Dranesville District School Board Minute Book 2 (1907-1922)
Meeting Minutes of the School Trustees of Dranesville District
The minute records of the Dranesville District School Board were transcribed by members of the Providence Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), Fairfax Station, Virginia. Line-by-line transcription preserves the integrity and style of the original writing. The transcribed text has been converted to from shorthand to longhand to improve accessibility and searchability. The transcribed minute book is available for download below in PDF format, including photographs of the original.
The minutes in this book cover the period of August 1907 to July 1922. In the minutes, you will find lists of teachers and their salaries, school construction and maintenance records, and disciplinary actions involving teachers.
A Note on Language
The history of Fairfax County Public Schools from 1870 to 1922 includes racially-charged language that is archaic and often problematic by modern standards. Primary source documents from the period use the terms “Colored” and “Negro” to describe students and schools. That terminology has been kept in this primary source material.
August 29, 1907
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon for the purpose of organizing. Present were William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker. The Board was called to order by Superintendent Milton D. Hall, Acting Chairman, after which the Board was organized by electing William H. Fox, Chairman, and John P. Tucker, Clerk. The following business was transacted: The Dranesville District School Trustees have agreed to refund the patrons of the Floris School $54.00 paid out for school tuition. The Board agreed to meet at Herndon on September 12, 1907 to appoint teachers.
September 12, 1907
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon School House according to agreement. Present were William H. Fox, Chairman, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker, Clerk. The following business was transacted. The first in order was the appointing and contracting of teachers.
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | Walter F. Watson | $40.00 |
2 | Powell's | J. Louise Aud | $38.00 |
3 | Colvin Run | Miss Eppa H. Hisle | $50.00 |
3a | Colvin Run | Bessie P. Ramey | $35.00 |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell | $45.00 |
5 | River Bend | Edna L. Marks | $40.00 |
6 | Jefferson | Fannie B. Utterback | $40.00 |
7 | Dranesville | Lulu O. Fulton | $40.00 |
8 | Wiehle | Ida M. Beavers | $40.00 |
9 | Floris | Sadie C. Detwiler | $50.00 |
9b | Floris | Katherine S. Groh | $35.00 |
10 | Navy | Lillian W. Millan | $35.00 |
11 | Money's Corner | Mary E. Neff | $35.00 |
12 | Willard | Annie Orrison | $35.00 |
B | Floris Colored | Carson B. Thomas | $35.00 |
C | Cartersville Colored | Henry Mills | $30.00 |
The Board issued the following warrants:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
D. D. Cornwell | For lumber for Powell’s School House | $3.30 |
Stephen R. Donohoe | For handbills printed for schools | $2.00 |
Frank W. Huddleson | For tuition in full to date for children going from Dranesville District to school in the Town of Herndon | $175.00 |
Ernest L. Robey | For paint, etc., for Vale School House | $5.70 |
William A. Thompson | For tuition advanced by the patrons of Floris School for the term of 1906 + 1907 | $54.00 |
Virginia Manufacturing & Lumber Company | For material for Powell’s and Vale School Houses | $107.59 |
The Board adjourned to meet at Powell’s School House on September 16, 1907. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
- Katharine S. Groh also appears in the minutes at Katie S. Groh and Kathryn S. Groh.
- S. R. Donohoe who appears in the minutes is likely Stephen Rozelle Donohoe.
- In the alphanumeric numbering tradition used in Fairfax County Public Schools, numerals were used to designate schools for white children (School Number 1, 2, 3, etc.) and letters were used to designate schools for African-American children (School Number A, B, C., etc.). The schools also had names commonly used by the community (Jefferson, Navy, River Bend, etc.). The Colvin Run and Floris (White) Schools listed above had two classrooms and two teachers, so the trustees used the designations 3a and 9b for the second teacher in these schools.
September 16, 1907
The Dranesville District School Board met at Powell’s School House according to agreement. Present were William H. Fox, Chairman, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker, Clerk. The Board contracted with the Colored teacher, Carson B. Thomas, to teach at the Floris Colored School at a salary of $35.00 per month. Signed, William H. Fox, Chairman, and John P. Tucker, Clerk
September 24, 1907
Contracted with Miss Edna L. Marks to teach at the River Bend School at a salary of $40.00 per month.
October 7, 1907
William H. Fox, Chairman, and John P. Tucker, Clerk, met at Hunter’s and contracted with Miss Eppa H. Hisle to teach the graded school at Colvin Run at a salary of $50.00 per month. The Board adjourned to meet on October 12, 1907.
- Schools with two or more rooms, such as the ones at Colvin Run and Floris, were referred to as “graded schools” because the students were separated by grade level between the classrooms. Typically, the primary grade teacher would educate children in grades 1-3, and the principal would educate children in grades 4-7.
October 22, 1907
The Dranesville District School Board met at Forestville. William H. Fox and John P. Tucker were present. The Board contracted with Henry Mills to teach school at Cartersville near Hunter’s Mill at a salary of $30.00 per month. Also, at the same date and time, the Board contracted with Annie Orrison to teach at the Willard School at a salary of $35.00 per month. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
Undated, 1907 (Late Autumn)
Warrants were issued to teachers for the first month pay period as follows:
Teacher | School Number | Amount |
J. Louise Aud | 2 | $9.50 |
Ida M. Beavers | 8 | $12.00 |
Henry O. Cornwell | 4 | $24.75 |
Sadie C. Detwiler | 9 | $12.50 |
Lulu O. Fulton | 7 | $12.00 |
Katherine S. Groh | 9a | $10.50 |
Lillian W. Millan | 10 | $10.50 |
Mary E. Neff | 11 | $8.75 |
Bessie P. Ramey | 3a | $10.50 |
Carson B. Thomas | B | $1.75 |
Fannie B. Utterback | 5 | $22.00 |
Walter F. Watson | 1 | $12.00 |
Warrants were issued to teachers for the second month pay period as follows:
Teacher | Amount |
J. Louise Aud | $43.70 |
Ida M. Beavers | $46.00 |
Henry O. Cornwell | $45.00 |
Sadie C. Detwiler | $57.50 |
Lulu O. Fulton | $46.00 |
Katherine S. Groh | $40.25 |
Eppa H. Hisle | $45.00 |
Edna L. Marks | $46.00 |
Lillian W. Millan | $40.25 |
Mary E. Neff | $33.25 |
Bessie P. Ramey | $40.25 |
Walter F. Watson | $46.00 |
March 27, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board of Trustees met at the burnt school house at Colvin Run and decided by a unanimous vote to discontinue the Colvin Run schools. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
April 6, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board of Trustees met at the burnt Colvin Run School House with Mr. J. N. Gibbs, adjuster of fire claims of the Fairfax Fire Insurance Company. Mr. J. N. Gibbs allowed full insurance on the school building and furniture. On the same day, the same body of trustees visited three different schools as a group. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
Undated, 1908 (Spring)
The Dranesville District School Board of Trustees met at Hunter’s Station. William H. Fox and John P. Tucker were present. The Board issued a warrant to B. H. Brashears in the amount of $15.00 for firewood furnished to the Cartersville Colored School. The Board directed that all the other contractors be paid for wood furnished the different schools. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
June 1, 1908
A called meeting of the Dranesville District School Board at the residence of Dr. Alfred Leigh, Jr. William H. Fox, Chairman, and John P. Tucker, Clerk, were present. The following business was transacted: The location of the Colvin Run School House, to take the place of the one recently burned, was fixed on the old site; and it was decided that the new building should consist of two rooms, one story high, the plans and specifications for the same to be prepared by the Architect for the State Board of Education, Mr. Robinson. Superintendent Hall was requested to communicate at once with said Robinson, requesting him to furnish the plans and specifications for the style of building decided upon to Mr. William H. Fox, Route #2, Vienna, Virginia. In the matter of the size of the rooms, it was decided that they be 24 feet by 30 feet by 14 feet high. The Board adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
June 24, 1908
A meeting of the Dranesville District School Board called by Professor Milton D. Hall. The Board met at Hunter’s Station for the purpose of viewing the plans for the new Colvin Run School House that had been submitted to the trustees. However, the trustees not understanding the plans, and Professor M. D. Hall not being present, the Board decided to adjourn to meet with Professor Hall at Fairfax Court House on June 30, 1908 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
June 30, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board met with Professor Milton D. Hall at Fairfax Court House according to agreement. The full Board was present. Arrangements were made to contract for bids on the new school house with specifications for same to be furnished. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk, July 1, 1908
July 13, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Hunter’s Station to open
all bids for the construction of the new Colvin Run School House. The full board was present. The contract was awarded to William E. Reid and J. M. Thompson for the sum of $1,500.00, with extra pay for subflooring and paper and laying of the same at actual cost. The building is to be finished by September 15, 1908. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
July 21, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board met at Fairfax Court House. William H. Fox and John P. Tucker were present. Mr. Thompson not being present, the Board, with the aid of Mr. Milton D. Hall, proceeded to fixing up our books for the last year’s school term. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
August 5, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Herndon to appoint and contract with teachers for the coming school term. All of the trustees were present, namely William H. Fox, Chairman, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker, Clerk. After a consultation with Superintendent Hall, the School Board proceeded to appoint and contract with the following teachers:
School Number | School Name | Teacher |
1 | Vale | Mary E. Neff |
2 | Powell's | J. Louise Aud |
3 | Colvin Run | Eppa H. Hisle |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell |
5 | River Bend | Edna L. Marks |
7 | Dranesville | Fannie B. Utterback |
9 | Floris | Sadie C. Detwiler |
9a | Floris | Katherine S. Groh |
11 | Money's Corner | Walter F. Watson |
B | Floris Colored | Carson B. Thomas |
The Dranesville District School Board agreed by the consent of Superintendent Hall to issue a warrant in favor of William E. Reid and J. M. Thompson for $500.00 for purchasing lumber for the Colvin Run School House. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
P.S. The Dranesville District School Board later on contracted with the following teachers for the school term of 1908-1909: Mrs. Ida M. Beavers for the Wiehle School; Lillian Millan for the Navy School; Gertrude Adams for the Colvin Run School; and Elizabeth Grehan for the Jefferson School; some of the parties having visited at the time of our school meeting. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
- Gertrude Adams also appears in the minutes as Gertie Adams and Girtie Adams.
Undated, 1908 (Late Summer)
Teachers contracted with for the 1908-1909 school year:
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | Mary E. Neff | $35.00 |
2 | Powell's | J. Louise Aud | $30.00 |
3 | Colvin Run | Eppa H. Hisle | $40.00 |
3a | Colvin Run | Gertrude T. Adams | $30.00 |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell | $40.00 |
5 | River Bend | Edna L. Marks | $40.00 |
6 | Jefferson | Elizabeth Grehan | $35.00 |
7 | Dranesville | Fannie B. Utterback | $35.00 |
8 | Wiehle | Ida M. Beavers | $30.00 |
9 | Floris (High School) | Sadie C. Detwiler | $60.00 |
9a | Floris | Katherine S. Groh | $35.00 |
10 | Navy | Lillian W. Millan | $35.00 |
11 | Money's Corner | Walter F. Watson | $30.00 or $40.00 |
B | Floris Colored | Carson B. Thomas | $30.00 |
- In the list of teachers, Sadie C. Detwiler was noted as the teacher of the Floris High School. The first public high school in Fairfax County for white children opened in 1907 in the Town of Clifton. The first public high school in Fairfax County for African-American children, Luther Jackson High School, opened in 1954.
September 18, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board met at Colvin Run with William A. Thompson and John P. Tucker present. The object of this meeting was to open bids for wood for the different schools. We received the following wood bids:
Contractor | School Name | School Number | Bid Amount |
D. D. Cornwell | Forestville | 4 | $14.00 |
Lewis J. Huntt | Vale | 1 | $15.00 |
C. C. Kephart | Dranesville | 7 | $15.00 |
William T. Walker | River Bend | 5 | $15.00 |
Alonzo White | Money's Corner | 11 | $13.00 |
Hubert Wine | Colvin Run 2 | 3 | $28.50 |
The Board adjourned to meet with Superintendent Hall on September 22, 1908. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk.
September 22, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board met according to agreement with Mr. Milton D. Hall, Superintendent of Schools, and transacted the following business: The Board issued a warrant to William E. Reid and J. M. Thompson, contractors of the Colvin Run School House, in the amount of $500.00. An agreement was made that the contractors would have seats and blackboards put up at a cost not to exceed $20.00; also filling or leveling up around the school building at a cost not to exceed $4.00. Mr. Milton D. Hall, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker were present.
October 29, 1908
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon with William A. Thompson and John P. Tucker present. The Board agreed and settled with Frank W. Huddleson for last year’s tuition at $80.00 for children going to the Herndon School from Dranesville District for the term 1907-1908. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
November 1908
William A. Thompson, a member of the School Board of Dranesville District, requested that I, John P. Tucker, Clerk of said Board, should proceed to dispose of the old windows and such articles as were saved from the burnt school house at Colvin Run which are not in use in the new Colvin Run School. I, John P. Tucker, did as requested, and went out and looked after said articles on November 5 and November 7, and only found two windows, seven window blinds, two old doors, and some old burnt window weights. C. E. Wynkook charged $0.75 for storage, and paid $0.75 for the other window; that included both windows for him. Mr. William E. Reid agreed to take the large door at one dollar. Could not dispose of the other articles. One old blackboard was carried to Forestville School and the other to the Dranesville School and put up by the said John P. Tucker. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
- C. E. Wynkook is likely Charles E. Wynkoop.
December 12, 1908
William H. Fox and John P. Tucker, Trustees of the Dranesville District School Board met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Vienna on Saturday, December 12, 1908. After some talking about the insurance on school property, the following business was transacted:
- A warrant was issued to Mr. William E. Reid in the amount of $90.95 for material and extra work done on the Colvin Run School House and for leveling up the ground around the school house.
- A warrant was issued to Maurice Fox in the amount of $30.00 for furnishing material and building a porch at the Money’s Corner School House.
- A warrant was issued to Stephen R. Donohoe in the amount of $5.75 for printing disbursements and advertising of school business.
Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
February 15, 1909
Mr. William H. Fox, Chairman, and John P. Tucker, Clerk, Trustees of the Dranesville District School Board, met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Hunter’s Station on Monday evening, February 15, 1909. We went over all school accounts and apportionments of school funds which were assessed Dranesville schools, and found that our money would not allow us to run our schools longer than six months without indebtedness to the District. Rather than create any debts, the School Board, by the consent of Superintendent M. D. Hall, decided to close the schools at the end of six months. The meeting adjourned with the date of the next meeting subject to the call of the chairman. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
July 21, 1909
The Dranesville District School Board met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Herndon. The following business was transacted: First in order was the looking over the applications of teachers. Second was the assigning teachers to the several schools, providing each party was satisfied. Third was the going over of our books, and we found all things in fairly good shape. The Board adjourned to meet at Herndon on August 21, 1909. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
August 21, 1909
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon with Superintendent Milton D. Hall acting as Chairman in the opening of our school business. All of the School Board members were present: William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker, Trustees. The School Board has succeeded in appointing and contracting with the hereafter named teachers for school term of 1909-1910.
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | Ethel Holister | $35.00 |
2 | Powell's | J. Louise Aud | $35.00 |
3 | Colvin Run | John Henry Ritchie | $45.00 |
3a | Colvin Run | Bessie P. Ramey | $35.00 |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell | $45.00 |
5 | River Bend | Birdie M. Hayden (3 months) | $45.00 |
6 | Jefferson | Gertrude T. Adams | $35.00 |
7 | Dranesville | Maria L. Gresham | $40.00 |
8 | Wiehle | Ida M. Beavers | $35.00 |
9 | Floris | Sadie C. Detwiler | $60.00 |
9a | Floris | Katherine S. Groh | $40.00 |
9b | Floris | Edna M. Peck | $35.00 |
10 | Navy | Lillian W. Millan | $35.00 |
11 | Money's Corner | Walter F. Watson | $40.00 |
B | Floris Colored | Carson B. Thomas | $35.00 |
- At a later date, the Clerk went back and wrote “3 months” next to Birdie M. Hayden’s name because she left mid-year.
September 30, 1909
The Dranesville District School Board met at Hunter’s with the full School Board, William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker, Clerk, all present. The object of this meeting was to open all bids for wood for the schools for the term of 1909-1910. The hereafter named persons are to furnish wood to the schools affixed to their names.
Contractor | Schools | Amount Per Term |
Michael Crowell | Powell's | $15.00 |
Milton Davis | Forestville | $15.00 |
George C. French | Money's Corner | $13.00 |
Lewis J. Huntt | Vale | $15.00 |
C. C. Kephart | Dranesville | $15.00 |
Ben Middleton | Floris (3 schools at $15.00 each) | $45.00 |
Whiting A. Mills | Jefferson | $15.00 |
William T. Walker | River Bend | $15.00 |
W. S. Williams | Wiehle | $15.00 |
Hubert Wine | Colvin Run (2 schools) | $30.00 |
January 22, 1910
The Dranesville District School Board met at Hunter’s with William H. Fox and John P. Tucker present.
The object of the meeting was to contract with Mr. G. W. Bradford to finish out the unexpired time of Miss Birdie M. Hayden at the River Bend School. G. W. Bradford was contracted with for three months at a salary of $40.00 per month. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
March 5, 1910
The Dranesville District School Board met at Hunter’s with William H. Fox and John P. Tucker, Trustees, present. The object of this meeting was to attend to some miscellaneous business. The following warrants were passed up on:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
D. D. Cornwell | $1.40 for sawing for the wood house at River Bend School, and $0.35 for 100 feet of shoe for the Forestville School House floor. | $1.75 |
William H. Fox | For expenses for getting a teacher for the River Bend School to teach the unexpired time of Miss Birdie M. Hayden. | $1.50 |
G. W. Tucker | For sawing shingles for the wood house at River Bend School. | $1.15 |
H. R. Tucker and Brother | For replacing the water closets at Colvin Run School, furnishing material and repairing same. | $3.00 |
H. R. Tucker and Brother | For furnishing material and building wood house at River Bend School on February 5, 1910. | $8.00 |
May 21, 1910
The Dranesville District School Board met at Hunter’s with William H. Fox and John P. Tucker present. The object of this meeting was to divide the district for the taking of the school census for the year 1910. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
July 19, 1910
The Dranesville District School Board met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Herndon and transacted some business of importance in regard to the taking of the school census. The Board also gave a warrant to Mr. M. D. Hall in the amount of $100.00 for the school lot purchased at Floris. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
- Fairfax County Deed Book G-7, Page 78: On May 3, 1910, Elisha A. Kirk and Lovina M. Kirk, his wife, sold one acre of land adjoining the present Floris (White) School House lot to the School Trustees of Dranesville District for $100.00.
July 23, 1910
The Dranesville District School Board met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Hunter’s with William H. Fox and John P. Tucker present. The object of the meeting was to try and find out the number of children residing in the district who had not been counted when the school census was taken. The Trustees decided to go over the district again; Mr. Fox to enumerate those children living south of the railroad and John P. Tucker to enumerate those living north of the railroad. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
- The Virginia School Census is taken independently of the United States Federal Census. It is used to determine the number of school-age children living within a particular locality for taxation purposes. Today, the school census is conducted every three years.
July 29, 1910
The Dranesville District School Board met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall according to agreement at Fairfax Court House. Mr. William H. Fox and John P. Tucker, Trustees, were present. The object of the meeting was to learn the results of the re-taking of the school census. We found this time 716 white children and 204 Colored children in Dranesville District, making a total of 920 – a considerable gain over the first census taken. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
- Take a moment to compare the census figures above with the number of public schools in the district. In 1910, the Dranesville District School Board operated twelve schools (15 classrooms) for white children. The number of public schools for African-American children in the district had fallen from three in 1899-1900 to one in 1909-1910 (the Floris Colored School).
September 16, 1910
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon with Mr. Milton D. Hall, Acting Chairman, and Mr. William A. Thompson and John P. Tucker, Trustees. The object of this meeting was the contracting with the teachers for the term of 1910-1911, which will be found on page 5. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | J. Ethel Hitt | $40.00 |
2 | Powell's | Maude B. Metz | $35.00 |
3 | Colvin Run | John Henry Ritchie | $45.00 |
3a | Colvin Run | Bessie P. Ramey | $35.00 |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell | $45.00 |
5 | River Bend | Ida M. Beavers | $40.00 |
6 | Jefferson | Ernest Adie Hummer | $35.00 |
7 | Dranesville | Grace M. Beard | $35.00 |
8 | Wiehle | J. Louise Aud | $35.00 |
9 | Floris | Sadie C. Detwiler | $60.00 |
9a | Floris | Katherine S. Groh | $40.00 |
9b | Floris | Lizzie D. Myres | $35.00 |
10 | Navy | Lillian W. Millan | $35.00 |
11 | Money's Corner | Maria L. Gresham | $35.00 |
Not Stated | Wiehle | Bessie Dice Hurst (5-month contract) | $30.00 |
B | Floris Colored | Carson B. Thomas | $35.00 |
October 3, 1910
Mr. William A. Thompson, Trustee, and John P. Tucker, Clerk, of the Dranesville District School Board met at W. J. French’s store and, with the consent of Superintendent Milton D. Hall, contracted with Miss J. Ethel Hitt to teach at the Vale School. She was allowed a salary of $40.00 per month because she had to pay $15.00 per month for room and board. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
October 5, 1910
The Dranesville District School Board met at William A. Thompson’s house. John P. Tucker, Clerk, and E. Adie Hummer were present to sign Hummer’s contract as teacher of the Jefferson School at a salary of $35.00 per month; Hummer to commence school on Monday, October 10, 1910. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
The firewood contracts for schools for 1910-1911 are as follows:
Contractor | School | Amount Per Term |
Michael Crowell | Powell's | $15.00 |
Milton Davis | Forestville | $15.00 |
G. W. French | Money's Corner | $13.00 |
G. W. French | Wiehle | $15.00 |
Lewis J. Huntt | Vale | $15.00 |
C. C. Kephart | Dranesville | $15.00 |
Whiting Mills | Jefferson | $15.00 |
William Walker | River Bend | $15.00 |
Hubert Wine | Colvin Run | $30.00 |
December 7, 1910
The Dranesville District School Trustees met at Hunter’s Station on Wednesday, the 7th of December, at 1:00 o’clock. William H. Fox and John P. Tucker were present. Mr. William A. Thompson did not attend. The object of our meeting was to come to some conclusion about bills that had been submitted for improvements to the Floris School (a fence had been constructed or repaired on the school property). The bills were handed to Mr. William H. Fox, Chairman. On examination, he said that he would not have anything to do with them; that we would have to have a meeting of the full School Board; and that he was opposed to settling any bills that the School Board had nothing to do with making. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
January 21, 1911
The Dranesville District School Trustees met at Hunter’s Station on Saturday, January 21, 1911, with the full Board present. The object of this meeting was to pass or consider some outstanding bills, which had been made in starting the Willard School. The following warrants were ordered:
- To the Virginia School Supply Company in the amount of $53.00 for desks.
- To R. C. Ambler of Pleasant Valley in the amount of $30.00 for painting.
- To M. E. Palmer in the amount of $9.00 for the stove for the Willard School.
The bills relative to the Floris fence were taken up and reconsidered. Mr. Thompson was the consulting trustee at this meeting. Mr. Thompson said that he did not know anything about the fence, did not have a part in it, and had not been asked anything about it. Mr. Fox thought it best for us not to pay for it because our School Board had been ignored entirely in its construction. The School Board decided to drop the matter. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk

June 2, 1911
The Dranesville District School Board met at Floris. The object of the meeting was to contemplate or consider with the patrons of the Floris School the building of a graded school house at Floris. The patrons had raised by subscription $945.00 in good faith for the construction of a new school, which the Dranesville District School Board agreed to build. Mr. C. M. Walker, by unanimous vote, was to act as the building committee for the school house. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
Undated (June or July 1911)
The Willard School House proposition was taken up and talked over, but the Board could not come to any definite conclusion about how many children would attend the school, so it was agreed by the patrons and the School Board to continue the school at Willard another year. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
July 8, 1911
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon. The object of the meeting was to open the bids for the construction of a school house at Floris. Only one bid had been received, and it was not accepted. Mr. Fox, Chairman of the School Board, was to consult with Superintendent Milton D. Hall, and they were to do as they thought best; so they advertised again.
August 5, 1911
The Dranesville School Board met at Herndon with Superintendent Milton D. Hall to settle up our school accounts for the present school term of 1910-1911, and for the opening of all bids received for the construction of the new Floris School House. Two bids had been received, and Dawson and Brother’s bid was accepted in the amount of $3,830.00 for the completion of the building.
September 9, 1911
The Dranesville District School Board of Trustees met at Herndon. Mr. William H. Fox, Chairman, and John P. Tucker, Clerk, were present. The object of this meeting was to appoint and contract with the teachers for the school session of 1911-1912. The hereafter named teachers have been chosen and contracted with for the present school term. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Certificate | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | Claire H. Carpenter | First Grade | $40.00 |
2 | Powell's | Charlotte Frenzel | Third Grade | $35.00 |
3 | Colvin Run | John Henry Ritchie | First Grade | $45.00 |
3a | Colvin Run | Mary Allie Leigh | Not Stated | $35.00 |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell | Professional | $45.00 |
5 | River Bend | Ida M. Beavers | Professional | $40.00 |
6 | Jefferson | Bessie French | Third Grade | $35.00 |
7 | Dranesville | Bessie P. Ramey | Not Stated | $35.00 |
8 | Wiehle | J. Louise Aud | Second Grade | $35.00 |
9 | Floris | Sadie C. Detwiler | Professional | $60.00 |
9a | Floris | Katherine S. Groh | Professional | $40.00 |
9b | Floris | Hellen B. Middleton | Second Grade | $35.00 |
10 | Navy | Lillian W. Millan | Second Grade | $35.00 |
11 | Money's Corner | L. F. Haines | Second Grade | $35.00 |
12 | Willard | Ruth Mitchell | Second Grade | $35.00 |
B | Floris Colored | Emory P. Peterson | Professional | $35.00 |
C | Cartersville | Alice G. Brown | Third Grade | $25.00 |
- L. F. Haines is probably Leo Franklin Haines.
Undated, 1911 (Late Summer)
Firewood contracts for the 1911-1912 school year:
Contractor | Schools | Amount Per Term |
Michael Crowell | Powell's | $15.00 |
Milton Davis | Forestville | $15.00 |
Lewis J. Huntt | Vale | $15.00 |
C. C. Kephart | Dranesville | $15.00 |
Matthew Middleton | Willard | Not Stated |
Whiting Mills | Jefferson | $22.00 |
Lewis Thompson | Navy and Money’s Corner | $15.00 each |
William Walker | River Bend | $15.00 |
Alonzo White | Floris (White); 3 schools to Christmas at $6.00 per school | $18.00 |
Alonzo White | Cartersville Colored, Floris Colored, and Wiehle | $15.00 each |
Ed Wynkook | Colvin Run (two schools) | $35.00 |
- Ed Wynkook is likely Charles E. Wynkoop.
October 9, 1911
The Dranesville District School Trustees met at Hunter’s Station. William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker were all present. The following business was transacted: A warrant was issued from the District Fund in favor of Dawson & Brother for $500.00. Also, $500.00 was to be drawn from the Herndon National Bank for Dawson & Brother, contractors and builders of the new Floris School House. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
October 24, 1911
The Dranesville District School Trustees met at Floris with William H. Fox and William A. Thompson present. The object of the meeting was to contract with Hutchison & Mitchell for a heating plant for the new Floris school building; for which the Trustees agreed to pay $411.84.
January 4, 1912
The Dranesville District School Trustees met with Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Floris, with William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker present. This was a called meeting of the Trustees for the settlement of the building of the new Floris School House. The following warrants were issued:
- To Dawson & Brother in the amount of $1,958.50.
- To Hutchison & Mitchell in the amount of $204.54.
- To C. M. Walker in the amount of $80.00 for superintending the work at the new Floris School House.
- To the Wiehle Cuthbert Company in the amount of $16.88.
- To L. M. Granigan in the amount of $7.35.
Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk

January 6, 1912
The Dranesville District School Trustees met at Forestville Colored School House. William H. Fox and John P. Tucker were present. The object of this meeting was to sell the colored school house; which was sold to George C. Johnson for the sum of $455.00 (see Fairfax County Deed Book P-7, pages 141-143).
March 2, 1912
The Dranesville District School Trustees met at Hunter’s Station and issued the following warrants:
- To Thomas Brady in the amount of $4.00 for building fires at the new Floris School.
- To M. W. Fox in the amount of $6.50 for materials and hauling for the Vale School.
- To J. S. Tucker in the amount of $18.84 for roofing, hauling, and carpentry for building a wood house at the Forestville School.
Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
June 29, 1912
The Dranesville District School Trustees met at Hunter’s Station with William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker all present. This was a called meeting of the Board by the Chairman, Mr. William H. Fox. The object of the meeting was to have an understanding about the sale of the old school house at Floris, which the said School Board agreed to advertise right away and offer for sale to the highest bidder on Wednesday, July 10, 1912. Also, the Board agreed to see about obtaining teachers for the coming school term. The Board adjourned to meet at Floris on July 10, 1912, at 2:00 o’clock p.m. Signed, John P. Tucker, Clerk
July 10, 1912
The Dranesville District School Trustees met at Floris. The object of the meeting was to sell the old Floris School House, but there were no bidders. The School Board decided not to sell the building, but to use it for their own school purposes instead. Mr. Fox was appointed to see about having it taken down.
September 18, 1912
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon with William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker all present. This school meeting was to appoint and contract with teachers for the school term of 1912-1913. The following teachers were contracted with:
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | Miss Jennie C. Lewis | $35.00 |
1a | Vale | Miss Mary Stegeman | $35.00 |
2 | Powell's (Not Used) | Richie Laurence | Not Stated |
3 | Colvin Run | Mrs. Effie B. Jenkins | $40.00 |
3a | Colvin Run | Mary Allie Leigh | $30.00 |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell | $45.00 |
4a | Forestville | Ella Borden | $30.00 |
5 | River Bend | Mrs. Ida M. Beavers | $40.00 |
6 | Jefferson | John Wilson | $35.00 |
7 | Dranesville | Paul E. Johnston | $35.00 |
8 | Wiehle | Maria L. Gresham | $35.00 |
9 | Floris | Miss Sadie C. Detwiler | $60.00 |
9a | Floris | Miss Katherine S. Groh | $40.00 |
9b | Floris | Miss Hellen B. Middleton | $35.00 |
10 | Navy | Lillian W. Millan | $35.00 |
11 | Money's Corner | Rebecca C. Monroe | $35.00 |
A | Cartersville Colored | H. L. Mills | $30.00 |
B | Floris Colored | Corinne Aurelia Quivers | $35.00 |
- H. L. Mills, teacher of the Cartersville School, is likely Henry LeRoy Mills.
- In the list of teachers above, we learn that the Forestville School and the Vale School are now two-room graded schools. It is believed that after the three-room schoolhouse at Floris was taken down that one of the rooms was moved to Forestville and another to Vale. Both the Forestville and the Vale school buildings are still standing as of the time of this writing in 2020.
October 12, 1912
The Dranesville District School Board met at Hunter’s Station with William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker all present. The object of the meeting was to attend to some very important business and issue the following named warrants.
- Warrant Number 1 to Hutchison & Mitchell in the amount of $33.45
- Warrant Number 2 to Maurice W. Fox in the amount of $3.23
- Warrant Number 3 to James Harris & Son in the amount of $2.05
- Warrant Number 4 to Maurice W. Fox in the amount of $8.78
Additional warrants were issued as follows (descriptions of the materials, products, or services associated with these expenses were not included in the minutes):
- Robert T. Ballard – $1.65
- S. P. Beach – $8.62
- Thomas Brady – $6.50
- Elmer Burleigh – $45.00 and $22.05
- C. L. & D. Company – $77.20 and $9.47
- H. A. Crippen – $4.68
- Welby J. French – $3.00
- Theodore Follin – $3.00
- Walter Follin – $24.00
- Edward Fritters – $38.20 and $16.49
- Maurice W. Fox – $135.95 and $3.50
- Charles F. Henderson – $6.00
- George Kidwell – $3.70
- J. B. Kidwell – $43.75
- J. F. Lucas – $1.75
- Henry Sutphin – $8.22
- Ashby B. Tucker – $21.00
- J. L. Tucker – $3.00
- John S. Tucker – $112.36, $51.49, and $7.20
December 7, 1912
The Dranesville District School Board met at Hunter’s Station with William H. Fox and John P. Tucker present. The object of this meeting was to pass on some warrants that had been outstanding some time, which were issued at the December meeting (descriptions of the materials, products, or services associated with these expenses were not included in the minutes):
- Elmer Burleigh – $11.00
- Charles W. Cockrill – $3.75
- Stephen R. Donohoe – $4.75
- J. E. Fritter – $3.00
- Hutchison & Mitchell – $77.38
- Boyd Kidwell – $1.15
- Lillian W. Millan – $9.50
- W. G. Mills – $76.00
- Henry Sutphin – $9.90
- Jasper Thompson – $1.00
- James A. Wells – $3.90
February 17, 1913
The Dranesville District School Board was called to gather by Superintendent Milton D. Hall at Vale to settle an appeal made by Miss Jennie Lewis, a teacher of Vale School, who was ordered by the School Board to close her school on February 14, 1913 for the failure of the scholars. Mr. Hall and the trustees allowed both schools to open again and run until the end of this month. Then, if they did not make an average of 40 on roll and 30 daily average, Miss Stegeman’s school (the second teacher’s classroom) was to close.
February 25, 1913
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon with William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker all present. The object of the meeting was to acknowledge the deed of Cornelius T. Johnson in accordance with the sale of the Colored school house on January 6, 1912. The Board issued a warrant to James Cockerille in the amount of $0.75 for his services. The Board also issued a warrant to Robert L. Harrison for material and work done on the Floris School lot fence in the amount of $50.00 in full.
June 11, 1913
The Dranesville District School Board met at Hunter’s Station with the full board, William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker, present. The object of the meeting was to sign up some warrants and consider the appointment of teachers. Each trustee was to see about the condition of several schoolhouses and make reports at our next meeting.
July 22, 1913
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon with Superintendent Milton D. Hall for the purpose of settling up our books for the year 1912. All of the trustees were present, namely William H. Fox, William A. Thompson, and John P. Tucker. The School Board agreed to employ a janitor for the Floris School at a salary of $64.00 for the 1913-1914 school term. The Board also agreed to allow each school in the district to employ a janitor at a salary of $2.00 per month for the entire term. Also at the same meeting and place, the hereafter named teachers were appointed for the school term of 1913-1914:
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | Louise Templeman | $40.00 |
1a | Vale | N. P. Jones | $40.00 |
2 | Powell's | John L. Wilson | $35.00 |
3 | Colvin Run | Corita G. Seoane | $40.00 |
3a | Colvin Run | Mary Allie Leigh | $35.00 |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell | $50.00 |
4a | Forestville | Ella Borden | $35.00 |
5 | Dranesville | Cora Davis | $40.00 |
5a | Dranesville | Marion Russell | $20.00 |
6 | Jefferson | M. L. Flemming | $35.00 |
7 | Wiehle | Ruth Detwiler | $35.00 |
8 | River Bend | Ida M. Beavers | $45.00 |
9 | Floris | Sadie C. Detwiler | $60.00 |
9a | Floris | Katherine S. Groh | $45.00 |
9b | Floris | Zella May Keyes | $35.00 |
10 | Money's Corner | Rebecca C. Monroe | $35.00 |
11 | Willard | Walter F. Watson | $35.00 |
12 | Navy | Mamie Fox | $30.00 |
A | Floris Colored | Indiana Dandridge | $35.00 |
September 29, 1913
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon, Virginia, in the office of Dr. Edwin L. Detwiler. William H. Fox and Arthur F. Burgess were present, with William A. Thompson having resigned as trustee. The object of the meeting was to elect officers for the ensuing year. William H. Fox was elected Chairman, and Arthur F. Burgess was elected Clerk of the School Board. After the election of the officers, the appointing of a teacher for the school at Navy was then considered. Miss Mamie Fox being present, and an applicant for the position, and holding a third grade certificate, was appointed at a salary of $30.00 per month for a term of seven months, the term to begin on September 30, 1913. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
October 24, 1913
At a called meeting, the Dranesville District School Board met at the home of Mr. William H. Fox, with Professor Milton D. Hall, Arthur F. Burgess, and William H. Fox present. The object of the meeting was to sign up teachers and other warrants for the term beginning September 12, 1913, and also to talk over other matters pertaining to the schools. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
November 29, 1913
The Dranesville District School Board met for the regular monthly meeting at Hunter’s, Virginia, with William H. Fox, Warren M. McNair, and Arthur F. Burgess, the full Board being present. The object of the meeting was to sign up warrants for the month of November. Also, a district warrant was issued in the amount of $15.00 for the purpose of helping to purchase a library for the school at Vale. Mr. McNair agreed to get in communication with the Broad Run District School Board and to try and arrange for a meeting of the School Boards of the two districts in order to discuss the matter of defraying the expense of the school at Willard. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
December 29, 1913
The Dranesville District School Board met for the regular monthly meeting at Herndon, Virginia, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall, William H. Fox, Warren M. McNair, and Arthur F. Burgess, Trustees, present. We also had the honor of having with us Mr. Coleman, Chairman of the Broad Run School District, who met with us to discuss the matter of running and of financing the school at Willard, which is attended by pupils from both Loudoun and Fairfax counties. After thoroughly discussing the question, the following proposition was drafted by Professor Milton D. Hall with the unanimous consent of the Dranesville District Board, was presented to Mr. Coleman to submit to his board for their approval to wit: That beginning with the opening of the school term on September 12, 1913, the Broad Run District of Loudoun County and the Dranesville District of Fairfax County should each share equally in paying the teacher’s salary and the running expenses of the school, and that as the school house was situated in Loudoun County, that hereafter the Broad Run District School Board should have the privilege of appointing the teacher for the Willard School, and the Dranesville District School Board to pay half of the teacher’s salary and running expenses, also. After discussing the matter of paying some bills that had been presented to the Board for payment, and signing of warrants, the Board adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
Undated, 1914
At a called meeting, the Dranesville District School Board met at the Navy School House, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall, William H. Fox, Warren M. McNair, and Arthur F. Burgess, Trustees, present. The purpose of this meeting was to hear complaints which had been made by some patrons of that school about the methods of the teaching and the conduct of the children during school hours. There being no one present to enter any complaints at this time, the teacher was instructed to try to improve the appearance of the children and to improve the condition of the school building, both on the inside and on the outside. The Board agreed to defray any expense which would be necessary in doing this, and the teacher was also instructed to visit the parents of the children and solicit their cooperation in doing this work. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
July 21, 1914
At a called meeting, the Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon, Virginia, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall, William H. Fox, Warren M. McNair, and Arthur F. Burgess, Trustees, present. The purpose of the meeting was to close up the year’s work for the term of 1913-1914 and to balance up the accounts of Mr. Milton D. Hall and of the District Clerk. After going over the books and carefully comparing them, it was found that there were no corrections to be made; after which the following warrants were issued:
- To W. W. Thompson in the amount of $31.95.
- To William E. Reid in the amount of $0.45.
- To Thomas E. Huntt in the amount of $5.00.
- To William H. Fox in the amount of $10.00 for services rendered as school trustee.
- To Warren M. McNair in the amount of $10.00 for services rendered as school trustee.
- To Arthur F. Burgess in the amount of $60.00 for services rendered as school trustee.
The meeting then adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
Undated (August 1914)
The Dranesville District School Board unanimously decided to employ Mr. Herbert Bicksler to carry the Board around in his machine to visit the different schools of the district; the purpose being to see what repairs were needed in the schools, desiring that these repairs should be made before the opening of the term. The time set for this trip was Monday, August 31st. Arrangements were made for the trip, and the Board was notified by Mr. McNair. It was found upon starting that Mr. William Fox, being somewhat indisposed, was not able to go, therefore Mr. McNair and Mr. Burgess proceeded on with the trip and made notes as they went on what was needed. A meeting was called to be held on September 5, 1914, in the bank building at Herndon for the purpose of discussing the results of the trip. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
September 11, 1915
The Dranesville District School Board met in the school building at Herndon on Saturday, September 11, 1915, to appoint teachers for the term 1915-1916, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall, Warren McNair, and Arthur F. Burgess present. Mr. William H. Fox, the Chairman of the Board, was absent on a visit in the west. The following teachers were appointed and contracted with for the ensuing term:
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Certificate | Salary Per Month |
1a | Vale | Miss Mary Ware | Professional | $42.50 |
1b | Vale | Miss Louise Templeman | First Grade | $42.50 |
3 | Colvin Run | Miss L. T. Ford | Professional | $50.00 |
4a | Forestville | Mr. Henry O. Cornwell | Professional | $55.00 |
4b | Forestville | Miss Ella Borden | Second Grade | $40.00 |
5a | Dranesville | Miss Estelle Van Meter | High School | $45.00 |
5b | Dranesville | Miss Christie Hutchinson | Second Grade | $35.00 |
6 | Jefferson | Miss Zella M. Neff | Second Grade | $40.00 |
7 | Wiehle | Miss Sadie E. Brady | Not Stated | $35.00 |
8 | River Bend | Mrs. Ida M. Beavers | Professional | $50.00 |
9 | Floris | Miss Sadie C. Detwiler | Professional | $65.00 |
9a | Floris | Miss Beulah Detwiler | Not Stated | $45.00 |
9b | Floris | Miss Zella May Keyes | Second Grade | $40.00 |
9c | Floris | Miss Anner H. Ellis | Second Grade | $40.00 |
10 | Money's Corner | Miss Cora Davis | Second Grade | $40.00 |
11 | Willard | Mr. Walter F. Watson | First Grade | $45.00 |
12 | Navy | Miss Mary Riely | Second Grade | $40.00 |
Colored A | Floris | G. McKenzie | Not Stated | $35.00 |
Colored B | Dranesville | G. H. Lucas | Third Grade | $35.00 |
Colored C | Hunter's | Luther W. Thomas | Emergency | $30.00 |
The grand total of salary expenditures each month is $850.00.
- Sadie E. Brady also appears in the minutes as Saydie Brady.
- Anner H. Ellis, who is also found in the minutes as Annie H. Eliss, appears in the historic record as Anner, Anne, or Anna H. Ellis.
- G. McKenzie, who also appears in the minutes as G. McKinsee, is likely Golden V. McKensie as found in the historic record.
December 23, 1915
A called meeting of the Dranesville District School Board was held at the Navy School with Superintendent Milton D. Hall, William H. Fox, Warren M. McNair and Arthur F. Burgess, a full Board, present. The purpose of the meeting was to consult with the teacher, Miss Mary Riely, about the disorder in the school and adopt means for better control of the school. After a thorough discussion of the situation, Mr. Hall suggested that the teacher continue as teacher of the school, and to demand a strict obedience on the part of the scholars. After some discussion of the Forestville High School proposition, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
June 1, 1916
The Dranesville District School Board met at Forestville, with Superintendent Milton D. Hall, William H. Fox, Warren M. McNair, and Arthur F. Burgess present. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the Forestville High School proposition, to inspect the site, and to decide as to how much money we could use in the erection of the building. After discussing the matter with some of the patrons who were present, Mr. S. M. Follin said he thought an arrangement could be made whereby the patrons could do the excavating and put up the foundation. The Board decided that if this could be done, the said Board could furnish $6,000.00 to erect the building, to install the furniture, and also the heating plant; all of the expense to be met by the amount mentioned above, namely $6,000.00. Then all present went over the proposed site on the farm of the Oliver brothers and it was then decided that the Board should employ Mr. John Burt to survey two acres of the above-named tract (which was done the following day). Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
- S. M. Follin is likely Sydney Marvin Follin, Sr. (1875-1931)
- The term “patrons” was typically used to describe a group of parents whose children attended a public school. In some schools, the patrons formally organized into a School League – the forerunner of the modern Parent-Teacher Association.

July 8, 1916
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon, Virginia, in the National Bank building on Saturday, July 8th at 11:00 a.m. with Superintendent Milton D. Hall, Mr. William H. Fox, and Arthur F. Burgess present; Warren M. McNair being absent. The purpose of the meeting was to consult about the heating plant to be installed in the Floris School, and to go over with Mr. Hall the expenses for the term of 1915-1916, and also to consider teacher applications for schools for the ensuing term. It was thought best to advertise in both county papers for bids for a steam heating system or a vapor heating system. Additionally, the contract would be given to the bidder offering the best heating system at the lowest contract price, and the Board would reserve the right to reject any or all bids. After considering the applications, it was decided to appoint the following teachers for the term of 1916-1917:
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | Miss Mae Stegman | $51.00 |
2 | Powell's | Mrs. Edith Coleman | $36.00 |
3 | Colvin Run | Miss Mary Riely | $45.00 |
4 | Forestville | Henry O. Cornwell | $56.00 |
4a | Forestville | Ella Borden | $41.00 |
5 | Dranesville | Estelle Van Meter | $45.00 |
5a | Dranesville | Christie Hutchinson | $38.50 |
6 | Jefferson | Zella M. Neff | $41.50 |
7 | Wiehle | Saydie Brady | $38.50 |
8 | River Bend | Mrs. Ida M. Beavers | $51.00 |
9 | Floris | Miss Sadie C. Detwiler | $65.00 |
9a | Floris | Miss Beulah Detwiler | $45.00 |
9b | Floris | Miss Zella May Keyes | $45.00 |
9c | Floris | Miss Annie H. Ellis | $45.00 |
10 | Money's Corner | Elizabeth Smart | $38.50 |
11 | Willard | Walter F. Watson | $45.00 |
12 | Navy | Mary Booth | $41.00 |
Colored A | Floris | G. McKinsee | $30.00 |
Colored B | Dranesville | Edith Henderson | $30.00 |
Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
- Saydie Brady also appears in the minutes as Sadie E. Brady.
- G. Mckinsee is likely Golden V. McKensie as found in the historic record.
July 26, 1916
The Dranesville District School Board met at a called meeting at Fairfax Court House to pay for the two acres of land purchased from H. Lester Oliver and his brother Jennings B. Oliver. After the payment of the amount of the purchase price of $600.00 to Mr. Richard R. Farr, acting for his brother, Mr. Wilson M. Farr, Special Commissioner, the Board adjourned for dinner; after which Mr. William H. Fox was authorized to employ someone to dig and case a well at Money’s Corner School House. Also, some plans were submitted and discussed for the proposed school building at Forestville. Nothing being found satisfactory, the Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, August 1, 1916, at 10:00 a.m. in the Directors Room at the Herndon Bank. Respectfully submitted, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
August 1, 1916
The Dranesville District School Board met in the Directors Room of the Herndon Bank with William H. Fox, Warren M. McNair, and Arthur F. Burgess present. The purpose of the meeting was to receive and consider bids for the heating system at Floris. Several bids were submitted and all considered, and the contract was awarded to Mr. John H. Ruff of Clifton Station, Virginia, for the sum of $700.00, with the understanding that the Hutchinson Vapor System was to be furnished and installed by Mr. Ruff, and that Mr. Ruff would give bond guaranteeing the work to be entirely satisfactory, and that the system would maintain a temperature of 70 degrees during zero-degree weather. Mr. Fox, as Chairman of the Board, was authorized by the Board to meet Mr. Ruff at Fairfax on the following Friday, August 4, 1916, to complete the contract with the assistance of the Commonwealth Attorney, which was done and signed by the contracting parties, a copy to be retained by both of the contracting parties. Signed, Arthur F. Burgess, Clerk
September 16, 1916
The Dranesville District School Board met in the school house at Herndon on Saturday, the 16th of September 1916. There being a vacancy owing to the retirement of Mr. Arthur Burgess, our highly respected Clerk, the Board was reorganized by the election of William H. Fox as Clerk, and Mr. Warren M. McNair as Chairman, and Mr. Mark Turner as active member of the Board. The Board then proceeded to contract with teachers for the following term. All schools are supplied with a teacher, with the exception of the Cartersville Colored School; the Board having no applicant for that school, the matter was laid over. A warrant was drawn in favor of John Ruff in part payment for installing a vapor heating plant in Floris School building. Mr. William H. Fox was appointed a committee to have the Money’s Corner School House cleaned. It was decided that owing to the fact that they lived so far from any school house, that the Board would pay the car fare to Herndon for eight children: five of Carl and Clyde Thompson, and three of John Griffin. Respectfully submitted, William H. Fox, Clerk
October 30, 1916
The Dranesville School Board met at Floris by request of our Chairman. The main object of the meeting was to inspect the new heating plant lately installed by Mr. John Ruff of Clifton Station, Virginia. After a careful inspection by our entire Board, and hearing expressions from all of the teachers which was very gratifying, we concluded that Mr. Ruff had given us a good job and the Clerk was requested to send him a warrant for $400.00 being amount of balance due, as $300.00 had been paid him in the contract price, namely $700.00. Mr. Bertram Thompson from near Hunter’s Station requested that our Board add the names of his two little boys to the list of scholars for which our Board is paying car fare from Hunter’s Station to the Herndon School. His request was granted.
By request, Mr. Turner was instructed that he use his own discretion in regard to opening the Forestville School House for a political meeting on the evening of the 4th of November. Mr. Turner was appointed a committee of one to visit the Colored school at Dranesville and to make such repairs as might be urgent.
After spending a very busy and pleasant day, including a fine dinner given us by Mrs. McNair, we concluded to adjourn feeling that the life of a school trustee, while it is a life of duty, was not entirely void of pleasure. Respectfully submitted, William H. Fox, Clerk
- On the 1920 U.S. Federal Census of Fairfax County, Virginia, Bertram Mayfield Thompson (1880-1923) had two children of school-age: Claude A. Thompson and Jerald D. Thompson.
May 22, 1917
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon with William H. Fox, Mark Turner, and Superintendent Milton D. Hall present. The object of the meeting was to discuss building two school houses; one at Forestville and one at Money’s Corner. After discussing the matter, we decided to meet at Money’s Corner to locate a builder on the second day of June, which we did, and selected a lot. Mr. Julian Thompson was appointed a committee to confer with Mr. Hutchison, the owner of the land, to see if we could get it and on what terms. We decided that the Board should visit the Potter’s Hill School House in Mount Vernon District to see if we thought its design a suitable one for the new school at Forestville.

June 6, 1917
William H. Fox and Mark Turner made the visit to the Potter’s Hill School, and after careful inspection, both inside and out, we decided it was just what we need at Forestville. We decided to ask Superintendent Hall to send the plans and drawings of the Potter’s Hill building to Mr. Chester L. Smith, a competent contractor and builder, with the request that he should give us an estimate on the cost of the building. The matter of paying the insurance due on our school buildings was turned over to Superintendent Hall with all papers pertaining to the insurance business of the District by the Clerk of our Board. Respectfully submitted, William H. Fox, Clerk
June 24, 1917
A meeting of our Board was held at Forestville on Saturday, the 24th of June. The Board was represented by Mr. Fox and Mr. Turner, who met with some of the patrons of the Forestville School. After a careful description had been given by Fox and Turner, the patrons decided that the Potter’s Hill building would be perfectly satisfactory to them. Respectfully submitted, William H. Fox, Clerk
August 21, 1917
The Dranesville District School Board met at Herndon, Virginia. Present were Warren M. McNair, Chair, Mark Turner, Clerk, and William H. Fox. Mr. Chester L. Smith, the contractor, was present, and the contract was signed for the building of the Money’s Corner School House for the sum of $1,488.58; the work to be completed by November 11, 1917. A copy of the contract was given to Mr. Smith and one was retained by the Board. Mr. Fox was appointed a committee to have the Money’s Corner School lot cleared using his judgment in regard to method, etc. A letter was read by the Chairman from Wilson Farr directing Board to sign a petition to the Judge of the Court in regard to the title of the Money’s Corner School lot; the same was signed and returned to Mr. Farr. After discussing other matters pertaining to the schools, the following teachers were appointed at the salaries stated:
School Number | School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
1 | Vale | Miss Agnes Tolley | $55.00 |
2 | Powell's | Miss Thelma Wigglesworth | $45.00 |
3 | Colvin Run | Mr. Hassell B. Leigh | $50.00 |
4 | Forestville | Mr. Henry O. Cornwell | $60.00 |
4a | Forestville | Miss Ella Borden | $45.00 |
5 | Dranesville | Miss Gladys M. Lewin | $65.00 |
5a | Dranesville | Miss Mabel Cockerille | $45.00 |
6 | Jefferson | Miss Mary Fleming | $50.00 |
7 | Wiehle | Blank | Blank |
8 | River Bend | Miss Florence Cockerill | $45.00 |
9 | Floris | Miss Sadie C. Detwiler | $75.00 |
9a | Floris | Mrs. Lottie M. Schneider | $60.00 |
9b | Floris | Miss Pearle Simms | $40.00 |
10 | Money's Corner | Miss Ruth Parker | $40.00 |
11 | Willard | Mr. Walter F. Watson | $50.00 |
12 | Navy | Miss Bertie D. Tolley | $55.00 |
Colored A | Floris | Pauline Harris | $40.00 |
Colored B | Dranesville | G. B. McLean | $40.00 |
Colored C | Cartersville | Lawrence Ewing | $40.00 |
Respectfully submitted, Mark Turner, Clerk
November 3, 1917
The Dranesville District School Board met at Money’s Corner, with Warren M. McNair, William H. Fox, and Mark Turner present. The object of the meeting was to view the new school building and make the final payment on same. After carefully inspecting the work, the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant for $988.58 – the balance due Chester L. Smith the contractor. The Board was very much pleased with both workmanship and material. The seating problem was taken up; and it was decided to use single seats and, after making calculation for same, Mr. McNair was authorized to order them. Mr. William Fox agreed to deliver and put up blackboards at Jefferson and Colvin Run for the sum of $5.00. Mr. Fox was also appointed a committee to have the wood sawed which had been cut off of the new Money’s Corner School lot and to move the outhouses from the old school lot to the new one.
March 9, 1918
The School Board of Dranesville District met at Herndon, Virginia, with Warren M. McNair, William H. Fox, and Mark Turner present. After discussing the problems pertaining to schools in different parts of the district, the Division Superintendent offered some suggestions in regard to obtaining teachers, their salaries, etc. for the coming term. Mr. Fox was asked to look after the wood to be sawed at Money’s Corner. After all the bills presented had been O.K.’d and paid, the meeting adjourned to the call of Chairman. Signed, Mark Turner
September 14, 1918
At a meeting of the Dranesville District School Board at Herndon, Virginia, the following teachers were appointed: (No list was recorded in the minutes).
December 19, 1918
The School Board of Dranesville District met at Herndon, Virginia, with Warren M. McNair, William H. Fox, and Mark Turner present. After dispensing with the routine business, it was agreed, and the Clerk was instructed, to send a warrant to Mrs. R. V. Hicks for $16.60 – the balance due her for teaching last term. This amount to be refunded to the District Fund later. The matter of repairing the Colored school house at Dranesville was taken up and, after due consideration, the Chairman was directed to employ a carpenter and have a new floor laid and some other minor repairs made. All bills presented were ordered paid and the meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. Signed, Mark Turner, Clerk
May 5, 1919
The School Board of Dranesville District met at Herndon, Virginia, with Warren M. McNair, William H. Fox, and Mark Turner present. The vouchers were gone over and checked up since the last meeting. Mr. William H. Fox was appointed a committee to confer with the teacher at the Navy School and ascertain if a legal school is being maintained and if not to notify the teacher to close the school. Mark Turner was authorized to see if the River Bend School was maintaining an average and if not to notify the teacher to close the school. The following resolution was passed:
Resolved: That this Board authorize Mark Turner to ascertain the amount of District Fund available for a new building at Forestville and investigate the condition to see what could be done in regard to building the school this year.
After all the bills presented were ordered paid, the Board adjourned to the call of the chair. Signed, Mark Turner, Clerk
September 13, 1919
The School Board of Dranesville District met at Herndon, Virginia, and the following teachers were appointed:
School Name | Teacher | Salary Per Month |
Colvin Run | Mrs. R. N. Tracy | $65.00 |
Dranesville Colored | A. D. Phifer (Colored) | $50.00 |
Dranesville (White) | Miss Fred Jenkins | $65.00 |
Dranesville (White) | Miss Nellie Wheeler | $55.00 |
Floris | Miss Sadie C. Detwiler | $100.00 |
Floris | Miss Ruth Ferguson | $65.00 |
Floris | Miss Mary E. Glenn | $75.00 |
Floris | Miss Pearle Simms | $60.00 |
Forestville | Miss Lelia Booth | $75.00 |
Forestville | Miss Ressie Kanost | $60.00 |
Navy | Miss Marjorie Cummings | $60.00 |
Vale | Miss Julia English | $70.00 |
Wiehle | Miss M. H. McCutchan | $60.00 |
Willard | Mr. Walter F. Watson | $70.00 |
- Mrs. R. N. Tracy is Mrs. Richard N. Tracy from the historic record. She also appears in this text under her maiden name, Eppa H. Hisle.
December 11, 1919
The Dranesville District School Board met at Floris, with Mr. Warren M. McNair, William H. Fox, and Mark Turner present. On motion, it was resolved that the Board unanimously recommend Floris as the location for Fairfax County’s agricultural high school and to request the County School Board to give this location their endorsement. The plans of the Forestville building were gone over and approved, and it was suggested that they be sent to Superintendent Milton D. Hall for approval. After all bills presented were ordered paid, the meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. Signed, Mark Turner, Clerk
May 1, 1920
The Dranesville School Board met at Herndon with Mr. Warren McNair, William H. Fox and Mark Turner present. On motion, the plans for the Forestville school building were ordered sent to Superintendent Hart for approval. Mr. Arthur E. Gasch’s request that he be reimbursed for transportation of two children to Herndon for the past three years was refused. The Clerk was ordered to issue Fred Mateer a warrant in the amount of $50.00 for rent of the building at Cartersville. A resolution was passed instructing the Clerk to pay for the transportation of pupils attending McLean High School upon presentation of bills for same. On motion by Mr. Fox, the lot at burnt school house was to be sold at public auction. Mr. Fox was appointed a committee to attend to sale of same. Mr. Fox was appointed to take the school census for Dranesville District at a compensation of ten cents per pupil. All bills presented were ordered paid. The Board adjourned to meet next at the call of the Chair. Signed, Mark Turner, Clerk
- Superintendent Hart is Harris Hart, who was the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for Virginia from February 1, 1918 to January 1, 1931.
- Arthur E. Gasch’s request for reimbursement for the transportation of his daughters Ethel C. Gasch and Anna E. Gasch was likely denied because he had not obtained prior approval from the School Board.
- The McLean High School, more commonly referred to as Franklin Sherman High School, once stood on the grounds of present-day Franklin Sherman Elementary School.
- After the Ox Hill School burned down, the property became known as the Burnt School House. The lot was purchased from the Dranesville District School Board by Walter E. Thompson (Fairfax County Deed Book V-8, page 551).

June 17, 1920
The School Board of Dranesville District met with Superintendent Hall at Floris and carefully examined the plans for the proposed buildings at Floris and Forestville. The Board decided to apply to the State Literary Society for a loan to be applied as follows: Floris $12,600.00, Forestville $8,400.00. The Board examined the applications for positions as teachers, assigned teachers to each school, and authorized the clerk to correspond and close contracts at once. The Board adjourned to meet next at the call of the Chair. Signed, Mark Turner, Clerk
September 4, 1920
The School Board of Dranesville District met in the National Bank building in Herndon, Virginia, with the following Trustees present: William H. Fox, Mark Turner, and Warren M. McNair. Mr. Turner, having resigned, handed over all his records, vouchers, books, etc. The new Board was organized with William H. Fox as Chairman, and Warren M. McNair as Clerk. There being no one yet appointed to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Turner’s resignation, the Board proceeded with business. The Board examined all applications of teachers for schools and signed all contracts for those teachers who had accepted positions. The following bills were ordered paid:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
E. M. Armfield | Warrant Number 11 for tools and supplies for the Agricultural High School at Floris | $237.33 |
Central Scientific Company | Equipment for the Agricultural High School | $55.26 |
Charles M. Dudding | Supplies for schools during the term of 1919-1920 | $23.02 |
Ford K. Lucas | Salary for August | $150.00 |
Ford K. Lucas | Equipment for the Agricultural High School | $72.55 |
Donald W. McNair | Truck for hauling desks, stove, etc., from the Colored school to Herndon and him taking same down – four hours. | $8.00 |
Benjamin Middleton | Chairman, Building Committee Floris High School on construction of new school building, Warrant Number 9 | $1,000.00 |
B. M. Thompson | Transportation of children to the Herndon School | $52.56 |
It was moved, seconded, and carried that we allow $1.50 per month to be used for employing a janitor, other than the teacher, for all our one-room schools and $3.00 per month for all our two-room schools. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Board see to having the school buildings cleaned and put in proper condition for the opening of school. It was moved, seconded, and carried that we employ a carpenter and truck to carry material to each school and see that they are properly repaired. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet next on the fourth Saturday in October unless called to meet sooner. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
October 8, 1920
The Dranesville District School Board met at the Fairfax County Fairgrounds. William H. Fox and Warren M. McNair, Trustees, and County Superintendent Milton D. Hall were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William H. Fox. It was moved, seconded, and carried that we give Superintendent Milton D. Hall three vouchers in the amount of $1,500.00 each to be used in three banks for the new building fund for the Floris Agricultural High School. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
October 16, 1920
The Dranesville District School Board met at the National Bank in Herndon, Virginia. The following members were present: William H. Fox and Warren M. McNair. The following bills were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
15 | Maurice W. Fox | $11.00 |
16 | Ford K. Lucas, salary as the Agricultural High School teacher at Floris | $150.00 |
17 | Ford K. Lucas for expenses | $22.09 |
18 | Mr. H. H. Hoyt | $6.00 |
19 | Brown and Hooff | $1,663.76 |
20 | Fielder D. Bicksler | $7.08 |
21 | Virginia School Supply Company | $24.46 |
22 | McNair and Chamblin | $16.00 |
23 | F. B. Matthews | $78.00 |
24 | Ford K. Lucas | $150.00 |
25 | Milton D. Hall | $1,500.00 |
November 30, 1920
The Dranesville District School Board met in Herndon National Bank. The following members were present: William H. Fox and Warren M. McNair. The following bills were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
26 | J. C. Skillman | $8.91 |
27 | Maurice Fox | $5.00 |
28 | E. M. Armfield | $64.04 |
29 | Mrs. Addie Fortney | $10.00 |
30 | M. L. Crippen | $84.70 |
31 | C. M. Lawrence | $47.92 |
32 | Charles M. Dudding | $23.00 |
33 | Fielder D. Bicksler | $8.21 |
34 | Walter F. Watson | $7.90 |
35 | Ida F. Bicksler | $5.00 |
36 | Randolph Payne | $1.50 |
37 | Maurice W. Fox | $7.00 |
38 | Donald W. McNair | $8.00 |
39 | William Lee | $64.60 |
40 | Ford K. Lucas | $150.00 |
41 | Donald W. McNair | $30.35 |
42 | Homer M. Presgrave | $85.00 |
43 | Virginia Coleman | $4.50 |
December 6, 1920
On December 6, the Board visited the following schools: Colvin Run, Dranesville, Floris, Forestville, Jefferson, and Powell’s. The following bills were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
44 | Clifford Poole | $4.50 |
45 | Milton D. Hall | $1,000.00 |
46 | Charles M. Dudding | $32.53 |
47 | Donald W. McNair | $4.20 |
48 | C. M. Lawrence | $183.62 |
49 | F. B. Matthews | $57.75 |
50 | Mark Cockerill | $7.45 |
January 22, 1921
The Dranesville District School Board met in Herndon with William H. Fox and Warren M. McNair present. The following bills were ordered paid and warrants issued:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
51 | Citizens National Bank of Alexandria | $45.00 |
52 | William H. Fox | $5.00 |
53 | William Lee | $40.00 |
54 | Homer M. Presgrave | $76.50 |
55 | W. W. Taylor | $16.50 |
56 | Ida F. Bicksler | $5.00 |
57 | Miss M. H. McCutchan | $5.00 |
58 | Charles S. Jenkins | $3.00 |
59 | William Lee | $40.00 |
61 | E. M. Armfield | $21.86 |
62 | Brown and Hooff | $4,545.00 |
63 | Mrs. William H. Fox | $16.55 |
64 | Homer M. Presgrave | $70.00 |
Warrant Number 60 to Ford K. Lucas in the amount of $150.00 was cancelled.
February 26, 1921
The Dranesville District School Board met in the National Bank building in Herndon, Virginia. Upon the request of our County Superintendent of Schools, the Board proceeded to reorganize with all members of the Board present, and Mr. Walker having qualified as trustee. William H. Fox was duly elected Chairman, and Warren M. McNair was duly elected Clerk; William Walker to serve as advisory member. The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
To the Honorable State Board of Education, Richmond, Virginia
Gentleman: We the members of the Dranesville District School Board of Fairfax County, Virginia, hereby unanimously endorse Milton D. Hall’s application for reappointment as County School Superintendent of Fairfax County.
Signed, William H. Fox, Chairman, Warren M. McNair, Clerk, and William Walker
The following bills were ordered paid:
- Warrant Number 65 to E. W. Daniels in the amount of $1.00
- Warrant Number 66 to S. J. Saunders in the amount of $1.42
- Warrant Number 67 to Ida F. Bicksler in the amount of $5.00
It was moved, seconded, and carried that we give the new stove recently installed in the Cartersville Colored Church for school purposes, to the church people for the use of the church building for school purposes in lieu of money rental. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved that all applications for opening public district school houses for religious or other purposes, not including community leagues or well-fare meetings for the communities as a whole, shall come before the District School Board for their decision. Carried unanimously. It was decided that the Board cannot pay the railway fare for anyone from Hunter’s. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet the last Saturday in March at the same place. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
March 26, 1921
The Dranesville District School Board met in the National Bank building in Herndon, Virginia, with the following members present: William H. Fox, Chairman, and Warren M. McNair, Clerk. The Second Auditor’s Office having sent the notes to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk, they were duly signed and insurance to the amount of $15,000.00 was taken out and forwarded to the Second Auditor’s Office to cover the amount of the loan on the Floris Agricultural High School building. A committee from the Floris Colored School appeared before the Board and urged the necessity of a new building and the matter was laid over until the following meeting for investigation and report in regards to the site. The following bills were ordered paid:
- A warrant in the amount of $9.00 to (unnamed) for janitor work at the Dranesville School, two rooms for three months.
- A warrant in the amount of $125.42 to the Fairfax County Fire Insurance Company.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that we employ Mrs. Maurice Fox as a substitute to finish out the unexpired term of Miss Yates, who left for home, at a salary of $70.00 per month. The salary of Ford K. Lucas to April 1, 1921, two months, is due after cancelling Warrant Number 60 issued on February 1, 1921. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
April 30, 1921
The Dranesville District School Board met in the National Bank building in Herndon, Virginia, with all Trustees present: William H. Fox, William C. Walker, and Warren M. McNair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Professor Ford K. Lucas appeared before the Board and asked that the Board pay him $200.00 in expense money that had been promised him by Mr. Eason of the State Agriculture Department. The Board took the position that it should be paid by the County School Board and not the District Board.
A delegation of Colored people appeared before the Board relative to the proposed new school building at Floris and site for same. A site of two acres was offered by some of the Colored people on the Howard-Dey Road opposite the old copper mine for $150.00. The Board agreed to inspect the various sites and endeavor to obtain a suitable lot and build as soon as possible.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Recipient | Item | Amount |
Mrs. William Clarke | Janitor work at the Vale School; two rooms for six months beginning in September. | $20.20 |
B. M. Kidwell | Not Stated | $1.50 |
Alfred Kitchen | Wood for Navy and the two rooms at Vale. | $85.00 |
William Lee | Janitor work at Floris High School up to May 1, including digging pits for closets (water closets / outhouses). | $122.00 |
Ford K. Lucas | Salary to April. | $150.00 |
Mrs. Sinclair | For money paid out for janitor work. | $6.00 |
J. C. Skillman | Supplies for Navy School. | $3.15 |
W. C. Walker | Not Stated | $19.70 |
It was also decided that if the Forestville people could provide funds to build a school that they might proceed under the direction of the Board. It was decided that the Board would apply for a loan from the State Literary Fund as soon as possible for $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 for erecting a suitable two-year high school at Forestville, or with which to repay the Forestville people for money that might be borrowed by them or so much as we had in hand with which to pay. The work at the Floris Vocational School was discussed; the electric lighting wiring was considered and the Board decided to wire all rooms instead of just the halls, offices, auditorium, gymnasium, kitchen, and cellar. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet again on Saturday, May 14, 1921, to go over the school lot sites. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
May 13, 1921
At a called meeting, the Dranesville District School Board met at Fairfax with Superintendent Milton D. Hall to go over our finances and plan for raising the additional money needed to carry on the Floris Vocational School and to borrow for our District’s needs. The Board decided to ask the Fairfax National Bank for a loan of $1,000.00 and the Herndon National Bank for $1,500.00 to $2,500.00. The Board adjourned to meet the following day at Mr. McNair’s to go over the sites for the Colored school. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
May 14, 1921
The Board met at Mr. McNair’s and proceeded to visit the various school sites for a Colored school building for Floris Colored people. No definite place decided upon. Meeting adjourned.
May 31, 1921
The Board met in the National Bank building in Herndon, Virginia, with all members present. The following bills were ordered paid:
- Mrs. William Clarke in the amount of $4.00
- J. D. Farr in the amount of $25.00
- E. M. Armfield in the amount of $22.03
- Mr. Rose in the amount of $245.00 for firewood less the amount paid by Miss McCutchan
The Floris School building matters (for the expenditure of more money) were discussed and the Board agreed to meet with Mr. Milton D. Hall, County Superintendent, on June 2 at Floris. (We did not meet at that time, but a meeting was called at Forestville on June 4).
June 4, 1921
A full meeting of the Board and Superintendent Milton D. Hall in Forestville, Virginia, was called to order
by the Chairman in Mr. Oliver’s store. The following resolutions were offered and unanimously passed:
Resolved: That this Board apply for $15,000.00 from the Literary Fund of the State for the erection of a school building at Forestville.
Resolved: That the Board apply for an additional loan of $5,000.00 for completing the Floris Vocational School; and also authorize Warren M. McNair to borrow for the Board wherever money may be obtained, to the extent of $7,500.00, to be used for carrying on the work on the Floris Vocational School.
Both resolutions unanimously carried. Application blanks were signed and forwarded to Mr. Milton D. Hall the following week for him to sign his approval and have filed.
June 25, 1921
The Dranesville District School Board met in the National Bank of Herndon with all Trustees present: William H. Fox, William Walker, and Warren M. McNair. The matter of the selection of teachers was discussed and in the absence of Superintendent Milton D. Hall the situation was thoroughly canvassed and some teachers reassigned. The Board agreed to make an appointment with Mr. Hall to meet in Fairfax and assign teachers. The Board agreed to build a Colored school on the Ferguson lot near Floris. The Board adjourned.
July 15, 1921
Wednesday, July 15 – The Board met in Fairfax, but Mr. Hall having overlooked the date, the Board proceeded to his home and spent the day going over a list of available teachers and making our appointments.
July 30, 1921
The Dranesville District School Board met in the National Bank of Herndon with all Trustees present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were ordered paid:
- Warrant Number 1 to Oliver B. Campbell in the amount of $3.12
- Warrant Number 2 to W. M. Oliver in the amount of $11.59
- Warrant Number 3 to D. L. Rose in the amount of $243.00
The Board discussed the matter of obtaining a lot for the Colored school at Floris and decided unanimously to condemn the Ferguson lot. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
Undated (August 1921)
The following bills were paid between board meetings:
Date | Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
August 1, 1921 | 4 | E. S. Cooper | $5.37 |
August 2, 1921 | 5 | Ford K. Lucas | $166.64 |
August 9, 1921 | 6 | E. M. Armfield | $24.43 |
August 20, 1921 | 7 | William Lee | $43.82 |
August 29, 1921
The Dranesville District School Board met in Herndon with all members present. The Board decided to repair the Vale School by putting on a new roof, and to clean the Money’s Corner lot. The Clerk was authorized to order necessary desks and supplies as needed for various schools. The Board accepted the bid of C. C. Kephart to furnish firewood, at $25.00 per room, to the following schools for the 1921-1922 school term: one-room at Forestville, Jefferson, and Wiehle, and two-rooms at Colvin Run and Dranesville. Mr. Kephart also offered to furnish wood for the Dranesville Colored School at the same rate in case it was opened. Mr. Kitchen will furnish wood for the Navy School and the two rooms at the Vale School at $25.00 per room. The following bills were paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
8 | Ford K. Lucas; salary. | $166.66 |
9 | Ida F. Bicksler | $6.50 |
10 | E. E. Gillette | $24.00 |
11 | Homer M. Presgrave | $70.00 |
12 | M. T. Morris | $30.00 |
13 | Cancelled | None |
14 | Sears and Roebuck Company | $109.07 |
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
September 24, 1921
The following business was conducted: Borrowed $2,000.00 from Sidney Wrenn for the Floris Agricultural High School building at six percent annual interest for a term of four years. Also borrowed $3,000.00 from Mrs. Annie M. Wrenn for the Floris Agricultural High School building at six percent annual interest for a term of four years, payable annually. The above amounts were borrowed by Warren M. McNair per authorization of the Board.
September 30, 1921
The Board met on the Fairfax County Fairgrounds and held a meeting with Superintendent Milton D. Hall present. The matter of Mr. J. A. Hunt’s teaching at the Vale School was discussed with Mr. Hunt present and it was decided that he should continue teaching until such time as Mr. Hall could find a teacher with a first grade certificate to fill his place. Mr. Hunt not having a certificate – but teaching temporarily. The Board unanimously agreed to pay Mr. Hunt at the rate of $60.00 per month for the term taught by him. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
Undated (October 1921)
The following bills were paid between Board meetings:
Date | Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
September 28, 1921 | 17 | Welby Cockerill; for hauling coal. | $8.00 |
October 1, 1921 | 18 | Ford K. Lucas; salary for September. | $166.67 |
October 4, 1921 | 19 | Mae Calhoun; reimbursement. | $10.12 |
October 15, 1921
The Board met in Herndon High School with all Trustees present. The following bills were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
20 | Guy R. McLincey; for hauling desks. | $14.00 |
21 | W. C. Coleman | $50.73 |
22 | Charles M. Dudding | $139.85 |
23 | Warren M. McNair | $3.02 |
24 | Nickell & Ennis | $8.80 |
25 | H. H. Hawley | $7.02 |
26 | Sadie C. Detwiler | $108.65 |
27 | Ford K. Lucas | $15.06 |
28 | W. M. Fox | $30.00 |
29 | W. C. Walker | $30.00 |
30 | Warren M. McNair | $70.00 |
The matter of Ford K. Lucas’ expense account was discussed and a warrant for the same was agreed to be issued for the first quarter in the amount of $500.00. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
October 29, 1921
The Dranesville District School Board met in the National Bank building in Herndon, Virginia, with all Trustees present. Warrant Number 31, payable in three years for $1,500.00, was ordered issued to Ben Middleton when he paid in the balance due on the loan that he agreed to make for plastering the Floris Agricultural High School. The following warrants were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Amount |
32 | Walter F. Watson | $25.00 |
33 | Daniels Brothers | $0.85 |
34 | W. M. Oliver | $35.00 |
35 | W. C. Walker | $4.25 |
36 | Dorothy Brown | $7.50 |
37 | R. B. Nickell | $115.76 |
38 | Ida F. Bicksler | $5.00 |
39 | Central Scientific Company | $130.57 |
40 | Albrecht Brothers | $14.08 |
41 | Mrs. William Clarke | $4.50 |
42 | Ford K. Lucas | $50.00 |
43 | George Kidwell | $24.80 |
44 | William Lee | $36.50 |
45 | Harry Stover | $22.00 |
46 | Ford K. Lucas | $166.66 |
The following resolution was passed: Moved and seconded that the Forestville Building Committee be authorized to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for a new school building after the plans of the McLean School (Franklin Sherman High School), it being understood that any or all bids may be rejected by the Board. Motion carried.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Clerk be authorized to borrow an additional $2,500.00 for the Floris Vocational School. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
November 2, 1921
The monthly meeting of the Dranesville District School Board was called to order in the National Bank building in Herndon by Chairman William H. Fox. All trustees were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following motion was offered:
Moved and seconded that we pay Ford K. Lucas at the rate of $150.00 per month and at the end of the year the balance of $400.00 provided there is enough in the District Fund with which to pay him. The motion carried with Mr. Walker and Mr. Fox voting “Yes” and Mr. McNair voting “No,” as it was his understanding after conferring with Mr. Walker and Mr. Eason, the State Supervisor of Agricultural Schools, and as already allowed by this Board, that Mr. Lucas’ salary was to be $2,000.00 per year with expenses of $200.00, such being the contract with Mr. Lucas.
The following bills were ordered paid:
- Warrant to Milton D. Hall in the amount of $186.80 for insurance on the Floris Agricultural High School.
- Warrant to J. C. Skillman in the amount of $2.60 for supplies for the Vale School.
- Warrant to Harry Stover in the amount of $18.00 for janitor work at Floris.
- Warrant to J. A. Wheeler in the amount of $4.28 for (unspecified) Colvin Run School.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
February 11, 1922
The Board of School Trustees of Dranesville District met in the National Bank building at Herndon. The following persons were present: County Superintendent of Schools Milton D. Hall, William H. Walker, and Warren M. McNair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The matter of Ford K. Lucas’ salary was again taken up with Mr. Lucas and, after discussing the same at some length, it was agreed that the Board would pay him $2,000.00 per year, beginning July 1, 1921 and ending June 30, 1922, and that no expense account would be asked or allowed. Mr. Walker agreed to sign the contract as Acting Chairman. The following bills were ordered paid. (None specified). Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
March 20, 1922
The Dranesville District School Board met in Herndon, Virginia, at the National Bank building with Superintendent Milton D. Hall and all Trustees present. The building committee representing the Forestville community was present as were contractors for erecting the new Forestville School building. The various bids were considered and it was unanimously decided to accept the bid of Chester L. Smith for $19,219.00, less the heating plant – it being reserved by the Board from the general specifications in order to contract specifically with someone who specializes in such work. It was also decided to await hearing from the State Superintendent of Instruction relative to when we may expect the State loan of $15,000.00 before entering into a contract, the signing of such contract being postponed in order that the Board might have something definite to work on. The following bills were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Item | Amount |
74 | Milton D. Hall | Repayment to the State Literary Fund and discount | $1,656.00 |
75 | E. M. Armfield | Supplies for home economics | $13.93 |
76 | William Lee | Janitor work at Floris High School from February 10, 1922 to March 10, 1922; also hauling doors and cement sacks | $54.00 |
77 | Hoge Grain and Fuel Company | Coal for Floris High School | $296.81 |
78 | Ida F. Bicksler | For janitor work at the Forestville School up to February 24, 1922 – one month | $5.00 |
79 | Katie Riely | For cleaning the school at Dranesville | $3.00 |
80 | Nellie Donn | Janitor work at the Dranesville School from September 20, 1921 to February 20, 1922 at $3.00 per month | $15.00 |
81 | Fred Poole | Building fires at the Dranesville School, two classrooms, from October 20, 1921 to February 20, 1922 | $4.00 |
82 | John Tracey | Putting in window lights at the Colvin Run School | $3.50 |
83 | George A. Money | For welding the bell, etc., at the Colvin Run School | $3.50 |
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
April 25, 1922
A meeting of the Dranesville District School Board was held at Forestville, Virginia, with all Trustees and Superintendent Milton D. Hall present. A proposed contract with Chester L. Smith for the erection of the Forestville School Building similar to the McLean School was carefully gone over by all members present, including Mr. Hall, together with a number of the Forestville School Building Committee. It was unanimously decided after the approval of Superintendent Milton D. Hall, that we enter into a contract such as we had gone over and that Mr. Smith would give a personal bond for $5,000.00 to be approved by the Board. Contracts were to be prepared in duplicate and on hearing favorably from Mr. Hart they were to be signed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
May 6, 1922
The Dranesville District School Board met at Money’s Corner School with all members present. The Forestville School loan matter was discussed. Mr. Hart (State Superintendent) advised our Board
that we had no application for a loan. (The application which was signed by our Board and sent to Superintendent Milton D. Hall had been either lost or misplaced.) A new loan was immediately asked for and the Honorable Franklin Williams kindly consented to see Mr. Hart and present it in person and urge that it be granted at once. Mr. Williams did so and Mr. Hart agreed that it would be allowed and the loan forwarded to us by June 1st if possible and if not then certainly by July 1st – Upon the strength of this promise, the Board signed the contract with Mr. Smith for $2000.00 (the Clerk likely meant to write $20,000.00), it being more than the original bid, but included work not figured in original contract. The following bills were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Item | Amount |
87 | M. Cockerill | Supplies for the Colvin Run School | $1.80 |
88 | William H. Clarke | Supplies for the Vale School | $1.50 |
89 | William H. Fox | Getting blackboards from the Money’s Corner School and putting them up at the Colvin Run School | $11.75 |
90 | Audrey Thompson | Janitor work at the Navy School for the 1921-22 school term | $11.25 |
91 | Carl A. Thompson | Supplies for the Cartersville School for the 1920-21 school term | $1.00 |
92 | A. M. Kitchen | Firewood for the two-room Vale School and the one-room Navy School | $75.00 |
93 | William H. Clarke | Janitor work for the two rooms at the Vale School for the full term | $28.00 |
94 | C. C. Kephart | Firewood for eight rooms | $200.00 |
95 | Ida F. Bicksler | Janitor work at the Forestville School | $5.00 |
96 | Louise Benjamin | Janitor work at the Wiehle School | $7.50 |
97 | Howard Bradford | Janitor work at the Colvin Run School | $5.00 |
98 | Agnes Cockerille | Janitor work at the Colvin Run School | $10.20 |
99 | William H. Fox | Painting the Vale School | $84.63 |
100 | William Lee | Janitor work at Floris High School for two months | $100.00 |
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
June 27, 1922
The Dranesville District School Board met in Herndon, Virginia, at the National Bank building with all Trustees present. The matter of employing Professor Ford K. Lucas for another year was discussed and the Board agreed to give him $2,100.00 per for the ensuing year. The following bills were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Item | Amount |
103 | Frank Stewart, Treasurer | For rental of church building | $35.00 |
104 | Clarence Cockerill | For hauling and furnishing coal | $30.00 |
105 | M. L. Crippen | On account for curtains for Floris | $90.00 |
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Signed, Warren M. McNair, Clerk
July 29, 1922
The Dranesville District School Board met at Forestville, Virginia, and examined the new structure for the Forestville School. All trustees were present. The following bills were ordered paid:
Warrant Number | Recipient | Item | Amount |
1 | E. M. Armfield | Supplies | $18.86 |
2 | William Lee | Janitor work and $1.00 for putting up fuel | $51.00 |
3 | William H. Fox | Salary as Trustee | $30.00 |
4 | W. C. Walker | Salary as Trustee | $30.00 |
5 | Warren M. McNair | Salary as Trustee | $72.00 |
6 | Chester L. Smith | On contract | $4,950.00 |
7 | Charles M. Dudding | Not Stated | $18.43 |
8 | Sadie C. Detwiler | Supplies | $23.50 |
9 | Warren M. McNair | Supplies | $3.50 |
10 | Ida F. Bicksler | Janitor | Not Stated |