Oakton High Capital Project
Information about the Renovation and Additions
Celebrating the completion of the Oakton High School capital project!
Thank you to all who joined us as we cut the ribbon on May 22, 2023, including:
- Dr. Michelle Reid, FCPS Superintendent
- Karl Frisch, Fairfax County School Board, Providence District
- Melanie Meren, Fairfax County School Board, Hunter Mill District
- Phillip Niedzielski-Eichner, Fairfax County Planning Commissioner, Providence District
- Perkins Eastman, Architect
- Henley Construction Company, Inc., Contractor
Oakton High School Ribbon Cutting
The Oakton High School project was identified according to the Renovation Queue, approved in 2009. Oakton HS is ranked 30 of 63 schools in the queue. The project was completed in fall 2022. It provided modern amenities, removed temporary classrooms, and added approximately 109,000 SF to the building.
Key Build Information
Funding: 2013 Bond (Planning), 2017 Bond (Construction)
Future Building Area: 409,661 SF
Anticipated Future Capacity: 2,625
Building Area: 300,044 SF
Acreage: 58.84
Prior Renovation: 1992
Prior Capacity Enhancement: 1992
2008 Renovation Rank: #30
Architect: Perkins Eastman
Contractor: Henley Construction Company, Inc.
Current Status: Completed Fall 2022
School Information
Address: 2900 Sutton Rd, Vienna, VA 22181
FCPS Region: 1
Grades: 9-12
MS Feeder: Carson MS, Franklin MS, Thoreau MS
ES Feeder: Crossfield ES, Marshall Road ES, Mosaic ES, Navy ES, Oakton ES, Waples Mill ES
Opened: 1967
Programs: HS Advanced Placement, HS Academy, Intellectual Disability (School-based)