Progress Report Information: Grade 1
Information for Parents and Guardians
The information below helps you understand how the curriculum your child is learning aligns to the progress report standards. The items listed under each standard outline the content students learn over the course of the year.
Not all standards will be taught each quarter. Content not taught in a particular classroom or school (e.g., band, strings, World Languages) will be marked as “nt” (not taught) on the progress report.
Language Arts
PRS = Progress Report Standard
- Produce and expand simple sentences, including a noun, verb, and adjective.
- For regular plural nouns orally by adding ‘s’ or ‘es’ sound.
- Use personal and possessive pronouns to represent nouns.
- Use frequently occurring adjectives to describe specific objects.
- Form and use simple verb tenses (past, present, and future) for regular verbs.
- Use proper verb tense and correct subject-verb agreement.
- Use articles correctly (e.g., a, an, the).
- Use interrogatives to ask questions in complete sentences (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how).
- Participate in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) on grade one topics and texts. This includes:
- Listening actively and following agreed-upon rules for participating in discussions.
- Respectfully building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
- Asking questions to seek help, get information, or clarify information for further understanding.
- Expressing ideas and needs in complete sentences.
- Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details and using appropriate vocabulary.
- Speak audibly with appropriate pacing, prosody, and voice level.
- Participate in a variety of oral language activities, including choral speaking and recitation of short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns and refrains.
- Retell, create, and dictate stories, rhymes, poems, and events in sequential order using drama, props, and/or pictures indicating first, next, and last events in a story.
- Discuss meanings of words in context from a variety of texts.
- Identify antonyms and synonyms of familiar words to deepen understanding of word meaning and relationships.
- Ask for the meaning of unknown words and make connections to familiar words.
- Use vocabulary across content areas.
- Determine the meaning of an unknown word using frequently occurring root words and inflectional affixes
Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs and adjectives. - Identify the purpose of simple reference materials.
- Increase and develop breadth of vocabulary knowledge by listening to high quality, complex text.
- Use newly learned words and phrases in discussions and speaking activities.
- Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic.
- With prompting and support, generate research questions related to a given topic.
- Locate and collect information related to the given topic from pictures, texts, people, or provided sources.
- Use templates to organize the information collected (e.g., charts, graphs).
- Use drawing, writing, or dictation to record facts and information collected from research.
- In small or large group settings, informally share recorded information collected from research.
- Isolate sounds in four and five phoneme words.
- Demonstrate ability to blend words with four and five phonemes, including words with consonant digraphs.
- Demonstrate the ability to segment words with four and five phonemes, including words with consonant digraphs.
- Decode and encode words with short vowels to include blends with digraphs, closed syllables.
- Decode and encode words with long vowels, open syllables, and vowel-consonant-e.
- Use letter-sound correspondences to decode words containing common vowel teams and r-controlled vowels.
- Decode multisyllabic words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
- Read grade-level high-frequency words with automaticity and accuracy.
- Write grade-level high-frequency words with automaticity and accuracy.
- Use knowledge of letter-sound correspondences to read a variety of decodable and grade-level texts with accuracy, automaticity, appropriate rate, and meaningful expression to support comprehension.
- With prompting and support, when responding to text through discussions and/or writing, draw several pieces of evidence from read-alouds.
- Regularly engage in listening to a series of conceptually related texts organized around topics of study to build knowledge and vocabulary.
- Retell familiar stories sequentially and demonstrate an understanding of the story structure, the central message or lesson, and the details.
- Identify the elements of a familiar story, including the characters, setting, and important events.
- Ask and answer literal (who, what, when, where) or inferential (how, why) questions about what is read.
- Generate predictions about story characters and events using the text.
- Set a purpose for reading by providing a guiding question, activating prior (experience) and background (content) knowledge.
- Make connections between characters, settings, and major events in stories heard, using key details.
- Compare and contrast the adventures or experiences of characters in stories heard, using key details.
- Ask and answer literal (who, what, when, where) and inferential (why, how) questions about what is read, including demonstrating an understanding of the main topics.
- Identify the main idea and supporting details of a text.
- Explain the difference between facts and opinions in a text.
- Identify and use common text features to gain information, table of contents, headings, bolded words, and pictures, captions, and diagrams.
- Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.
- Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to recount two or more sequenced events or experiences and include details about the events and characters.
- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/expository texts that name a topic and supply some facts about the topic.
- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces that state an opinion and supply a reason for the opinion.
- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing about text(s) read or heard in which students share their thinking with a couple of supporting details from the text.
- With guidance and support, use a variety of prewriting activities, such as brainstorming, drawing and graphic organizers, to generate ideas and draft writing or dictation. This includes:
- Identifying the audience and purpose of the writing.
- Composing a series of simple sentences focused on the topic, including sentences with a subject and predicate, subject/verb agreement, and one or more descriptive adjectives.
- Use functional pencil grasp for letter formation.
- Accurately and automatically form all capital and lowercase letters and numbers using manuscript letter formation.
- Accurately and automatically apply spaces between written words in phrases or sentence-level writing.
Use phoneme-grapheme (sound/symbol) correspondence to spell single-syllable words containing closed syllables, open syllables, and vowel-consonant-e. - Spell 2-syllable words (e.g., pancake) following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
- Spell unfamiliar words by recognizing and applying taught word patterns.
- Use sound/symbol correspondences to spell grade-level high-frequency words with automaticity and accuracy.
- With guidance and support from adults, edit writing for spelling, capitalization, usage, and punctuation.
- Capitalize the first word in a sentence, proper nouns, and the pronoun I.
- Identify statements and questions and, use correct ending punctuation.
- Use conventional spelling of words with commonly taught spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.
Explains how the people and events of the past have influenced the present
- Demonstrate knowledge of Virginia history by describing important events including the settlement of Virginia at Jamestown, famous Virginians who helped form a new nation (George Washington and Thomas Jefferson) and life in Virginia today (food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and recreation)
- Describe stories of influential people in the history of Virginia and their contributions to our Commonwealth with emphasis on Powhatan, Pocahontas, Christopher Newport, Maggie L. Walker, and Arthur R. Ashe, Jr.
- Describe the lives of people associated with major holidays (George Washington Day, Independence Day, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
- Uses timelines to recognize that past, present, and future times are different
Reads maps and understands the impact of geography on culture
- Defines the terms: map, globe, symbol, legend, and cardinal directions (North, East, South, and West)
- Recognizes basic map symbols for land, water, cities, and roads
- Identifies the shapes of the U.S. and Virginia on maps and globes
- Locates capitals, Washington D.C., and Richmond on a map
- Practices social studies skills related to constructing simple maps
- Develop a geographic understanding that the location of Virginia determines its climate and results in four distinct seasons; and the landforms of Virginia affect the places people live
Recognizes the structure of government and the relationship among rules, laws, and becoming a good citizen
- Focuses on and practices good citizenship, playing fairly, helping and respecting others, and self-control
- Works hard in school and takes responsibility for own actions
- Values honesty and truthfulness in oneself and others
- Recognizes the purposes of rules and reasons for voting
- Recognize symbols and traditional practices that honor and foster patriotism in the United States by demonstrating respect for the American flag by learning about the Pledge of Allegiance
- Recognize symbols and traditional practices that honor and foster patriotism in the Commonwealth of Virginia by identifying: the Virginia flag, state capitol building, and state flower
- Describe why people have symbols and traditions
- Understand that the people of Virginia have state and local government officials who are elected by voters
- Understand that people of Virginia make contributions to their communities
- Understand that people of Virginia include those who have diverse ethnic origins, customs, and traditions
Understands economic concepts and the impact of economics on culture
- Explain the difference between goods and services and describe how people are consumers and producers
- Explain that people make choices because they cannot have everything they want
- Recognize that people save money for the future to purchase goods and services
- Understands and practices skills related to choices people make and spending and saving money for the future
Represents numbers accurately and understands number relationships
- Counts from 0 to 100 and writes the corresponding number
- Groups objects into tens and ones and writes corresponding number
- Counts forward by ones, twos, fives and tens to 100 and backward from 30
- Identifies and represents fractions for halves, thirds, and fourths
Computes numbers with fluency/makes reasonable estimates
- Selects a reasonable magnitude from three given quantities and explains the choice
- Recalls addition facts to 18 and corresponding subtraction facts
- Creates and solves story and picture problems using basic facts
Measures with accuracy and estimates measurements
- Identifies number of pennies equal to a nickel, dime, and quarter
- Determines value of a collection of coins 100 cents or less
- Tells time to the halfhour using analog and digital clocks
- Uses nonstandard units to measure length, weight/mass, and volume
- Compares volumes of two given containers
- Compares weight/mass of two objects using a balance scale
- Uses calendar language appropriately
Analyzes characteristics and properties of geometric figures and demonstrates an understanding of spatial relationships
- Identifies, traces, describes, and sorts geometric shapes
- Models and describes geometric shapes in the environment
Uses data to describe, interpret, and predict events
- Investigates, identifies, and describes various forms of data collection
- Interprets information displayed in a picture or object graph
Represents situations and mathematical relationships with algebraic symbols
- Sorts and classifies concrete objects according to one or more attributes
- Recognizes, describes, extends, and creates a wide variety of patterns
Investigates and demonstrates understanding of the natural world in a systematic way like a scientist and applies these skills and knowledge to solve problems
- Uses senses to observe differences in physical properties
- Uses simple tools to enhance observations
- Makes repeated observations from multiple positions
- Classifies and arranges objects or events according to characteristics
- Communicates observations and data orally and in writing
- Measures length, mass, volume, and temperature using standard and nonstandard units
- Bases predictions on patterns of observations
- Conducts simple experiments to answer questions
- Records, analyzes, and communicates observations and data
- Makes inferences and draws conclusions about familiar objects and events
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of physical science including matter, force, motion, and energy
Investigates and understands the following:
- objects that have straight, circular, back and forth motions
- objects that may vibrate and produce sound
- pushes or pulls which change the movement of an object
- some solids and liquids dissolve when mixed with water
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of life science including life processes and living systems
Investigates and understands the following:
- plants needs: food, air, water, light and a place to grow
- plant parts and characteristics: seeds, roots, stems,
- life needs of animals: air, food, water, shelter, and space
- physical characteristics of animals
Demonstrates understanding of Earth’s patterns, cycles, changes, and Earth/Space Systems
Investigates and understands the following:
- the sun as the source of energy and light for Earth
- the sun’s relative position in the morning and afternoon
- effect of temperature on plants and animals
- relationship between daily and seasonal changes
- changes in temperature can be recorded over time
- natural resources
- factors that affect air and water quality
- recycling, reusing and reducing consumption of natural resources
Acquires, interprets, and understands health concepts
- Identifies major body structures and describes how body systems work together
- Identify behaviors that promote health and wellness
- Describe behaviors that promote personal safety
- Identify medicines as helpful or harmful
- Describe positive and negative emotions
- Identify cooperative behaviors
- Identify items that can be reduced, recycled, or reused
Identifies valid and accurate health information, products, and services to make healthy decisions
- Describe the importance of having a healthy heart, brain, and lungs, and identify behavior that keep them healthy
- Identify and practice good posture and hygiene
- Identify fun physical activities
- Explain how healthy and unhealthy decisions affects the body
- Identify ways to stay safe
- Identify ways to affect behaviors and friendships
- Explain the benefits of reduce, recycle, and reuse
Demonstrates appropriate health practices and behaviors to promote a safe and healthy community
- Identify safety rules at home, at school, and in the community
- Identify emergency and preventive procedures
- Identify who keeps people safe and how to report dangerous situation
- Identify appropriate ways to express feelings
- Demonstrate cooperation and responsible behaviors
- Create strategies to keep the environment healthy
Engages in the creative process to develop artworks and express meaning
- Develops ideas for artwork before beginning
- Reflects on art and art making by describing and explaining own artwork
- Expresses personally relevant ideas in artwork
Applies art media and techniques appropriately to produce artworks
- Uses a variety of art materials to produce artwork
- Follows appropriate steps in art making
- Uses art materials safely and appropriately
- Demonstrates control and craftsmanship with art materials
Demonstrates an understanding of art by engaging with art history, culture, criticism, and aesthetics
- Engages in discussions about artworks from different places and time to inform art making
- Responds to own and other’s artwork
- Uses art vocabulary appropriately to identify and describe artwork
- Uses and applies knowledge from other subject areas when creating artwork
Develops and Demonstrates competency in motor skills
- Demonstrate critical elements in locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills
- Demonstrate educational gymnastic skills
- Demonstrate moving to a beat or rhythmic pattern and moving in various directions, levels, pathways, and speeds
- Demonstrate jump rope skill with a selfturn and long rope
Applies basic anatomy and physiology and movement concepts and principles, to improve motor skills
- Identify where the brain is located
- Explain that muscles attach to bones to help the body move
- Describe how the heart and lungs work together
- Explain that the heart is a muscle that grows stronger with movement
- Demonstrate appropriate use of personal and general space
Applies knowledge of fitness and active lifestyles to evaluate and plan for personal fitness
- Identify activities to do at home to help the body move and grow
- Identify activities to increase heart and breathing rates
- Describe and demonstrate activities at various intensity levels
Demonstrates skills and behaviors leading to personal and group success in physical activity, both in and out of school
- Demonstrate cooperation
- Demonstrate safety rules, safe use of space, and classroom rules
Demonstrates knowledge of the basic nutrition and fitness concepts of energy balance
- Identify the USDA food groups and name one food per food group
- Explain that the body needs water
- Identify that physical activity uses energy from foods
Develops and demonstrates skills in singing
- Demonstrate correct use of head voice in speech and song
- Sing with increased pitch accuracy
- Sing with expression, using dynamics and tempo
- Improvise vocally
Develops and demonstrates skills in playing instruments
- Play pitched and nonpitched classroom instruments, imitating appropriate technique
- Perform and improvise rhythmic patterns, melodies and accompaniments
Responds to music with movement
- Demonstrate the steady beat
- Participate in action songs, singing games and dances
- Perform and improvise movement to a variety of music
Develops and demonstrates music literacy skills
- Identify, read and notate simple rhythmic and melodic patterns
- Compose simple rhythmic and melodic patterns
- Identify attributes of music
Applies critical thinking skills when responding to and connecting with music.
- Listen for and recognize expressive qualities of music
- Identify selected compositions and instrument sounds
- Describe music and music performances
- Describe the role of music and musicians in cultures around the world
World Languages
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Recognize a few individual words in children’s songs, simple rhymes, poems, chants, or book titles
- Follow simple classroom instructions or routines such as play games and draw pictures.
- Say greetings and farewells such as hello, goodbye
- Answer a few simple questions, such as name, age, likes, dislikes in the target language
- Repeat or tell preferences about favorite color, season, place to visit, food, or any other content-related topic
- Name letters of the alphabet, characters, words, or numbers related to content
- Copy or write letters of the alphabet, characters, simple words, or numbers related to content in other classes
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify and repeat names of typical products from native and other cultures
Category 1 & 2 Languages* (French, German, Spanish)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Recognize words, phrases, and simple facts when listening
- Recognize words, phrases, or simple facts in picture-supported readers
- Ask and answer simple questions about personal everyday life when interacting with others
- Exchange some personal and content information by creating lists when writing to others
- Present simple information related to content topics
- Display very simple information related to content topics when writing
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify products and practices of own and other cultures when listening, viewing, or reading
- Interact with multilingual school staff to ask and answer simple questions
- Correspond with multilingual staff to ask or answer a few simple questions to meet basic daily needs through text and pictures
- Create lists and rank favorite items and compare them to other cultures
Category 3 & 4 Languages* (Japanese, Korean)
Communicates effectively in the target language in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes
- Recognize words, phrases, and simple facts related to content taught when listening
- Recognize and produce sounds, letters, characters, numbers, shapes, and words when reading
- Ask and answer simple questions about personal everyday life
- Exchange some personal and content information by copying, writing, or drawing learned information
- Present very simple information related to content topics when speaking
- Produce letters or characters and copy/write text when writing
Interacts with cultural competence and understanding
- Identify products and practices of own and other cultures while listening, viewing, or reading
- Interact with multilingual school staff to ask and answer simple questions
- Exchange greetings and emotional expressions using texts or pictures
- Copy/list and/or rank favorite items and compare them to other cultures
*Language Categories 1, 2, 3, & 4 follow US Department of State Foreign Service Institute guidelines for language acquisition. Languages are placed into categories based on the level of difference from English, such as pronunciation and/or writing systems.