Progress Report Information: Grade 3
Information for Parents and Guardians
The information below helps you understand how the curriculum your child is learning aligns to the progress report standards. The items listed under each standard outline the content students learn over the course of the year. Not all standards will be taught each quarter. Content not taught in a particular classroom or school (e.g., band, strings, World Languages) will be marked as “nt” (not taught) on the progress report.
Language Arts
PRS = Progress Report Standard
- Produce, expand, and rearrange simple and compound sentences.
- Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences.
- Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives when speaking and writing.
- Form and use regular and irregular verbs when speaking and writing.
- Use subject-verb agreement in simple sentences.
- Eliminate double negatives when speaking and writing.
- Participate in a range of collaborative discussions on grade three topics and texts. This includes:
- Listening actively and speaking using agreed-upon discussion rules.
- Respectfully building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
- Asking and responding to questions.
- Actively engaging throughout the collaboration.
- Report orally on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner. This includes:
- Using descriptive details and appropriate facts to support themes or central ideas.
- Speaking audibly with appropriate pacing, prosody, and voice level.
- Using language and style as appropriate to the audience, topic, and purpose.
- Create a simple presentation using multimodal tools that enhance the topic and/or presentation.
- Develop general academic language and content specific vocabulary.
- Discuss meanings of complex words and phrases acquired through conversations and literature.
- Determine the meaning of complex words using frequently occurring root words and inflectional affixes.
- Use the context of a sentence to apply knowledge of homophones.
- Apply knowledge of morphology, synonyms, and antonyms to determine the meaning of complex words.
- Develop breadth of vocabulary knowledge.
- Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs and adjectives.
- Use strategies to infer word meanings.
- Use glossaries, beginning dictionaries, and thesauruses to determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases.
- Use newly learned words and phrases in discussions and speaking activities.
- Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
- Identify a topic and generate questions that explore the topic.
- Locate information in reference texts and take brief notes.
- Organize evidence into relevant categories.
- Organize and share information.
- Avoid plagiarism, giving credit to sources of information.
- Decode and encode words with vowel teams and r-controlled vowels.
- Use knowledge of syllabication and syllable types to decode and encode words.
- Use knowledge of affixes to decode and encode words.
- Read grade-level high-frequency words with automaticity and accuracy.
- Read a variety of grade-level complex texts with accuracy, automaticity, appropriate rate, and meaningful expression to support comprehension.
- Proficiently read and comprehend a variety of literary and informational texts.
- When responding to texts, draw several pieces of evidence to support claims, conclusions, and inferences.
- Regularly engage in listening to a series of conceptually related texts.
- Use reading strategies as needed to monitor comprehension.
- Identify thematic topics of stories and the lessons learned.
- Identify the central conflict and resolution to summarize the text.
- Describe a character’s attributes and how they develop throughout the text.
- Discuss how an author uses characters and settings to advance the plot.
- Identify and explain how an author uses sensory language.
- Identify the narrator of a story and the speaker of a poem.
- Identify the characteristics of different genres.
- Set a purpose for reading.
- Compare and contrast details in texts.
- Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories.
- Determine the main idea of multi-paragraph texts as well as specific paragraphs within them.
- Summarize texts.
- Identify and explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support specific points in texts.
- Describe major structural differences between the organizational patterns of different informational texts.
- Use text features and search tools to locate and gain information efficiently.
- Identify the author’s purpose for writing.
- Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts.
- Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
- Demonstrate comprehension by writing about what is read using the text for support.
- Recognize different forms of writing have distinctive patterns of organization to support their purpose.
- Write personal or fictional narratives that organize event sequences that unfold naturally.
- Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic that develops the topic with facts and details.
- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with facts and reasons.
- Write in response to text(s) to share thinking using supporting details from the text.
- Engage in writing as a process to compose a well-developed paragraph. This includes:
- Writing a clear topic sentence focusing on a main idea.
- Developing, selecting, and organizing ideas.
- Elaborating writing by including supporting details.
- Using transition words to vary sentence structure.
- Providing a concluding statement.
- Maintain legible printing.
- Write capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet using correct letter formation in cursive.
- Sign his/her first and last name.
- Form cursive letters with flow from one letter to the next within names and words.
- Use phoneme-grapheme correspondence to encode multisyllabic words.
- Use common affixes to encode words.
- Use phoneme/grapheme correspondences to encode grade-level high-frequency words.
- With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing.
- With guidance and support from peers and adults, edit writing for format and conventions.
- Use commas in series, dates, addresses, greetings, and closings of letters.
- Use apostrophes to form contractions and frequently occurring possessions in writing.
- Capitalize holidays, names, and places.
- Use learned spelling patterns when writing words.
- Consult reference materials to check and correct spelling.
Explains how the people and events of the past have influenced the present
- Explains how contributions of Ancient Greece, Rome, China, and Egypt have influenced the present world
- Describe oral tradition (storytelling), government, (kings), and economic development (trade) or the early West African empire of Mali
Reads maps and understands the impact of geography on culture
- Develop map skills by using globes and maps to locate and describe major rivers, mountain ranges, and other geographic features of all seven continents
- Develop map skills and an understanding of change over time by locating major ancient world cultures (at the beginning of their culture) on world maps
- Describe how people in ancient world cultures adapted to their environment
- Compares the climate, water features, and land of China and Egypt
- Locates Greece, Rome, China and Egypt on a map
- Positions/labels the 7 continents and 5 oceans to create a world map
- Uses Equator and Prime Meridian to identify the four hemispheres
- Locates specific places on a simple letter-number grid system
- Reads and constructs maps, tables, graphs and/or charts
Recognizes the structure of government and the relationship among rules, laws, and becoming a good citizen
- Explain the responsibilities of a good citizen by:
- Respecting and protecting the rights and property of others
- Taking part in the voting process when making classroom decisions
- Describing actions that can improve the school and community
- Demonstrating self-discipline and self-reliance
- Practicing honesty and trustworthiness
- Explains the purpose of laws
- Explains the basic purposes of government (make laws, carry out laws, and decide if laws have been broken)
- Explains that government protects the rights & property of individuals
- Recognizes that Americans are a people of diverse, ethnic origins, customs, and traditions who are united by basic principles of a republican form of government and respect for individual rights and freedoms
Understands economic concepts and the impact of economics on culture
- Demonstrate an understanding of different cultures and their natural, human, and capital resources in the production of goods and services
- Recognize that because people and regions cannot produce everything they want, they specialize in what they do best and trade for the rest
- Identifies examples of economic choice and explains opportunity cost
Represents numbers accurately and understand number relationships
- Reads, writes, and identifies place value for sixdigit numerals
- Rounds whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand
- Compares two whole numbers between 0 to 9,999
- Recognizes and uses relationships between addition and subtraction to complete basic fact sentences
- Names and writes the fractions represented by a given model
- Models fractions (including mixed numbers)
- Compares fractions having like and unlike denominators
Computes numbers with fluency/makes reasonable estimates
- Estimates and solves single-step and multistep problems involving the sum/difference of two whole numbers each 9,999 or less
- Recalls the multiplication and division facts through the 12’s table
- Represents multiplication and division with a model
- Creates and solves multiplication problems where one factor is 99 or less and the second factor is 5 or less
- Adds and subtracts with fractions having like denominators
Measures with accuracy and estimates measurements
- Counts and compares money; make change
- Estimates and uses US Customary and metric units to measure length, liquid volume, and weight/mass
- Measures distance around a figure to determine perimeter
- Counts the number of square units to determine area
- Tells time to the nearest minute using analog and digital clocks
- Determines elapsed time in onehour increments
- Identifies equivalent relationships among days/months/years and minutes/hours
- Reads temperature to nearest degree using Celsius/Fahrenheit thermometer
Analyzes characteristics of geometric figures and demonstrates an understanding of spatial relationships
- Identifies, describes, compares, and contrasts attributes of geometric figures
- Identifies and draws representations of points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles
- Identifies and describes congruent & noncongruent plane figures
Uses data to describe, interpret, and predict events
- Collects and organizes data using a variety of methods
- Constructs line plots, picture graphs, bar graphs
- Reads, interprets, and analyzes data represented in a variety of graphs
- Investigates and describes probability as chance and list possible results
Represents situations and mathematical relationships with algebraic symbols
- Recognizes, describes, and extends a variety of patterns
- Investigates and identifies examples of the identity and commutative properties for addition and multiplication
- Writes equivalent and nonequivalent number sentences
Investigates and demonstrates understanding of the natural world in a systematic way like a scientist and applies these skills and knowledge to solve problems
- Makes observations and repeats to ensure accuracy
- Formulates predictions using a variety of sources and information
- Develops questions to formulate hypotheses
- Estimates and measures volume, length, mass, and temperature
- Makes inferences and draws conclusions
- Classifies objects,
- Designs and builds models
- Gathers, charts, graphs, analyzes, and communicates data
- Recognizes unexpected or unusual quantitative data
- Measures time to the nearest minute
- Sequences natural events chronologically
- Applies science content to current issues and applications
- Understands conservation of resources
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of physical science including matter, force, motion, and energy
- Investigates and understands the following:
- purpose, function, materials
- visible physical changes
- physical properties remain the same as size is changed
- objects are made of one or more materials
- simple and compound machines
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of life science including life processes and living systems
- Investigates and understands the following:
- animal and plant life cycles
- behavioral and physical adaptations
- interdependency of plants and animals
- hibernation, migration, camouflage, mimicry, instinct
- producer, consumer, and decomposer
- herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore
- predator and prey
- aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
- population and community
- effects of human activity on air, water, and habitat
- effects of fire, flood, disease, and erosion on organisms
Demonstrates understanding of Earth’s patterns, cycles, changes, and Earth/Space Systems
- Investigates and understands the following:
- soil provides support and nutrients for plant growth
- topsoil is a natural product of subsoil and bedrock
- rock, clay, silt, sand and humus as components of soils
- soil is a natural resource and should be conserved
- patterns of natural events
- many sources of water on Earth
- energy from the sun drives the water cycle and involves several processes
- sources of nonrenewable energy (fossil fuels)
- sources of renewable energy: solar, wind and moving water
Acquires, interprets, and understands health concepts
- Identify structures, functions, and importance of the digestive system
- Identify and explain the importance of healthy food and beverage choices
- Describe the benefits of physical activity, personal fitness, and sleep
- Define and describe non-communicable diseases
- Describe proper and improper uses of medication
- Identify body systems affected by alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
- Explain and create safety rules and strategies for at home, school, and community and recognize safe and harmful behaviors
- Identify steps for healthy goal setting
- Describe emotions that result from change and describe positive interactions
- Identify appropriate ways to communicate
Identifies valid and accurate health information, products, and services to make healthy decisions
- Evaluate how activity an diet choices impact health and determine appropriate water consumption
- Compare proper and improper uses of medicines and consequences associated
- Analyze harmful effects of ATOD on body systems and describe refusal skills
- Explain the importance of safety rules and protective gear
- Identify the benefits of setting health goals and strategies for solving health-related problems
- Identify appropriate ways to express feelings and solve conflicts
- Analyze how reducing, reusing, and recycling promote a healthy environment
Demonstrates appropriate health practices and behaviors to promote a safe and healthy community
- Evaluate the role of the digestive system
- Develop a physical activity plan and a family safety plan
- Identify ways technology has improved healthcare
- Create message for medicine use
- Describe the effects of ATOD, explain the effects of mind-altering drugs on behavior, and encourage others to not use drugs
- Discuss ways to prevent injuries
- Demonstrate ways to make and keep friends
- Demonstrates positive communication and interactions with family and friends
- Demonstrate ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle
- Practice disaster-preparedness at home and school
Engages in the creative process to develop artworks and express meaning
- Develops ideas for artworks before beginning
- Reflects on art and art making by describing and explaining own artwork
- Expresses personally relevant ideas in artworks
Applies art media and techniques appropriately to produce artworks
- Uses a variety of art materials to produce artwork
- Explores methods of representing subject matter
- Follows appropriate steps in art making
- Uses art materials safely and appropriately
- Demonstrates control and craftsmanship with art materials
Demonstrates an understanding of art by engaging with art history, culture, criticism, and aesthetics
- Engages in discussions about artworks from different places and times to inform art making
- Responds to own and other’s artwork
- Uses art vocabulary appropriately to identify and describe artwork
- Uses and applies knowledge from other subject areas when creating artwork
Develops and Demonstrates competency in motor skills
- Demonstrate critical elements for manipulative skills in combination
- Demonstrate self-turn jump rope, simple dances, and an educational gymnastics sequence
Applies basic anatomy and physiology and movement concepts and principles, to improve motor skills
- Apply the concept of open space while moving
- Identify major muscles and bones
- Name one activity and the muscles and bones needed to perform
- Describe components and function of the cardiorespiratory system
Applies knowledge of fitness and active lifestyles to evaluate and plan for personal fitness
- Explain the health-related components of fitness, identify one measure for each, and demonstrate one activity for each; cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition
- Identify levels of intensity
Demonstrates skills and behaviors leading to personal and group success in physical activity, both in and out of school
- Explain the importance of rules, provide input into establishing rules, and demonstrate implementation of rules and guidelines
- Describe the importance of cooperating and work cooperatively
- Implement teacher feedback to improve performance and provide appropriate feedback to a classmate
- Describe one group physical activity to participate in for enjoyment
Demonstrates knowledge of the basic nutrition and fitness concepts of energy balance
- Explain energy balance
- Identify one food per food group for a healthy meal and healthy hydration choices
- Identify macronutrients and foods that are healthy sources of each macronutrient
Develops and demonstrates skills in singing
- Sing with consistent pitch accuracy (in tune)
- Maintain individual part when singing in simple two-part ensembles
- Sing with expression, using dynamics and tempo
- Improvise vocally
Develops and demonstrates skills in playing instruments
- Maintain individual part while performing instrumental compositions with three or more parts
- Perform and improvise accompaniments, ostinati and pentatonic melodies
Responds to music with movement
- Perform and improvise movement to a wide variety of music
- Participate in action songs, singing games, line, circle and folk dances
Develops and demonstrates music literacy skills
- Identify, read and notate simple rhythmic patterns and pentatonic melodies
- Identify musical symbols, dynamic markings and notes written on the treble clef
- Compose rhythmic patterns and pentatonic melodies
Applies critical listening skills when responding to and connecting with music
- Describe music and music performances from a variety of styles periods and cultures with music terminology
- Aurally and visually identify orchestral instruments
- Identify selected compositions and composers from four periods of musical history
- Analyze individual music performances and reflect on success and areas for improvement
Category 1 & 2 Languages* (French, German, Spanish)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Recognize repeated words, taglines, or short quotes from jingles, ads, movies, songs, rhymes, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary
- Read and understand a few individual words, taglines, or short quotes in children's songs, simple rhymes, poems, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary
- Follow simple classroom instructions, routines, and schedules when listening and reading
- Greet and leave people in a polite way when speaking and writing
- Ask and answer some simple questions when speaking and writing
- Use words and list/assign preference to items related to content when speaking and writing
- Provide simple information related to content in other classes using a graphic organizer when speaking and writing
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify and name typical products and practices from native and other cultures, such as seasons, habitats, or school schedules.
Category 3 & 4 Languages* (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Recognize repeated words, taglines, or short quotes from jingles, ads, movies, songs, rhymes, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary
- Recognize and read a few individual words, taglines, or short quotes in children's songs, simple rhymes, poems, chants, or book titles, including content vocabulary
- Follow classroom instructions, routines, and schedules when listening and reading
- Greet peers and teachers when speaking and writing
- Ask and answer some simple questions, such as name and age, personal information, food, seasons, or any other content-related topic when speaking and writing
- Use words and list/assign preference to items related to content.
- Tell favorite foods to eat, places to visit, or games to play, or as related to content.
- Provide simple information related to content in other classes using a graphic organizer.
- Write letters of the alphabet, characters, simple words or numbers related to content in other classes.
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify and name typical products and practices from native and other cultures, such as seasons, habitats, or school schedules
*Language Categories 1, 2, 3, & 4 follow US Department of State Foreign Service Institute guidelines for language acquisition. Languages are placed into categories based on the level of difference from English, such as pronunciation and/or writing systems.
Category 1 & 2 Languages* (French, German, Spanish)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Identify the general topic from simple sentences and familiar fiction and non-fiction texts when listening or reading
- Exchange information on a variety of everyday topics when interacting with others in speaking or writing situations
- Create oral/visual presentations on familiar content-related topics
- Create short fiction or non-fiction texts on familiar content-related topics
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify similarities and differences in familiar products, practices, and perspectives of own and other cultures when listening or reading, recognizing that ideas, settings, and expressions may be presented differently
- Meet basic needs when interacting or corresponding in familiar situations with a peer from other cultures
- Express preferences and write with some details on topics of interest within own and other cultures
Category 3 & 4 Languages* (Japanese, Korean)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Identify the general topic from simple sentences and familiar fiction and non-fiction texts when listening
- Read and understand words, phrases, and basic information related to personal everyday life and content taught from familiar texts
- Exchange information on a variety of everyday topics when interacting with others
- Exchange personal and content information with patterned texts and simple sentences when corresponding with others
- Create oral/visual presentations on familiar content-related topics
- Create simple texts with some details related to a familiar content topic
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify similarities and differences in familiar products, practices, and perspectives of own and other cultures when listening, recognizing that ideas and expressions may be presented differently
- Identify some similarities and differences in everyday products and practices of own and other cultures when reading
- Meet basic needs when interacting in familiar situations with a peer from other cultures
- Exchange information, directions, or plans with a peer using texts, graphs, or pictures
- Express preferences with some details on topics of interest within own and other cultures
- Describe favorite activities during the school week, weekend, or vacation for oneself and for peers in other cultures
*Language Categories 1, 2, 3, & 4 follow US Department of State Foreign Service Institute guidelines for language acquisition. Languages are placed into categories based on the level of difference from English, such as pronunciation and/or writing systems.
Demonstrates skills playing selected instrument as an individual and a member of an ensemble
- Demonstrate correct body and hand positions, finger patterns, tone production, articulation, phrasing and expression
- Demonstrate appropriate ensemble skills
Develops and demonstrates music literacy skills
- Read, write and perform music with various rhythmic patterns and meters
- Identify key signatures and scales
Develops and applies critical listening skills as an individual and a member of an ensemble
- Sing simple melodic tonal patterns
- Demonstrate the ability to appropriately match tone, intonation and volume with others