Mosaic Elementary Capital Project
Information about the Renovation and Addition
The renovation with additions at Mosaic Elementary School bringing the future building area to approximately 122,000 square feet. The scope of the project includes:
- classrooms
- gymnasium
- administration expansion
- cafeteria/kitchen expansion
- site improvements
- a second vehicular access point for improved safety
All interior space and major systems will be renovated. The overall square footage of the building will be increased for needed program space.
Latest Update: February 27, 2025
Future Events
Information on future engagement opportunities will be posted as soon as they are planned.
For updates, join the FCPS News You Choose subscription for this project. Once signed up or logged in, choose the Capital Projects (School Construction) and the school's construction topic.
Key Build Information
Funding: 2019 Bond (Planning/Design), 2021 Bond (Construction)
Future Building Area: 122,000 SF
Anticipated Future Capacity: 1,050
Building Area: 72,619 SF
Modular Area: 11,825 SF
Acreage: 11.52
Prior Renovation: 1991
Prior Capacity Enhancement: 2005 (modular)
2008 Renovation Rank: #43
Architect: Perkins Eastman
Contractor: Dustin Construction
Current Status: Under Construction
Estimated Completion: Summer 2025
School Information
Address: 9819 Five Oaks Road, Fairfax, VA 22031
FCPS Region: 1
Grades: PreK-6
HS Pyramid: Oakton HS
MS Feeder: Thoreau MS
Opened: 1963
Title 1: No
K-3 Cap: n/a
Programs: PreK, AAP Center, SACC (2 Classrooms)
Past Engagement, Planning & Construction Information
February 26, 2025: Community Meeting
April 13, 2023: School Board Meeting agenda item- decision on construction contract.
March 29, 2023: Bid opening date.
March 9, 2023: School Board Meeting agenda item- information regarding construction contract.
February 7, 2023, at 1:30 pm: Board of Supervisors Public Hearing
November 16, 2022: Fairfax County Planning Commission Public Hearing
- View recording Mosaic Elementary Project at 2:04:22
September 28, 2022: Community Meeting
- Presentation (September 2022)
- Meeting Minutes (September 2022)
- View Recording (English)
- View Recording (Spanish)
- View Recording (Korean)
July 14, 2022: School Board Meeting
- Agenda Item 5.07 - Mosaic Elementary Project at 3:47:53
May 31, 2022:
October 27, 2021: Community Outreach Meeting
- Presentation (October 2021)
- Meeting Minutes (October 2021)
- Note: October 18, 2021 – Community Outreach meeting notices sent out to over 270 homes within 500’ of the school. Notices were also sent to Villa D’Esta, the School Board, and Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.
October 19, 2021: PTA Community Meeting
August 31, 2021: DD Design Committee meeting
April 19, 2021: Design Feedback and Engagement Committee follow up meeting
February 3, 2021: SD Design Committee meeting
December 9, 2020: Kick off Meeting with School Leadership
Notes from September 28, 2022 webinar
Why are we renovating a 60 year old school instead of building new school on Blake Lane which was killed by the school board? New construction would last longer and wouldn’t interrupt learning. | Mosaic ES is part of FCPS and is due for a renovation. A new school previously sited for Blake Lane is still proposed and is in design for a location in Dunn Loring. A community meeting for that project is currently being scheduled for November 10, 2022. |
Thanks for the presentation. Will an enlarged cafeteria allow more students to eat at the same time, let them stagger less, and give them more regular lunch times (i.e. 1200 instead of 1040 for kindergarten)? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Very concerned hearing that capacity will only increase by 12. We keep hearing how overcrowded our school is, and when FCPS refused to build a second school for our community at the Blake Lane School Site we were told not to worry because the Mosaic renovation would address everything…. why not build is more wiggle room? The real estate market is nuts and I’m not convinced the projections FCPS has still apply. What if you are over capacity in just 5 years? | The Capital Improvement Plan includes information on capacity and projections. These factors are studied and the school is not anticipated to be overcapacity in the near future. Additionally, a new school is proposed and in design for a location in Dunn Loring. A community meeting for that projecting is currently being scheduled for November 2022. |
I think you noted there will be the ability to add 12 additional students to the enrollment as needed once renovations are complete. Will this meet projections for the number of students expected in the years to come? So we can avoid modular spaces in the future? (How long will it hold the school community over?) | The membership of the school is below the capacity. The proposed school is being designed for 1,050 student capacity. This size is projected to accommodate membership for the foreseeable future. |
Can you talk about how classrooms will be managed during the renovation? I understand that more classes will more to modular buildings. How will those be secured? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
How will you manage / phasing the project? Where students will be during the construction. And how long (for two years?) | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
My child told me that their classroom will be moving to a temporary classroom due to the renovations. Can you speak more to that? Will there be renovations happening during school hours? | Yes renovations occur during school hours. The construction team works very closely with the school throughout the project. There is a physical separation of construction and instructional activities and we work to minimize any disruptions. Once work starts, clsses moving to the temporary locations will be determined, |
When will be notified if our children will be moved to modular classrooms during construction? | A plan should be in place by the end of the current school year. The principal will notify. |
The previous comment that referred to bulldozers and construction was probably in relation to the modulars being setup. I would like to ask that there be better communication to neighbors of Mosaic impacted by ANY type of construction. As a neighbor it was a bit off putting to see digging, heavy machinery, etc. when we were told nothing was finalized yet. Thank you. | Yes. Thank you. |
Could we put the link on the school’s webpage please | Acknowledged. It has been added to the school's homepage under "Announcements". |
Just a note that an in person meeting the Thursday evening of a 4 day weekend for students (Labor Day weekend) was not good timing for neighbors with school kid to attend. I look forward to future meetings. | Acknowledged |
The large windows/ curtain wall at main entry towards cafeteria- are they see through? Better not for safety reason | The current design allows daylighting. |
What environmental certifications is this renovation seeking? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Will the new addition also be two floors? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Will you be following the Fairfax County noise ordinance for construction? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
In the presentation, you mentioned construction will occur during the evening hours. | At some points in the project, there will be evening work (mostly inside the school) and the project is held to the Fairfax County Noise Ordinance requirements. |
Will there be any new fencing around the school boundaries? | Potentially. |
Curious about increase of emergency exits and classrooms having windows for ventilation/ lighting. | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
What impact will there be in terms of noise and usage of all classrooms and specialty rooms (i.e. cafeteria, gym, library...) for renovations occuring during the school year? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Please discuss more about the proposed landscaping buffer on Kingsbridge Drive. Currently, the trees to the end of Kingsbridge act as a buffer for noise and lighting from the school parking lot. If these trees are cut down, will the new landscaping include trees and/or shrubs to reduce noise and lighting for neighbors? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Will there be any trees or shrubs planted in between the school building and savoy drive residents? | Yes. |
Are outdoor classroom spaces being incorporated? Will storm water measures required by project be used for educational purposes? | Yes on outdoor classrooms spaces. The storm water measures required by the project are not slated for formal signage or information, although the design team can share that information with the school for use. |
I really appreciate these improvements! Any plans to use outdoors space for outdoors learning space activities for the kids like gardening? | Yes for outdoor learning spaces, and a garden is included in that proposed design. |
Will this decrease the parking spaces? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Will the playground be relocated? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Will the playground will be upgraded? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Where will the playground be (the play structures), outside of just courts and fields? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Can we add an adjustable basketball hoop for the younger kids - there is one now on the blacktop next to the playground, but that looks like it will be eliminated as part of this renovation | Acknowledged. |
Are there any single-use bathrooms that can be designated as bathrooms for students who identify as nonbinary? In the current plan there are single use bathrooms for staff, but it seems there is no consideration for our nonbinary students. | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Would rezoning overcrowd the area? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
I probably misheard, but can you comment if together with renovation you expect rezoning? If so, where can we find the new rezoning map? | Yes, the project is currently in the rezoning application process. More information is available through Fairfax County where FCPS submitted its application. The application will be considered by the Planning Commission on November 2, 2022. |
The school has a large population of walkers, most who walk down Kingsbridge. Other than the new sidewalk access, what safety measures are in place to prevent students from running through the parking lots and across the bus lanes? | FCPS proffered to have on-site monitoring during drop-off and pick-up times. |
will there be other adults (i.e. construction workers) on campus during school hours? | Yes. However, construction and instruction are physcially separated, and there is full time FCPS design and construction staff member on-site for construction during the school day. |
Since heavy renovation is done during the summer, does that mean Mosaic will NOT have summer school for the next 2 years? | Will determine with the principal. |
If the contract has not been awarded yet, why are new trailers already going in on the field by the library? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
I have concerns about the trailers - when will we know if our kids are going to be in them. They cannot be secured!! | A plan should be in place by the end of the current school year. The principal will notify. |
How many students will be in trailers during the construction? | This project will include up to approximately 22 temporary classrooms outside at any given time. |
Second question is, what safety measures are put into place for students in these new modulars? Can anyone just walk up to them? | FCPS will look at fencing options. There will still be access as students go in and out of the trailers to the main school, restrooms, cafeteria, gym, etc. |
Hi, I attended a meeting with you in early Sept where we were told nothing would start till 2023 yet a week later bulldozers showed up. You already broke ground yet say nothing is approved. What gives? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
We have noticed some ongoing construction, is that part of the project? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
What is the current construction effort on the north side of the school? | Temporary classrooms are being assembled for use in the next school year. |
Can you talk about construction sequencing? What is going on with the prefab buildings on site now? | The temporary classrooms take several months to be assembled, connected to utilities, and prepared for use. They are on site and scheduled to be ready for use by the next school year. In Spring 2023, construction will begin with an access driveway off Kingsbridge to the construction staging area behind the school. The summer of 2023 will include site work and initial interior work. Further phasing will be established once a contractor is on board. |
is the current construction at the school related to this renovation or is that separate? | See answer to above question. |
There is ground leveling going on in the soccer field. Heavy equipment is being used! | See answer to above question. |
Are there any ventilation features for the classrooms in the new building in light of the recent pandemic? | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |
Curious about increase of emergency exits and classrooms having windows for ventilation/ lighting. | Answered during webinar. View recording under the "Video Gallery" section below. |