Lee District School Board Minute Book 2 (1904-1921)
Meeting Minutes of the School Trustees of Lee District
The minute records of the Lee District School Board were transcribed by members of the Providence Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), Fairfax Station, Virginia. Line-by-line transcription preserves the integrity and style of the original writing. The transcribed text has been converted from shorthand to longhand on this webpage to improve accessibility and searchability purposes. The transcribed minute book is available for download below in PDF format, including photographs of the original record book pages.
The minutes in this book cover the period of July 1904 to August 1921. In the minutes, you will find lists of teachers and their salaries, school construction and maintenance records, and disciplinary actions involving students.
A Note on Language
The history of Fairfax County Public Schools from 1870 to 1922 includes racially-charged language that is archaic and often problematic by modern standards. The terms “Colored” and “Negro” are commonly used to describe students and schools. The terminology used in the primary documents has been retained.
July 25, 1904
The Lee District School Board met at 2:00 p.m. with all members present. The bids for repairs on district school buildings were opened and the contract was awarded to Mr. James Haynes in the amount of $92.37. The clerk was instructed to make agreement with Mr. Haynes for work awarded him. The clerk was ordered to post notices requesting bids for painting the Belle Aire, Oak Grove, and Pohick school buildings. The clerk was further ordered to execute a contract for ten new seats. Rules governing teachers for the next school term were adopted by the Board.
The clerk was instructed to examine the records in the Fairfax County Circuit Court Clerk’s office for records of deeds for all school buildings, also for a record of the Old Pohick School property. The clerk was instructed to petition the county in the name of Lee District for permission to accept the old depot building for school purposes upon receipt of a quit claim deed from the Southern Railway Company.
The following bills were presented and ordered paid out of the District Fund:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Item | Amount |
43 | George W. Smith | Postage, et cetera, of the Board. | $1.80 |
44 | George W. Smith | Books for use by the Board. | $1.40 |
25 envelopes with 2-cent stamps on them were delivered to Mr. John J. Hamill. Another set of 25 envelopes with 2-cent stamps was delivered to Mr. Luther A. Denty. The Board adjourned at 5:30 p.m. to meet on August 16, 1904 at Burke at 2:00 p.m. to elect teachers and transact other business.
August 16, 1904
The Lee District School Board met at Burke, Virginia. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Teachers were elected to the following schools for the term of 1904 to 1905.
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Ashford | Effie H. Moon | $40.00 |
2 | Belle Aire | Carrie A. Rice | $25.00 |
3 | Oak Grove | Rush Buckley | $40.00 |
4 | Ox Road | Annie E. Finn | $30.00 |
6 | Lorton Valley | George A. Malcolm | $45.00 |
7 | Lorton Valley | M. Jennie Trice | $25.00 |
8 | Pohick | Mamie L. Davis | $30.00 |
9 | Fairview | Grace B. Maran | $33.00 |
10 | Silverbrook | Sallie G. Gravatt | $30.00 |
11 | Burke | Lillian C. Nevitt | $25.00 |
A | Pearson | Virginia Pearson | $25.00 |
Bids for painting the Belle Aire, Oak Grove, and Pohick schools were opened, and the contract was awarded to W. C. Puckett in the amount of $60.00; the said contractor to furnish the material. Barney Deavers was instructed to furnish Pohick and Silverbrook with necessary oak and pine wood (firewood) at $2.50 per cord. The clerk was instructed to notify Aitcheson Brothers of the return of 19 shingles from Fairfax.
- In the alphanumeric numbering tradition used in Fairfax County Public Schools, numerals were used to designate schools for white children (School Number 1, 2, 3, etc.) and letters were used to designate schools for African-American children (School Number A, B, C., etc.). The schools also had names commonly used by the community (Ashford, Pohick, Silverbrook, etc.).
- In Lee District, the Lorton Valley and Ox Road Schools had two classrooms and each classroom was given its own number: School 4 and School 5 were Ox Road, and School 6 and School 7 were Lorton Valley. Later, the Lee District School Board would use the designations 9a and 11a for the second teacher in the schools at Burke and Fairfax Station.
- Belle Aire School appears in the original text as Belle Aire, Belle Air, and Bellaire. Silverbrook School appears in the original text as both Silverbrook and Silver Brook. Burke, Virginia, and Burke School appear in the original text as Burkes and Burke’s. The Pearson School is found in the historical record as Pearson Colored School and Pearson’s, and was named for the family who sold the land for the school. Please refer to the photographs of the minute book in the PDF to view the original spelling of these names.
September 19, 1904
The Lee District School Board was reorganized, with John J. Hamill elected Clerk, and Luther A. Denty elected Chairman. The Board contracted with teachers for the 1904 to 1905 school term.
- The bill of S. F. Dyson for $2.00 for chalk was presented and ordered paid.
- The bill of W. C. Puckett for $67.00 for painting three schoolhouses was presented and ordered paid.
Signed, John J. Hamill, Clerk
January 9, 1905
The Lee District School Board met at Burke Station, Virginia, with all members present. The following business was transacted: All bills presented up to the above date were examined, passed on, and ordered paid. A deed from the Southern Railway Company, conveying a part of their abandoned right of way and containing the old depot building to be used for school purposes, was presented to the Board by R. E. Marshall, an agent for the Southern Railway Company, and was accepted by the Board. The clerk was ordered to turn it over to C. V. Ford, as attorney, and empower him to do whatever was necessary by order of the Board. Signed, John J. Hamill, Clerk
June 14, 1905
The Lee District School Board met at Burke, Virginia, with George W. Smith, Luther A. Denty, and John J. Hamill present. The following business was transacted: The Board organized and John J. Hamill was elected Clerk, and Luther A. Denty was elected Chairman. The clerk was instructed to communicate with the clerk of the Falls Church District School Board in reference to the Ravensworth School. Judge Sangster’s application to rent part of the old depot building at Burke was favorably considered and the clerk was instructed to notify him that the Board would rent the part wanted at $20.00 per year. The meeting adjourned. Signed, John J. Hamill, Clerk
August 15, 1905
The Lee District School Board met at Burke, Virginia, and transacted the following business: Walter C. Puckett’s bid of $85.00 for painting schools numbered 4 and 5, 6 and 7, and Number 1, was accepted and the clerk was ordered to contract with him. The following teachers were appointed for the term of 1905 to 1906:
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Ashford | Effie H. Moon | $40.00 |
2 | Belle Aire | Carrie A. Rice | $30.00 |
3 | Oak Grove | Rush Buckley | $40.00 |
4 and 5 | Ox Road | William J. Simpson | $30.00 |
6 and 7 | Lorton Valley | S. Morgan Welch | $40.00 |
8 | Pohick | Mamie L. Davis | $30.00 |
9 | Fairview | John Mawdsley | $30.00 |
10 | Silverbrook | Helen H. Haight | $30.00 |
11 | Burke | Lillian C. Nevitt | $30.00 |
12 | Ravensworth | Eva Shepperd | $25.00 |
A | Colored (Pearson) | Mattie E. Sadler | $25.00 |
- The two-room schools at Lorton Valley and Ox Road were only assigned a single teacher this term. Typically, an assistant teacher would have been hired as well, enabling Lorton Valley and Ox Road to operate as “graded” schools. A graded school was one in which the students were divided by grade level into separate classrooms. In a two-room graded school, children in grades 1-3 were taught in one classroom, and children in 4-7 in the other classroom. The assignment of only one teacher to these schools suggests enrollment had fallen to the point where a second teacher was no longer needed.
- The school in the village of Fairfax Station is listed in the minutes at various times by three different names: Fairfax Station, Fairview, and Swetnam.
August 16, 1906
At a regular meeting of the Lee District School Board held at Burke, the following teachers were elected for the school term of 1906 to 1907. It was decided to open schools on September 15, 1906.
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Robert R. Swetnam | $30.00 |
2 | Mary C. Finn | $30.00 |
3 | Rush Buckley | $40.00 |
4 and 5 | Lillian C. Nevitt | $30.00 |
6 and 7 | Mamie L. Davis | $40.00 |
8 | B. E. Pollock | $30.00 |
9 | Helen H. Haight | $30.00 |
10 | Eva Shepperd | $30.00 |
11 | Effie H. Moon | $40.00 |
A | Mattie E. Sadler | $25.00 |
Signed, John J. Hamill, Clerk
November 1, 1906
Rush Buckley resigned as teacher of School Number 3, and William J. Simpson was appointed to fill the vacancy at the same salary. Signed, John J. Hamill, Clerk
January 2, 1907
A called meeting of the Lee District School Board, held at Burke, Virginia, with all members present. The question of the crowded condition of the Burke School, Number 11, was brought up, and it was ordered that the clerk notify the teacher, Mrs. Effie H. Moon, to strike the names of the children of the following parents from her rolls: M. D. Hall, Ed Newcombe, J. M. Harrison, R. B. Shreve, F. J. Currier, Joe Kearns, and A. F. Moon. The clerk complied with the order. Signed, John J. Hamill, Clerk
February 12, 1907
The Lee District School Board held a called meeting at Burke Station, Virginia, with Luther A. Denty and John J. Hamill present. The question of the use of the school buildings of Lee District for other than school purposes was brought up, and it was decided and ordered to be placed on record that in the future the school buildings are to be used for school purposes alone, with this one exception: they can be used for plays or entertainments, where the proceeds are to be used for the benefit of the schools, school buildings, or school libraries; such entertainments not to consist of dancing. The clerk was ordered to send a copy to N. A. Davis, the absent trustee. Signed, John J. Hamill, Clerk
September 16, 1907
The Lee District School Board met at Burke Station, Virginia. The following teachers were elected and contracted with to teach in the schools of Lee District for the school term of 1907 to 1908. The schools were ordered to be opened on September 17, 1907, and run for seven months.
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Evelyn P. Brown | $35.00 |
2 | Eva Duvall | $30.00 |
3 | Annie M. Dameron | $40.00 |
4 and 5 | William T. Heistand | $40.00 |
6 and 7 | Minnie Keys | $40.00 |
8 | Jane Burgess | $40.00 |
9 | Roberta R. Swetnam | $35.00 |
10 | Pearl Hayden | $35.00 |
11 | Effie H. Moon | $40.00 |
Signed, John J. Hamill, Clerk
June 17, 1909
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at 2:30 p.m. at Ox Road, Virginia. Present were Nathan C. Davis, Clerk Pro Tempore, J. B. Davis, and Robert O. Holt. The situation at Burke was taken up and the Board ordered Superintendent Milton D. Hall to notify all patrons of the Ashford, Belle Aire, and Burke schools to meet the Division Superintendent and Lee School Board Trustees at the Burke Schoolhouse on Wednesday, June 30, 1909, at 2:00 p.m.
The matter of selecting a manager of the library at Burke was then taken up and Miss Sallie Halley was selected. Mrs. Effie H. Moon was chosen to be empowered to select books for this library. The matter at Fairfax Station was laid over until our meeting on June 30, 1909.
It was ordered that J. B. Davis and Nathan C. Davis be appointed a committee to rearrange School Number 4 and 5 (Ox Road). The Board was reorganized as follows: J. B. Davis was elected Chairman, and Nathan C. Davis was elected Clerk. The Board adjourned to meet at Burke on June 30, 1909 at 2:30 p.m. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
June 30, 1909
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at Burke Schoolhouse for the purpose of locating a site for the construction of a new schoolhouse near Burke to replace the one presently occupied. Several school patrons were present and expressed opinions for and against changing the location of the school. After listening to much discussion, the Board decided it would act in accordance with their several opinions with the approval of Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall. The Board adjourned to meet again on July 12, 1909 at 3:00 p.m. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
August 12, 1909
The Lee District School Board met at Ox Road, Virginia, for the purpose of appointing teachers for the ensuing term of 1909 to 1910. It was moved, seconded, and carried that we open School Number 1 and give a trial of sixty days, and to continue to operate the school so long as a lawful average of fifteen (which is decreased by five on account of the sparsely settled community) is maintained. The school term shall consist of six months and may continue one month longer by order of the Board.
Robert O. Holt was appointed to build closets and make necessary repairs at the Lorton Valley School. Mr. J. B. Davis was empowered to necessary repairs at School Number 1. The following teachers were appointed for the term of 1909 to 1910:
School Number | School Name | Teacher |
1 | Ashford | M. Julia Dameron |
3 | Oak Grove | Edythe Simpson |
4 and 5 | Ox Road | Miss M. V. Johnson |
6 and 7 | Lorton Valley | Not Stated |
8 | Pohick | Eva Duvall |
9 | Fairfax Station | Elizabeth J. Swetnam |
9a | Fairfax Station | Irene Davis |
10 | Silverbrook | Elizabeth Grehan |
11 | Burke | Effie H. Moon |
A | Pearson Colored | Minnie Pearson |
The Board adjourned to meet at Burke Station on Saturday, September 18, 1909, at 2:30 p.m. to contract with teachers. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
- “Closets” above may refer to water closets, also known as outhouses or privies.
- Elizabeth J. Swetnam appears in the minutes as E. J. Swetnam and Miss Bessie Jones Swetnam. She is the sister of Roberta R. Swetnam.
September 18, 1909
A regular meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at Burke, Virginia, with the following trustees present: J. B. Davis, Chairman, and Nathan C. Davis. The following teachers were contracted with for a term of six months with a provision of one extra month if the average attendance should justify doing so. The appointment of a teacher for the Lorton Valley School is left open to give Trustee Robert O. Holt additional time to find a suitable teacher.
School Number | Teacher |
1 | Not Stated |
3 | Helen B. Duvall |
4 and 5 | M. V. Johnson |
6 and 7 | Vacant |
8 | Eva Duvall |
9 | Elizabeth J. Swetnam and Irene Davis |
10 | Elizabeth Grehan |
11 | Effie H. Moon |
Colored A | Not Stated |
We hereby grant the request of the patrons of the Pohick School to use the schoolhouse for religious purposes. The Board desired that a bell be placed at the Silverbrook School and the necessary repairs to this school be made.
The following bills were allowed:
- Nathan C. Davis in the amount of $16.74
- C. E. Brown in the amount of $8.17
- H. K. Fields in the amount of $23.50
Contracts for firewood for the schools were awarded as follows:
School Number | School Name | Contractor | Number of Cords | Price Per Cord |
1 | Ashford | Ed Newcomb | 2 | $2.24 |
3 | Not Stated (Oak Grove) | J. E. Stone | 4 | $3.50 |
4 and 5 | Ox Road | William F. Halley | 4 | $3.00 |
6 and 7 | Lorton Valley | William F. Halley | 4 | $3.50 |
8 | Pohick | Luther A. Denty | 4 | $2.50 |
9 | Fairfax Station | Ed Newcomb | 6 | $3.48 |
10 | Silverbrook | William F. Halley | 4 | $3.25 |
11 | Burke | Luther A. Denty | 3 | $3.00 |
A | Pearson | Ed Newcomb | 4 | $3.24 |
The Board adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. Signed, Nathan C. Davis
August 19, 1910 (Friday)
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at the residence of Nathan C. Davis, with Robert O. Holt, Chairman, and Nathan C. Davis, Clerk, present. The district’s account books were looked over and found to be correct. Teachers were appointed as follows:
School Number | Teacher |
3 | Carrie M. Russell |
4 and 5 | No Selection |
6 and 7 | Miss Helen B. Duvall |
8 | Miss Eva Duvall |
9 | Miss Portia Moran |
10 | William T. Heistand |
11 | Mrs. Effie H. Moon |
A | Mrs. A. A. Robinson |
Salaries are to be set at $40.00 per month for First Grade, $35.00 per month for Second Grade, and $30.00 per month for Third Grade. Provisional First Grade licenses are to be paid on the basis of second assistant teachers. The teacher of School Number 9 is to receive $25.00 per month. The Colored School teacher is to receive $25.00 per month. The Board decided to look over the location for a school at Burke. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
- The levels of certification (First, Second, Third, and Provisional), are types of teaching licenses and should not be confused with grade levels commonly found in elementary schools today. Levels of certification commonly held by Fairfax County Public Schools teachers during this era were, from highest to lowest, Collegiate Professional, Normal Professional, First Grade, Second Grade, and Third Grade.
May 29, 1911
The Lee District School Board met at the residence of Nathan C. Davis, with Robert O. Holt, Chairman, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Nathan C. Davis, and Superintendent Milton D. Hall present. Dr. Frederick M. Brooks reported that a lot for a school could be procured at Burke at a cost not to exceed $100.00. The Board appointed Dr. Brooks a committee of one to have a deed prepared. Mr. Davis was appointed a committee of one to look up a location for a school instead of schools numbered 4, 5, and 10 (It appears as though the Board may have been considering consolidating the Ox Road and Silverbrook schools). Mr. Robert O. Holt was appointed a committee of one to have the Lorton Valley School repainted.
August 7, 1911
The Lee District School Board met at the Ashford School House. The purpose of the meeting was to determine the advisability of opening the school for the 1911 to 1912 session. The petition of the school patrons was heard, and the Board decided to open the school provided a lawful average was maintained. The clerk was ordered to procure a teacher for the school. The election of teachers was taken up:
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Haines (This name was added at a later date). | Not Stated |
3 | Mrs. L. L. Demory (Possibly Orra Ellen Jones Demory) | $35.00 and $40.00 (Both amounts were listed side-by-side). |
4 and 5 | Miss Snead | $50.00 |
4 and 5 | Notingham | $40.00 |
6 and 7 | Miss Duvall (Likely Helen B. Duvall) | $40.00 |
8 | William T. Heistand | $40.00 |
9 | Miss Helen H. Haight | $40.00 |
9 | Irene Davis | $30.00 |
10 | Julia M. Ford | $35.00 |
11 | Mrs. Effie H. Moon | $40.00 |
11 | Miss Monroe | $35.00 |
A | A. A. Robinson | Not Stated |
Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
December 28, 1911
The School Boards of Centreville District and Lee District met at the Town of Swetnam, Virginia. John D. Garrett and R. A. Buckley, School Trustees from Centreville District; Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, John S. Wiley, and Nathan C. Davis, School Trustees from Lee District; and Superintendent Milton D. Hall were present.
The question of a new building at Swetnam was taken up and discussed and sites for a building were looked over. The Centreville District School Board seemed to be of the opinion that at this time they were not in a position to build a school on account of finances, so it was agreed that the Lee Board should proceed to locate and build a schoolhouse such as would accommodate the children from both districts. Dr. Frederick M. Brooks was directed to do as he sees fit in the matter of having the people select a site for the school that would be suitable to all. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Secretary of Meeting
- Swetnam is a former name of the village of Fairfax Station. Originally a station on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad established in 1851, Fairfax Station was renamed Swetnam in 1897, after a prominent family in the area, members of whom are found throughout the minutes of the Lee District School Board. The area’s name changed back to Fairfax Station about 20 years later.
- The school boards of both Centreville and Lee Districts were involved in the decision-making process for the new school at Swetnam because the village was located on the border between the districts, and the school would enroll children from both districts.
June 20, 1912
The Lee District School Board met at Swetnam, Virginia, with John S. Wiley, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Nathan C. Davis, and Superintendent Milton D. Hall present. A lot for a school was looked over. The Board decided to ask for the size of the lot (by survey); further, the Board decided to submit a request to Mr. Haynes to draw plans and specifications for the school building. Teachers were appointed as follows:
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Miss J. G. Kine | $35.00 |
4 | M. M. Snead | $50.00 |
6 | Helen B. Duvall | $45.00 |
8 | William T. Heistand | $40.00 |
9 | N. C. Powell | Not Stated |
11 | Mrs. Effie H. Moon | Not Stated |
The other schools to be filled later. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
June 25, (1913)
(The year was not stated in the minutes, but it is believed to have been 1913). The Lee District School Board met at Ox Road, Virginia, with John S. Wiley, Chairman, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk, and Superintendent Milton D. Hall present. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, and the following business was transacted: Teacher salaries were discussed and the Board decided to make some raises in the district as follows:
School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
Burke | Mrs. Effie H. Moon | $50.00 |
Burke | Miss Mayme Blake (Assistant) | $35.00 |
Lorton Valley | Not Stated | $45.00 |
Lorton Valley | Not Stated (Assistant) | $35.00 |
Number A | Not Stated | $30.00 |
Oak Grove | Pauline Gulich | $40.00 |
Ox Road | Miss Gertrude Harris | $60.00 |
Ox Road | Miss Julia M. Ford (Assistant) | $35.00 |
Pohick | Not Stated | $40.00 |
Silverbrook | Helen B. Duvall | $40.00 |
The Board decided not to open School Number 1 at Ashford’s. The Board decided to paint schools numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, and, if possible, School Number 3. The clerk was instructed to correspond with teachers and try to fill all school vacancies at once. Subject to the approval of the Board, accounts for teacher pay were gone over with the superintendent and found correct. Many matters were discussed relating to schools after which the Board adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
July 17, 1914
The Lee District School Board met at Ox Road, Virginia, with John S. Wiley, Chairman, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, and Nathan C. Davis present. Superintendent Milton D. Hall met with them and accounts were audited and found to be correct. A petition from a number of Colored people of the Sideburn vicinity for a school was received, and the same not being deemed expedient by the Board, the clerk was notified to so inform the signers of the petition. Teachers for the schools were elected as follows:
School Number | Teacher |
1 | Miss Grace Frenzel |
3 | Miss Alma Davis |
4 | Miss Gertrude Harris |
5 | Not Stated |
6 | Not Filled |
7 | Miss Swink |
8 | Miss C. R. Monroe |
9 | Miss Layburn and Lewis |
10 | Left Open |
11 | Mrs. Effie H. Moon and Mayme Blake |
A | No Applicant |
Dr. Frederick M. Brooks was requested to make some arrangements for school lots near Wakefield Chapel. The clerk was ordered to look up wood (firewood contract bids) for the schools. The Board adjourned. Sine Die. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
- Sine Die (pronounced sigh-knee dye) is used to refer to business meetings or proceedings that have been adjourned without an appointed date for resumption.
February 19, 1915
The Lee District School Board met at the Ox Road School, with John S. Wiley, Chairman, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, and Philip Ward, Secretary of the Board, present. The Board had called a meeting to consider the suspension of Rory A. Marshall, age 17, by the school’s principal, Miss Gertrude Harris, on February 1, 1915 for insubordination. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Marshall, in company with their son, Rory, were in attendance, and at their request the following pupils were called to testify: Darrell Davis, Marshall Davis, Winnie Davis, Hazel Davis, Kenneth Davis, and Spencer Davis. And the evidence seeming very clear that the boy was in error and that he should apologize to the teacher, which his parents refused to have him do, the Board decided that he be suspended indefinitely, but allowed him the privilege to return at any time he desires if the necessary apology is offered; otherwise, he is expelled from the public schools. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
- Philip O. Ward, Board Secretary, was not a member of the Lee District School Board. He was a School Trustee on the Mount Vernon District School Board.
August 9, 1915
The Lee District School Board met at Ox Road, Virginia, at the residence of Nathan C. Davis, with Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Chairman Pro Tempore, and Nathan C. Davis, Clerk, present. The following teachers were elected:
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Miss Grace Frenzel | $40.00 |
2 | Not Stated | Not Stated |
3 | Ian Brown | $40.00 |
4 | Virginia E. Rudd | $50.00 |
5 | Miss Helen L. Davis | $35.00 |
6 | Miss Helen B. Duvall | $50.00 |
8 | Winnie Davis | $40.00 |
9 | Jane Layburn | $45.00 |
9a | Miss Bessie Haight | $40.00 |
10 | Miss Jessie M. Thompson | $40.00 |
11 | Mrs. Effie H. Moon | $50.00 |
11a | Miss Mayme Blake | $35.00 |
A | Miss Annie Bailey | $30.00 |
The Board adjourned to meet on Friday, August 13, 1915, at 1:30 p.m. at the Colored school. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
August 13, 1915
The Lee District School Board met at the grounds of Colored School A, with Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Chairman Pro Tempore, and Nathan C. Davis, Clerk, present. A committee of Colored citizens came before the Board and asked for a school building on the north side of the Southern Railway and offered the Board land for the school. The Board deemed it unwise at this time to make any change in location to the school for Colored children. Mr. C. H. Kruse was present and the Board contracted with him in the amount of $535.00 to build and paint a schoolhouse 20 feet by 32 feet in size, with a porch, on the lot where the prior school had burned.
The Board then proceeded to the site of the Wakefield School and met Edward Monroe and contracted with him in the amount of $700.00 to build a schoolhouse 22 feet by 32 feet in size, with a cement foundation, made from the best material. Furthermore, Mr. Monroe was to construct a porch 10 feet by 6 feet in size on a cement base, and cover the schoolhouse in two coats of paint. The Board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
June 7, 1916 (Wednesday)
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held, with John S. Wiley, Chairman, and Nathan C. Davis, Clerk, present. A bill from the City of Alexandria School Board for tuition was considered, but the Board failed to see how it was liable for said bill because no such tuition reimbursement agreement had been made with the City’s School Board.
The following teachers were appointed:
- Miss Loving was chosen as principal and Miss Marshall was chosen as assistant teacher of the Lorton Valley School. (Miss Marshall declined her appointment on June 26, 1916).
- Miss Janie Layburn was chosen as the principal of School Number 9.
- Mrs. Effie H. Moon was chosen as principal and Mayme Blake was chosen as assistant teacher of Burke School Number 11.
The appointment of teachers to the Belle Aire, Oak Grove, Ox Road, Pohick, School Number A, Silverbrook, Wakefield Chapel schools, and the assistant teacher at School Number 9, were left open until our next meeting.
The bill of E. R. Swetnam in the amount of $21.14 was ordered paid. The Board adjourned to meet again before the first of July. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
- Miss Loving is possibly Jennie Perkins Loving, referenced later in the minutes as J. P. Loving, whose name had been crossed out.
July 31, 1916
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at Ox Road, Virginia, with John S. Wiley, Chairman, and Nathan C. Davis, Clerk, present. The following business was transacted: The School Trustees were paid for their services to July 1, 1916. A bill from the School Board of the City of Alexandria was presented and considered, and the Board recommended that it not be paid. The following teachers were elected and salaries set:
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month | Address |
1 | Grace Frenzel | $40.00 | Fairfax |
2 | Louise Haislip / Ethel Deardorff (Two names were listed). | $35.00 | Lorton |
3 | Frances Foster | $40.00 | Brook Neal |
4 | Gertrude Harris | $60.00 | Front Royal |
5 | Louise Henslip | $35.00 | Not Stated |
6 | Eugene Adams (The name J. P. Loving was crossed out). | $45.00 | Wilmington, Virginia |
7 | (The name Paul Thomas was crossed out). | Not Stated | Not Stated |
8 | Eva Duvall | $35.00 | Lorton |
9 | N. J. Layburn | $50.00 | Ballston, Virginia |
9a | Miss Bessie Jones Swetnam | $40.00 | Swetnam |
10 | J. M. Thompson (The name Helen L. Davis was crossed out). | $40.00 | Alexandria |
11 | Mrs. Effie H. Moon | $55.00 | Burke |
11a | Mayme Blake | $40.00 | Burke |
A | Not Stated | $30.00 | Occoquan |
The Board decided to do as little painting as possible this year owing to the cost of paint being high. The bill of Nathan C. Davis in the amount of $22.45 for supplies was examined and ordered paid. The Board ordered the clerk to purchase two cases of crayons for the schools, and erasers also. The Board adjourned to meet at call. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
- Miss Bessie Jones Swetnam is also listed in the minutes as E. J. Swetnam and Elizabeth J. Swetnam. She is the sister of Roberta Swetnam, who is also found in the minutes as R. R. Swetnam.
September 16, 1916
The Lee District School Board met at Alexandria, Virginia, for the purpose of contracting with teachers. Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Chairman Pro Tempore, and Nathan C. Davis, Clerk, were present. All teachers were present and contracted with. The Board set the number of teacher meetings to be held in Lee District at four for the term of 1916 to 1917. Nathan C. Davis and Frederick M. Brooks were directed to have all outbuildings attended to that needed same. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
November 16, 1916
The Lee District School Board met at Ox Road. Dr. Frederick M. Brooks and Nathan C. Davis looked after firewood and also selected Miss Rice as a substitute teacher for Miss Virginia E. Rudd.
January 1, 1917
The Lee District School Board met in Lorton, Virginia, at the residence of Nathan C. Davis. Present were Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, John S. Wiley, Chairman, and Nathan C. Davis, Clerk. The Board directed Dr. Frederick M. Brooks to see what could be done in the district in regard to medical inspections and report to this Board at its next meeting. The following bills were ordered paid:
- A bill from J. L. Besley in the amount of $43.52 for lumber, nails, roofing and posts, and wood for the Wakefield School, purchased and furnished by him in having outbuildings erected.
- A bill from the Virginia School Supply Company totaling $1.43.
- A bill from Nathan C. Davis for supplies, curtains, paint, brooms, et cetera for schools.
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
January 19, 1917
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held in Burke, with trustees Dr. Frederick M. Brooks and Nathan C. Davis present (Nothing further recorded).
May 17, 1917
The Lee District School Board met at the residence of Nathan C. Davis in Ox Road, Virginia. John S. Wiley, Chairman, Frederick M. Brooks, Nathan C. Davis were present. Dr. Frederick M. Brooks was directed to have the necessary repairs to the roof at Burke done as quickly as possible.
The question of opening a high school at Lorton was taken up, and propositions made by people were considered. Nathan C. Davis was appointed a committee of one to confer further and report to this Board for further consideration.
The Board also discussed the employment of teachers; after which the Board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
June 29, 1917
The Lee School Board met with Nathan C. Davis and the account books were gone over and orders were drawn for trustee salaries and per diems as follows:
Trustee | Amount |
Frederick M. Brooks | $22.00 |
John S. Wiley | $18.00 |
Nathan C. Davis | $62.00 |
Nathan C. Davis - for supplies | $20.72 |
Insurance | $51.60 |
Grand Total: | $174.32 |
Teacher applications were looked over and appointments were laid over for the fall meeting of Board. The Board adjourned. Signed, Nathan C. Davis, Clerk
August 4, 1917
A meeting of the Lee District School Board. Present were John S. Wiley, Chairman, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Nathan C. Davis, and Superintendent Milton D. Hall. The appointment of teachers was taken up and teachers were elected as follows. The Superintendent asked to write to the Honorable C. C. Carlin in reference to brick for high school. Firewood for schools was discussed and the Board ordered to procure wood in any lengths and as best we can. The Secretary was instructed to correspond with some teachers as to their qualifications.
The following working list of teacher appointments was created at the August 4, 1917 meeting:
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Not Assigned | $40.00 |
2 | E. J. Deardorff | $35.00 or $40.00 |
3 | Marjorie Rice | $40.00 or $45.00 |
4 | Not Stated | $60.00 |
5 | M. L. Haislip | $35.00 or $40.00 |
6 | Not Stated (The name M. B. Blake was erased). | $45.00 or $50.00 |
8 | Evelyn Dawson | $40.00 |
9 | Bessie Jones | $50.00 |
9 | B. L. Sutton | $40.00 |
10 | Not Stated | $45.00 |
11 | Mrs. Effie H. Moon, Principal | $55.00 or $60.00 |
11 | Mayme Blake, Assistant | $40.00 or $45.00 |
A | Sylvia Jackson | $35.00 |
B | Lucy S. Robinson | $35.00 |
Notice was sent to Mayme Blake and E. J. Deardorff.
- The Honorable C. C. Carlin is Charles Creighton Carlin (1866-1938), an attorney who lived in Alexandria and served in the U.S. House of Representatives representing Virginia’s 8th congressional district. Additionally, in the early 20th century, he was the publisher and editor of the Alexandria Gazette newspaper.
July 1918 (Undated)
A called meeting of the Lee District School Board. Dr. Frederick M. Brooks and Benjamin F. Nevitt met at Farr (also known as Oak Grove), to decide on the location of a lot for a new school building.
August 13, 1918
The Lee District School Board met at the residence of Nathan C. Davis, with said Davis, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, and Benjamin F. Nevitt, trustees, present. The meeting had been called by Superintendent Milton D. Hall, who failed to come to the meeting on account of his car being out of order.
August 29, 1918
The Lee District School Board was called to meet at Fairfax Court House by Superintendent Milton D. Hall to go over the district account books and teacher salaries.
September 11, 1918
The Lee District School Board met at Farr with trustees Dr. Frederick M. Brooks and Benjamin F. Nevitt present. A school site was located and marked out.
April 16, 1920
The Lee District School Board met at Ox Road, with all trustees and Division Superintendent Milton D. Hall present. The Board organized with Dr. Frederick M. Brooks elected Chairman, Benjamin F. Nevitt elected Clerk, and Will E. Demory as member. The subject of the school census was discussed. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
August 28, 1920
The meeting of the Lee District School Board was called to order by Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, Chairman; all three members being present. The object of this meeting was to confirm the selection of teachers made by the Division Superintendent who was unavoidably absent. Various bills were presented and ordered paid, as will be shown by corresponding date in the Warrant Book. The Board did not have any data on school teachers and appointments, except the application of Mrs. Luther Hall for the Pohick School, which was favorably considered. There being no further business then to claim the attention of Board the meeting was adjourned. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
January 15, 1921
The Lee District School Board met at Burke, Virginia, will all members present. The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Dr. Frederick M. Brooks, and the Board proceeded to business. The Board had before it a petition signed by the patrons having children in Alexandria High School, asking that their tuition by paid out of the District Fund, and also a bill for said tuition was presented which was disposed of by the following resolution:
Resolved: That we the School Board of Lee District do hereby refuse to pay any tuition for any pupil in Alexandria High School who has no permit from said Board to enter said school. This having been the position of this Board for the past ten years we now see no reason for a change.
Some bills were ordered paid. There being nothing further the Board stood adjourned. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk
August 1, 1921
An informal meeting was held at the Fairfax Courthouse on the above date with all members present. Dr. Frederick M. Brooks called the meeting to order. A resolution was adopted acting upon the petition of the school patrons of the Colchester neighborhood asking for a school in that vicinity.
Resolved: That if an average lawful attendance could be maintained this term, the Board would consider seriously the building of a school house in that vicinity in the near future.
After discussing other matters, and ordering paid some bills, the meeting was adjourned. Signed, Benjamin F. Nevitt, Clerk