence Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), Fairfax Station, Virginia. Line-by-line transcription preserves the integrity and style of the original writing. The transcribed text has been converted from shorthand to longhand on this webpage to increase accessibility and searchability.
Part 2 of the transcribed minute book is available for download below in PDF format, including photographs of the original record book pages.
The minute book of the combined Fairfax County School Board is the most complete pre-1922 record book in the school system’s collection. Because of its length, the book has been separated into two parts. Part 1 covers the period of 1872 to 1899, and Part 2 covers the period of 1900 to 1922.
The history of Fairfax County Public Schools from 1870 to 1922 includes racially-charged language that is archaic and often problematic by modern standards. The term “Colored” was commonly used to describe students and schools. The terminology remains when records quote directly from primary source material.
August 28, 1900
The minutes of the preceding meeting were adopted. The following members were present: Franklin Sherman and J. Owens Berry of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, Charles B. Cockerille, and W. J. Malone of Falls Church District; J. H. Mason and Richard W. Gaillard of Mount Vernon District; Welby J. French, George W. Gunnell, and Thomas A. Jenkins of Dranesville District; James P. Machen and W. S. Kincheloe of Centreville District; Robert G. Nevitt, James H. Rice, and Nathan C. Davis of Lee District; W. I. Robey and Dr. Charles F. Russell of the Town of Herndon; J. W. Brown, Dr. James B. Gould, and Joseph S. Riley of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); Elton Holbrook, R. E. Thornton, and James R. Jones of the Town of Fairfax; and Dr. Richard D. Leith of the Town of Vienna.
The results of the committee to examine the district clerks’ accounts were as follows:
- Providence had a District Fund balance of $448.46 and had overdrawn on the County Fund by $137.13.
- Falls Church (District) had a District Fund balance of $521.35 and had overdrawn on the County Fund by $137.13.
- Mount Vernon had a District Fund balance of $1,031.35.
- Dranesville had a District Fund balance of $163.04 and a County Fund balance of $252.52 making a total of $415.56.
- Lee had a District Fund balance of $34.02 and a County Fund balance of $82.07.
- Jefferson (Town of Falls Church) had a District Fund balance of $70.86.
On motion of Captain Franklin Sherman, Superintendent Hall and Clerk Jones were appointed a committee to ascertain from Town Council of Fairfax upon what date the sum of $627.68 is charged on the clerk’s book as the amount of the district school tax for 1899-1900. On motion of Captain Franklin Sherman, warrants of Mt. Vernon and Centreville partly signed and paid by the treasurer were validated and that authority as certified by the county superintendent be accepted as sufficient. Census report books were presented for inspection.
Upon motion of Dr. Charles F. Russell, arrangements were made with A. B. Caldwell, representing B. F. Johnson and Company of Richmond, for the adoption of Mr. Lee’s U. S. History for the use of the county schools. The ayes and nays being called upon for the adoption of the Lee History all found voted for it except Mr. James H. Rice, he not voting.
On motion of Mr. Davis, it was decided to open the county schools for the term of 1900-1901 on the first day of October 1900. It was ordered that the schools close on December 21 and reopen on January 7, 1901. Upon motion of Mr. Birch, no days were designated as legal holidays.
Levy Requests for the Year 1900-1901
District / Town | County Levy | District Levy |
Providence | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Falls Church | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Mount Vernon | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Dranesville | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Centreville | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Lee | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Herndon | $0.30 | $0.30 |
Jefferson (Town of Falls Church) | $0.40 | $0.40 |
Fairfax | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Vienna | Not Stated | Not Stated |
In presenting the resolution relative to Mr. W. S. Smoot’s death, Captain Franklin Sherman said: Mr. Chairman, while not wishing to boast unduly, I have something of the feeling of St. Paul – to “magnify mine office.” I believe the quality and character of the men who will give tone to the public life and spirit of this County 25 or 30 years hence is largely influenced by the quality and tone of the private character and public spirit of the men of this present board. In no other section of the public administration is so large a sum of the people’s taxes expended without cost to the people and the cost of supervision of these expenditures is pathetically low. Our superintendent is underpaid. We serve without pay and without thanks, welcoming suggestion and criticism that is candid or fair, we are only thankful to escape that which is unfair or unjust. And when one of our members retires after years of service or, as in the case of Mr. Smoot, dies in the harness, I think this board owes to itself, to the public it serves, and to the members of his family a recognition of his service.
The following minutes adopted at the last meeting of the Providence District School Board were adopted: Within the school year now closing this board has suffered a grievous loss in the death of its junior member Mr. William Smoot of Langley. His kindly, courteous, and gentle ways, which won the affection of his neighbors and friends endeared him to this board, while his education, sound judgment, and unswerving adherence to what he judged best in school matters were a source of strength and confidence to the board, and went far towards securing the general confidence and respect which the people of the district have so generously accorded it. We who are left regarded him as our junior only in years and in time of service. In council he was always our equal and we felt both glad and reassured when we had from him an expression of judgment by which to be guided. A copy of these minutes shall be furnished to his widow and shall be submitted to the County School Board for its action at its next meeting.
September 3, 1901
The following members were present: Superintendent Milton D. Hall; Franklin Sherman, Dr. J. B. Anderson, and J. Owens Berry of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, Charles B. Cockerille, and W. J. Malone of Falls Church District; J. H. Mason, Richard W. Gaillard, and Thomas H. Haislip of Mount Vernon District; Welby J. French, George W. Gunnell, and Thomas A. Jenkins of Dranesville District; James P. Machen, E. H. Jones, and W. S. Kincheloe of Centreville District; Robert G. Nevitt, J. R. Rice, and Nathan C. Davis of Lee District; W. I. Robey, Dr. Charles F. Russell, and E. L. Garrett of the Town of Herndon; J. W. Brown, Dr. James B. Gould, and Joseph S. Riley of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); Mr. Holbrook, R. E. Thornton, and C. Vernon Ford of the Town of Fairfax; and Dr. Richard D. Leith of the Town of Vienna.
Upon motion of Nathan C. Davis, the minutes of the preceding meeting were adopted. The report of the finance committee was adopted. Messrs. Hall, Sherman, and Berry were appointed a committee to confer with a committee of the Board of Supervisors in relation to the delinquent lands.
An aye or nay vote being taken and there being a tie, the chairman decided in the affirmative: That the patrons of the schools should be notified to have their children vaccinated.
The motion of Mr. French was adopted to subscribe to the Virginia School Journal: one copy for each teacher at 75 cents per copy, and a free copy to the School Board.
Thanksgiving Day was made a legal holiday. It was decided to open the county’s schools on Monday, September 30, 1901. It was decided to close the schools for the Christmas holiday on the Friday before Christmas and reopen the Monday after New Year.
Reports of the committees to examine the district clerks’ accounts were as follows:
- Providence District had a balance on hand in the District Fund of $604.90 and in the County Fund of $31.27.
- Falls Church District had a balance on hand in the District Fund of $137.63 and in the County Fund of $11.30.
- Lee District had a balance on hand in the District Fund of $179.29 and in the County Fund of $67.79.
- Mount Vernon, Centreville, and Dranesville Districts did not report.
- The Herndon School District had a balance on hand in the District Fund of $740.22 and in the County Fund of $112.94. The treasurer’s book showed Herndon had $176.44 in the County Fund.
- The Town of Fairfax reported that the books were correct except for $3.25 that had been paid without a warrant.
Levy Requests for the Year 1901-1902
District / Town | County Levy | District Levy |
Providence | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Falls Church | $0.10 | $0.10 (erased) |
Mount Vernon | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Dranesville | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Centreville | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Lee | $0.10 | $0.10 |
Herndon | $0.25 | $0.30 (erased) |
Jefferson (Town of Falls Church) | $0.40 | $0.40 (erased) |
Fairfax | $0.10 | $0.10 (erased) |
A resolution was passed upon motion of Mr. Holbrook directing Mr. R. E. Thornton to draw up a resolution relative to the death of Mr. James R. Jones. The resolution was as follows: Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our beloved friend James R. Jones. Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the members of the School Board of the Town of Fairfax do hereby express their deep sense of the great loss it has sustained by the death of so useful and faithful a member. Resolved, that while we acknowledge the goodness and wisdom of our Heavenly Father, and humbly submit to his will, yet we do earnestly condole with those whose lives were in closer touch with his, having as we do, full knowledge of his kindly, gentle and ever considerate nature, which combined with wisdom and character, won for him their unfaltering love and the admiration of all who knew him. Resolved, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and published in the Fairfax Herald, that a copy hereof be sent to the bereaved family as a token of our sympathy.
August 26, 1902
The following members were present: Franklin Sherman and J. Owens Berry of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, Charles B. Cockerille, and William H. Shreve of Falls Church District; J. H. Mason, Richard W. Gaillard, and Thomas H. Haislip of Mount Vernon District; Welby J. French and Thomas A. Jenkins of Dranesville District; James P. Machen, E. H. Jones, and W. S. Kincheloe of Centreville District; Robert G. Nevitt and J. R. Rice of Lee District; E. L. Garrett of the Town of Herndon; J. W. Brown and Joseph S. Riley of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); and R. E. Thornton of the Town of Fairfax. The following members were absent: J. B. Anderson of Providence District; George W. Gunnell of Dranesville District; Nathan C. Davis of Lee District; Dr. E. J. Detwiler and Dr. Charles F. Russell of the Town of Herndon; Dr. James B. Gould of the Town of Falls Church; and Major Charles Hine of the Town of Vienna.
A resolution was adopted requesting the Board of Supervisors to levy $0.20 on $100.00 of property value for county and school purposes. A motion made by Captain Franklin Sherman directing the county superintendent to visit Vienna and make a thorough examination of the Vienna District funds was carried. Reports of committees to examine district clerks’ accounts were accepted. Upon motion of Mr. Birch, George W. Gunnell, Clerk of Dranesville District was held excused from attendance as his district accounts had been examined and found correct.
It was decided to open the county schools on the last Monday in September – September 29, 1902. It was decided that there should be no legal holidays. It was decided that for the Christmas holiday the schools should close the Friday before Christmas and reopen the first Monday after New Years in 1903.
The School Board subscribed to the Virginia School Journal and agreed to provide one copy to each teacher.
Reports from the committees to examine the district clerks’ accounts:
- The accounts of Providence District were found correct.
- The accounts of Mount Vernon District were found correct.
- The accounts of Centreville District were found correct; there being a balance of $279.89 due to the District Fund.
- Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church) had a balance due on the County Fund of $11.30 and a balance on the District Fund of $299.12.
- Herndon District had a balance on the County Fund of $163.14 and on the District Fund of $631.01.
- Lee District had a balance on the County Fund of $237.58 and on the District Fund of $543.71.
- Unstated District had a balance on the County Fund of $344.01 and on the District Fund of $423.51.
August 31, 1903
The Fairfax County School Board met at Fairfax Courthouse with Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair. The resignation of Captain J. Owens Berry as County Clerk was accepted and John P. H. Mason was elected to fill the vacancy. At roll call the following Trustees answered to their names: Captain Franklin Sherman and Dr. J. B. Anderson of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, William H. Shreve, and Charles B. Cockerille of Falls Church District; Welby J. French, George W. Gunnell, and Thomas A. Jenkins of Dranesville District; W. S. Kincheloe and E. H. Jones of Centreville District; Robert G. Nevitt and John J. Hammill of Lee District; John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon District; G. A. Banister of the Town of Herndon; and Dr. Richard D. Leith, Major Charles Hine, and Edmund L. S. Bouton of the Town of Vienna. The Town of Fairfax and the Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church) were not represented.
The resolution requesting Board of Supervisors to levy a tax of 20 cents on the hundred dollars for county school purposes was presented by Superintendent Hall, but said board refused the request. The superintendent was requested to ask for a levy of ten cents each for county and district purposes. The superintendent was also requested to ask the supervisors for the second payment now due to the School Board from them.
Captain Franklin Sherman, Chairman of committee to examine treasurer accounts made a verbal report that the accounts were found correct. On motion of Mr. Birch, it was decided that our own worthy superintendent would be paid as much per diem for his services as the rest of the committee. Committees were appointed to examine the clerks’ accounts and all reported the accounts were correct, except there were no books from Herndon or Fairfax.
It was decided to open schools September 28th with no legal holidays. On motion of Captain Franklin Sherman, the subscription for the School Journal was renewed.
Our worthy superintendent was also requested to express to Captain Berry the deep sympathy of this Board for his failing strength and health. The board also expressed its sympathy and sorrow over the death of its oldest member Mr. James H. Rice.
A petition was presented by the Mount Vernon District School Board for permission to sell the Burroughs schoolhouse and lot and the superintendent was directed by resolution to cause to be laid before the Judge of the Circuit Court during recess said petition. The meeting then adjourned. Signed, John P. H. Mason, Clerk
- Edmund L. S. Bouton is Edmund Lockwood Smith Bouton in the historic record.
- John P. H. Mason is John Philip Hanson Mason in the historic record.
- James H. Rice is James Hervey Rice (1821-1903). He is buried in Lee Chapel Cemetery near Burke.
February 10, 1904
A Special Meeting of the County School Board was held at Fairfax Courthouse. The meeting was called to order by Superintendent Milton D. Hall. The following trustees were present: James P. Machen F. Sherman, Robert W. Birch, Robert G. Nevitt, George W. Gunnell, Thomas A. Jenkins, Welby J. French, E. H. Jones, E. L. Garrett, Charles B. Cockerille, and Dr. James B. Gould. The clerk being absent, Franklin Sherman was appointed to act in his place. The reading of minutes of last meeting was dispensed with.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting was the appointment of a committee (provided for by a recent resolution of the State Board of Education) to select from a list of books to be adopted by the State Board – books for the schools of the county. A committee was appointed, composed of trustees James P. Machen, Franklin Sherman, and Robert W. Birch, and teachers Dallas Berry, S. Ellis Davis, and Leila M. Milstead. The new school law was read and discussed as copies for the trustees were not yet ready for distribution. A motion was made and carried that the committee on textbooks be paid as much per diem as the committee to examine treasurer accounts. It was ordered that the chairman and clerk of the County School Board be authorized to draw warrants to pay the current expenses of this Board.
The chairman was appointed a committee to draft a suitable resolution seconding the efforts of the Town of Herndon to secure the location of the new female normal school. The chair was authorized to fill any vacancy that might occur in the book committee. The meeting then adjourned. Signed, Milton D. Hall, Chairman, and Franklin Sherman, Clerk Pro Tem
August 30, 1904
The annual meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was held at Fairfax, Virginia, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The minutes of a special meeting held February 10, 1904, were also read and approved. At roll call the following trustees answered to their names: Franklin Sherman of Providence District; William H. Shreve and Robert W. Birch of Falls Church District; James W. Roberts and John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon District; Thomas A. Jenkins and George W. Gunnell of Dranesville District; John D. Garrett and R. R. Buckley of Centreville District; John J. Hammill and George W. Smith of Lee District; Dr. E. L. Detwiler and E. L. Garrett of Herndon District (Town of Herndon); Dr. Richard D. Leith of Vienna District (Town of Vienna); W. T. Oliver of Fairfax District (Town of Fairfax).
The superintendent then notified the board that the vice president’s chair was vacant. James W. Roberts was elected to the position. The superintendent reported that the work of the committee on books had been done in a satisfactory manner and had been accepted by the State Board of Education.
The finance committee reported through its chairman, Captain Franklin Sherman, that the treasurer accounts were found correct. A resolution was offered by Captain Franklin Sherman to this affect: that the action of the division superintendent in apportioning the County School Fund among the districts according to their school population taken by request of the finance committee conditionally be ratified. The resolution was passed.
Another resolution by Captain Franklin Sherman: That the division superintendent be authorized to apportion the County School Fund of the next year among the districts of the basis of their school population which was carried.
A resolution was offered by George W. Smith that all members of district boards except clerks be paid actual expenses incurred while in discharge of their duties not to exceed $5.00 per year. The resolution was carried by a vote of 8 to 5.
The secretary of the Board of Health came before this board and asked that the state law for compulsory vaccination be made active. Dr. E. J. Detwiler moved that the action of this board in suspending the operation of said law be rescinded. After a long and interesting discussion, the motion was lost.
The superintendent appointed the following trustees to examine the accounts of clerks:
- Falls Church: R. R. Buckley
- Mount Vernon: Captain Franklin Sherman
- Dranesville: John J. Hammill
- Lee: Mr. Garrett
- Herndon: James W. Roberts
- Jefferson: William H. Shreve
- Vienna: Thomas A. Jenkins
- Fairfax: R. R. Buckley
All accounts were reported as correct except Providence, Centreville, and Fairfax. The books of Providence and Centreville were in the hands of the county superintendent for settlement. Mr. W. T. Oliver made a very satisfactory report on the accounts of Fairfax. On motion, the compensation due to the treasurer for handling state funds was fixed at one per centum.
The date set for the opening of school was September 26, 1904. Thanksgiving and February 22, 1905, were declared legal holidays.
The board asked for a levy of 15 cents for county purposes and 10 cents for district purposes. The meeting then adjourned. Signed, John P. H. Mason, County Clerk
Omitted in Place
The following petitions, signed by John J. Hammill, Chairman, and George W. Smith, Clerk, of the Lee District School Board, were presented:
- The Lee District School Board does herein petition the County School Board for permission to accept the old depot building at Burke, Virginia, for school purposes upon receipt of a quit claim deed from the Southern Railway Company.
- The Lee District School Board does herein petition the County School Board for permission to dispose of the following discarded school property for the benefit of the district: Real estate of the old Pohick School and real estate of the old Belle Aire School. Should the records show that the board has no right to make disposition then to clear the record so that the property may be subject to taxation.
Signed, John P. H. Mason, Clerk
August 29, 1905
The annual meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was held at Fairfax, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Upon calling the roll, the following trustees answered to their names: Captain Franklin Sherman and Franklin Williams, Jr. of Providence; Robert W. Birch of Falls Church; James W. Roberts, Thomas W. Haislip, and John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon; Thomas A. Jenkins, George W. Gunnell, and John P. Tucker of Dranesville; John D. Garrett, R. R. Buckley, and Robert A. Buckley of Centreville; John J. Hammill and Luther A. Denty of Lee; E. L. Garrett of Herndon; Joseph S. Riley, Dr. George B. Fadley, and George T. Mankin of Jefferson (Town of Falls Church). The towns of Fairfax and Vienna were not represented.
The finance committee reported the treasurer’s accounts correct. Permission was granted to the Providence District School Board to sell the school property known as the Kerby Schoolhouse and purchase other property.
A committee was appointed to select books for the use of high schools in the county; said committee was composed as follows: Superintendent Milton D. Hall, Franklin Williams, Jr., and Dr. George B. Fadley. The committee reported its recommendation to continue the books now in use. The committee’s report was adopted.
The Dranesville District School Board was granted permission to use from the County School Fund the amount of $334.30 to supply a deficiency in its District School Fund.
A committee was appointed to examine the accounts of district clerks as follows:
- Providence: John D. Garrett
- Falls Church: James W. Roberts
- Mount Vernon: Luther A. Denty
- Dranesville: Captain Franklin Sherman
- Centreville: Dr. George B. Fadley
- Lee: Robert A. Buckley
- Herndon: Captain Franklin Sherman
- Jefferson: James W. Roberts
- Vienna: Robert W. Birch
- Fairfax: Milton D. Hall
All accounts were reported correct except Vienna and Fairfax. Franklin Williams was appointed to examine the accounts of Vienna and report to Milton D. Hall.
The day for opening school was set as September 25, 1905. Thanksgiving and February 22, 1906, were declared legal holidays. There will be a two-week holiday at Christmas.
The superintendent was authorized to apportion county funds for 1905-1906 according to the population of the school census of 1900. A committee composed of Milton D. Hall, John J. Hammill, and Luther A. Denty was appointed to report on delinquent school census collectors.
A resolution to allow Lee District to dispose of property was as follows: Resolved, that on account of the disuse of the following properties in Lee School District, that the said properties be sold, namely:
- The 69 poles of land acquired by condemnation in land whereof Robert Beach was tenant, as shown by Liber P., Number 4, Page 121 of the deed books of Fairfax County, Virginia, the same being known as the Belle Aire School.
- The one acre of land conveyed to the Trustees of District Number 3 (Lee District), by the widow and heirs of Thomas Hall by deed dated the 28th day of January 1874, recorded in Liber R, Number 4, on Page 51 of the said deed books, known as the Pohick School.
And it is further resolved that Mr. Milton D. Hall, Chairman of this Board and Superintendent of Schools for Fairfax County, do file the necessary petition before the Circuit Court of Fairfax County, or the judge thereof, and do any and all things necessary to bring about the sale of said properties, or any interest therein, which may be owned by the school authorities, the proceeds of such sales to be disposed of according to the law in such cases provided.
The board asks for a levy of $0.15 cents for county purposes and $0.10 for district purposes on $100.00 of real and personal property. On motion, the seven school census books present were received. The meeting then adjourned. Signed, John P. H. Mason, Clerk of the County School Board
- The Kerby (Kirby) School property was sold by the Providence District School Board on October 2, 1905, to Joseph W. Byrnes (Fairfax County Deed Book S-6, Page 268). A new schoolhouse was constructed on land farther north on Kirby Road. Originally known as the Lincolnville School, the new school became known as the Chesterbrook School after the surrounding community changed its name from Lincolnville to Chesterbrook.
- For some unknown reason, the school properties in Lee District were never sold. Tax records show that the first Belle Aire School lot is still owned by the Fairfax County School Board (Map #: 0872-01-0004). The Barker Crossroads School lot (the former property of Thomas Hall) has since been taken for use as part of the right-of-way for the Fairfax County Parkway and Rolling Road interchange.
May 15, 1906 (Tuesday)
A special meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was held at Fairfax, with Superintendent M. D. Hall in the chair. The following trustees answered to their names: Captain Franklin Sherman and Franklin Williams of Providence; Robert W. Birch of Falls Church; James W. Roberts and John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon; Thomas A. Jenkins, John P. Tucker, and George W. Gunnell of Dranesville; R. R. Buckley and Robert A. Buckley of Centreville; John J. Hammill of Lee; Dr. George B. Fadley and George T. Mankin of Jefferson (Town of Falls Church); Joseph Berry of Vienna. Herndon and Fairfax were not represented. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting was to form a plan for the apportionment of the county school funds whereby Lee and Centreville Districts could receive more of the county funds. The last census showing a decided falling off in their school population. Upon consideration, it was found that the plan of apportionment had already been decided at the last meeting of the board.
A motion was then made and seconded that the board rescind its action of last meeting in reference to the apportionment of said funds, which by vote they refused to do.
On motion, Lee and Centreville Districts were allowed to reimburse the deficiency in their county funds from their respective district funds.
A motion of Captain Franklin Sherman was carried: that there shall be paid out of the County School Fund for the proper administration of the office of the division superintendent: First, the cost of a typewriting machine; Second, one half of the cost of installing a telephone and one half of the cost of rental of the same hereafter; Third, the sum of ten dollars per month for clerk hire.
The meeting then adjourned. Signed, John P. H. Mason, Clerk
August 23, 1906
The annual meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was held with Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair. At roll call the following answered to their names: Captain Franklin Sherman and Franklin Williams of Providence; Robert W. Birch and Charles B. Cockerille of Falls Church; James W. Roberts and John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon; Thomas A. Jenkins, George W. Gunnell, and John P. Tucker of Dranesville; John D. Garrett, Robert A. Buckley, and R. R. Buckley of Centreville; Luther A. Denty and John J. Hammill of Lee; Frank W. Huddleson and W. H. Taylor of Herndon; A. L. Cross of Vienna. Fairfax and Jefferson were not represented. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Captain Franklin Sherman, chairman of the finance committee, stated the treasurer’s accounts were not correct and on motion the treasurer was allowed more time to verify them. The following districts asked to be allowed to transfer funds from their County Fund to their District Fund accounts: The board allowed their requests as follows: Providence the balance on hand. Falls Church, Mount Vernon, and Dranesville as much as is necessary to reimburse the difference in the District Fund. Centreville and Lee asked for an apportionment from unexpended county funds to reimburse their district funds; it being $529.92 for Centreville and $182.41 for Lee, which request the board also allowed.
On motion, the superintendent was authorized to apportion the County Fund the same as heretofore. The following resolution of Captain Sherman was passed: That there be appointed a committee of five, of whom the chairman shall be one, which shall consider the apportionment of the County School Fund especially with reference to Centreville and Lee Districts. The committee, none of whom shall be from either district, shall request the said districts to send one of its members to attend the meeting of the committee, and they shall be paid the same per diem as a member of the committee. The committee shall consider:
- The area and population of said districts.
- The geographical location of its schoolhouses.
- The school population and the seating capacity of their schoolhouses.
- The amount of tax apportioned to them as compared with the tax they pay.
- The amount of tax paid on local property, the amount paid by railroad, telegraph, and telephone companies, and any other matter pertinent to the subject.
The committee shall compare the condition of said districts with the other districts in the county in foregoing particulars, and shall make a written report to this board at its next annual meeting, said report to include the grounds on which it was based for the information and further action of this board. The chair appointed the committee as follows Milton D. Hall, Chairman., Captain Franklin Sherman, James W. Roberts, Robert W. Birch, and Thomas A. Jenkins.
A committee was then appointed to examine the district clerks’ accounts as follows:
- Providence: James W. Roberts
- Falls Church: Nathan C. Davis
- Mount Vernon: Charles B. Cockerille
- Dranesville: Luther A. Denty
- Centreville: Captain Franklin Sherman
- Lee: John P. Tucker
- Herndon: Robert A. Buckley
- Vienna: John D. Garrett
- Jefferson: Robert W. Birch
- Fairfax: Not represented
The committee reported the accounts were correct and neatly kept. On motion of Captain Franklin Sherman, the superintendent was requested to secure a report from the Town of Fairfax School Board and, if necessary, employ an attorney to assist him. The board asked the Board of Supervisors for a levy of $0.10 on $100.00 for district school purposes, and $0.15 on $100.00 for county school purposes.
On motion, schools will open September 17, 1906. Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1907, were declared legal holidays with a two-week vacation at Christmas. The Board then adjourned. Signed, John P. H. Mason, Clerk
August 27, 1907
The Fairfax County School Board held its annual meeting at Fairfax, Virginia, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. At roll call the following answered to their names: Captain Franklin Sherman, Franklin Williams, and J. H. Walker of Providence; Robert W. Birch, Charles B. Cockerille, and William H. Shreve of Falls Church; James W. Roberts and John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon; John P. Tucker and William H. Fox of Dranesville; R. R. Buckley and John D. Garrett of Centreville; John J. Hammill and Nathan C. Davis of Lee; Dr. Frank W. Huddleson of Herndon; A. E. Corning of Vienna; Dr. George B. Fadley, George T. Mankin, and Merton E. Church of Jefferson (Town of Falls Church); James W. Ballard of Fairfax.
The committee appointed to look into the condition of Lee and Centreville Districts offered the following resolution, which was adopted: We recommend that the County School Board do not at this time make any apportion this year to any district of the county as the districts fail to show sufficient need for aid. We further recommend that the division superintendent be instructed to apportion the county school funds for the coming year on the basis of school population at $1.50 per capita. Signed, Franklin Sherman, James W. Roberts, and Milton D. Hall
On motion of Captain Franklin Sherman, this resolution was adopted: That there be appointed a standing committee composed of one member from each district with the division superintendent as chairman, which shall consider the matter of apportionment of the County School Fund. The committee, always with the assent of the division superintendent, shall have power to act in each case coming before it and shall report its action to this board at its next succeeding meeting.
The finance committee reported that the treasurer’s accounts were correct and in good shape. Providence and Mount Vernon Districts asked to have the balances in their County Fund accounts transferred to their District Fund accounts, which was granted. The committee to examine district clerks’ accounts reported that the accounts were well-kept and in good shape. The board asked for levy of 10 cents for district school purposes and 15 cents for county school purposes.
Schools will open September 16, 1907. Thanksgiving and February 22, 1908, will be legal holidays.
Merton E. Church asked for an apportion of $250.00 for a high school for Falls Church, also $250.00 for Clifton for same purpose, which was passed on motion of Dr. George B. Fadley.
$30.00 was offered for a prize for an essay on the Revolutionary War period. This was in connection with the prize offered by the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.). The meeting then adjourned. Signed, John P. H. Mason, Secretary
- The appropriation for high schools described above is significant in the history of Fairfax County Public Schools because it marks the founding of the first publicly-funded high schools in the county. Prior to this time, county residents who wished to continue their education beyond the seventh grade had to pay tuition. However, because public education in Virginia was racially segregated at this time, the first high schools only enrolled white children. The first high school for African-American children in Fairfax County, Luther Jackson High School, opened in 1954.
August 25, 1908
The Fairfax County School Board met at Fairfax, Virginia, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair. At roll call the following responded to their names: Captain Franklin Sherman, Franklin Williams, and J. H. Walker of Providence; Robert W. Birch of Falls Church; James W. Roberts and John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon; John P. Tucker of Dranesville; John D. Garrett, Robert A. Buckley and James Harris of Centreville; John J. Hammill, Luther A. Denty, and Nathan C. Davis of Lee; Dr. F. W. Huddleson of Herndon; Dr. Merton E. Church of Jefferson (Town of Falls Church); A. E. Corning of Vienna; James W. Ballard of Fairfax. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The finance committee reported the treasurer’s accounts were correct. On motion, Providence and Mount Vernon Districts were allowed to transfer the balance in their County Fund accounts to their respective District Fund accounts.
The standing committee created last year by motion of Captain Franklin Sherman was appointed as follows: Superintendent Milton D. Hall, Chairman, Captain Franklin Sherman, Robert W. Birch, James W. Roberts, John P. Tucker, John D. Garrett, Nathan C. Davis, Dr. Frank W. Huddleson, Merton E. Church, A. E. Corning, and James W. Ballard.
The report of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) was received and the board expressed its approval of the expenditure and appropriated $50.00 for another year.
The board set the levy requests to the Board of Supervisors as follows: $0.15 on $100.00 for county school purposes. All the districts except one asked for a district levy of $0.10 on $100.00. Centreville District asked for $0.15. The division superintendent was asked to apportion the funds from the state on the basis of school population and the county funds at $1.50 per capita of school population. The committee to examine the district clerks’ accounts reported all were in good shape and correct.
Merton E. Church offered the following: Resolved, that this board supplement the salary of the division superintendent sufficient to make it $1,200.00 per annum, which was adopted unanimously. On motion of Captain Franklin Sherman, the hiring of a clerk for the superintendent be discontinued. On motion, the unexpended portion of the general county fund was to be apportioned by the standing committee.
Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1909, were declared holidays. The opening day for schools was set as September 21, 1908. The meeting then adjourned. Signed, John P. H. Mason, Clerk
- In the above text, we see the board increase its share of funding for the superintendent’s salary by an unspecified amount to bring his total salary to $1,200.00 per year. At this point in time, the salary of the superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools was partially paid by the state.
April 5, 1909
A special meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was held at Fairfax, Virginia, with Superintendent Hall in the chair. At roll call the following responded to their names: Captain Franklin Sherman, Franklin Williams, and J. H. Walker of Providence; William H. Shreve, Robert W. Birch, and Charles B. Cockerille of Falls Church; James W. Roberts, John T. Haislip, and John P. H. Mason of Mount Vernon; William H. Fox, John P. Tucker, and W. A. Thompson of Dranesville; Robert A. Buckley, John D. Garrett, and James Harris of Centreville; Nathan C. Davis and J. B. Davis of Lee; W. H. Taylor, Dr. Frank W. Huddleson, and J. T. Gillette of Herndon; Merton E. Church and F. H. Eastman of Jefferson (Town of Falls Church); A. E. Corning, J. W. Echols, and W. H. Bowman of Vienna; Thomas R. Keith, James W. Ballard, and Hugh Sauls of Fairfax. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
On motion, the estimates made last year for county and district purposes be rescinded by reasons of changed laws. Motion was carried. It was moved that a levy of $0.15 per $100.00 be asked for county school purposes. Four of the six districts asked for a district levy of $0.15 per $100.00 as well. Falls Church and Lee Districts could not agree on an amount. As this was the only question of importance the meeting then adjourned. Signed, John P. H. Mason
August 24, 1909
The Fairfax County School Board met in annual session at Fairfax Courthouse with Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair. The following trustees were present and answered to their names: Captain Franklin Sherman, J. H. Walker, and Franklin Williams of Providence District; Robert W. Birch and Charles B. Cockerille of Falls Church District; John P. H. Mason and James W. Roberts of Mount Vernon District; William H. Fox and John P. Tucker of Dranesville District; Robert A. Buckley, John D. Garrett, and James Harris of Centreville District; Nathan C. Davis of Lee District; Merton E. Church of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); James W. Ballard of the Town of Fairfax; Dr. Frank W. Huddleson of the Town of Herndon; Dr. James M. Nourse of the Town of Vienna. The minutes of the special meeting of April 5, 1909, were read and adopted.
The standing committee on the distribution of the unexpended balance of the County Fund reported through Chairman Milton D. Hall. He was requested to prepare and mail to each district clerk a copy of same showing each district’s portion of said fund. The same committee recommended the balance of the County Fund be apportioned as follows:
Resolution offered by Captain Franklin Sherman
The committee appointed at Falls Church to report a plan for the apportionment of the school fund recommended:
- The division superintendent shall apportion to each school district $1.65 for each one of its school population.
- Enough of the remainder shall be retained to meet the current expenses of the County School Board and its special orders.
- The residue shall be apportioned among the various districts and this apportionment shall be full payment and acquittal of all claims of the districts for attendance between them.
- The superintendent in making this apportionment shall take into consideration the following: (A) The amount of inter-attendance as reported; (B) The cost of tuition in the district from which the attendance came; (C) The cost of the tuition furnished; (D) The needs of the several districts.
- The superintendent shall at the next meeting of the County School Board report the amount apportioned to each district under Rule 4 and the reasons therefore, to the end that every member of the board may have a more intelligent and sympathetic knowledge of the conditions and problems of each district.
Signed, Franklin Sherman, James W. Roberts, and Merton E. Church. The said resolution was adopted by a vote of fifteen to two.
The Falls Church School Board asked to be given permission to sell their West End School property. Same granted.
Mr. James W. Roberts offered the following resolution: Resolved, that the division superintendent is hereby authorized to make the necessary arrangements for procuring money for the prompt payment of the teachers of the county in October and November of this year in the event of there being a delay in receiving the state apportionment.
Thanksgiving and February 22, 1910, were declared legal holidays for all schools in the county.
Afternoon Session
The reorganization of the board was taken up first and Mr. James W. Roberts was elected vice chairman and Nathan C. Davis was elected secretary.
Next in order was a report by the finance committee. Chairman Franklin Sherman, having examined the books of the treasurer, stated that all accounts were correct and well-kept.
The report of the Daughters of the American Revolution was read by Franklin Sherman, and, by vote, the amount of $50.00, same as last year, was appropriated for same.
The following disbursements were made to committee members for expenses incurred during the work to examine the treasurer’s accounts.
- Captain Franklin Sherman: $4.00
- James W. Roberts: $4.00
- Robert W. Birch: $4.00
- John P. H. Mason: $3.00
There being no further business, the board adjourned. Sine Die. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
- Located in what is today the City of Alexandria, the first West End School once stood east of the original alignment of the intersection of Telegraph Road and Little River Turnpike (Duke Street). The school property was sold by the Falls Church District School Board on May 12, 1909, to Edmund Hunt and was conveyed by him to James W. Roberts, et. al. (Fairfax County Deed Book C-7, Page 318).
April 29, 1910
The Fairfax County School Board held its spring meeting at Fairfax, Virginia, with Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall in the chair. At roll call the following members were present: Franklin Sherman, J. H. Walker, and Franklin Williams of Providence District; Robert W. Birch of Falls Church District; James W. Roberts of Mount Vernon District; William H. Fox, W. A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker of Dranesville District; John D. Garrett and James Harris of Centreville District; Nathan C. Davis of Lee District; Dr. James M. Nourse of the Town of Vienna; Dr. Merton E. Church of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church).
On motion of James W. Roberts, the County School Board voted to ask that the rate of tax for county school purposes be $0.15 on each $100.00 valuation for the year 1910. Next in order was the several district rates. The various boards requested that the need for the following rates on the $100.00 valuation in their respective districts be made known to the Board of Supervisors: Providence, Falls Church, and Dranesville Districts asked for a rate of $0.20. Mount Vernon, Centreville, and Lee Districts asked for a rate of $0.15. By vote, the board endorsed their several requests.
The board voted to allow Providence, Falls Church, Mount Vernon, and Dranesville Districts permission to transfer the remaining balance in their County Fund to their District Fund.
Two disbursements were made from the general County School Fund:
- Dinners at hotel - $6.50
- Nathan C. Davis, salary as clerk - $3.00
Motion made by Dr. Merton E. Church and seconded, that it is the sense of this board that the several district clerks be paid for making up the book and summary of the school census as follows: that the sum of $15.00 be allowed in all the districts except Centreville and Lee.
It was moved and seconded that the district school boards select one of their members to serve as a delegate to the State Educational Convention in the fall of 1910. There being nothing further, the board adjourned subject to the call of the division superintendent. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
August 29, 1910
The Fairfax County School Board met in annual session at Fairfax Courthouse, with Mr. Milton D. Hall, Division Superintendent, present and presiding. The following members answered to their names at roll call: J. C. Hunter, Captain Franklin Sherman, and Franklin Williams of Providence District; Robert W. Birch, James W. Gaines, and William H. Shreve of Falls Church District; John T. Haislip and James W. Roberts of Mount Vernon District; John P. Tucker of Dranesville District; Dr. Frederick M. Brooks and Nathan C. Davis of Lee District; Edgar E. Gillette, H. E. Haines, and W. H. Taylor of Herndon District (Town of Herndon); Dr. Merton E. Church and F. H. Eastman of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); Dr. James M. Nourse of Vienna District (Town of Vienna); James W. Ballard, Thomas R. Keith, and Dr. Walker P. Moncure of Fairfax District (Town of Fairfax); Robert A. Buckley, John D. Garrett, and James Harris of Centreville District.
Superintendent Hall read the report as made by himself distributing the unexpended balance of the County Fund in accordance with the resolution adopted by this board on August 24 1909, which was, on motion of Mr. H. E. Haines, adopted as read.
Captain Franklin Sherman, chairman of the finance committee, reported that the county treasurer’s accounts had been examined and found correct. On motion, the report was adopted.
Mr. Franklin Williams made a motion that the chairman appoint a committee consisting of three, with himself as chairman, to constitute a county committee whose duty would be to investigate the several delinquent lists in the county and appear before the Board of Supervisors asking this honorable body to try and reduce the present and past enormous delinquent lists which so greatly reduces the County School Fund. Same carried by vote of the County School Board. The committee was named as follows: Franklin Williams, H. E. Haines, and Nathan C. Davis.
The several committees to examine the account books of the district clerks reported finding the books well-kept and correct.
School census reports of the various districts not being complete at this time, it was placed in charge of Superintendent Hall as a committee of one to receive and approve same.
The board designated as legal holidays for school purposes Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1911.
The report of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) was read for information. The same was accepted and a vote of thanks was extended. On motion of Mr. James W. Roberts, the appropriation for 1911 to be $60.00 instead of $50.00 as before. Carried.
Dr. Frederick M. Brooks was asked to talk on vaccination, there being a desire for the former action of this board to be rescinded regarding same. Owing to the lateness of the hour, on motion of Mr. James W. Roberts, the same be deferred to our spring meeting. Same carried. On motion of Mr. James Roberts, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 P.M. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Secretary
May 1, 1911
Substituted for H. E. Haines on delinquent committee John T. Haislip, Mr. Haines having resigned.
June 13, 1911 (Tuesday)
The spring meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was called and convened at Fairfax Courthouse, with Milton D. Hall, Chairman, present and presiding. The following trustees answered present: John D. Garrett of Centreville; William H. Fox, W. A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker of Dranesville; Robert W. Birch and James W. Gaines of Falls Church; James W. Ballard and Walker P. Moncure of Fairfax; Dr. Frederick M. Brooks and Nathan C. Davis of Lee; John P. H. Mason and James W. Roberts of Mount Vernon; J. C. Hunter, Franklin Sherman, and Franklin Williams of Providence; Dr. Merton E. Church of the Town of Falls Church; Edmund L. S. Bouton and Dr. James M. Nourse of Vienna.
The journal (minutes) of the previous meeting were read for information, after which Superintendent Hall informed the board of the purpose of the meeting. Superintendent Hall produced figures showing different ways in which county school funds may be apportioned; showing what amounts each district would receive under each plan.
Resolution 1: Mr. James W. Roberts made motion that the County School Fund be apportioned on the basis of the school census of 1905 at $1.65 for each child enrolled in the several districts, and a committee of one from each district be appointed to recommend the future distribution of said fund. There being 16 present, 8 voting for and 8 against and the chair voting against, the motion was declared lost.
It was moved and seconded that we adjourn for dinner to meet again at 1:30 P.M.
The board reconvened at 1:30 P.M.
Resolution 2: Dr. Merton E. Church offered a resolution that all former action of this board regarding apportionments be and are hereby rescinded. Same carried.
Resolution 3: Dr. Merton E. Church made motion that the division superintendent be directed to apportion the County School Fund according to average daily attendance. Same was lost by vote of 13 to 3.
Resolution 4 by Franklin Williams: Resolved, that the County School Fund for the year 1910 be apportioned on the basis of the school population as recorded by the 1910 school census at $1.35 per capita and that the unexpended portion be disbursed at the discretion of the division superintendent taking into account the payment of inter-attendance of pupils between districts and according to the needs of the several districts. Carried.
Resolution 5 : Robert W. Birch made motion to allow his district to transfer the balance of their County Fund to their District Fund. Same was seconded and motion carried. The same to apply to the several districts.
On motion, the board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
August 22, 1911
The annual meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was held at Fairfax Courthouse, with Milton D. Hall, Division Superintendent, present and presiding. The following trustees were present: Robert A. Buckley, John D. Garrett, and James Harris of Centreville District; William H. Fox, W. A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker of Dranesville District; Robert W. Birch and James W. Gaines of Falls Church District; James W. Ballard and Walker P. Moncure of Fairfax District; Dr. E. L. Detwiler, E. Hilton Jackson, and W. H. Taylor of Herndon District; Dr. Frederick M. Brooks and Nathan C. Davis of Lee District; John T. Haislip, John P. H. Mason, and James W. Roberts of Mount Vernon District; Franklin Sherman of Providence District; Dr. Merton E. Church and F. M. Follinsby of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); Edmund L. S. Bouton and Dr. James M. Nourse of Vienna District.
The chair, stating a quorum was present, called for the report of the committee appointed at our last annual meeting to confer with the Board of Supervisors regarding the delinquent list of the several districts. The committee reported very little progress. After much discussion the following resolution was adopted:
Resolution by E. Hilton Jackson
First, that this board hereby express its dissatisfaction with the manner in which school taxes are reported delinquent, and; Second, that the chairman of this board be and is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to appoint a committee of three members of this board to look into consideration the whole question of delinquent school funds and taxes in the county; said committee to confer officially with the other county officials in relation to the same, and take such steps as may be requisite and consistent with the permission of the board and pursuant to law and order to bring about an improvement of conditions in this regard. Same carried. The chair named on this committee E. Hilton Jackson, Nathan C. Davis, and Dr. Walker P. Moncure.
On motion made by Dr. Merton E. Church and seconded, the division superintendent was instructed to call to the attention of the treasurers of the several town boards in the county Section 108, Page 88 of the school laws.
The report of the division superintendent was read for information giving amounts disbursed for educational purposes in the several districts.
Committees were appointed to examine the accounts of the clerks of the various districts. All books present were found to be correct.
A resolution of Dr. Merton E. Church was adopted by the board directing the division superintendent to apportion the County School Fund for 1911-1912 among the several districts according to the enrollment and average attendance.
The division superintendent read a communication from the State Board of Health asking this board to rescind its former action regarding compulsory vaccination. After discussion, the board refused the request as read by the superintendent.
Monday, September 18, 1911, was set as the day for opening all schools in the county.
A motion was made, duly seconded, and carried, authorizing this board to send two delegates to the State Education Convention at Norfolk. E. Hilton Jackson and Robert W. Birch were named as delegates to the convention, and Nathan C. Davis and Dr. Merton E. Church were named as alternates. Also, this County School Board to pay the expense for two delegates (two teachers, apparently) from the County Fund to attend said convention; they to be chosen by the Fairfax County Teacher Association, expense not exceed $15.00.
General permission was given the several district boards to carry balances in their County Fund over to their District Fund.
The report of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) was read by the chair and the board noted its approval by extending a vote of thanks, and, by vote allowed $50.00, it being the amount asked.
A motion was made, duly seconded, and carried, directing the division superintendent or clerk of the County Board to send a copy of the resolution of Mr. E. Hilton Jackson relating to the disapproval of the methods of handling delinquencies to each official in the county having anything to do with the collection or handling of taxes.
It was moved and seconded that we do now adjourn. Same carried. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
September 5, 1912
The Fairfax County School Board met in annual session with Milton D. Hall, President, present and presiding. The following trustees were present: John D. Garrett of Centreville District; William H. Fox and John P. Tucker of Dranesville District; John T. Haislip and W. A. Smith of Mount Vernon District; Robert W. Birch and James W. Gaines of Falls Church District; Captain Franklin Sherman and Franklin Williams of Providence District; Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Nathan C. Davis, and John S. Wiley of Lee District; Dr. Walker P. Moncure of the Town of Fairfax; Dr. E. L. Detwiler and W. E. Miller of the Town of Herndon; Dr. Merton E. Church and F. H. Eastman of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church); Dr. James M. Nourse of the Town of Vienna.
The president announced a quorum was present and ordered the secretary to read the minutes of the last annual meeting which were adopted without correction.
Captain Franklin Sherman, chairman of the committee on finance, was then called on for their report which was very lengthy covering all the facts, and was filed with the minutes as a part of same (The report was not found in the minute book). By vote of the board, the report was accepted.
Mr. F. H. Eastman of the Town of Falls Church School Board offered the following resolution which received the proper seconding:
Resolution 1: Resolved, that no commissions be paid or returned from any fund including county, state, and district funds unless a warrant has first been issued in regular form. The resolution was carried.
Superintendent Hall then read a statement of facts showing the amounts returned in the several districts, and the total of said districts in lump sum as found by the committee appointed at the annual meeting in 1911. After discussion of some of the items appearing in this report, the County School Board voted to have the committee continued and the committee now serving was reappointed for the year 1913.
The method of apportionment was then reported on by the division superintendent, and was by him said to be one of the most excellent plans by which we had ever apportioned. After some discussion, Captain Franklin Sherman made motion that this plan be adopted as a permanent plan for apportioning the County School Fund. Same carried by rising vote 12 to 7. All clerks not having reported on or before this meeting were allowed three days to get same in the hands of the division superintendent.
This body being without a vice president on account of the resignation of James W. Roberts, Mr. John D. Garrett placed in nomination the name of Mr. Franklin Sherman. On motion which was made, seconded, and carried, the clerk was instructed to cast the unanimous vote of this body. Therefore, Captain Franklin Sherman stands unanimously elected vice president of this body.
Evening Session
Resolution 2 by Dr. Merton E. Church: Resolved, that the representation balloting and voting of this board shall be by school district and on every ballot each school district shall be entitled to cast the full vote of the district. Carried.
The County School Board, by rising vote of 12 to 7, voted to ask the Board of Supervisors to raise the county levy for school purposes to $0.20 on the $100.00 valuation instead of the $0.15 at present. The districts asked the division superintendent to request the Board of Supervisors to have the following district levies: Dranesville, Falls Church, and Providence requested $0.20 per $100.00; and Mount Vernon, Centreville, and Lee requested $0.15 per $100.00.
Monday, September 23, 1912, was adopted as the day for the opening of all schools. Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1913, were declared legal holidays with pay.
The report of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) was read by Captain Franklin Sherman, and was filed as a part of these minutes (The report was not found in the minute book). The report was accepted, a vote of thanks was extended, and the sum of $75.00 was appropriated as asked for.
The division superintendent designated November 1, 1912, as Patrons Day and made a special request that all district clerks and district chairmen impress this upon the minds of all teachers on the day of contracting; and desired further that a special effort be made to make the school fair of October 25, 1912, a success.
A report of the account books of Centreville District was read with balances stated. The board adjourned subject to the call of the superintendent. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
August 26, 1913
The Fairfax County School Board met in annual session with Milton D. Hall, Division Superintendent, present and presiding. Clerk Nathan C. Davis being absent, John D. Garrett was elected clerk pro tempore. Roll was called and the following trustees were present: John D. Garrett and Wesley W. Swart of Centreville District; William H. Fox and W. A. Thompson of Dranesville District; Robert W. Birch, James W. Gaines, and William H. Shreve of Falls Church District; James W. Ballard of the Town of Fairfax; E. L. Detwiler of the Town of Herndon; Frederick M. Brooks of Lee District; John T. Haislip and W. A. Smith of Mount Vernon District; Merton E. Church and Charles A. Stewart of the Town of Falls Church; Edmund L. S. Bouton and James M. Nourse of the Town of Vienna. On account of the absence of the clerk, and the minutes of the previous meeting not being on hand, motion was made and carried that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with.
The report of the finance committee was read by Captain Franklin Sherman. Remarks were made by Merton E. Church calling the attention of the district clerks to the necessity of not overdrawing on the state funding allotted to their several districts. A motion was made by Dr. Frederick M. Brooks that the county superintendent and clerk of this board be instructed to call the attention of the Board of Supervisors to the condition of the assessor’s books (county treasurer), and also to the report of the corporation commission. It was moved and carried that the county superintendent appoint three members beside himself to go over the delinquent list - the superintendent to be the chairman of said committee. The thanks of this board were extended to the finance committee for their report.
On motion, September 15, 1913, was fixed as the date for opening the schools of the districts and towns of the county. A substitute motion by Dr. Nourse, that the board declare Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1914, as legal holidays, carried. Superintendent Hall gave a talk on the sanitary conditions of the school buildings, and cautioned the trustees to see that everything was in shape by the time school was to begin.
On motion, all districts having balances in the County Fund are given the permission to have them transferred to the District Fund. On motion, the same method as prevailed last year was adopted as to the distribution of the County School Fund. Warrants of Herndon District were turned over to the county superintendent. Reports of the several district clerks were called for and reports were made by the clerks who were present.
On motion, Mount Vernon District was given permission to sell the school building known as the Burroughs building.
Remarks were made by William H. Fox on the death of John P. Tucker, Clerk of Dranesville District School Board. Mr. Fox offered the following resolution: This board wishes to place on its record its sense of loss in the death of John P. Tucker, Clerk of the Dranesville District School Board, and a member of that board and this for about twelve years. He was faithful, efficient, and courteous. He died literally in the harness and this board, in sympathy with his family, his church, and his neighbors, mourns his loss. It was ordered that this resolution be spread on our records and that copies be furnished to the two county papers and to his family.
The employment of an industrial teacher was taken up and discussed by Dr. E. L. Detwiler, Franklin Williams, Merton E. Church, Milton D. Hall, and James M. Nourse, and same was left to the different districts to decide as they chose in the matter.
It was unanimously decided to appropriate the sum of $75.00 to the Daughters of the American Revolution (D. A. R.) and that the thanks of this board be extended to them in their work.
It was unanimously carried that we increase the salary of our superintendent from $200.00 to $575.00. Nathan C. Davis was elected clerk of this board. Captain Franklin Sherman was elected vice chairman. On motion, the board adjourned. Signed, John D. Garrett, Clerk Pro Tem
- The Burroughs School was located in what is today the City of Alexandria. The school also went by the name Hunting Creek School in early records due to its location on the road leading from Alexandria to the bridge over Hunting Creek. Fairfax County Circuit Court Chancery Case File 1904-047 describes how the Burroughs School was damaged by the “Great Cyclone of September 1896.” The building was damaged considerably by the cyclone and was partially moved from its foundation. Despite the damage, the building appears to have remained in use until about 1902, when it was replaced by another school located near what is today McVeigh Square in Alexandria. The new school was absorbed by the City of Alexandria during its 1915 annexation of Fairfax County.
September 9, 1914
The Fairfax County School Board met in annual session at Fairfax Courthouse, with Milton D. Hall, Division Superintendent, present and presiding. Upon roll call, the following trustees answered to their names: John D. Garrett, Robert L. Spindle, and Wesley W. Swart of Centreville District; Arthur F. Burgess and William H. Fox of Dranesville District; Robert W. Birch, James W. Gaines, and William H. Shreve of Falls Church District; Nathan C. Davis and John S. Wiley of Lee District; John T. Haislip, W. A. Smith, and Philip O. Ward of Mount Vernon District; Captain Franklin Sherman and Franklin Williams of Providence District; Edmund L. S. Bouton, A. G. Coumbe, and George E. King of the Town of Vienna; James W. Ballard and Dr. Walker P. Moncure of the Town of Fairfax; E. Hilton Jackson of the Town of Herndon; Merton E. Church, F. H. Eastman, and Charles A. Stewart of Jefferson District (Town of Falls Church). The journal (minutes) of the 1913 meeting was read for information and with slight correction adopted.
Captain Franklin Sherman, chairman of the finance committee, read the report of same with its several recommendations, which after much discussion was adopted as a whole.
The report of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) was read by Captain Franklin Sherman. The report was accepted and a vote of thanks was extended to the ladies for their good work. On motion of Dr. Merton E. Church, the sum of $75.00 was appropriated by this board to be paid to said association for the continuation of their work.
The division superintendent called the attention of this board to the law governing the publishing of school accounts in both the county and its districts. A motion was made and unanimously adopted that this board appoint a committee of two to act in conjunction with the superintendent in getting up a booklet covering all accounts, and a general history of the public schools in the county. The chair named to this committee James W. Ballard and Charles A. Stewart.
The board adjourned for dinner.
Afternoon Session
On motion of Dr. Merton E. Church, the chair appointed Captain Franklin Sherman, Franklin Williams Jr., and Dr. A. G. Coumbe a committee from this board to draft suitable resolutions touching on the death of James W. Roberts a former member of this board; also, to draft a resolution of appreciation and acceptance of the gift of $300.00 by the honorable R. Walton Moore to be expended on prizes for teachers and children in the county fair. The following resolutions were presented and unanimously adopted by this board:
Resolution 1: This board wishes to put on record its profound sorrow and regret at the sudden and untimely death of a former member of this board, James W. Roberts of Mount Vernon District. For years he was chairman of the Mount Vernon District School Board and for several years vice president of this board. He was interested, faithful, and efficient to an unusual degree. He was genial and loyal, both as a friend and as a brother member. This order shall be spread on the minutes and copies shall be sent to the papers of the county and to the family signed by the committee.
Resolution 2: Whereas, the Fairfax County School Board in session assembled appreciating the patriotic and public spirit manifest by our fellow citizen the Honorable R. Walton Moore in donating the sum of $300.00 to be distributed as prizes to the school teachers and children of the county; Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the thanks of the County School Board be extended to the Hon. R. Walton Moore for this manifestation of public spirit, and that a copy of this resolution be spread on the minutes of the said board and published in the county papers and delivered to him.
On motion of Dr. Merton E. Church, the accounts of the district clerks were turned over to the finance committee to be checked up with the book of the county treasurer.
The board voted to send three delegates to the educational convention and the following were elected: E. Hilton Jackson, Captain Franklin Sherman, and Nathan C. Davis. Alternates: Franklin Williams, John T. Haislip, and Dr. Merton E. Church.
Mr. E. Hilton Jackson offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved, the committee composed of one member from each school district, authorized by the adoption of the report of the finance committee, be authorized and empowered to employ such assistance including expert help and legal services as in their judgment may be necessary to ascertain and correct any defects in assessment and collection of school taxes. The committee is further authorized and directed after collecting and classifying all the information with respect thereto, to publish the same in connection with the committee report at the expense of the board. The committee was named as follows:
- Dranesville: Warren M. McNair
- Centreville: John D. Garrett
- Lee: Nathan C. Davis
- Mount Vernon: John T. Haislip
- Providence: Captain Franklin Sherman
- Herndon: E. Hilton Jackson
- Vienna: A. G. Coumbe
- Fairfax: James W. Ballard
- Falls Church: Robert W. Birch
- Jefferson (Town of Falls Church): Charles A. Stewart
Upon suggestion of E. Hilton Jackson, the committee was formed into subcommittees and the three appointed to take up the adjustments of commissioner books and delinquents was as follows: Captain F. Sherman, A. G. Coumbe, and Nathan C. Davis. The following trustees were appointed to the subcommittee for developing this work: E. Hilton Jackson, James W. Ballard, and Warren M. McNair.
The board voted to give as holidays with pay Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1915.
On motion of Robert W. Birch, the division superintendent was authorized to have the Virginia Journal of Education sent each district clerk; same to be paid for out of the County School Fund.
Moved, seconded, and adopted that the same plan for apportionment as last year be adopted.
Moved, seconded, and adopted that two members of this board and the division superintendent be made a committee to meet with the directorate of the County Fair Association and devise some plan for admitting teachers and pupils of school of the county; said committee members to be Franklin Williams and Dr. A. G. Coumbe.
Resolution by Franklin Sherman: Resolved, that the balance of the County School Fund in the treasurer’s hands may be carried to the district school funds of the various districts. Carried.
The subject of compulsory vaccination was taken up and the board, which voted to defend its action leaving the matter as it now stands. There being no further business, the board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
September 10, 1915
The Fairfax County School Board met in annual session with Milton D. Hall, Division Superintendent, present and presiding. The following trustees answered to their names: John D. Garrett, Robert L. Spindle, and Wesley W. Swart of Centreville District; Arthur F. Burgess and Warren M. McNair of Dranesville District; Robert W. Birch, James W. Gaines, and William H. Shreve of Falls Church District; Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Nathan C. Davis, and John S. Wiley of Lee District; John T. Haislip, W. A. Smith, Philip O. Ward of Mount Vernon District; Dallas Berry, Douglass S. Mackall, and Franklin Williams of Providence District; C. F. Broadwater and Fairfax S. McCandlish of the Town of Fairfax; Merton E. Church and F. H. Eastman of the Town of Falls Church; E. Hilton Jackson, Russell A. Lynn, W. E. Miller of the Town of Herndon; Edmund L. S. Bouton, Dr. A. G. Coumbe, and George E. King of the Town of Vienna. A quorum being present, the board proceeded with the usual routine. The minutes of the 1914 meeting were read and approved.
The report of the committee on finance was read and adopted by vote of board. The division superintendent then read his report reviewing the work of the past year; same was adopted and filed with the minutes (The report was not found in the minute book).
On motion of Dr. Merton E. Church, a committee on delinquent taxes be continued. Same carried. Said committee to consist of one member from each district, and the districts named the following to act:
- Centreville: Wesley W. Swart
- Dranesville: Warren M. McNair
- Falls Church: Robert W. Birch
- Lee: Nathan C. Davis
- Mount Vernon: John T. Haislip,
- Providence: Douglass S. Mackall
- Town of Falls Church: F. H. Eastman
- Vienna: George E. King
The school census books were then reviewed and all accepted (Dranesville not included). Fairfax S. McCandlish made motion that the division superintendent and the clerk of Dranesville District be given time to compare same with the 1910 school census and, if found correct, to be accepted by the superintendent for this board. Same carried.
A committee consisting of the School Board of Providence District was appointed to draw a resolution touching on the death of Captain Franklin Sherman, and was given time to complete same and forward a copy to the county papers for publication, one copy to his family, and one copy to be spread on our minutes. John D. Garrett was elected vice president to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Captain Franklin Sherman.
Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1916, were declared legal holidays with pay to teachers.
Dr. Merton E. Church made a motion that a committee be appointed to act in conjunction with the division superintendent to devise some plan of enabling the children to secure textbooks. Fairfax S. McCandlish and Nathan C. Davis were appointed to the committee.
It was moved and seconded that the apportionment be on the same basis as last year. Carried.
The following letter was attached to the minute book:
“Ash Grove” Route 1, McLean Fairfax County, Virginia To the Fairfax County School Board: For all the family, I wish to express our appreciation, and to thank you most heartily for the very beautiful floral offering you sent for my Father’s funeral last April. It would, of course, have been acknowledged sooner, had I known of any way to reach you all, at an earlier date. We would also like to express our appreciation to your Chairman, Mr. Milton D. Hall, and other members of the Board, for courtesy shown us at that time. Assuring you of our continued interest in your body, and in the schools, which it was my Father’s pleasure to serve for so many years. I am, very sincerely, Miriam Fairchild Sherman August 12, 1915 |
The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the Fairfax County School Board at its annual meeting on September 10, 1915:
Whereas, by the dispensation of providence there has been removed from our midst Captain Franklin Sherman, who for many years was one of the most respected, loved, active, and influential members of this board; Therefore, Be It Resolved: First, that this board wishes to go on record in expressing its profound sorrow for the great personal and irreparable public loss in the death of Captain Franklin Sherman; Second, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this board, a copy be sent to the Fairfax Herald and Herndon Observer with a request that they be published, and a copy be transmitted with our deepest sympathy to the family. Signed, Franklin Williams Jr., Dallas Berry, and Douglas S. Mackall
The board voted to have the superintendent apportion according to population from the district funds of the several districts $225.00 as an entry fee for all school children and teachers in the county to the county fair.
Mr. Franklin Williams brought before the board the subject of compulsory education. Fairfax S. McCandlish the following resolved: That this board call a special meeting in the month of November to take up this subject and arrange for same in this county. Carried.
The following members were elected as delegates to the educational convention in Richmond: John D. Garrett and John T. Haislip. Alternates: Wesley W. Swart, John S. Wiley, and Robert L. Spindle.
September 20, 1915, was set as the opening date for schools.
The report of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) was read and the sum of $50.00 was voted to continue their work.
The board ordered the clerk to draw warrants for the expense of the county meeting. The board adjourned. Sine die. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
September 14, 1916
The regular meeting of the County School Board was held on the above date with Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding, and quorum being present.
Mr. Fairfax S. McCandlish, chairman of a committee to look after the placing of school books in reach of all children in the county, reported action taken, and same was passed.
The committee on delinquents had no report owing to the fact that the list had not been made and completed. The 1916 list was discussed by some of the members as to its erroneous items and how to remedy same. The following resolution was adopted as offered by Mr. McCandlish: Whereas, it has come to the attention of this board that there are a large number of lots and tracts of land returned delinquent for the current year by reason of the fact that the commissioners of the revenue of the county have not carefully performed their duties. Therefore, Be It Resolved by this board, that the Judge of the Circuit be requested to summon all the commissioners of the revenue of the county before him during the next term of court and charge them that when making their assessments they must in the future personally visit or communicate with land owners as far as possible and not simply copy the old books for the preceding year, and endeavor to eliminate or correct all erroneous entries; and charge them to assess lots in subdivisions by lot numbers as far as possible and to give acreage in all cases where the parcel of land contains more than one acre. The clerk is directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to the judge. Mr. Fairfax S. McCandlish and John W. Rust were appointed a committee to attend to the same while in the hands of the court.
The report of the division superintendent was then read and on motion the first part thereof was to be published in the county paper and the whole was adopted by this board.
The report of the finance committee, on account of books not being completed, was deferred to a special meeting to be called later and the committee was given further time to complete its work.
All district boards were directed to make necessary repairs to outbuildings to conform to the state regulation.
The subject of medical inspections was brought before the board and after discussion the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, that a committee of five be appointed to investigate and report at the spring meeting of this board relative to medical inspection in the schools. It is the sense of this board that the district boards of trustees take such measures as possible to provide for medical inspection and make a proper report to the division superintendent for the use of the county board. The following trustees were appointed to the committee: Herbert Williams, Douglass S. Mackall, Frederick M. Brooks, Merton E. Church, and E. L. Robey.
The board set September 18, 1916, as the day for opening for schools in county. The board designated Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1917, as legal holidays with pay.
The same plan of apportionment for county funds as last year was adopted.
Resolved, that a committee of one trustee from each district be appointed to investigate and report on a plan for a uniform term and salary in the county.
On motion of Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, the number of district teachers’ meetings was left to the district boards.
The report of the vice regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) was read and the board voted the sum of $60.00 to continue their work.
The following were elected to attend the educational convention as representatives of this board: Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Merton E. Church, and Herbert Williams. Alternates: Douglass S. Mackall, Fairfax S. McCandlish, and James W. Gaines.
The board voted to have the clerk of this board pay for out of the County Fund one copy of the Virginia Educational Journal for each trustee. The board adjourned to meet subject to call of the division superintendent for approval of the several accounts. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
October 2, 1916
The adjourned communication of the County School Board. Upon call of Superintendent Hall, the board met at Fairfax Courthouse on the above date with a majority of the districts being represented and with Chairman Milton D. Hall presiding.
The committee on finance made their report which was adopted. On motion, the report of the finance committee with the accounts of the several districts was ordered published and paid for out of the general county school fund. The chairman was directed to take up with the clerks of the school boards of the towns the necessity of their reports of expenditures and receipts as same must be made a part of the annual report of the division superintendent.
On motion, the board voted to continue the employment of the Colored industrial teacher.
On motion, the board voted to adopt the same plan as last year, for paying the entrance fee of school children to the county fair.
The board recommended that the committee on medical inspection confer with a committee from the Civic League, of which Dr. Fletcher is chairman, and make such report as may be necessary at an early date. The board adjourned. Sine die. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
March 9, 1917
The committee of one from each school district, in compliance with a resolution adopted by the County School Board, upon the call of the chair, met at Fairfax, Virginia, on the above date. The following members were present: Superintendent Milton D. Hall, John D. Garrett, Warren M. McNair, Dr. E. L. Robey, A. F. Lewis, John T. Haislip, Robert W. Birch, Merton E. Church, Fairfax S. McCandlish, Dr. Burrows, Herbert Williams, and Douglass S. Mackall.
Resolved: First, that it is the sense of this committee that a uniform term of school be adopted in this county for both white and Colored schools; Second, that we recommend a minimum term of eight months for all white schools, and a minimum term of seven months for all Colored schools; Third, it is the sense of this committee that the division superintendent apportion a sufficient amount out of the General County School Fund among the several school districts to maintain a term of eight months for white and seven months for Colored schools according to the needs of the several districts as per salaries contracted for plus such other expenses as transportation of pupils for the school term of 1916-1917.
Resolved: That a committee of three be appointed to act in conjunction with the division superintendent to recommend a plan for the apportionment of the unexpended balance of the county fund; said committee to be composed of Merton E. Church, Douglass S. Mackall, and Nathan C. Davis.
Moved and seconded that the division superintendent be and is hereby instructed to go before the Board of Supervisors and ask for an appropriation to meet a tentative apportionment from the state to the one and two-room schools in the county. Resolved: That this board request the Board of Supervisors to make a uniform district levy in the county.
The committee requested the division superintendent to call a meeting of the County School Board on the first Tuesday in April. The committee adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
April 17, 1917
The spring meeting of the Fairfax County School Board convened at Fairfax Courthouse on the above date with Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. All districts were represented at roll call. The following business was taken up: The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Herbert Williams, chairman of the committee on medical inspection, reported on the work in progress at this time; Dr. Flanigan having previous to this meeting begun work in the county. On motion, the committee was continued and Fairfax S. McCandlish was added to the committee.
Fairfax S. McCandlish and John Rust, the committee on delinquents, reported on the action of the court that was taken in this matter at its September 1916 term, and the same committee was continued.
The committee on uniform term and apportionments to carry out same reported. Said report was adopted giving each district a term eight months for white and seven months for Colored schools in county.
Mr. Herbert Williams was appointed a committee of one to draft a resolution expressing the profound gratitude of this board to the Honorable R. Walton Moore for his many liberal contributions to the schools of the county; a copy of which is to be published in the county paper.
The compensation of the superintendent was taken up and a committee of one from each district was appointed to recommend the amount to be paid; said committee recommended $60.00 per month without any allowance for traveling expenses. Same adopted.
The board expressed its desire to have the warrant for the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) now held by the division superintendent for legal purposes forwarded. Superintendent Hall made a short talk on preparedness by farmers.
Resolved: That a committee composed of Messrs. Mackall, Birch, Garrett, and Davis with Superintendent Hall as chairman be appointed to consider and report a proper legal and equitable basis for the apportionment of the county school fund between the several school districts for the year 1917-1918.
The board adjourned. Sine Die. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
The following resolutions were adopted and are herewith attached as a part of the records of this meeting.
Resolution 1: The committee appointed to consider and recommend to the County School Board a basis for the apportionment of the County School Fund for the year 1916-1917, having carefully considered the matter, report and recommend, as follows:
- That to each of the school districts in this county, there be first apportioned an amount which when added to the State Fund apportioned to each district, will be sufficient to pay the salaries of teachers and charges for transportation of pupils for a term of eight (8) months for the white and seven (7) months for the Colored schools in the County;
- That a proper sum shall be reserved to meet the general and usual charges against the County School Fund, and to provide for the payment of teachers’ salaries for the next school year which become payable prior to receipt of the State Fund, and;
- That any and all surplus of the County Fund shall from time to time be apportioned and paid over to the several school districts in the same proportion that the entire tax is assessed in the county, to wit $27,568.00 bears to the tax assessed in each district, PROVIDED that any district which shall have received an amount equal to, or in excess of its pro rata share of the county taxes on such basis, by virtue of the appropriations under section one hereof, shall not participate in the apportionment of said surplus, and any apportionment of said surplus which would increase the aggregate amount received by any district to an amount in excess of its pro rata share as aforesaid shall be reduced as to such district or districts, to the extent of such increase;
- That the State Board of Education be, and it hereby is requested to approve this plan of apportionment of the county funds for the current year, and to authorize the several districts which may participate in the apportionment of such surplus funds to use the same for any of the purposes for which the district funds may be lawfully used;
- That a committee consisting of Superintendent M. D. Hall, Douglass S. Mackall, Merton E. Church, and Nathan C. Davis is hereby appointed with full power and authority to make the appropriations, and from time to time apportion the surplus of the County Fund in accordance with this resolution.
- Mr. Douglass S. Mackall desires to go on record as being opposed to the appropriations provided for under Section 1 of the foregoing resolution, contending that the county funds should be apportioned to the several districts on some general equitable basis, viz: in proportion to the school population, the taxes levied, or some other fixed and definite basis, but will make no further objection to the distribution of the funds for the current year.
Resolution 2: Resolved, that this board heartily approves the appeal by the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, to the people of the country, published in the public press on April 15, 1917, which appeal calls upon the people to use every endeavor to raise the largest possible crop of foodstuffs; Resolved further, that the members of this board hereby pledge themselves to do all in their power, by example as well as by suggestion, to see that the patriotic recommendations of the president are carried out by the people of this county.
Resolution 3: Whereas the Honorable R. Walton Moore has given many evidences of his high public spirit and deep interest in the public schools of our county as instanced by his support of our school fair and more recently by his splendid donation of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to the fund for the health survey of the county and the medical inspection of its schools and in many other ways; Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the School Board of Fairfax County hereby expresses its profound gratitude to Mr. Moore for his munificent gift and assures him that his great liberality to our schools is much appreciated by all our people.
September 11, 1917
The annual meeting of the Fairfax County School Board was called to order by Division Superintendent Hall with 23 trustees present. The minutes and resolutions of the fall and spring meetings were read for information, including the reports of the committees appointed at the said meetings, and on motion of Dr. Merton E. Church were adopted.
The division superintendent read his report with its several recommendations, with instructions for carrying out same, which was adopted. The following committees were appointed: Herbert F. Williams, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, and Nathan C. Davis were appointed to the committee on medical inspection. Apportionments were referred to the same committee as last year, namely, Douglass S. Mackall, Merton E. Church, and Nathan C. Davis, with the division superintendent as chairman. On motion of Dr. Merton E. Church, the same (report, recommendations, and instructions) be printed and the same be turned over to the three trustees of the Town of Fairfax.
The board by vote rescinded its former action on the subject of vaccination and returned to the general law and put this matter in the hands of the County Board of Health. Dr. Flanigan was present and gave quite a lengthy and glowing report of the work accomplished along the line of medical inspection.
The board designated Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1918, as legal holidays with pay; and set September 17, 1917, as the date for opening the schools of the county.
On motion, which was duly seconded and unanimously adopted, Division Superintendent Hall and Wilson M. Farr were appointed to ascertain the amount due to the Fairfax Fair Association for entrance fees to the 1916 Fairfax County Fair for the teachers and children of the county and to draw from the County School Fund to pay same. The sum of $200.00 due to said association as entrance fees for teachers and children to the 1917 Fairfax County Fair to be paid out of the general County School Fund.
Miss Edith Thompson being present gave the board a summary report of work begun and amount accomplished.
Dr. Merton E. Church offered a resolution asking the members in the legislature to use their efforts to have a bill passed allowing towns to increase their school tax levies.
The following gentlemen were elected delegates to the Educational Convention: Dr. Merton E. Church and Herbert Williams; Alternates: Douglass S. Mackall and Fairfax S. McCandlish. The board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
April 29, 1918
The board convened at Fairfax Courthouse with Superintendent Milton D. Hall present and presiding. Roll was called and seven districts being represented the chair decided a quorum was present. The board thereupon proceeded to business. The district superintendent explained the various matters to be considered at this meeting and for what purpose the said meeting was called.
Miss Edith Thompson, Home Demonstration Agent for Fairfax County, was present and made quite a lengthy talk along the lines of her said work, outlining same in such a comprehensive manner as to be of great interest to the board. Dr. Merton E. Church offered a resolution that Miss Thompson's report with its recommendations be referred to a committee. The committee was manned as follows: Messrs. Fairfax S. McCandlish and Herbert F. Williams. The above committee made report as follows:
- That this Board appropriate sufficient money to enable Miss Thompson to buy 5,000 tin cans at about $44.00 per thousand F.O.B. Baltimore; Miss Thompson to refund this money when cans are sold.
- We recommend that permission be secured to use the courthouse and old clerk’s office temporarily for women’s exchange and demonstration work and that this board give attention to the establishment of permanent quarters.
- That this board advance Miss Thompson $26.50, paid by her for cans last year, to be refunded when said cans are sold; also, that this board refund $5.00 spent by her in connection with the state exhibit; also, money paid by her in connection with a scholarship to a short course at the summer normal school.
- That this board appropriate $20.00 for a scholarship this year.
- That Miss Thompson's salary for the ensuing year continue at $100.00 per month, one half of the same to be paid by this board; and that she be allowed an expense account not exceeding $300.00 per year to be paid by this board out of the County School Fund; an itemized statement of such expenses to be approved by the chairman and clerk of this board.
The report by committee members Fairfax S. McCandlish and Herbert F. Williams was adopted except that paragraph five was amended so as to provide that Miss Thompson is only to receive extraordinary expenses on itemized bills approved by the chairman and clerk of this board.
Motion by Dr. Frederick M. Brooks that all applications for schools (by teachers) be made to Mr. Milton D. Hall, Division Superintendent, and that he selects the teachers for the various schools, the selection being subject to the ratification of the district school boards.
The board adjourned for dinner.
The board reconvened at 2:15 P.M.
Miss L. G. Townshend, County Nurse, came before this board and explained her duties as nurse and the many things accomplished and branches to be taken up. Her report was adopted as made. Permission was given Miss Townshend to organize a health club.
Resolution by the County School Board
Resolved: That this board now place upon its records its sincere appreciation of the service of Nathan C. Davis as its clerk for the past eight years and its profound regret caused by his resignation therefrom by reason of the fact that he has been chosen a member of the County Board of Supervisors. As clerk of this board his work has been faultless. His untiring interest in education has been an inspiration; and in spreading upon our records this appreciation of his splendid service to the school system of this county and state we do him an honor which his brilliant and useful record richly deserves.
Benjamin F. Nevitt and John D. Garrett were nominated for clerk of this board. Mr. Nevitt was elected.
The clerks of the several district school boards are requested to draw warrants of $2.00 from their district funds and forward same to M. F. McGhee of Keysville, Virginia, to defray the expenses of the Educational Convention.
Before this School Board of Fairfax County adjourns it wishes to place upon record its feelings in regard to The Great War for Liberty. Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the County School Board of Fairfax County desires to go upon record as a body eager and anxious to further and promote all war work. We each and all are willing and ready to do our full part and we will endeavor to give our time, labor, and money in assisting in the Liberty Loan Campaigns and War Savings Campaign and will impress upon the teachers and pupils of our various districts their urgent duty in this regard. We will assist in the Red Cross work, in the Camp Community Recreation work, and in all other war relief work, in order to defeat the Modern Hun and to make the world safe for Democracy. We are heartily in accord with our Government's war aim and will give it our full support.
The board adjourned. Sine die. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
August 30, 1918
The annual meeting of the County School Board met at Fairfax Courthouse. There being a sufficient number of district trustees present to form a quorum, the meeting was called to order by Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall and at once proceeded to business. The roll was called by the clerk, who also read the minutes of the last meeting which stood approved as read. The clerk also, by request of the superintendent, read his (the superintendent's) 32nd Annual Report, which was adopted as read.
It was moved by Dr. Merton E. Church that the division superintendent have printed and posted at the public places in the county 500 posters calling the attention of the public to the Compulsory Attendance Law; and also have 1,500 copies of the first section of the law printed and distributed among the teachers of the county to be by them sent to parents of children not attending school, and that the division superintendent give further notice of the law in the county papers.
It was moved and seconded that county school funds by distributed as last year on the basis of their needs.
It was moved that schools be opened on September 16, 1918, subject to the boards of the several districts.
It was moved and seconded that the County School Board is hereby authorized to make a distribution from the County School Fund in the amount of $500.00 to aid Mount Vernon District in its pay of tuition for high school pupils to school in Alexandria, subject to the approval of the State Board of Education.
The board adjourned for dinner.
The board reconvened at 2:15 P.M.
It was moved that members of the finance committee be paid $5.00 per diem and that they furnish their own dinner. The finance committee reported a thorough examination of the treasurer's books and find them substantially correct and showing a balance of $18,847.73; said balance subject to commissions on August collections, delinquents returned on the account of the County School Fund, and such differences as may arise between the estimated delinquent returns and those actually found.
It was moved that Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1919, be given as holidays with pay.
On motion by Mr. McCandlish, it was resolved that this board subscribe to the Virginia Journal of Education for each of its members and for each school in the county.
On motion, authority was given to the Mount Vernon District School Board to sell at public auction the old school building at Potter's Hill.
It was moved by Mr. McCandlish that this board not accept the offer of the state to help with school supervision.
A motion was made that Miss Edith Thompson be paid $25.00 per month as expenses in connection with her demonstration work, this being in lieu of the June resolution in respect to $300.00 per year for extraordinary expenses. On motion of Mr. Lawrence, it is resolved that the county demonstrator be requested by the division superintendent to file with the clerk of this board detailed reports of her work at the end of each month, and to distribute her work as equally as practicable over the several sections and communities of the county.
Moved, that all trustees make a special effort to form a War Stamps Society in each school, its sole purpose being to obtain members who pledge themselves to purchase and promote the sale of War Stamps. The board adjourned “Sine die.” Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
April 30, 1919
The regular spring meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County, with Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall presiding, met with the following members present: John D. Garrett, Wesley W. Swart, and Robert L. Spindle of Centreville District; Mark Turner, William H. Fox, Warren M. McNair of Dranesville District; James W. Gaines and Robert W. Birch of Falls Church District; Herbert F. Williams, Dallas Berry, and Douglass S. Mackall of Providence District; Frederick M. Brooks and Benjamin F. Nevitt of Lee District; John T. Haislip of Mount Vernon District; J. W. Rust and Fairfax S. McCandlish of the Town of Fairfax; E. L. Robey and C. M. Lawrence of the Town of Herndon; Charles A. Stewart and F. H. Eastman of the Town of Falls Church.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. After disposing of the regular routine business, the following resolutions were adopted:
Resolution 1: That the division superintendent be relieved from the duty of selecting teachers for the county.
Resolution 2: That the schedule of salaries prepared by the superintendent now in effect be adopted for the next school year, and that the clerk of each district school board be furnished with a copy before the time for executing contracts with teachers.
Resolution 3: That, if practicable, the finance committee of last year be retained for this year.
After considerations and adoptions of the foregoing resolutions and further attention of routine business, the meeting adjourned for dinner.
The board reconvened at 2:15 P.M.
Immediately after dinner, Dr. Flanagan, the County Health Physician, made his report showing what had been undertaken and accomplished by that office, and also his proposed schedule for the coming summer. After the doctor’s talk, the following resolutions were adopted:
Resolution 4: Moved by Fairfax S. McCandlish: That we employ three supervising teachers for the county during the school year 1919-1920; that the chair appoint a committee of seven to divide the county into three districts, said committee to report at the July meeting of this board; that the chairman (Superintendent Hall) be one of the members of the committee; and that this committee select and employ the three supervising teachers. The committee was named as follows: Douglass S. Mackall, Robert W. Birch, John T. Haislip, Warren M. McNair, John D. Garrett, Frederick M. Brooks and Milton D. Hall, Chairman.
Resolution 5: Resolved, that the Providence District School Board be and is hereby authorized and directed to take the necessary steps to sell the school property at Langley, Virginia (Langley School).
Resolution 6: Motion by Mr. McCandlish: That a committee of two be appointed by the chair to take up the question of the distribution of school books and report at the July meeting. Douglass S. Mackall and Fairfax S. McCandlish were appointed to the committee.
Resolution 7: Moved, that Miss Edith Thompson's services be continued at the same salary as last year. Miss Thompson came before the board and made her report, showing what she had accomplished in the work of her department of home demonstration, which bespoke a great deal of activity on her part.
The state's proposition regarding an Agricultural Vocational Training School in connection with some accredited high school of the county was discussed, and referred to the same committee having in its charge the question of supervising teachers.
The board adjourned. “Sine die.” Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
August 25, 1919
The annual fall meeting of the Fairfax County School Board. The meeting was called to order by Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall. The following gentlemen were present - see roll (The roll was not recorded in the minute book). The clerk read the minutes of the spring meeting which were corrected and adopted. The finance committee then read its report which was adopted as read. The division superintendent then read his 33rd annual report which dealt with the conditions as confronting the schools of Fairfax. The report was adopted as read.
On motion, it was resolved that this board favors action by the legislature increasing the State School Tax from $0.14 to $0.20 on the $100.00, and that our division superintendent be requested to wire today to our representatives in the Senate and House, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Chairman of the State Teachers Association, and Dr. Chandler, Chairman of the School Legislative Committee, of this action.
It was decided that Thanksgiving Day and Easter Monday be given as legal holidays with pay and that the school term of 1919-1920 be opened on September 15, 1919.
It was moved that the Home Demonstration Agent be dispensed with for the present on account of a shortage of money. It was resolved that this board accept with regrets the resignation of Miss Edith Thompson as Home Demonstration Agent, and takes this opportunity of expressing its appreciation for her untiring efforts and fruitful work in the discharge of her duties.
Resolved, that it is the sense of this board that in lieu of a lack of money that all expenditures for services for music teachers be paid out of the district funds of the district receiving the service.
The board adjourned for dinner.
The board reconvened at 2:00 P.M.
Immediately after dinner, the committee on supervising teachers read its report which was as follows: We the undersigned committee appointed to investigate and report upon first, the location of an agricultural school, and second, the advisability of selecting three supervising teachers and outlining the scope of their work, beg leave to report as follows:
- First, the state and federal appropriations for agricultural schools having been exhausted before this committee was created. Its report on this matter, with your permission, will be postponed until the spring meeting of this board.
- Second, as to the duty imposed upon this committee in connection with the supervising teachers, we beg to submit the following: First, that at the first meeting of the committee we secured the employment of three supervising teachers at a salary of $1,000.00 per year plus $175.00 for expenses. Second, there being before the committee three applicants, namely, Mrs. L. M. Schneider of Herndon, Miss Daisy Swetnam of Vienna, and Miss Elizabeth Stewart of Falls Church, and after due consideration and a personal interview with Miss Swetnam, your committee recommends these applicants be employed for the supervising work.
- Third, your committee recommends that the plan for the work be left to the division superintendent and the supervising principals.
Miss Townshend then submitted a full and detailed account of her work, and in conclusion asked for a small appropriation for the continuance of The Health Crusade; and, upon resolution, $50.00 or as much thereof as is needed, was voted to this purpose. Following Miss Townshend, Dr. E. L. Flanagan submitted his report showing work accomplished from February 1, 1919, to July 31, 1919, which report showed an immense amount of work performed.
There appearing no further business to claim the attention of the board, it was declared adjourned. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
April 27, 1920
The spring meeting of the County School Board met in the courthouse. There being a quorum of the districts represented, the meeting was called to order by Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall. The minutes of the fall meeting were read and approved as read.
Our division superintendent then outlined our financial needs and what we could count on for the coming year as according to the needs of the several districts. The matter of apportioning the monies was disposed of by the following resolution: Resolved, that the apportionment as now made by the division superintendent for this year 1919-1920 be approved.
In matters of the district school levy, Centreville and Providence Districts asked that their levy be increased to the limit ($0.25 on $100.00); all the other districts to remain the same.
The county school levy was disposed of by the following: Resolved that there be no change in the county school levy. And it was further resolved that the division superintendent represent this board before the budget committee of the Board of Supervisors and urge that a sufficient additional levy be made in order to provide for the health work in the county for 1921.
The report of the committee on the location of the vocational school was made, and Floris, having met all the requirements in the way of raising monies for the necessary building, was selected as the most suitable place for the vocational school.
On motion of Mr. Herbert Williams, it was resolved that we employ at least three supervising teachers next year at such an increase of salary as funds will permit.
Resolved, that this board do now record its regrets occasioned by the voluntary resignations of Wesley W. Swart and Douglass S. Mackall from its membership and its appreciation of their long and useful service on this board.
There appearing no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
August 2, 1920
The County School Board of Fairfax County met in the courthouse and was called to order by the division superintendent with Mr. Milton D. Hall in the chair. Roll was called and a majority of trustees answered to their names from their respective districts. A quorum being found present, the board proceeded to business. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. The financial committee then submitted its report which was adopted. The division superintendent then made his 34th annual report which was adopted.
The distribution of the County School Fund was disposed of by the following resolution: Resolved, that the County School Fund be apportioned according to the needs of the several districts and that the cost of transportation of school children be considered in determining the needs of the districts. It was further resolved that a committee of two be appointed to assist the division superintendent in determining what children shall have transportation and outside tuition paid for them. Dallas Berry and John D. Garrett were appointed to the committee.
Resolved, that the committee of transportation and tuition be authorized to consider the bills of Providence, Falls Church, Dranesville, and Mount Vernon Districts for 1919-1920, and allow them to be paid if in their judgement the same to be right and proper.
The time for opening white schools for the session of 1920-1921 was fixed as September 20, 1920, and the Colored schools to open the first Monday in October. It was decided that February 22, 1921, and Thanksgiving Day be given as holidays. The board adjourned for dinner.
The afternoon session was called to order at 2:00 P.M., and the meeting was addressed by our health officer, William P. Caton, M.D., who gave a very encouraging and helpful report.
After Dr. Caton’s address, the question of having supervising teachers was discussed and it was finally decided that one be employed. There seemed to be three ladies available, from which number it was resolved that Miss Stewart be recommended as supervising teacher at a salary of $1,500.00 per year.
It was decided that the division superintendent be allowed a monthly office expense account upon submission of monthly expense statements.
Upon complaint by some members of the board against the class of amusements afforded the children at the county fair, a committee composed of Milton D. Hall, Dallas Berry, and Dr. Frederick M. Brooks was directed to advise with the proper authorities of the fair in regard to what class of amusement would be furnished and determine whether the children of the county should participate.
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
March 30, 1921
The spring meeting was called to order by Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall who, after giving a synopsis of the business to claim the attention of the board, called for the reading of the minutes of the last meeting by the clerk, which were approved as read.
The committee on transportation and tuition reported that Providence District be allowed $1,419.12, Mount Vernon District be allowed $500.00, and Falls Church District be allowed $333.60.
Mr. Edward Berry addressed the board on the matter of cleaning up the Fairfax County Fair to make it a fit place to bring our school children. Acting upon this address, it was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to take under consideration the matter of having a spring county commencement day for the children of the county schools, said committee to report at the July meeting; further, that said committee be composed of George B. Robey, John D. Garrett, C. M. Lawrence, Warren M. McNair, and W. G. Edmondson. It was moved that the County Fair Association be asked to eliminate the objectionable features of the fair.
It was moved that the needs of the schools from each district be put before the Board of Supervisors.
It was moved and carried that the clerks of the boards of each magisterial district be appointed, and Mr. McCandlish be requested to appear before the board on behalf of the towns, and Mr. Gaines to represent Falls Church District instead of Mr. Birch who is sick.
The Falls Church District School Board wishes permission to sell the Seminary white school building. It was moved, seconded, and carried unanimously that same be granted.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that a committee be appointed to bring before the County School Board at its next annual meeting the question of selecting a clerk for the division superintendent of schools; Dr. Frederick M. Brooks and Mr. George Robey to be appointed to the committee.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that a committee report to the annual meeting the conditions and standards to be observed in judging the school parade at the county fair; Mr. McCandlish and Mr. McNair to be appointed to the committee.
Be it resolved, that in order to direct the minds of the children to current issues and promote discussion of same, as well as to develop their faculties for public discussion, this board directs that a debating society be organized in each high school of the county. Said society shall meet once during each week of the school year for the discussion and debating of questions of public interest by the high school pupils. The principal of each high school is charged with the duty of carrying this resolution into effect, and shall report to the division superintendent on the 15th of November and March each year as to the status of the society in his school and what work has been done. At least once each month, the society shall hold a public meeting, which is to be held, if possible, in connection with the School League.
Be it resolved further, that the County School Board offer a Silver Cup to be selected by the division superintendent and presented to the school which develops the best debating team during the school year. The best team is to be determined by inter-high school contests during the school year. The two teams winning the highest number of inter-high school debates are to contest with each other in a public debate at the County Seat at the close of each school year. The successful school in such final debate shall be awarded the cup for that year. Any school winning the final decision for two successive years shall become the owner of the cup. The judges of each contest shall be selected by the division superintendent on the recommendation of the principals of the debating schools. The division superintendent is directed to send a copy of this resolution to each high school principal in the county within ten days after the commencement of each school term. Carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
August 1, 1921
The annual County School Board meeting was held on the above date in the courthouse, and was called to order by the division superintendent, Mr. Milton D. Hall presiding. The roll was called by the clerk and a quorum was found to be present, so business was in order. The election of officers was disposed of first. The division superintendent was declared president ex officio, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks was elected vice president, and Benjamin F. Nevitt was elected clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read.
It was moved, seconded, and carried, that the clerk obtain a copy of the rules and regulations governing the actions of this board, and supply the division superintendent with a copy, who in turn must have copies made and supply each district board with a copy.
The finance committee submitted a most complete report, verifying all the treasurer’s accounts having to do with school monies as correct.
Miss Ball was introduced and made a brief talk about the history of Fairfax County and the presentation of this history in a pageant at the county fair in September. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the committee on the county fair report as to the holding of a historic pageant at the fair on School Day.
The salary scale governing the pay of teachers was adopted as prepared by the division superintendent.
The date for opening schools for the session of 1921-1922 was fixed as September 19, 1921. Thanksgiving Day and February 22, 1922, were voted holidays with pay.
Resolved, that a committee be appointed by the division superintendent to formulate a program for the consideration of grade and high schools of the county. Carried.
It was severally moved, seconded, and carried that the following committees be appointed:
Committee for Program for Grade and High Schools: W. G. Edmondson, George B. Robey, and Dr. Frederick M. Brooks
Finance Committee: John D. Garrett, Warren M. McNair, and Fairfax S. McCandlish
Salary Scale Committee: Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, W. G. Edmondson, Charles A. Stewart, John D. Garrett, and John T. Haislip
Supervising Teachers Committee: Dr. E. L. Robey, E. H. Williams, and John D. Garrett
Moved by Mr. McCandlish and seconded by Mr. Stewart, that no supervising teacher be employed for the ensuing year unless in the judgement of the committee just appointed some changes of the status or special circumstances hereafter arising should make it necessary. Resolved, that this board go upon record as expressing its appreciation of the services of Miss Stewart as supervising teacher.
It was moved and carried that the blanket form of voucher for teacher pay be continued. It was moved and seconded that the county school funds be apportioned according to the need of the several districts.
Report of Committee on County School Fair
That on account of financial conditions there will be no school day parade.
Report of Committee on Superintendent Help
Your committee on additional help for the division superintendent recommend that the sum of $600.00, or less, be appropriated to be used as the division superintendent’s need may appear. Respectfully, Frederick M. Brooks and George B. Robey.
The County Health Officer, Dr. William P. Caton, next made to the board a report of what work had been done by that office. Dr. Caton’s survey of his work was brief, clear, and very interesting, showing a splendid work done well.
Resolved, that it is the sense of this board that each teacher in the public schools of Fairfax County shall give particular attention to the physical condition of children in their rooms, and when any child is found to have a physical defect the teacher shall make every effort in conjunction with the child’s parents to have the same corrected; and when any child gives evidence of a contagious disease or anything which may be a menace to other children in the school, the teacher shall communicate that fact to the parents and the county health officer. The teachers are also charged with the duty of maintaining, as far as possible, sanitary conditions in the school rooms and outbuildings. Resolved further, that Dr. Caton, County Health Officer, is requested to send a copy of this resolution to each teacher in the county, during the first week of the school term.
There being no further business, the board stood adjourned by motion. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
April 3, 1922
The spring meeting of the County School Board. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by the division superintendent. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted as read. The meeting was called to consider means to supply money for the ensuing year.
Resolved, that in the apportionment of county funds and of state funds, as far as this board can control, apportionment to be made according to the needs of the several districts. The item of transportation of children shall stand on the same basis as pay of teachers.
The committee on teachers’ salaries recommended that the salary for a principal in a Class A high school be a maximum of $150.00 per month and a minimum of $125.00 per month. A principal in a Class B high school should receive a maximum salary of $135.00 per month and a minimum of $120.00. An assistant teacher in a three-room school should receive $90.00 to $100.00 per month. A teacher in a two-room school or a one-room school should receive $70.00 to $85.00 per month. Colored teachers should receive between $40.00 and $60.00 per month. Teste: Frederick M. Brooks, Chairman
It was moved that the division superintendent be asked to appear before the Board of Supervisors and ask that the county school levy be reduced to $0.35 and the districts be given the five cents increase.
Messers. McCandlish, Rohwer, and Adams were appointed a committee of three on high schools to consider consolidation and location in the county. Resolved, that it is the sense of this board that a first class graded school be established in the town of Fairfax to be made a high school as soon as conditions justify.
Nothing further appearing to claim the attention of the board, the meeting was moved adjourned. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
P. S. On motion, the county superintendent shall have power under resolution number one to apportion county funds as to the needs of the several districts.
July 27, 1922
An annual meeting of the County School Board of Fairfax County. A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read.
Superintendent Hall then read his 37th annual report which seemed very favorable and satisfactory with all, showing that the outlook for the coming year was more bright than usual. It was moved by Dr. Robey and seconded that the superintendent’s report be received, and that this report be published in both of the county papers and that a copy be sent to each member of this board.
The report of the finance committee was made by Mr. John D. Garrett. This report showed that all accounts were correct and in good shape. The report was accepted and filed. It was moved and seconded that the thanks of this board be extended to the finance committee for their faithful and efficient work.
It was moved and seconded that this board order the chairman and clerk to draw a warrant on the county school fund to pay the Fairfax Fair Association $130.00 for the admission of school children and teachers to the fair. The Town of Falls Church wishes to be recorded as not voting.
Resolved, that it is the sense of this board that when feasible the eighth grade be taught only in schools of more than one classroom, but be it further resolved that in no case, where in the judgement of the district trustees and division superintendent conditions are not feasible, will a pupil be denied the opportunity of eighth grade work in a one-room school.
It was moved and seconded that the thanks and hearty appreciation be extended to the Board of Supervisors of this county for its ready and efficient help.
The first day of school for the term was set as September 18, 1922, for white schools, and October 4, 1922, for Colored schools.
There being nothing further to claim the attention of the board, it was adjourned until August 31, 1922. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
- In the above text, the board stated that in no case “will a pupil be denied the opportunity of eighth grade work.” However, this directive only applied to white children.

A Note on Language
The history of Fairfax County Public Schools from 1870 to 1922 includes racially charged language that is archaic and often problematic by modern standards. “Colored” was commonly used to describe students and schools. The terminology remains in direct quotes from primary source material.