Grade 4 Full-Time Advanced Academic Program Progress Report Alignments
Information for Parents and Guardians
This document identifies the Program of Studies (POS) content that aligns to each progress report standard, with noted extensions for students receiving Advanced Academic services. The left-hand column indicates the grade level POS, and the right-hand column notes the intended POS extension. Students receiving advanced math will be instructed at the grade level above POS, which is noted in this document. Health, art, music, physical education, and world languages are instructed using the grade level POS.
Language Arts |
Listens and speaks for specific purposes |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Present accurate directions to individuals and small groups |
Contribute to group discussions across content areas |
Seek ideas and opinions of others |
Use evidence to support opinions |
Use correct language and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas |
Communicate new ideas to others |
Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams |
Demonstrate the ability to work independently |
Use subject-related information and vocabulary |
Listen to and record information |
Organize information for clarity |
Use language and style appropriate for audience |
Differentiate among auditory, visual and written media messages |
Identify the characteristics of various media messages |
Locates and uses information from a variety of sources |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Use word reference materials, including the glossary, dictionary, etc |
Construct questions about a topic |
Collect information from multiple resources |
Use technology as a tool to organize, evaluate, and communicate |
Give credit to sources used in research |
Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own words |
Reads with accuracy and fluency |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Read with fluency and accuracy |
Reads with understanding |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Use context to clarify meanings of unfamiliar words |
Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones |
Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts |
Use vocabulary from other content areas |
Explain the author’s purpose |
Describe how the language, setting, etc. contribute to purpose |
Identify the main idea |
Summarize supporting details |
Identify the problem and solution |
Describe the relationship between text and previously read materials |
Identify sensory words |
Draw conclusions/make inferences about text |
Make, confirm, or revise predictions |
Identify cause and effect relationships |
Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension |
Use text structures to predict and categorize information |
Formulate questions that might be answered in the selection |
Explain the author’s purpose |
Identify the main idea |
Summarize supporting details |
Draw conclusions and make simple inferences using text as support |
Distinguish between cause and effect |
Distinguish between fact and opinion |
Use prior knowledge and build additional background knowledge |
Identify new information gained from reading |
Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension |
Writes with purpose, clarity, and expression |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Identify intended audience |
Focus on one aspect of a topic |
Use a variety of prewriting strategies |
Organize writing to convey a central idea |
Recognize different modes of writing have different organization |
Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea |
Write two or more related paragraphs on the same topic |
Use transition words for sentence variety |
Utilize elements of style, including word choice, sentence variation |
Revise writing for clarity using specific vocabulary and information |
Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea |
Edits for usage and mechanics in own writing |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Use subject- verb agreement |
Include prepositional phrase |
Eliminate double negatives |
Use noun-pronoun agreement |
Use commas in series, dates, and addresses |
Incorporate adjectives and adverbs |
Use correct spelling for frequently used words |
Use singular possessives |
Understand and use the editing process |
Develop handwriting |
4th Grade: Social Studies |
Explains how the people and events of the past have influenced the present |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Interpret artifacts & source documents to understand events in history |
Determine cause and effect relationships (as related to history) |
Compare and contrast historical event |
Draw conclusions and make generalizations (as related to history) |
Make connections between past and present |
Sequence events in Virginia history |
Interpret ideas and events from different historical perspectives |
Evaluate and discuss issues orally and in writing (as related to history) |
Organize/synthesize information on Virginia history in variety of ways |
Describe how archaeologists found new info at Werowocomoco & Jamestown |
Explain the reasons for English colonization |
Identify importance of the arrival of Africans & women to Jamestown |
Describe hardships Jamestown settlers faced & changes for survival |
Describe interactions between the English settlers & native peoples |
Describe the influence of prominent English people |
Describe how Colonial Virginia reflected the cultures of all residents |
Identify the various roles of Virginians in the Revolutionary War Era |
Identify key events in Virginia during the American Revolution |
Explain phrases referring to George Washington and James Madison |
Identify events and differences between Northern and Southern states |
Describe Virginia's role in the Civil War including the major battles |
Describe the varied roles played by Virginians during the Civil War |
Identify the impact of Virginians - Woodrow Wilson & George Marshall |
Identify VA citizens who made political/social/economic contributions |
Describe the history of the people of Fairfax County |
Reads maps and understands the impact of geography on culture |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Analyze & interpret maps to explain relationships to historical events |
Locate Virginia and its bordering states on maps of the U.S. |
Locate and describe Virginia's five regions |
Locate/identify water features important to early history of Virginia |
Locate three American Indian language groups on a map of Virginia |
Describe how American Indians adapted to their climate and environment |
Identify and locate the current state-recognized tribes |
Describe how geography influenced the decision to settle at Jamestown |
Explain reasons for the relocation of Virginia's capital |
Explain the influence of geography on the migration of Virginians |
Describe and locate past events in the history of Fairfax County |
Recognizes the structure of government and the relationship between rules, laws and becoming a good citizen |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Determine cause and effect relationships (as related to civics) |
Draw conclusions and make generalizations (as related to civics) |
Evaluate and discuss issues orally and in writing (as related to civics) |
Identify importance of the Charters of the Virginia Company of London |
Identify importance of the General Assembly (1619) |
Identify reasons why colonies went to war with Great Britain |
Identify the ideas of George Mason and Thomas Jefferson |
Identify the effects of segregation and “Jim Crow” on life in Virginia |
Identify the events linked to desegregation and massive resistance |
Identify the three branches of Virginia government & function of each |
Analyze economic and governmental features of Fairfax County |
Understands economic concepts and the impact of economics on culture |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Explain the importance of agriculture and its influence on slavery |
Describe how money, barter and credit were used in the Virginia colony |
Describe everyday life in colonial Virginia |
Identify the effects of reconstruction on life in Virginia |
Describe importance of railroads, new industries & growth of cities |
Describe the economic/social transition from a rural society to urban |
Describe the major products & industries of Virginia's five regions |
Explain advances in transportation, communications and technology |
Analyze economic and governmental features of Fairfax County |
Mathematics |
Extensions in Mathematics: • Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving • Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts • Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems • Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematics problem solving • Make and investigate mathematical conjectures • Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments • Organize and consolidate mathematical thinking through communication • Communicate mathematical thinking coherently to teachers and peers • Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others • Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely • Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas • Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics • Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas • Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems • Use representations to model and interpret mathematical phenomena |
Represents numbers accurately and demonstrates an understanding of number relationships |
4th Grade AAP POS |
Round decimals to nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth |
Recognize/name fractions in equivalent decimal form and vice versa |
Compare and order a given set of decimals and fractions |
Identify and describe characteristics of prime and composite numbers |
Identify and describe characteristics of even and odd numbers |
Computes numbers with fluency and makes reasonable estimates |
4th Grade AAP POS |
Create and solve problems involving operations with whole numbers |
Find sum/difference/product/quotient involving decimals |
Create & solve practical problems involving decimals |
Solve problems with addition/subtraction of fractions/mixed numbers |
Evaluate whole number expressions using order of operations |
Measures with accuracy and makes reasonable estimates of measurements |
4th Grade AAP POS |
Find perimeter, area, and volume in standard units of measure |
Differentiate among perimeter, area, and volume |
Identify equivalent measurements within the metric system |
Estimate and then measure to solve problems |
Choose an appropriate unit of measure for a given situation |
Identify & describe diameter/radius/chord/circumference of a circle |
Determine an amount of elapsed time in hours and minutes |
Measure right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles |
Analyzes characteristics and properties of geometric figures and demonstrates an understanding of spatial relationships |
4th Grade AAP POS |
Classify angles as right, acute, obtuse, or straight |
Classify triangles by angles and by sides |
Develop definitions of specified plane figures |
Investigate/describe results of combining/subdividing plane figures |
Uses data to describe, interpret, and predict events |
4th Grade AAP POS |
Predict the likelihood of an outcome of a simple event |
Represent probability as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive |
Collect, organize, display, and interpret data |
Describe mean as fair share |
Find the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data |
Describe the range of a set of data as a measure of variation |
Represents situations and mathematical relationships using algebraic symbols |
4th Grade AAP POS |
Describe/express the relationship found in a number pattern |
Investigate and describe the concept of variable |
Write an open sentence to represent a mathematical relationship |
Model one-step linear equations in one variable |
Create a problem situation based on a given open sentence |
Investigate and recognize the distributive property |
4th Grade: Science |
Investigates & demonstrates understanding of the natural world in a systematic way like a scientist & applies these skills & knowledge to solve problems. |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Understand observations, conclusions, inferences and predictions |
Classify and arrange objects/events according to characteristics |
Select appropriate instruments to measure length, volume, mass, and temperature |
Select and use appropriate instruments to measure elapsed time |
Make predictions and inferences & draw conclusions based on data |
Identify independent and dependent variables |
Identify constants in an experimental situation |
Develop hypotheses based on cause and effect relationships |
Collect, record, analyze & display data using bar & basic line graphs |
Recognize contradictory/unusual numerical data in experimental results |
Communicate data with graphs, pictures, written statements, numbers |
Construct models to clarify, demonstrate, and solve |
Use current applications to reinforce science concepts |
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of physical science including matter, force, motion, & energy.* |
The overarching extension for the physical science unit is to acquire significant content knowledge through the course of solving an interdisciplinary, real-world problem. |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Understand that motion is described by an object's direction and speed |
Understand that changes in motion are related to force and mass |
Understand that friction is a force that opposes motion |
Understand that moving objects have kinetic energy |
Investigate and understand conductors and insulators |
Investigate and understand basic circuits (open/closed, parallel/series) |
Investigate and understand static electricity |
Understand that electrical energy can be transformed into light and motion, and to produce heat |
Investigate and understand simple electromagnets and magnetism |
Describe historical contributions in understanding electricity |
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of life science including life processes and living systems |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Understand the structures of typical plants and the function of each structure |
Understand processes and structures involved with plant reproduction |
Investigate and understand photosynthesis |
Understand that adaptations allow plants to meet life needs and respond to environment |
Investigate and understand plant and animal adaptations |
Understand the organization of populations, communities, and ecosystems |
Investigate and understand the flow of energy through food webs |
Investigate and understand habitats and niches |
Understand changes in an organism’s niche at stages in the life cycles |
Understand the influence of human activity on ecosystems |
Understand that Virginia has a great variety of animals and plants |
Demonstrates understanding of Earth’s patterns, cycles, changes, & Earth/Space systems |
4th Grade POS |
AAP 4th Grade Extensions |
Investigate and understand weather phenomena |
Understand weather measurements and meteorological tools |
Understand use of weather measurements/phenomena to make predictions |
Investigate and understand the planets in the solar system |
Understand the order of the planets in the solar system |
Understand the relative sizes of the planets |
Understand the motions of the Earth, moon and sun |
Understand the causes for the Earth's seasons |
Understand the causes for the phases of the moon |
Understand characteristics of the Earth, moon and sun |
Understand historical contributions to the Earth-Moon-Sun system |
Understand that Virginia has many watersheds and water resources |
Understand that Virginia has minerals, rocks, ores and energy sources |
Recognize that Virginia has a great variety of forests, soil and land |