Grade 3 Full-Time Advanced Academic Program (AAP) Progress Report Alignments
Information for Parents and Guardians
This document identifies the Program of Studies (POS) content that aligns to each progress report standard, with noted extensions for students receiving Advanced Academic services. The left-hand column indicates the grade level POS, and the right-hand column notes the intended POS extension. Students receiving advanced math will be instructed at the grade level above POS, which is noted in this document. Health, art, music, physical education, and world languages are instructed using the grade level POS.
Language Arts |
Listens and speaks for specific purposes |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Listen attentively by making eye contact, facing the speaker, etc. |
Ask, respond to questions from teachers, other group members |
Explain what has been learned |
Use language appropriate for context |
Increase listening and speaking vocabularies |
Speak clearly |
Use appropriate volume and pitch |
Speak at an understandable rate |
Organize ideas sequentially around major points of information |
Use contextually appropriate language, vocabulary to communicate ideas |
Locates and uses information from a variety of sources |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Use word reference resources |
Use encyclopedias, other reference books, including online materials |
Use tables of contents, indices, and charts
Identify appropriate resources
Understand the difference between plagiarism and using your own words |
Reads with accuracy and fluency |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Use knowledge of regular and irregular vowel patterns |
Decode regular multisyllabic words |
Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies |
Read with fluency and accuracy |
Reads with understanding |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Use knowledge of homophones |
Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms |
Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words |
Develop vocabulary by listening, reading, discussing variety of texts |
Use vocabulary from other content areas |
Make connections between experiences and reading selections |
Make, confirm, or revise predictions |
Compare and contrast settings, characters, and events |
Identify the author’s purpose |
Ask and answer questions about what is read |
Identify the problem and solution |
Identify the main idea |
Identify supporting details |
Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension |
Differentiate between fiction and nonfiction |
Identify the author’s purpose |
Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning |
Preview and use text features |
Ask and answer questions about what is read |
Draw conclusions based on text |
Summarize major points found in nonfiction materials |
Draw conclusions about text |
Identify the main idea |
Identify the supporting details |
Compare, contrast the characteristics of biographies, autobiographies |
Monitor comprehension throughout the reading process |
Identify new information gained from reading |
Writes with purpose, clarity, and expression |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Identify the intended audience |
Use a variety of prewriting strategies |
Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea |
Write a paragraph on the same topic |
Organize information according to the type of writing |
Include details that elaborate the main idea |
Review writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information |
Construct questions about the topic |
Collect and organize information about a topic in a short report |
Use available technology for reading writing |
Edits for usage and mechanics in own writing |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Learn and use cursive style |
Use complete sentences |
Use transition words to vary sentence structure |
Use the word I in compound subjects |
Use past and present verb tense |
Use singular possessives |
Use commas in a simple series |
Use simple abbreviations |
Use apostrophes in contractions with pronouns and possessives |
Use the articles A, An and The correctly |
Use correct spelling for frequently-used words |
Edit writing for capitalization and punctuation |
Use nouns and pronouns correctly |
Social Studies |
Explains how the people and events of the past have influenced the present |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Explain how contributions of Ancient Greece/Rome influence the present |
Practice Social Studies skills: contributions of Ancient Greece & Rome |
Explain how contributions of Ancient China/Egypt influence the present |
Practice Social Studies skills relating to Ancient China and Egypt |
Reads maps and understands the impact of geography on culture |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Locate Greece, Rome, China, and Egypt |
Describe the physical & human characteristics of Ancient Greece & Rome |
Explain: Ancient Greeks/Romans/Chinese/Egyptians adapt to environment |
Compare the climate, water features, and land of China and Egypt |
Practice Social Studies skills: Ancient Greece, Rome, China & Egypt |
Position and label the 7 continents & 5 oceans to create a world map |
Use the Equator and Prime Meridian to identify the four hemispheres |
Locate specific places on a simple letter-number grid system |
Read and construct maps, tables, graphs and/or charts |
Recognizes the structure of government and the relationship between rules, laws and becoming a good citizen |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Explain the purpose of rules and laws
Explain basic purposes of government: make, carry out, enforce laws |
Explain that government protects the rights & property of individuals |
Practice Social Studies skills: rules, laws and governments |
Describe the individual rights to life, liberty, happiness & equality |
Identify the contributions of important Americans |
Recognize that Veterans Day & Memorial Day honor people who served |
Describe how people can serve their community, state, and national |
Practice Social Studies skills related to principles of government |
Recognize that Americans are a people of diverse ethnic origins |
Practice Social Studies skills: U.S. diversity & unification under government |
Understands economic concepts and the impact of economics on culture |
3rd Grade POS |
AAP 3rd Grade Extensions |
Explain how producers use resources to produce goods and services |
Practice Social Studies skills: Use of resources in ancient times |
Practice Social Studies skills relating to specialization |
Identify examples of economic choice and explain opportunity cost |
Mathematics |
Extensions in Mathematics: • Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving • Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts • Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems • Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematics problem solving • Make and investigate mathematical conjectures • Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments • Organize and consolidate mathematical thinking through communication • Communicate mathematical thinking coherently to teachers and peers • Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others • Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely • Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas • Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics • Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas • Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems • Use representations to model and interpret mathematical phenomena |
Represents numbers accurately and demonstrates an understanding of number relationships |
3rd Grade AAP POS |
Identify place value for each digit in a whole number through millions |
Compare two whole numbers expressed through millions |
Round whole numbers expressed through millions |
Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers |
Represent equivalent fractions |
Identify the division statement that represents a fraction |
Read/write/represent/identify decimals expressed through thousandths |
Round to the nearest whole number, tenth, and hundredth |
Compare the value of two decimals |
Given a model, write the decimal and fraction equivalents |
Computes numbers with fluency and makes reasonable estimates |
3rd Grade AAP POS |
Estimate sums, differences, products, & quotients of whole numbers |
Add, subtract, and multiply whole numbers |
Divide whole numbers, finding quotients with & without remainders |
Solve single-step & multistep problems with whole numbers |
Determine common multiples and factors including LCM and GCF |
Add and subtract fractions having like and unlike denominators |
Add and subtract with decimals |
Solve problems involving addition/subtraction of fractions & decimals |
Measures with accuracy and makes reasonable estimates of measurements |
3rd Grade AAP POS |
Estimate and measure weight/mass and describe results |
Identify equivalent measurements between units of weight/mass |
Estimate and measure length and describe results |
Identify equivalent measurements between units of length |
Estimate and measure liquid volume and describe results |
Identify equivalent measurements between U.S. customary units |
Determine elapsed time in hours and minutes |
Analyzes characteristics and properties of geometric figures and demonstrates an understanding of spatial relationships |
3rd Grade AAP POS |
Identify & describe points/lines/line segments/ rays/angles |
Identify representations of intersecting/parallel/perpendicular lines |
Investigate congruence of plane figures after geometric transformation |
Recognize images of figures resulting from geometric transformations |
Define polygon |
Identify polygons with 10 or fewer sides |
Uses data to describe, interpret, and predict events |
3rd Grade AAP POS |
Predict the likelihood of an outcome of a simple event |
Represent probability as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive |
Collect, organize, display, and interpret data |
Represents situations and mathematical relationships using algebraic symbols |
3rd Grade AAP POS |
Recognize, create, and extend numerical and geometric patterns |
Recognize and demonstrate the meaning of equality |
Investigate and describe the associative property |