Lee District School Board Minute Book 1 (1888-1897)
Meeting Minutes of the School Trustees of Lee District
The minute records of the Lee District School Board were transcribed by members of the Providence Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), Fairfax Station, Virginia. Line-by-line transcription preserves the integrity and style of the original writing. Shorthand has been converted to longhand on this webpage to improve accessibility and searchability. The transcribed minute book is available for download below in PDF format, including photographs of the original.
The minutes in this book cover the period from September 1888 to July 1897. In the minutes, you will find lists of teachers and their salaries, school construction and maintenance records, and disciplinary actions involving students and teachers.
A Note on Language
The history of Fairfax County Public Schools from 1870 to 1922 includes racially-charged language that is archaic and often problematic by modern standards. The terms “Colored” and “Negro” are commonly used to describe students and schools. The terminology used in the primary documents has been retained.
August 11, 1888
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at Burke’s Station on Saturday, August 11, 1888, with William M. Ritchie, Chairman, Enos S. Fairfax, and Frank L. Wooster, Clerk, present. On motion, the salaries of teachers were fixed at the following rates:
School Number | Position | Salary Per Month |
1 | Teacher | Illegible, Possibly $27.00 |
2 | Teacher | $25.00 |
3 | Principal | $30.00 |
3 | Assistant | $25.00 |
4 | Teacher | $30.00 |
5 | Teacher | $25.00 |
6 | Principal | $30.00 |
6 | Assistant | $25.00 |
A | Teacher | $25.00 |
The bill of A. G. Crawford was disallowed. On motion, the bill of A. J. Sagar for $6.00 for three days on the Board of Reference was allowed and ordered to be paid out of the district school fund. The bill of William Hunter for $4.00 was allowed as [sic] on the Board of Reference. Milton D. Hall was allowed $1.60 for the Education Journal.
On motion, William M. Ritchie was allowed $2.00 for one day of service on the district board, Enos S. Fairfax was allowed $2.00 for one day of service on the district board, and Frank L. Wooster was allowed $4.00, it being the amount due him for two days of service as clerk of the district board. There being no other business, the board adjourned subject to the call of the chairman.
- Burkes Station, also seen as Burke’s Station in the minutes, is a name used for both a railroad station on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad and the community surrounding the post office bearing the same name. The name of the post office was changed to Burke in 1903. Both Burkes (singular and possessive) and Burke are seen throughout the original text.
- In the alphanumeric numbering tradition used in Fairfax County Public Schools, numerals were used to designate schools for white children (School Number 1, 2, 3, etc.) and letters were used to designate schools for African-American children (School Number A, B, C., etc.). The schools also had names commonly used by the community (Ashford, Belle Aire, Oak Grove, etc.).

September 24, 1888
In accordance with the order of the last adjourned meeting, the Lee District School Trustees met at Burke’s Station. An organization of the Board was effected by electing William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with, and the appointment of teachers for the ensuing school term (the especial order of the meeting) was made. The following named candidates were duly elected to teach the schools attached to their respective names.
School Number | School Name | Teacher |
1 | Ashford | Miss B. B. Millan |
2 | Belle Aire | Miss Josephine Violett |
3 | Oak Grove | Oliver G. Crawford |
5 | Barker's Cross Roads | Rezin H. Harrover |
6 | Lorton Valley | J. D. Ashford (Principal) |
6 | Lorton Valley | Miss Etta Nevitt (Assistant) |
A | Pearson | Emma J. Quander (Colored) |
In consideration of protracted trouble during the last session in the Ox Road School Number 4 between the teacher and patrons, the Board deferred the appointment of the teacher of that school until Thursday, September 27, at the schoolhouse in the presence of and with consent of the patrons.
It was ordered that the crayon bill drawn in favor of O. G. Crawford be paid and warrant drawn on District Fund was issued therefor. A warrant for $150.00 was allowed and drawn in favor of J. W. Ashford and placed in the hands of E. Fairfax pending investigation. The clerk was ordered to buy two books for the use of the Board. No further business being before the Board, it adjourned to meet at the Ox Road School on September 27, 1888. Signed, William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- The term “patrons” was typically used to describe a group of parents whose children attended a public school. In some schools, the patrons formally organized into a School League – the forerunner of the modern Parent-Teacher Association.
September 27, 1888
By special notice, a meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at the Ox Road Schoolhouse, with Chairman William M. Ritchie and Clerk Robert G. Nevitt present. A majority of the patrons were on hand and the expression from same unanimously in favor of Alexander Malcolm who was then and there declared their teacher for the ensuing term of 1888-1889. Signed, William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
October 3, 1888
At a called meeting of the Lee District Board of School Trustees held at Stoneleigh, present and presiding were William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and approved. Lorton Valley Number 6 Schoolhouse improvements were discussed and Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to purchase what is needed.
On motion of William M. Ritchie, seconded by Robert G. Nevitt, the principal of Lorton Valley School (Number 6), in consideration of high attainments and faithful performance of duties, was voted $20.00 to be paid at end of term. This is in excess of pay contracted for. Barker’s School improvements discussed and laid over for next meeting.
The contracts for the furnishing of wood (firewood) for several schools were awarded as follows:
- Pearson School Number A and Belle Aire School Number 2 awarded to M. E. Finn in the amount of $2.20 per cord, to be cut and ready for use.
- School Number 3 Oak Grove awarded to P. S. Fairfax in the amount of $2.00 per cord, to be cut and ready for use.
- School Number 4 Ox Road awarded to Samuel T. Stone in the amount of $2.00 per cord, to be cut and ready for use.
- Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to purchase wood for Lorton Valley School Number 6.
The clerk was ordered to draw a warrant for $2.00 for stationery for use of self. The assistant’s place in Oak Grove School Number 3 was awarded to Miss Mittie Adams. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- Stoneleigh was a small postal village located on Ox Road near Silverbrook Road, in present day Fairfax Station, Virginia. The post office operated from 1885 to 1908 with David S. Beach as postmaster. All that remains of the village today is the Stoneleigh House, built in 1835, located at 8108 Ox Road.
October 30, 1888
In accordance with notice, the Lee District School Trustees met at Stoneleigh, with Chairman William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Repairs on Barker’s School Number 5 discussed and Enos Fairfax was authorized to attend to and employ a carpenter to put on a new roof.
The following bills were examined and allowed:
- Enos Fairfax – $4.75
- Thomas Hoy – $9.00
- J. R. Kincheloe – $20.00
- William M. Ritchie – $3.00
- J. H. D. Smoot – $25.75
It was moved by William M. Ritchie, seconded by Enos Fairfax, that the schoolhouses of Lee District shall not be used for other than school purposes without permission from one or more trustees. The motion was concurred in by the Board and the clerk was ordered to notify the teachers of the same. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
December 1, 1888
A meeting of the School Trustees of Lee District was held at Oak Grove, Fairfax County, Virginia. The Clerk of the Board, Mr. Robert G. Nevitt, being absent, the Board organized with William M. Ritchie as Chairman and Clerk, and Enos S. Fairfax as member, present. The Board examined the work on the new schoolhouse and sundry bills. The following accounts were approved.
Recipient | Item | Amount |
J. W. Ashford | Balance on contract (Final) | $8.73 |
J. W. Ashford | Extra work on new schoolhouse | $7.50 |
J. W. Ashford | Pohick School House | $9.40 |
J. W. Ashford | Removing old house and repairs on same | $18.93 |
Memo: Draw two warrants as follows to J. W. Ashford; one in the amount of $35.83 and another in the amount of $8.73 for the balance due on contract. Both of the above to be drawn to the benefit of Enos S. Fairfax.
Additional warrants to be drawn as follows:
- Henry Baader – $11.00
- Burke & Marshall – $10.05 for sundries.
- James F. Carlin – $4.00 – bill paid by Fairfax.
- Barney Deavers – $17.30 for hauling, etc.
- Enos S. Fairfax – $33.05 for bills paid.
- W. S. Fairfax – $5.50
- George E. French – $7.70
- William M. Ritchie – $8.80 for committee and bills.
- Samuel T. Stone – $8.00 for wood for School Number 4.
The Board adjourned after having again examined the new school (Number 3). Signed William M. Ritchie, Chairman and Clerk Pro Tempore
December 10, 1888
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at Chairman Ritchie’s house near Burke’s Station, with William M. Ritchie, Robert G. Nevitt, and Enos S. Fairfax present. The following business was transacted: Warrants were ordered to be drawn for the following accounts approved at the meeting of December 1, 1888:
- J. W. Ashford – $8.73 for balance on contract.
- J. W. Ashford (For use of Enos S. Fairfax) – $35.83
- Henry Baader – $11.00
- Burke & Marshall – $10.05
- James F. Carlin – $4.00
- Barney Deavers – $17.30
- Enos S. Fairfax – $33.05
- W. S. Fairfax – $5.50
- George E. French – $7.70
- Robert G. Nevitt – $21.50
- William M. Ritchie – $9.30
- Samuel T. Stone – $8.00
The clerk was ordered to write to Rezin H. Harrover, teacher of School Number 5, and request him to procure a boarding house as the use of his school room for cooking and sleeping was entirely against the wishes of the School Board. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
January 19, 1889
Pursuant to notice, the Trustees of Lee School District met this day at Lorton Valley Schoolhouse, with William M. Ritchie, Robert G. Nevitt, and Enos S. Fairfax present. The following bills were presented and approved:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
James H. Crawford | One cord of pine wood cut and ready for use | $2.75 |
Enos S. Fairfax | Articles furnished the Oak Grove school room | $9.57 |
George E. French | Balance on desks furnished the Oak Grove School | $5.50 |
John Plaskett | Hauling coal to the Lorton Valley School | $2.25 |
M. D. Renney (For use by E. Steele) | Repairs on Ashford Schoolhouse | $3.00 |
The clerk was ordered to draw a warrant in favor of J. E. Mitchell for freight on desks for Oak Grove School, the amount to be placed in warrant by Enos S. Fairfax from freight bill receipt therefore to be sent to Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
February 22, 1889
In response to a call from the Chairman, the Lee District School Trustees met at Stoneleigh, with William M. Ritchie and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The bill of Superintendent Milton D. Hall for Virginia Education Journals sent to William M. Ritchie and Enos S. Fairfax was approved, and the clerk was ordered to draw warrants for same. Warrants were also ordered to be drawn on the following accounts:
- J. D. Ashford in the amount of $2.05 for material for the Lorton Valley School
- T. S. Ashford in the amount of $1.50 for repairs on the flue at School Number 1
- David S. Beach in the amount of $4.40 for articles furnished School Number 4
It was moved, seconded, and carried that we have no teaching on Saturday. Teachers, if they wish, can make up their lost time at the end of the term. The clerk was ordered to notify the teachers of the action of this Board in regard to same. The clerk was also ordered to notify teachers to have all books furnished indigent children together with their School Register returned to the clerk at end of the term. The clerk was further directed to notify teachers that they can continue one month after their present contract for five months is completed, subject to the same terms and conditions of the existing contract. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
March 29, 1889
A called meeting of the Lee District School Trustees was held this day at the Ox Road Schoolhouse for the purpose of electing a teacher to fill the unexpired term of Alex Malcolm. William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt were present. Miss Helen Malcolm was duly elected and the clerk was ordered to notify her of the action of the Board. Sundry bills were then examined and ordered to be paid:
- M. I. Finn in the amount of $19.80 for wood for Schools Number 2 and A
- J. T. Miller in the amount of $9.00 for wood for Ashford School Number 1
- Samuel T. Stone in the amount of $4.00 for wood furnished the Ox Road School
There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
June 5, 1889
In response to notice from Chairman Ritchie, the Lee District Board of School Trustees assembled at Stoneleigh, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present.
Chairman Ritchie called the meeting to order and the bill of M. I. Hussey for rent of schoolroom for the years 1887-1888 was examined and cut down to $12.00. The clerk was ordered to draw a warrant for same.
Rezin H. Harrover, teacher the present term in School Number 5, was fined one dollar for mutilation of the school register done by some unknown party breaking open his schoolroom door. Harrover was requested to fill out a new book from notes in hand.
William M. Ritchie presented the bill of Burke & Marshall for $8.30 for articles furnished Schools Number 1 and A. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, William M. Ritchie, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
August 7, 1889
In compliance with notice from Chairman Ritchie, the Lee District School Board met at Ox Road Schoolhouse, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The Chairman called the meeting to order after which the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The grading of School Number 3 was discussed and laid over for next meeting. Next in order, the Board fixed the salaries for the several schools of the district for the ensuing school term of 1889-1890 as follows:
School Number | School Name | Salary Per Month |
1 | Ashford | $27.00 |
2 | Belle Aire | $25.00 |
3 | Oak Grove | $30.00 |
3 (Assistant) | Oak Grove | $25.00 |
4 | Ox Road | $30.00 |
5 | Pohick | $28.00 |
6 | Lorton Valley | $35.00 |
6 (Assistant) | Lorton Valley | $25.00 |
A | Pearson (Colored) | $25.00 |
The Ox Road Schoolhouse was examined, and the repairs necessary to be made were ordered to be done as soon as a workman can be procured and a proper estimate made of the cost of same. Ritchie and Fairfax were appointed a committee to attend to procuring and making a bargain with a workman. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 12, 1889
The Lee District School Board met this day at Burke Station, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Board waived all other business and proceeded to the election of teachers for the ensuing term of 1889-1890, when the following persons were chosen for the several schools:
School Number | School Name | Teacher |
1 | Ashford | B. B. Millan |
2 | Belle Aire | Rosa L. Davis |
3 (Assistant) | Oak Grove | Mittie Adams |
4 | Ox Road | Rezin H. Harrover |
5 | Pohick | Annie L. Denty |
6 | Lorton Valley | J. D. Ashford |
6 (Assistant) | Lorton Valley | Elizabeth Janney |
A | Pearson (Colored) | William F. Pearson |
There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet at the Ox Road Schoolhouse on September 24, to contract with teachers and elect a principal for Oak Grove School Number 3. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
- Rosa L. Davis is likely Rose Lee Davis from Occoquan, Prince William County, Virginia.
September 24, 1889
Pursuant to notice, the Lee District School Board met this day at Ox Road Schoolhouse, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. Oliver G. Crawford was elected principal of the Oak Grove School and the following teachers were contracted with:
School Name | Teacher |
Ashford | B. B. Millan |
Belle Aire | Rosa L. Davis |
Lorton Valley | Elizabeth Janney |
Oak Grove | Mittie Adams |
Oak Grove | Oliver G. Crawford |
Ox Road | Rezin H. Harrover |
Pearson Number A | William F. Pearson |
Pohick | Annie L. Denty |
There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
October 17, 1889
The Trustees of Lee School District met this day at Stoneleigh, with William M. Ritchie, Robert G. Nevitt, and Enos S. Fairfax present. A discussion of the condition of the schoolhouses in the District was entered into, when it was ordered that the painting of the porches and blinds of School Number 6 Lorton Valley be done as soon as material and workman can be procured. Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to superintend same and have the water closets fixed.
A letter from the teacher of School Number 1 in regard to the average attendance was referred to Superintendent Milton D. Hall. The firewood contract awarded to F. Wooster was transferred to J. W. Wooster after F. Wooster had furnished three cords of wood. The following warrants were ordered to be drawn.
- F. Wooster, Jr. (for the use of David S. Beach) in the amount of $9.67 for work on the Ox Road Schoolhouse.
- J. W. Wooster for three cords of wood at $2.00 per cord.
There being no further business before the Board, it adjourned. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
- In the above text, we learn that the teacher of School Number 1 had sent a letter regarding the school’s average attendance. Public schools were required to maintain a minimum average daily attendance number in order to remain in operation. Public schools that fell below that “lawful average” might remained closed for several months, for several years, or close permanently.
- Water closets, also known as outhouses or privies, were used as restroom facilities at some Fairfax County public schools for white children until the late 1930s. African-American children continued to use outhouses until the early 1950s.
November 20, 1889
A called meeting of the Lee District School Board was held this day at Oak Grove Schoolhouse, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and R. G Nevitt present. The school rooms were visited and all things were found working satisfactorily. The following bills were examined and approved:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Enos S. Fairfax | Articles furnished Schools Number 2 and 3 | $12.43 |
G. C. Fairfax | Wood furnished School Number 3 | $13.50 |
George E. French | Globes for Schools Number 3, 4, and 6 | $18.00 |
William D. Jones | Cleaning and whitewashing Number 5 Pohick School | $2.00 |
John Pearson | Repairs on the Belle Aire School | $2.53 |
Samuel T. Stone | Four cords of wood at $1.89 per cord furnished the Ox Road School | $7.56 |
There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
January 10, 1890
In response to a call from Chairman Ritchie the Lee District School Board met this day at Burke’s Station, with William M. Ritchie and Enos S. Fairfax present. The following accounts were approved:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Robert Beach | Wood furnished Schools Number A and 2 | $16.00 |
Burke & Marshall | Not Stated | $3.74 |
I. H. Devaughn | Chairs for Schools Number 1, 2, and 3 | $9.00 |
W. O. Hightower | Charts | Not Stated |
W. Wooster | One cord of wood furnished School Number 1 | $2.25 |
No further business was reported by William M. Ritchie. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
February 4, 1890
In compliance with a call from Chairman Ritchie, the Lee District School Board met this day at the Lorton Valley School, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present.
The schoolroom of the principal, Miss Bettie Nevitt, was visited. She reported all scholars submissive to rules, and making satisfactory advancement. The room of Miss Elizabeth Janney, the assistant teacher, was closed, she being detained at home on account of sickness.
The following bills were presented, approved, and warrants ordered to be given therefor:
- James Cranford - $2.75
- J. W. Cranford - $8.15
- Robert G. Nevitt - $4.00
- Joseph Plaskett - $1.36
- Franklin Sherman - $10.80
- Frank Wooster, Jr. - $3.50
Teachers of Schools Number 2, 3, and A, William Pearson, Rosa L. Davis, Mittie Adams, are to be notified by the clerk that at the expiration of five months, the end of the term contracted for, their schools will be closed. The teachers of the other schools opened in the District will continue one month longer. There being nothing further before the meeting, the Board adjourned. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
February 13, 1890
A meeting of the Lee District School Trustees was held at Oak Grove Schoolhouse, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The object of the meeting to consider and settle the difference existing between the teacher and scholars. After a thorough investigation was held nothing serious was developed. Yet we found some scholars had been withdrawn from the school and a lukewarmness manifested on the part of the patrons present to sustain it. The usefulness and propriety of further continuance was discussed by the trustees and patrons, when after due consideration it was deemed best to let the teacher fill his contract with them and then close the school. As soon as the desire of patrons and the determination of the trustees was made known to the teacher he resigned, his resignation was accepted to take effect this day, and Miss Adams, the assistant teacher, requested to fill her contract (which expires in February) and then close the school. There being nothing further before the meeting, the Board adjourned. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman Pro Tempore, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
March 25, 1890
The Lee District School Board met this day at Stoneleigh, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The following business was transacted.
The bill of Samuel T. Stone for two-and-a-half cords of wood at $1.89 per cord, making a total bill of $4.79, was approved and ordered to be paid.
The bill of Robert Beach for the balance on his firewood contract in the amount of $4.00 was ordered to be paid and a warrant drawn therefor.
A warrant payable to Jane Cranford in the amount of $3.44 for wood furnished the Lorton Valley School was approved.
There being nothing further before the meeting, it adjourned. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
May 27, 1890
At a called meeting of the Lee District School Board held this day at Stoneleigh, William M. Ritchie and Robert G. Nevitt were present. Several bills were examined and approved:
A bill in favor of John R. Zimmerman for coal furnished the Lorton Valley School last November was ordered to be called for and paid. The bill of Arch Hall for repairs on Number 5 Pohick School in the amount of $2.75. The bill of James Cranford for wood for the Lorton Valley School in the amount of $2.75.
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
August 6, 1890
In accordance with the Public School Laws of Virginia, the Lee District School Board convened this day, Wednesday, August 6, 1890, at Stoneleigh – for the purpose of grading schools, fixing salaries, taking note of the condition of schoolhouses and discussing school matters generally. William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt were present.
The clerk was ordered to call in all outstanding bills and give warrants for those approved. The bill of G. H. Burke for articles furnished Colored School Number A and Ashford School Number 1 were approved and a warrant was given this day for the same. The salaries for the several schools in the District were discussed and fixed for the ensuing term 1890-1891 as follows:
School Number | School Name | Salary Per Month |
1 | Ashford | $25.00 |
2 | Belle Aire | $25.00 |
3 | Oak Grove | $30.00 |
4 | Ox Road | $30.00 |
5 | Pohick | $25.00 |
6 | Lorton Valley (Principal) | $30.00 |
6 | Lorton Valley (Assistant) | $25.00 |
A | Pearson Colored | $22.00 |
There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk of the Board
September 17, 1890
The Lee District School Board met this day at the Ox Road Schoolhouse, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The first business taken up was the applications of teachers for the different schools of the District. After consideration, the following persons were elected for the ensuing term 1890-1891.
School Number | School Name | Teacher |
1 | Ashford | Edna Force |
2 | Belle Aire | Mollie E. Halley |
3 | Oak Grove | Not Stated |
4 | Ox Road | Rezin H. Harrover |
5 | Pohick | S. Lee Sangster |
6 | Lorton Valley | Not Stated |
7 | Lorton Valley (Assistant) | Josephine Violett |
A | Pearson Colored | Not Stated |
A petition from a Colored person living near Barkers Cross Roads was received. The petition asked for the location of a Colored school at that location for their benefit. The petition was ordered laid over for further consideration.
There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet September 20, 1890, to contract with teachers. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- Mollie E. Halley also appears in the minutes as M. E. Hally and M. E. Halley. The historic record gives her name as Mary E. Halley, sister of Sallie Halley who was also a teacher in the Lee District.
September 20, 1890
In accordance with the adjourned meeting of the 17th instant, the Lee District School Board met this day to contract with teachers. The following contracts were filled and signed: Edna Force for Ashford School Number 1; Josephine Violet for assistant at Lorton Valley Number 6; Mollie E. Halley for Belle Aire Number 2; and S. Lee Sangster for Pohick Number 5. The building of a schoolhouse at Silverbrook was abandoned for the present. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
February 2, 1891
The Lee District School Board met this day at Stoneleigh, with William M. Ritchie, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The applications of teachers to fill the chair of assistant teacher in the Oak Grove School (Number 3) was taken up and Lorena Stone was declared elected for the term of 1890-1891. The following bills were approved:
- John Pearson – $3.93
- Joshua Pearson – $2.75
- William M. Ritchie – $1.50
- George W. Springman – $12.90
- Samuel T. Stone – $2.00
There being no further business before the Board, it adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 15, 1892
The Lee District School Board met this day at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present. On motion of Joseph E. Marks, Enos S. Fairfax was elected Chairman.
It was ordered that the schools be graded by certificates: teachers with a First Grade Certificate to receive a salary of $30.00 per month; Second Grade Certificate to receive a salary of $25.00 per month; and Third Grade Certificate to receive a salary of $22.00 per month. It was further agreed that any school procuring the services of experienced and expert teachers should have their salaries supplemented. On motion of Robert G. Nevitt, the principal’s salary at Lorton Valley was increased to $35.00 per month.
The following teachers were elected for the term of 1892-1893:
School Number | Teacher | Certification |
1 | M. E. Elgin | Second Grade |
2 | Eva M. Marks | Second Grade |
4 | Edna Force | Second Grade |
5 | Blanche Dulaney | Third Grade |
6 | J. C. Dice | First Grade |
7 | Josephine Violett | Second Grade |
Number 7 is the assistant’s room to the principal of Number 6, said school enrolling more scholars than any school in the District. No application was presented for School Number 3. The teacher for School Number A was not agreed upon.
It was ordered that the Board meet on the third Thursday in every month during the present school term at Stoneleigh.
The Board ordered that all wood supplied the several schools in the District be corded by the parties furnishing it; the teacher measuring the same and giving a receipt therefor.
It was ordered that an application shall be made to the School Board for all books furnished indigent children. None shall be paid for unless ordered by the Board.
It was ordered that the Board meet at Gibsons Shop on “Little River Turnpike” on Wednesday, September 28, 1892, to consider the necessity of establishing a school at that point, and at Stoneleigh on September 29, 1892, to contract with teachers and receive and open proposals for wood. There being no further business before the Board, it adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 28, 1892
Pursuant to notice, the Lee District School Board met this day at Mr. S. F. Caton’s on Little River Turnpike to take into consideration the importance of establishing a school at that point. After viewing the different locations, the Board concluded to build somewhere near Davis’s Store as soon as a suitable lot could be obtained to build on. The demand being urgent for a school, it was deemed best to fix up the old schoolroom. Mr. Howard agreed to take $20.00 rent for the same for the present school term, and Mr. S. F. Caton obligated himself to furnish the material and make the room comfortable for $10.00. Mr. S. F. Caton was given an order to Thomas Hoy for stove pipe. There being no further business before the Board, it adjourned to meet on September 29, 1892, at Stoneleigh. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 29, 1892
The Board met in accordance with adjournment to contract with teachers and open proposals for wood. The following teachers were contracted with:
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | M. E. Elgin | $28.00 |
2 | Eva M. Marks | $28.00 |
4 | Edna Force | $28.00 |
5 | Blanche Dulaney | $22.50 |
7 | Josephine Violett | $28.00 |
Schools Number 3, 6, 8, and A were not contracted for.
Messrs. Fairfax and Marks voted to increase the salaries of Schools Number 1, 2, 3, and 4, whereupon Robert G. Nevitt moved that in consideration of Miss Josephine Violett’s having served the patrons of Lorton Valley School (Number 7) so faithfully and acceptably for two terms, and holding the same certificate as those whose salaries they were voting to increase, that hers be likewise increased; at which point it was voted to make the salaries as before mentioned. The contracts were signed by the chairman, and the clerk was ordered to enter into contracts with teachers for the schools not contracted for as soon as convenient. Warrants were ordered to be drawn for:
- David S. Beach for a lock for School Number 4
- Charles Haislip and Richard Innis for work on Schools Number 6 and 7
The wood proposals accepted were:
- G. H. Burke for Schools Number A and 2 at $2.48 per cord, cut and ready for use.
- B. F. Fairfax for School Number 1 at $2.25 per cord, cut and ready for use.
- P. S. Fairfax for School Number 3 at $2.00 per cord, cut and ready for use.
- Samuel T. Stone for School Number 4.
Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to purchase wood and coal for Lorton Valley Schools Number 6 and 7.
Miss Blanche Dulaney presented a bill for $12.50 against the Board for time she was dismissed (by Enos S. Fairfax) whilst acting as the assistant in Oak Grove School Number 3. Mr. Fairfax alleged that he was authorized by the Chairman, William M. Ritchie, to dismiss her, and it was done for sickness in the school. When the Board refused to pay the bill, thereupon Samuel T. Stone notified the Board in writing that he would appeal to a higher court. There being nothing else before the Board, it adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
October 20, 1892
At a meeting of the Lee District School Board held this day at Stoneleigh, the Board was called to order by Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman. In the absence of Robert G. Nevitt, Joseph E. Marks was appointed Clerk Pro Tempore and the Board proceeded to business. S. F. Caton’s bill for $10.00 for repairs on the schoolhouse was presented and, on motion, approved. It was ordered that a warrant be issued to Mr. Caton, said warrant to be given to him after the repairs had been inspected and accepted by one of the trustees. On motion, Joseph E. Marks was instructed to inspect said work and report.
An application was presented from a person over 21 years of age for permission to attend Oak Grove School which was granted on the condition that the applicant pay to Enos S. Fairfax the fee required by law in advance.
J. W. Ashford’s bill of $9.50 for fuel for the Oak Grove School was received and on motion was approved. Joseph E. Marks was instructed to have some repairs done at Schools Number 2 and A, and whitewashing done at Schools Number 1 and 2. On motion, the clerk was instructed to draw two warrants: one for S. F. Caton for $10.00 for materials and repairs to Schoolhouse on Little River Turnpike, and another for $9.50 for J. W. Ashford for fuel for Oak Grove School and send the same to Enos S. Fairfax, Chairman.
On motion, the clerk was instructed to send to the chairman blank warrants on the Grandstaff Fund sufficient to pay the teachers’ salaries for the present month. On motion, the Board then adjourned to meet on the third Thursday in November, 1892. Proceedings as furnished by Joseph E. Marks. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
October 29, 1892
At a called meeting of the Lee District School Board held this day, there was present Enos S. Fairfax, Robert G. Nevitt, and Joseph E. Marks. The following bills were presented, approved, and the Clerk ordered to draw warrants for same.
- P. L. Evans for two gallons of oil for School Number 6.
- Robert G. Nevitt for hauling lumber to School Number 6 on August 26 and August 31.
- Robert G. Nevitt for services as Clerk of the District School Board.
- Ernest Plaskett for two days’ work cutting off (clearing) the lot of School Number 6.
- J. H. D. Smoot & Son for lumber and nails for Lorton Valley School Number 6 and 7.
Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to have glass put in the windows at Lorton Valley School Number 6 and 7, and also to purchase lime and have the rooms whitewashed and cleaned. Mr. Marks was requested to give an order for a book for an indigent child attending School Number A. The building of a schoolhouse on the Pike was discussed and laid over for further consideration. There being nothing else before the Board, it adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on November 17, at 2:00 p.m. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
November 17, 1892
In accordance with the adjourned meeting of October 29, 1892, the Lee District School Board met this day at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, Robert G. Nevitt, and Joseph E. Marks present. The following bills were ordered to be paid and warrants drawn for same:
Recipient | Amount | Item |
J. W. Ashford | $2.50 | Wood for School Number 3 |
Susan Bowles | $1.50 | Whitewashing School Number 3 |
G. H. Burke | $14.88 | Wood for Schools Number 2 and A |
Enos S. Fairfax | $5.70 | One-half day’s work and articles furnished Schools Number 3 and 5 |
John Javins | $0.75 | Wood furnished School Number 5 last term |
Samuel T. Stone | $9.00 | Wood furnished School Number 3 |
There being nothing further before the Board, it adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh the third Thursday in December at 3:00 p.m. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
December 15, 1892
The Lee District School Board met this day at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. The average daily attendance of pupils at the different schools was discussed and considered favorable to their continuation. The average for School Number 5 is very low, yet the patrons express a determination to send their children out as soon as the weather improves.
Robert G. Nevitt offered from the patrons of Ox Road School (Number 4) a proposition to furnish $30.00 toward defraying the expense of building and digging a well at that place if the School Board would furnish the balance and have the well dug. The matter was freely discussed and Mr. Nevitt was authorized to inform the patrons that it would be favorably considered and the well dug as soon as they furnished money.
Warrants for pay of teachers for the third month were signed. The following bills were approved and warrants ordered to be drawn for same.
- S. F. Dyson & Brother in the amount of $1.65 for crayons, paper, and envelopes.
- E. S. Leadbeater & Brother in the amount of $24.46 for paints, brushes, and freight to Lorton Station for Schools Number 6 and 7.
- Doddridge C. Nevitt in the amount of $2.00 for hauling stove and coal.
- Robert G. Nevitt in the amount of $2.00 for services as Clerk, and $0.50 for freight bill.
There being nothing else before the Board, it adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on the third Thursday in February 1893. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
January 19, 1893
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Joseph E. Marks present. On motion of Joseph E. Marks, Enos S. Fairfax was authorized to buy ten desks for Oak Grove School Number 3 and attend to the digging of the well at Ox Road School Number 4. The following bills were approved and warrants ordered to be drawn for same:
- G. H. Burke & Marshall in the amount of $2.05 for buckets, broom, dippers, lock, and stovepipe for Schools Number 1 and A.
- B. F. Fairfax in the amount of $9.00 for four cords of wood at $2.25 per cord for School Number 1.
- Enos S. Fairfax in the amount of $3.00 for work on Schools Number 1 and 3 and buckets for same.
- John Pearson in the amount of $1.00 for work on Schools Number 2 and A.
There being nothing else before the Board, it adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on February 16, 1893. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
February 16, 1893
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present.
A letter of from Franklin Sherman, Insurance Agent, was read, notifying the Board that the directors of the Loudoun Insurance Company had decided to raise the premium notes on all schoolhouses, so that the three percent interest rate as now fixed shall yield $0.60 per $100.00, stating that there would be no charge for fees on change of policies, only net increase of rate. This would make the average cost of insurance for each schoolhouse $2.70 and one-quarter cents instead of $2.20 and one-quarter cents as last year. The Board decided to continue the insurance and the clerk was directed to make arrangement with Mr. Sherman for so doing.
The clerk reported that the Grandstaff and Arrearage Funds were nearly paid out and $37.96 had been drawn on the County Fund. With $10.00 yet due on the Grandstaff Fund and $656.92 remaining of County funds, we will have to our credit $666.92 independent of District funds. When each teacher is paid for the full time contracted for (six months), we will consume $560.00 more, which will leave the District $106.92 in the County Fund as to this date apportioned (at end of term).
Warrants were signed for the fifth month’s pay of teachers. The following bills were ordered to be paid from the District Fund:
- Barney Deavers in the amount of $9.00 for wood for School Number 5.
- Thomas Hoy in the amount of $14.00 for stove and pipe for School Number 7.
- Doddridge C. Nevitt in the amount of $2.00 for hauling and storing coal for Schools Number 6 and 7.
- John R. Zimmerman in the amount of $25.96 for coal for Schools Number 6 and 7.
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
March 9, 1893
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The building of the well at the Ox Road School was further discussed and warrants were ordered to be drawn to defray the expense of building same.
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Henry Davis | Digging of well | $11.00 |
Albert Fairfax | Work on well | $4.50 |
Enos S. Fairfax | Work on well | $3.00 |
P. S. Fairfax | Work on well | $3.00 |
R. W. French | Desk(s) furnished School Number 3 | $48.00 |
S. F. Marshall | Work on well | $19.89 |
Doddridge C. Nevitt | Hauling coal to Schools Number 6 and 7 | $3.00 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
April 29, 1893
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The white appearance of the water in the new well at Ox Road School was talked over, yet no action was taken by the Board to improve it thinking that by giving it time to thoroughly settle, and by using it, it would come all right. Bills were ordered to be paid as follows:
- Burke & Marshall in the amount of $2.37 for crayons, brooms, and books for Schools Number A and 3.
- S. F. Caton in the amount of $15.00 for six cords of wood for School Number 8.
- P. H. Howard in the amount of $20.00 for the use of schoolroom for the term 1891-1892.
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
June 29, 1893
The Lee District School Board met this day at Burke Station, with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The first matter taken up was the condition of schoolhouses in the district. It was determined that each trustee should examine the schoolroom adjacent to them, make arrangements for all needed repairs, and have the houses made comfortable for the coming winter. Matters of minor importance were later discussed after which the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
July 28, 1893
At a called meeting of the Lee District School Board held at Ox Road Schoolhouse, Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt were present. The following business was transacted. The recent painting of the schoolhouse was examined, and warrants were drawn for the following bills: C. H. Lennon in the amount of $25.00 for paints for the Oak Grove School and the Ox Road School. A. C. Clark in the amount of $16.00 for painting the above-named schools. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 16, 1893
In accordance with notice, the Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh. Chairman Fairfax being absent, the meeting was called to order by Joseph E. Marks, Esquire. Clerk Robert G. Nevitt was on hand and read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved.
After which, the teachers elected to teach for the ensuing school term, being present, were requested to sign contracts. Mollie E. Halley, Eva Marks, Irene Davis, Josephine Violett, and Mamie Cranford signed contracts to teach for six months.
Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to have plastering done at Lorton Valley Schools Number 6 and 7, and have the rooms cleaned and put in order for teaching; also, to order desk and chairs for Lorton Valley. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 1893 (No Day)
At a called meeting of the School Board of Lee District held September 1893, the patrons met and unanimously elected Miss May E. Kidwell to teach for the ensuing term at Oak Grove School. Robert G. Nevitt read the law in relation to allowing patrons to elect teachers and all persons present pledged themselves to comply with it. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
October 20, 1893
The Lee District School Board met at Ox Road Schoolhouse, with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Mr. George E. Patten, the teacher elected for the Ox Road School, signed his contract to teach for six months, after which the following bills were ordered to be paid:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Charles E. Crown | Plastering Schools Number 6 and 7 | $10.00 |
Benjamin Deavers | Making sign-boards for Schools Number 4, 6, and 7 | $3.75 |
George Fairfax | Work at School Number 3 | $0.75 |
John E. Maley | Whitewashing School Number 2 | $1.50 |
John Pearson | Work on School Number A | $4.50 |
Heirs of Joseph Plaskett | Furniture for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $1.35 |
J. W. Randolph & Company | Illegible | $1.50 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
November 17, 1893
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Warrants were signed for the pay of teachers. Also, warrants were ordered to be drawn to settle the following bills:
- A freight bill in the amount of $1.41 (This may have been payable to Robert Nevitt, but the minutes are unclear).
- R. W. French in the amount of $3.20 for crayons and stationery.
- Robert G. Nevitt in the amount of $10.00 for pay for services as Clerk.
- John Pearson in the amount of $0.50 for whitewashing and repairing School Number 2.
- J. Waple in the amount of $0.90 for zinc for School Number 1.
December 18, 1893
The Lee District School Board met at Fairfax Courthouse, with Joseph E. Marks, Enos S. Fairfax, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Miss Wenna Marks was elected Assistant Teacher of School Number 1 to draw a salary of $10.00 per month for all the months the attendance reaches 30 or more pupils. Miss Jennie Stone made Assistant Teacher at School Number 3 on the same conditions as to attendance, but to draw $12.50 per month with the privilege of being instructed by the principal.
Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to have a privy built at School Number 5. The following bills were approved and warrants were ordered to be drawn for same:
- George C. Fairfax in the amount of $13.92 for wood for School Number 3.
- Peder S. Fairfax in the amount of $3.50 for grading road at Belle Aire.
- D. E. Nevitt in the amount of $3.75 for hauling and housing three tons of coal for Schools Number 6 and 7.
- George W. Springman in the amount of $18.27 for wood for Schools Number 2 and A.
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
January 18, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The following bills were approved and warrants were ordered to be drawn for their liquidation:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Susan Bowles | Cleaning floor of School Number 3 | $0.75 |
Burke & Marshall | Furniture and freight for Schools Number 2 and A | $8.24 |
Enos S. Fairfax | Work on Schools Number 1 and A | $4.00 |
Enos S. Fairfax | Postage | $0.30 |
R. W. French | Desk for School Number 1 | $27.00 |
Arch Hall | Wood for School Number 5 | $9.00 |
Joseph E. Marks | Repairs on School Number 1 | $3.00 |
Jack Pearson | Repairs on School Number 2 | $1.00 |
Walkins Shelton | Cleaning off ground School Number 2 | $1.25 |
Samuel T. Stone | Wood for School Number 4 | $13.16 |
B. Wooster | Repairs on School Number 1 | $1.00 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
February 15, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. Books were allowed for the children of Mrs. A. E. Ashford and Mary Steele. The following warrants were ordered to be drawn:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
S. Bowles | Work on School Number 3 | $0.75 |
B. F. Fairfax | Firewood for School Number 1: four cords at $2.45 per cord | $9.80 |
Arch Hall | Work at School Number 5 | $6.30 |
Doddridge C. Nevitt | Hauling two tons of coal to School Number 6 and Number 7 | $2.80 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Services as Clerk of the School Board | $4.00 |
Franklin Sherman, Agent | Insurance due to the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Loudoun, Virginia | $10.80 |
John R. Zimmerman | Coal for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $12.00 |
John R. Zimmerman | Coal and sacks and freight for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $9.17 |
John R. Zimmerman | Two tons of coal and sacks and freight for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $18.34 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
March 28, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. Bills were approved and warrants were ordered to be drawn for as follows:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
S. Bowles | Whitewashing School Number 3 | $1.50 |
H. E. Bradly | Use of D. D. Beach for making flue for School Number 3 | $2.00 |
Burke & Marshall | Books and lock for School Number 2 | $2.98 |
Enos S. Fairfax | Clock for School Number 3 | $1.00 |
G. W. Fairfax | Work on School Number 3 fixing stove pipe | $1.00 |
J. E. Stone | Work and lime for School Number 3 | $2.62 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
July 28, 1894
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at Pohick Schoolhouse this day, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present, to meet patrons and confer with them in reference to the slim attendance at that school the past session. From all that could be ascertained, it was want of interest in patrons and no fault of teacher as all expressed entire satisfaction with her as a teacher.
The building of a schoolhouse at Rice’s Corner was discussed. Rice offering to give an acre, the Board determined to build at that place and the clerk was ordered to draw specifications for the building of a suitable schoolhouse. Specifications to be circulated and sealed proposals to be received until Saturday, August 11, when they will be opened at Stoneleigh and the contract given to lowest bidder.
Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to have the repairs needed at Lorton done as soon as convenient: put on a new steel roof, fix floor, and platform in Number 6. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- In 1894, Rice’s Corner was the name of the intersection of Pohick Road and the road to Burke Station. These roads were later realigned and renamed Fairfax County Parkway and Burke Lake Road. Lakehaven Court follows the original alignment of Pohick Road. The school constructed at this location was known variously as the Belle Aire School, the Rice’s Corner School, and School Number 2.
- Fairfax County Deed Book R-5, Page 383: September 12, 1894 – James H. Rice and his wife Hattie A. Rice; to Robert G. Nevitt, Enos S. Fairfax, and Joseph E. Marks, Public School Trustees of Lee District; for the sum of one dollar; one acre of land, more or less, situated in Lee District and further described as follows: Commencing at a stake at the junction of the Burke’s Station Road with the road leading from Pohick to Fairfax Court House; thence with the Pohick Road… to a stake on the side of the Station Road… thence to the beginning. Received, authenticated and admitted to record on September 12, 1894. Teste, F. W. Richardson, Clerk.
August 11, 1894
In accordance with the last adjourned meeting at Pohick Schoolhouse (Number 5), the Lee District School Board met this day to open proposals for building a schoolhouse at Rice’s Corner. A number of proposals were received and opened. Some bids were made for a schoolhouse with a porch and some for a schoolhouse without a porch. New specifications were drawn, and the Board gave notice it would meet at Stoneleigh on August 25, to receive, open, and award the contract to the lowest bidder. The Board adjourned to meet as stated above. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
August 25, 1894
Lee District School Board met this day to receive and open proposals for building schoolhouse at Rice’s Corner. After opening proposals, it was ascertained that Mr. H. C. Simpson’s bid of $419.99 was the lowest. The clerk was ordered to draw up a contract with a duplicate, and have Mr. H. C. Simpson sign them and commence to build.
Teachers for the ensuing term of 1894-1895 were selected for the following schools:
- School Number 1: Miss Eva Marks
- Assistant: Miss W. Marks
- School Number 3: Miss Lillian Utterback
- School Number 4: Miss Gertrude Athey
- School Number 5: Miss Mollie Halley
- School Number 7: Miss Josephine Violett
- School Number A: Miss Jennie Pearson
Notice was ordered to be posted for proposals for furnishing wood for the several schools, said proposals to be opened on September 13, 1894, at Stoneleigh. Teachers elected were requested to meet at Stoneleigh on September 13, to sign their contracts. Those residing out of the county will be contracted with on the day school is opened. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on September 13, 1894. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 13, 1894
In accordance with the last adjourned meeting, the Lee District School Board met this day with Enos S. Fairfax, Joseph E. Marks, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The following teachers were contracted with: Miss Eva Marks, Lillian Utterback, Gertrude Athey, Mollie Halley, Josephine Violett, Jennie Pearson, and W. H. Rice.
Proposals for furnishing wood were opened and the following were contracted with to furnish: School Number 1 – A. F. Wooster – one cord pine, three cords oak; School Number 2 wood on school lot; School Number 3 – P. S. Fairfax – five cords, half pine and half oak; School Number 4 wood at school; School Number 5 not awarded; Schools Number 6 and 7 – one cord of pine for kindling, balance coal; School Number A – Robert Beach – five cords.
The following warrants were drawn:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
David S. Beach | Not specified | $7.45 |
R. W. French | Books for indigent children and school furniture | $5.02 |
J. P. Machen | Surveying school lot at Rice’s and making deed | $5.00 |
J. F. Mayhugh | Books for indigent children | $0.75 |
J. F. Mayhugh | Furniture for School Number 2 | $2.18 |
F. W. Richardson | Recording deed | $1.25 |
There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 20, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh. Warrants for teachers were signed, accounts were inspected and approved, and warrants were ordered to be drawn as follows:
- H. C. Simpson in the amount of $150.00; in part payment on the new schoolhouse at Rice’s Corner.
- H. C. Simpson in the amount of $100.00; it being the balance of the first payment on the Rice Schoolhouse.
- Smoot & Company in the amount of $6.76 for lumber and freight for Lorton Valley School Number 6.
- E. R. Swetnam in the amount of $30.16 for roofing for Lorton Valley School Number 6.
Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
October 3, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Rice’s new schoolhouse to give warrants to H. C. Simpson and to inspect the work on the building. Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt were present. Two warrants were drawn for Simpson: the first for $65.00 and the second for $35.00, both of which are on the second payment to him. Other warrants were drawn as follows:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
J. W. Cranford | Roofing and repairing the Lorton Valley Schoolhouse | $12.37 |
R. A. Docket | Helping Cranford on the Lorton Valley Schoolhouse | $6.00 |
R. W. French | Paper, envelopes, pens, pencils, etc. bought by Enos S. Fairfax | $13.90 |
Doddridge C. Nevitt | Repairs on Schools Number 6 and 7 | $5.25 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Hauling, roofing, and lumber for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $1.50 |
Joseph Springman | Freight on school desk | $1.04 |
Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
October 18, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. Warrants were signed for the pay of teachers, accounts were examined and approved, and warrants were ordered to be drawn as follows:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
F. Faulks and S. Peyton | Cutting four-and-a-half cords of wood on the Rice School lot | $3.00 |
E. L. Marks | Cleaning out School Number 1 | $0.50 |
Joseph E. Marks | Repairs on School Number 1 | $2.00 |
Joseph E. Marks | Paper and stamps | $0.30 |
B. Wooster | Repairs on School Number 1 | $2.50 |
F. Wooster | Wood for School Number 1 | $8.00 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
November 5, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Rice’s Schoolhouse, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. Work on the new building was examined and a warrant was ordered to be drawn in the amount of $69.99 for H. C. Simpson for the balance on the contract for building the new schoolhouse at Rice’s Corner. Two additional warrants were drawn for H. C. Simpson. The first was in the amount of $101.69 for extra work as ordered by the School Board, and the second was for $5.26 for setting up new desks. Other warrants were drawn as follows:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Burke & Marshall | Furniture for Schools Number 1, 2, and A | $3.74 |
John W. Cranford | Putting up new desk for Lorton Valley School | $2.25 |
Enos S. Fairfax | Work on the Rice Schoolhouse, hauling from Burke Station, etc. | $12.32 |
Pedee Fairfax and George C. Fairfax | Cutting and clearing on Rice lot | $4.00 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Hauling and work at Schools Number 6, 7, and 2, and cleaning ground | $11.55 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
November 22, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. Warrants for teachers’ salaries were signed, and the following accounts were examined and warrants were ordered drawn as follows:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
R. W. French | School furniture to date | $110.00 |
Thomas Hoy | Stove and pipe for School Number 2 | $12.00 |
E. J. Miller & Son | Glass for Lorton Valley Schools Number 6 and 7 | $0.85 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Postage and envelopes for 1893 | $5.00 |
R. Wiley | Freight bill paid to Trice for wood | $6.25 |
There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
December 20, 1894
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. Warrants for teachers’ salaries were signed, and warrants were ordered to be drawn for the following accounts:
- P. S. Fairfax in the amount of $13.30 for wood for School Number 3.
- H. C. Simpson in the amount of $3.50 for making blackboard for the Burke Station School.
- E. S. Sisson in the amount of $1.00 for blacking board for School Number 8 Burke Station.
- J. Waple in the amount of $1.05 for tin for School Number 1.
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
January 17, 1895
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. The condition, progress, and conduct of the schools of the District were talked over and nothing of special importance connected therewith needs to be recorded except that the schools are being satisfactorily conducted. Warrants were signed, accounts were examined and ordered to be paid as follows:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
J. F. Carlin & Son (For use by Enos S. Fairfax) | Lock for School Number 3 | $1.30 |
Lewis Cass | Whitewashing and scrubbing the floors at Schools Number 6 and 7 | $3.00 |
Doddridge C. Nevitt | Hauling four tons of coal to Schools Number 6 and 7 | $5.00 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Services as Clerk of the School Board | $6.00 |
J. Plaskett & Son | Furniture for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $3.06 |
Joseph Springman (For use by Robert G. Nevitt) | Whitewash brush for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $0.40 |
John R. Zimmerman | Coal for the Lorton Valley School | $30.31 |
There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
February 21, 1895
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held this day, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. The purchase of a lot from John W. Cranford to enlarge the school grounds at Lorton and to enable the school trustee to make necessary improvements was discussed. The clerk was ordered to procure a deed for same. The purchased land is supposed to contain one-quarter of an acre, more or less, for which we will pay $15.00. A warrant was ordered to be drawn and given to Cranford after the deed is properly signed and delivered. The following warrants were ordered to be drawn for the following accounts:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
John W. Cranford (For use by Enos S. Fairfax) | One-quarter acre of land to be added to the Lorton Valley School lot | $15.00 |
J. S. Springman (For use by Robert G. Nevitt) | Freight on chairs for the Lorton Valley School | $1.12 |
S. W. Stancliffe | Two boxes of blocks | $60.00 |
S. W. Stancliffe | Chairs | $11.40 |
J. B. Webster | Two gallons of oil for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $1.40 |
Albert Wooster | Wood for School Number 1 | $2.00 |
An additional warrant was drawn for Franklin Sherman, Agent, Loudoun Fire Insurance Company, in the amount of $10.80 for insurance on four schoolhouses. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- Fairfax County Deed Book V-5, Page 620: May 3, 1895 – John W. Cranford and Sallie Cranford; to Lee District School Trustees; for the sum of $15.00; the following described tract of land in Fairfax County, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone on the line of John W. Cranford and John Plaskett and running southeast to a stone on the Lorton Valley Road, thence with the school property line to a corner of John Plaskett and the School Lot, thence northeast with the line of John Plaskett to the beginning; containing one fourth of an acre, more or less. In Fairfax County Court, February Court, 1896, this deed was received, duly authenticated, and ordered to be recorded. Teste, F. W. Richardson, Clerk.
March 21, 1895
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. The following bills were considered, approved, and ordered to be paid by warrants issued from the District Fund:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Susan Bowles | Cleaning School Number 3 | $1.12 |
David S. Beach | Books for indigent children | $3.78 |
David S. Beach | Furniture for Schools Number 3, 4, and (Illegible, possibly 6) | $2.15 |
S. R. Donohoe | Grandstaff Fund warrant book | $2.00 |
R. W. French | Furniture for Schools Number 2, 6, and 7 | $81.50 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
May 20, 1895
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. Warrants were signed for the end of the school term. The following bills were examined, approved, and ordered to be paid:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
R. Beach (For use by M. D. Hall) | Five cords of firewood for School Number A | $9.50 |
Robert Bells’ Sons | Books and pencils for the taking of the school census | $1.20 |
J. W. Cranford | Work on fence and privy at Schools Number 6 and Number 7 | $11.91 |
S. R. Donohoe | County Warrant Book | $2.00 |
Enos S. Fairfax | Lumber for Schools Number 6 and Number 7 | $3.12 |
P. S. Fairfax | Lumber for Schools Number 6 and Number 7 | $12.30 |
Moses Faulks | Three-and-a-half cords of firewood for the Ox Road School | $5.25 |
E. R. Nevitt | Twelve posts measuring twelve feet long for a fence and privy | $5.40 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- In the minutes, the clerk mistakenly wrote the year of this meeting as 1894.
August 14, 1895
In accordance with district school-laws, the Lee District School Board met at Number 2 Schoolhouse on August 14, 1895, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The first business considered was condition of the District’s schoolhouses and grounds. The Board ordered that the trustee in closest proximity to the several schools be empowered with the authority to make the necessary improvements and report to this Board as soon thereafter as convenient.
After as close insight as could be had in funds belonging to the District for the pay of teachers, the Board determined to contract for six months in the school term of 1895-1896 and the salaries to be paid teachers in charge of the several schools should be as follows:
- School Number 1: $30.00
- School Number 2: $35.00
- School Number 3: $35.00
- School Number 4: $35.00
- School Number 5: $25.00
- School Number 6: $35.00
- School Number 7: $25.00
- School Number A: $25.00
The first Saturday in September was fixed as the day to elect teachers, the Board to meet at Stoneleigh at 2:00 p.m. The Clerk of the Board was requested to write to Mr. Joseph E. Marks, the retiring trustee, and politely request him to turn over the stationery and school books in his possession belonging to the District to his successor Mr. James H. Rice.
Robert G. Nevitt was empowered with the authority to employ a principal for the Lorton Valley School. All outstanding bills were ordered to be called in, and, if approved, warrants were to be drawn for them, said warrants to be dated prior to July 31, 1895. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 7, 1895
In compliance with action of the last adjourned meeting, the Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. County Superintendent Milton D. Hall being present, he was cordially invited to attend the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The salaries of teachers were ordered to be altered and fixed as follows: School Number 3 to receive $35.00, School Number 2 to receive $35.00, and all the rest to remain as stated in the meeting of August 14. The first thing in order was the election of teachers for the ensuing school therm. Nominations were made, and the teachers were elected as follows:
- School Number 1: Eva Marks (Eva Monette Marks)
- School Number 2: W. H. Rice (Willard Hervy Rice)
- School Number 3: J. C. Dice (John Calvert Dice)
- School Number 4: S. M. Janney
- School Number 5: Josephine Violett
- School Number 6: J. J. Davies (James Jenkyn Davies)
- School Number 7: Mollie E. Halley (Mary Elizabeth Halley)
- School Number A: Jennie Pearson (Ann Virginia Pearson)
The clerk was instructed to notify the teachers of their election and request them to meet the Board at Stoneleigh on September 21, to sign contracts for teaching the several schools.
It was ordered by the Board that the coal and stoves used in the Lorton Valley School be disposed of and wood be put in their place. Robert G. Nevitt was authorized to purchase firewood and stoves for Lorton.
Robert G. Nevitt moved that the School Board assist in defraying the expenses of a school at Butts’ Corner on account of the great number of small children at that end of the District and the long distance from that point to the established schools. The matter was discussed and laid over for the next meeting.
Robert Beach’s bid of $50.00 for the old Belle Aire School was reported. The Board concluded that it was best to obtain an order from the Court for its disposal, and then sell it publicly to the highest bidder.
The attention of the Board was called to the condition of the water in the well at the Ox Road School by Robert G. Nevitt. The matter was talked over and laid over for the next meeting. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 21, 1895
Pursuant to notice the Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh on September 21, 1895, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The following teachers met with the Board and signed their contracts: Mr. J. J. Davies, Miss Josephine Violett, Miss Jennie Pearson, Miss Mollie E. Halley, and Miss S. M. Janney.
The Board concluded to dig a well at the Ox Road Schoolhouse. Messrs. Nevitt and Fairfax voted to give the teacher of the Butts Corner School a salary of $15.00 per month and the clerk was ordered to contract with her at once.
The bill of W. H. Rice for firewood for School Number A was approved and a warrant was ordered to be drawn and placed in the hands of James H. Rice. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- The intersection of Chapel Road and Ox Road (Route 123) was known historically as Butts Corner. The name still appears on some modern maps. The name may have originated with Casper Butt, a farmer, who emigrated with his wife and children from Germany and settled in Fairfax County, Virginia, in the 1850s.
October 19, 1895
The Lee District School Board met on Saturday, October 19, 1895, at Stoneleigh with Robert G. Nevitt, Enos S. Fairfax, and James H. Rice present. Warrants were signed for the pay of teachers. Warrants on the District Fund were issued as follows:
- Henry Baader in the amount of $40.02 for stoves for Schools Number 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7.
- J. P. Clarke in the amount of $6.96 for curtains for the Oak Grove School that had been purchased by Enos S. Fairfax, Trustee.
- Robert Bells’ Sons in the amount of $0.85 for a record book and envelopes purchased for use by Robert G. Nevitt.
In regards to the private school taught at Burke Station by Miss Irene Davis; Mr. Enos Fairfax asked the Board to help pay her salary by providing her $15.00 per month. Mr. Robert Nevitt voted with Mr. Enos Fairfax to give the help in as much as he had voted to help the Butts Corner School. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
November 20, 1895
No meeting of the Board was held on the regular appointed day, Wednesday, November 20, 1895, or in other words no minutes were recorded as the clerk failed to put in his appearance on account of sickness in the family.
December 28, 1895
At a called meeting of the Lee District School Board held at Stoneleigh on December 28, 1895, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present, the following business was transacted.
The well digging at the Ox Road School was further considered and Mr. David S. Beach, who has so kindly and liberally assisted and superintended said digging, was asked politely to push it forward to completion and have the well dug sufficiently deep to take in the terracotta pipe on hand, and to put in the winder from the old well.
The bills of N. C. Davis, including the bills of J. P. Styles, F. Foster, W. R. Curtis and L. E. Davis, were ordered to be paid. Trustee James H. Rice asked to be recorded as opposing the bill of the Clerk of the School Board for making the census book, and the pay of Miss Irene Davis teacher of the Burke Station School.
The letter of Mr. J. J. Davies principal of Lorton Valley School was read apprising this Board of his action in suspending from school Masters Herbert Baker and Wade Trice for very bad misdemeanor in the presence of his school (but during his absence), and politely asking for an investigation of the cases at the earliest convenience of the School Board. It was unanimously agreed that the Board would meet Mr. Davies and his scholars at the Lorton Valley Schoolhouse on Monday, January 6, 1896, at 11 o’clock a.m. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
January 6, 1896
In accordance with last adjournment, the Lee District School Board met at Lorton Valley Schoolhouse on Monday, January 6, 1896, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the last meeting were read.
Principal J. J. Davies was informed that the School Board had met in compliance with his request to investigate the charges of disorder preferred against Herbert Baker and Wade Trice. After a clear, distinct, and intelligent statement as to the cause of the suspension by Mr. Davies (which was entirely satisfactory to all parties concerned) the Board deemed it unnecessary to enter into a separate and minute investigation of the charges. The boys expressed great regrets at the display of their unseemly passion in the presence of the school and promised in the future submission to rules. The Board, in the spirit and manner of the forgiving principal, after a slight reproof, allowed the young gentlemen to again take their seats in school.
The Board then proceeded to examine the damage sustained by the schoolroom from marauders during the Christmas holidays, and, considering they are the custodians and protectors of school property in the district, they deemed it proper to offer a reward of ten dollars for information leading to the arrest and punishment of the guilty parties. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
Later, Nevitt added: Put in a blackboard composed of 6-and-a-half boards. Each full board measured 18 inches wide by 16 feet long. The blackboard was covered with one quart of liquid slate.
January 15, 1896
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held on Wednesday the 15th, with Enos S. Fairfax and James H. Rice present. The matter of Miss Irene Davis, teacher of the school at Burke Station, was reconsidered and it was decided to draw her a warrant for last month’s pay (December 1895). Enos S. Fairfax was authorized to purchase firewood for School Number 3 and School Number 4, and also to fill out teachers’ pay warrants. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on February 8, 1896, at 2 o’clock sharp. Reported by Enos S. Fairfax, Secretary Pro Tempore
- In the minutes, the clerk mistakenly wrote the year of this meeting as 1894. January 15, 1896, was a Wednesday.
February 8, 1896
On account of sickness of Robert G. Nevitt and his family, the Board meeting of February 8, 1896, was not held.
February 15, 1896
A meeting of the Lee District School Board was held at the residence of Mr. James H. Rice, with James H. Rice and Robert G. Nevitt present. During the reading of the minutes of the last meeting reported by Enos S. Fairfax, they were disapproved of by James H. Rice because they were not drawn in accordance with his recollection of the matter of paying Miss Irene Davis teacher of the Burke Station School. His objection was made on the ground of her not being contracted with for the month for which the warrant was tendered. Robert Nevitt then made a full explanation as to the cause of delay in drawing Miss Davis’s contract: first, for want of blank forms, then, illness of Mr. Nevitt himself and family; after which Mr. Rice withdrew his objection.
Teachers warrants for the fourth month were drawn on the Grandstaff and Arrearage funds. The balance on the Grandstaff Fund is $58.37, and the Arrearage Fund is $191.63. Warrants on the District Fund were drawn as follows:
- David S. Beach in the amount of $8.38; it being the balance due on the well at the Ox Road School.
- John W. Cranford in the amount of $1.00 for kindling wood for Schools Number 6 and 7.
- B. C. Hall for $1.93 for repairs on School Number 1.
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on Saturday, March 7, at 2:30 p.m. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
March 7, 1896
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Warrants were ordered to be drawn on the District Fund as follows:
- G. C. Fairfax in the amount of $3.37 for wood for School Number 3.
- J. W. Ramey in the amount of $2.00 for kindling wood and cutting for Schools Number 6 and 7.
Teachers’ receipts for the fifth month not being in hand, warrants were ordered to be signed for their payment as soon as received. There being nothing further before the Board, it adjourned to meet at Mr. Robert G. Nevitt’s house on Saturday, April 11, at 11:00 a.m. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
April 17, 1896
Notice of the last adjourned meeting for Robert G. Nevitt’s house was changed to Stoneleigh but not in time to reach R. G. N. until after the day of the meeting.
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh on April 17, 1896, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were presented, approved, and warrants ordered to be drawn for their payment:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
David S. Beach | $1.41 for school furniture and $0.54 for a book to Robert Steele | $1.95 |
S. F. Marshall | Two cords of wood for Ox Road School Number 4 | $5.00 |
Doddridge C. Nevitt | Wood for Schools Number 6 and 7. | $17.88 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Services as Clerk of the School Board for the term 1895-1896 | $20.00 |
F. W. Richardson | Recording the deed from J. W. Cranford and wife | $1.25 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on Saturday, May 2, 1896, at 3:00 p.m. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
May 2, 1896
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Bills were examined, approved, and ordered to be paid as follows:
- Enos S. Fairfax - $2.20
- John B. Webster - $1.25
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Robert G. Nevitt’s on the last Thursday in May 1896. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
Note from Clerk: No meeting was held the last Thursday in May (as ordered by the last adjournment to take place at Robert G. Nevitt’s).
August 18, 1896
The Lee District School Board met this day at Belle Aire Schoolhouse, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. After general consideration and discussion of all matters pertaining to the welfare and direction of the several schools of the District, the Board determined to open and salary the following schools and to make such repairs and improvements as herein stated.
School Number | School Name | Salary Per Month |
1 | Ashford | $30.00 |
2 | Belle Aire | $35.00 |
3 | Oak Grove | $35.00 |
4 | Ox Road | $30.00 |
5 | Pohick | $25.00 |
6 | Lorton Valley | $35.00 |
7 | Lorton Valley (Assistant) | $25.00 |
A | Pearson (Colored) | $25.00 |
The Board determined to build a new schoolhouse on Little River Turnpike near Gibson’s shop and to give it a salary of $25.00 per month for the coming session. New building and school repairs needed in the District in the estimation of the Board will cost as follows:
- New schoolhouse: $300.00
- Repairs to the several schoolhouses: $100.00
- Wood: $125.00
- Well at Rice’s Corner: $30.00
- School supplies: $20.00
The Board ordered that notices be posted near the several schoolhouses in the District stating that sealed proposals will be received and opened at Stoneleigh on Tuesday, September 15, 1896, for furnishing wood cut ready for use for the schoolrooms for the ensuing term 1896-1897.
It was ordered that a notice be posted at Oak Grove Schoolhouse politely requesting the public not to drive through the school grounds. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Fairfax Court House on August 26, 1896. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
August 26, 1896
The Lee District School Board met this day at Fairfax Courthouse, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The patrons of the new school to be built on Little River Turnpike to be written to and requested to meet the Lee District School Trustees on August 28, at Ilda Post Office to confer with the Board as to the location of a schoolhouse at that point and to report what funds have been contributed for the erection of said building. The Board adjourned to meet at Ilda on August 28, 1896. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
August 28, 1896
The Lee District School Board met this day at A. Davis’ store on Little River Turnpike for the purpose of locating a schoolhouse. After making thorough examination of different sites, the Board concluded that a corner of the Malone land opposite Gibson’s shop was the most desirable situation. The Malone heirs were called upon and earnestly entreated to sell, but they positively refused to do so even at $50.00 per acre. The Board came to the determination to condemn the land at the above-mentioned corner as early as possible.
The bill of Burke & Marshall in the amount of $5.83 for books and school supplies for the past term was approved and ordered to be paid. Applications for schools for the ensuing school term were read and disposed of as follows:
School Number | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | S. R. Donohoe, Jr. | $30.00 |
2 | W. H. Rice | $35.00 |
3 | John C. Dice | $35.00 |
4 | Not Supplied | None |
5 | Josephine Violett | $25.00 |
6 | Rolfe Wells | $35.00 |
7 | Mollie Halley (Assistant, Lorton Valley) | $25.00 |
A (Colored) | Jennie Pearson | $25.00 |
Robert G. Nevitt was authorized by the Board to have all needed repairs done at Lorton: grounds shrubbed off, fence and little houses whitewashed, schoolrooms whitewashed and cleaned out, roof patched, repairs done on windows, and blackboards put in. Enos S. Fairfax was authorized to have the roof of the porch at Oak Grove School repaired and the schoolroom whitewashed. James H. Rice was instructed to have the grounds shrubbed off at School Number 2. The clerk was requested to notify teachers of their election and to ask them to meet the Board at Belle Aire Schoolhouse on Tuesday, September 15, 1896, to sign contracts for teaching the several schools. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Belle Aire Schoolhouse on September 15, at 3:00 p.m. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
September 15, 1896
In accordance with the last adjournment, the Lee District School Board met this day at Belle Aire Schoolhouse, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Regarding firewood contracts: Wood for School Number 2 will come from the school grounds. Proposals for firewood for Schools Number 1, 3, 4, 5 and A were opened, and the following persons with prices annexed were found to be the lowest bidders. The contracts for furnishing wood (oak and pine only, no chestnut) that was cut and ready for use were awarded as follows:
- School Number 1: B. Wooster at $1.90 per cord.
- School Number 3: G. C. Fairfax at $1.19 per cord.
- School Number 4: D. S. Beach at $1.98 per cord.
- School Number 5: Arch Hall at $1.75 per cord.
- School Number A: Robert Beach at $2.00 per cord.
The contracting parties to be notified what quality and quantity of wood would be needed and that no wood would be paid for without teacher’s receipt stating quality furnished and that it is sawed ready for use.
The clerk is unable to account for why notice was given to the teachers elected for the ensuing school term to meet the Board at Belle Aire to sign contracts on September 25, instead of September 15, as ordered. Five teachers were present and contracted with, and the balance of the contracts were signed by the Board. The remaining teachers were ordered to be contracted with on September 28. The applications of Misses Plaskett and Fairfax were presented for the Butts Corner School. The Board decided in favor of Miss Fairfax. The application of B. P. Harrison of Leesburg was read for the Ox Road School; after which the Board voted that as soon as a copy of his license was obtained his application would be considered favorably.
Petitioners from “Silver Brook” and vicinity for a new schoolhouse at that point were ordered to be notified that the judgment of the Lee District School Board was adverse to the establishment of a public school at that point. In the first place, we consider it detrimental to schools in existence and adjoining that locality. We feel assured that if the children named on their petition were withdrawn from the schools they are attending the average of those schools could not be maintained and consequently their general welfare damaged. Secondly, this Board contemplates the removal of the Pohick School to a point as convenient to “Silver Brook” as practicable so soon as the District Fund will permit us to do so. Thirdly, we warn our district people against the multiplicity of schools and earnestly advise them to take more distance and longer terms until they are better able to stand an increase of tax. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Belle Aire Schoolhouse on Tuesday, September 22, 1896. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- The next meeting did not take place on Tuesday, September 22, but on Saturday, September 26, 1896.
September 26, 1896
The Lee District School Board met at Belle Aire Schoolhouse, with Enos S. Fairfax, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The clerk was instructed to purchase six registers from J. W. Randolph & Company of Richmond, Virginia, and have them forwarded to Lorton Station by freight.
The schools at Burke and Butt’s Corner were permitted to run with salaries of $15.00 each, with the understanding that the average of regular schools be not impaired by drawing children from them to maintain these temporary accommodations. Trustee James H. Rice requested that the children of G. W. Keys, Patrick Rouke, and M. Hoppoldt be required by this Board to attend the Belle Aire School.
Warrants were drawn as follows:
- Charles Pearson - $3.90
- R. Dockett - $7.50
- J. W. Randolph & Company - $4.50
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, October 10, 1896, at Stoneleigh. Signed, James H. Rice, Chairman, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk.
October 10, 1896
In accordance with the last adjournment, the Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with James H. Rice and Robert G. Nevitt present. Instruction was left trustee David S. Beach to examine the Ox Road School’s well fixtures for winding water and to order or have done what is necessary to repair the damages; also, to fix the fender for the protection of the desk from the heat of the stove at said school.
Clerk Robert G. Nevitt read a petition from the interested school people of the neighborhood of Colchester asking for the building of a schoolhouse on the Ox Road near Mr. Howe’s. The Board deems it unadvisable to accede to the wishes of the petitioners. In the judgment of the Board, the Lorton schools present all the convenience for education they are able to give in that section for the present.
The clerk was requested to correspond with Mr. Henry Davis of Farr Post Office and politely ask him to meet the Lee District School Board at Belle Aire Schoolhouse on October 15, to confer with and bargain for the building of a well at that point. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Belle Aire on October 15, 1896. Signed, David S. Beach, Chairman Pro Tempore, and Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk.
October 15, 1896
The Lee District School Board met this day at Belle Aire Schoolhouse, with James H. Rice, David S. Beach, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Mr. J. H. Davis responded to the invitation and met with the Board, and bargained to dig the well at 30 cents per foot and put in terracotta pipe. It was further agreed that should we strike rock 80 cents would be paid per foot and dynamite would be furnished by the School Board for blasting. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on October 31, 1896. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk, and David S. Beach, Chairman Pro Tempore
October 31, 1896
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with James H. Rice, David S. Beach, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Warrants were signed for the first month’s pay of teachers as follows:
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Amount |
1 | Not Stated (Ashford) | S. R. Donohoe, Jr. | $30.00 |
2 | Not Stated (Belle Aire) | W. H. Rice | $26.25 |
3 | Not Stated (Oak Grove) | J. C. Dice | $35.00 |
Not Stated (4) | Ox Road | B. P. Harrison | $30.00 |
5 | Not Stated (Pohick) | Josephine Violett | $23.75 |
6 | Not Stated (Lorton Valley) | R. F. Wells | $35.00 |
Not Stated (7) | Lorton Valley | Mollie E. Halley (Assistant) | $25.00 |
8 | Butts | Mollie E. Plaskett | $15.00 |
Not Stated | Burke Station | Ellora Fairfax | $15.00 |
A | Pearson | Jennie Pearson | $25.00 |
Also, a warrant was drawn for Robert Wiley, Treasurer, in the amount of $18.14 for disbursing the Grandstaff Fund. The following warrants were drawn on the District Fund:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
D. S. Beach | Terracotta pipe for well at School Number 2 with cost of hauling from Washington | $20.00 |
D. S. Beach | Three and one-eighth cords of wood for School Number 4 | $6.18 |
Henry Davis | Digging well at School Number 2 | $7.20 |
Montgomery Ward & Company | Pump for School Number 2 | $4.51 |
R. D. Pearson & Brother | Assisting to dig well at School Number 2 | $3.00 |
Smoot & Company | Lumber for Lorton Valley Schools | $14.04 |
The clerk was directed to notify H. E. Moon of Portland, Indiana, Administrator of Joshua Nickerson, that the School Board of Lee District never purchased of Mr. Nickerson the Manual and Cards for which it had been charged. They were shipped to our Board from New York at our expense without any notification. At a meeting of the Board some two years ago the Board passed order to return them, but have been unable to do so until recently not knowing where to send them. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on Saturday, November 28, 1896. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk, and David S. Beach, Chairman Pro Tempore
November 28, 1896
The Lee District School Board met this day at Stoneleigh, with James H. Rice, David S. Beach, and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A letter from Montgomery Ward & Company was read. The Board ordered that the cost of pipe, $1.79, be forwarded to the above firm at Chicago and that they be requested to ship pump and pipe for School Number 2 to Fairfax Station, Virginia. The bill of Arch Hall for wood for the Pohick School in the amount of $7.00 was ordered to be paid.
Warrants were signed for the pay of teachers for the second month as follows:
School Number | Teacher | Amount |
1 | S. R. Donohoe | $30.00 |
2 | W. H. Rice | $33.25 |
3 | J. C. Dice | $35.00 |
4 | B. P. Harrison | $30.00 |
5 | Josephine Violett | $25.00 |
6 | R. F. Wells | $35.00 |
7 | Mollie E. Halley | $23.75 |
8 | M. E. Plaskett | $15.00 |
9 | Ellora Fairfax | $15.00 |
A | Jennie Pearson | $25.00 |
There being nothing further, the Board adjourned.
December 28, 1896
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with David S. Beach, James H. Rice, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Warrants were ordered to be drawn for the pay of teachers for the third month. The following bills were presented, approved, and ordered to be paid from the District Fund:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Redman Deavers | Wood for School Number 5 | $3.40 |
G. C. Fairfax | Eight cords of wood, at $1.19 per cord, for School Number 3 | $9.52 |
H. D. Rice | Hauling and plank for well at School Number 2 | $3.25 |
Smoot & Company | Plank for blackboards at Schools Number 6 and 7 | $9.08 |
E. R. Swetnam | Books for indigent children at School Number 2 | $8.42 |
A letter from B. P. Harrison was read asking that needy repairs be immediately made at Ox Road. Trustee David S. Beach was authorized to investigate and have the repairs made. Clerk Robert G. Nevitt was requested to make inquires in Alexandria as to price of stoves. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
January 20, 1897
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with David S. Beach and Robert G. Nevitt present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The bill of Franklin Sherman in the amount of $14.25 for insurance on schoolhouses was presented. A warrant for the payment of same had already been drawn and was forwarded to him on January 15.
The condition and progress of the several schools was discussed. Pohick School’s average being much below the required number, trustee Robert G. Nevitt was requested to visit the school and give notice that unless the patrons took more interest and sent the children out in larger numbers that the school would be closed.
The bill of James H. Rice in the amount of 86 cents for freight paid on the Belle Aire pump to Fairfax Station was ordered to be paid. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
February 10, 1897
The Lee District School Board met this day at the home of James H. Rice, with Robert G. Nevitt and James H. Rice present. A letter was read from County Superintendent Milton D. Hall requesting the Board to contract with Thomas B. Love of Fairfax Court House to discharge the duties of principal of the Lorton Valley School during the illness of the elected principal, R. F. Wells, he having been attacked and stabbed by Young Maultby for correcting his brother at school for very ungentlemanly conduct. The school patrons and community highly endorsed the action of R. F. Wells, and heartily congratulate him for his able and manly defense against his assailants.
Bills were presented and warrants were ordered to be drawn as follows:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Burke & Marshall | Supplies for Schools Number 1, 2, and A | $4.25 |
J. W. Cranford | Putting up blackboards in Schools Number 6 and 7 | $9.00 |
S. R. Donohoe, Sr. | Printing warrant book and paying freight to Springman | $2.11 |
J. L. Harrison | Cutting wood and moving brush at Ashford School | $5.50 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Sandpapering and putting liquid slating on blackboards for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $6.00 |
John Plaskett & Son | Supplies for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $2.35 |
George H. Watts | White lead, putty, and bucket for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $1.20 |
The condition of the well at Ox Road was discussed. The Board determined to fix in a pump similar to the one at Belle Aire, and the clerk was requested to order one from Montgomery Ward & Company of Chicago, to be sent to Lorton Station. The Board adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on Saturday, March 6, at 3:00. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
March 6, 1897
According to adjournment, the Lee District School Board met this day at Stoneleigh, with David S. Beach and Robert G. Nevitt present. The clerk not having the warrant books, he was requested to forward teachers’ warrants for the fourth month to James H. Rice at his earliest convenience. Warrants were ordered to be drawn on district funds as follows:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Joseph O. Berry | Surveying the school lot at Ilda opposite Gibson’s Shop | $5.00 |
Doddridge C. Nevitt | Five cords of wood for School Number 6 at $3.00 per cord | $15.00 |
Doddridge C. Nevitt | Five cords of wood for School Number 7 at $3.00 per cord | $15.00 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Postage, etc. for 1895-1896 | $5.00 |
Robert G. Nevitt | Hauling express and freight for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $2.68 |
Joseph Springman | Supplies for Schools Number 6 and 7 | $0.60 |
Note from the Clerk: On March 10, 1897, the following warrants for teachers were forwarded to James H. Rice:
Teacher | School Number | Amount |
J. C. Dice | 3 | $29.75 |
S. R. Donohoe | 1 | $28.50 |
Ellora Fairfax | Not Stated | $15.00 |
Mollie E. Halley | 7 | $25.00 |
B. P. Harrison | 4 | $30.00 |
Jennie Pearson | A | $25.00 |
M. E. Plaskett | 8 | $13.90 |
M. E. Plaskett | 8 | $1.10 (Balance) |
W. H. Rice | 2 | $33.25 |
Josephine Violett | 5 | $25.00 |
R. F. Wells | 6 | $35.00 |
The Board adjourned to meet at Stoneleigh on April 10, 1897. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- It is unclear from the surviving minutes if the condemnation proceedings took place, but other evidence suggests the Lee District School Board did not construct a school at Ilda. Ilda was on the boundary line between the Falls Church and Lee magisterial districts. On October 14, 1897, the Falls Church District School Board purchased half-an-acre of land from James R. Caton and his wife Annie S. D. Caton for a schoolhouse. This land was on the far eastern edge of the village of Ilda on Little River Turnpike. The minutes of the Falls Church District School Board indicate that a meeting of that Board took place at Ilda on December 13, 1897, at which a contractor was paid in full for building a schoolhouse at that point.
April 10, 1897
The Lee District School Board met at Stoneleigh, with James H. Rice, David S. Beach, and Robert G. Nevitt present. Warrants were drawn as follows for pay of teachers for the sixth month:
Teacher | Amount |
J. C. Dice | $40.25 |
S. R. Donohoe jr. | $31.50 |
Ellora Fairfax | $15.00 |
Mollie E. Hally | $27.54 |
B. P. Harrison | $30.00 |
Jennie Pearson | $27.50 |
M. E. Plaskett | $15.00 |
W. H. Rice | $35.00 |
R. F. Wells | $35.00 |
Bills were presented, approved, and warrants were ordered to be drawn on District funds as follows:
- J. N. Ballard - $1.00
- David S. Beach - $9.16
- Robert Beach - $12.00
- M. D. Hall - $6.00
David S. Beach was requested to fix pump in the well at Ox Road. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
June 10, 1897
The Lee District School Board met at the home of James H. Rice. A warrant drawn on May 4 in favor of W. H. Rice was signed by the chairman. Warrants were drawn on the District Fund as follows:
- M. V. B. Bogam for rent of schoolroom for 1896-1897 in the amount of $24.00
- Robert G. Nevitt for services as Clerk of the School Board in the amount of $20.00
The Board adjourned to meet on July 1, 1896, at Pohick Schoolhouse. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
July 1, 1897
The Lee District School Board met at Pohick Schoolhouse, with David S. Beach, Robert G. Nevitt, and James H. Rice present. Bills were presented, approved, and warrants were ordered to be drawn for as follows:
- D. S. Beach in the amount of $2.00 for fixing the platform over the well at Ox Road and for putting in the pump.
- E. R. Swetnam in the amount of $5.59 for the year 1892-1893.
The attention of the Board was called to the dilapidated condition of the school building at Pohick School Number 5, when upon close examination it as deemed unfit to repair. The location being a poor one, a survey was taken of the neighborhood with an eye to the school population, when the Board concluded to build a new house on land given by Barney Deavers and wife. There being nothing further, the Board adjourned to meet at Belle Aire Schoolhouse on August 14, 1897, at 3:00 p.m. Signed, Robert G. Nevitt, Clerk
- The deed from Barney Deavers and his wife to the Lee District School Board was lost by the Lee District School Trustees and was never recorded in the Fairfax County Circuit Court. As such, no blanket deed for this schoolhouse was recorded when the consolidated Fairfax County School Board was formed in 1922. The lack of a recorded deed became an issue when the Fairfax County School Board had to prove it held clear title to the land. This resulted in a chancery suit in the Circuit Court of Fairfax County (Fairfax Chancery Case 9180, County School Board of Fairfax County, Virginia vs. Fannon, et al) in 1953. The one-acre lot and building (Sydenstricker School) were sold to the Upper Pohick Community League in 1954 (Fairfax County Deed Book 1199, Page 422).