Summer Learning for Multilingual Learners (K-12)
Summer opportunities for Multilingual Learners in Grades K-12
Registration Information
Registration for Language and Literacy Connections begins Friday, February 14 and ends Friday, May 30.
Language and Literacy Connections for Multilingual Learners (MLs) (Online)
This free online class provides FCPS middle and high school Multilingual Learners the opportunity to engage in thematic lessons in an online environment with a Multilingual Learner teacher. In this class, students continue developing their academic and reading and writing skills in online discussions with an Multilingual Learner teacher. This class is pass/fail only and fulfills the online requirement toward graduation.
FCPS middle and high school Multilingual Learners (ELP levels 1-4)
- Monday, June 23 - Friday, July 11
Daily synchronous lessons:
- 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. or
- 7 - 8 p.m.
- Registration Dates: Friday, February 14 - Friday, May 30
- FCPS Students: $0
- Out-of-County Students: Not Eligible
Credit Recovery
Credit Recovery is an opportunity for students to recover one high-school course credit. Students may not take these courses for new credit. Students will attend class in person. Transportation information will be communicated to families prior to the start of the program.
- Students are eligible to enroll in a Credit Recovery Academy course if they have previously received a grade of F.
- Only Multilingual Learners (ELP levels 1-3) may register for these courses.
- Students may not take a course for new credit.
- Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 25
Active Physics for ELs
- Available to students who received a grade of F during the 2024-25 school year.
- Aligned to the Virginia Physics Standards of Learning
- Designed to develop content understanding and language proficiency simultaneously.
English 9 for ELs
- Designed for FCPS ELP level 1, 2, and 3 students who have received a failing grade in English 9.
- This course is aligned to WIDA English language development (ELD) standards and the English 9 SOLs.
English 10 for ELs
- Designed for FCPS ELP level 1, 2, and 3 students who have received a failing grade in English 10.
- This course is aligned to WIDA English language development (ELD) standards and the English 10 SOLs.
English 11 for ELs
- Designed for FCPS ELP level 1, 2, and 3 students who have received a failing grade in English 11.
- This course is aligned to WIDA English language development (ELD) standards and the English 11 SOLs.
English Language Development (Levels 1 - 4)
- Designed for students who received a grade of F during the 2024-25 school year.
- Students engage in tasks that support both social and academic language across the four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Government for ELs
- Available to students who received a grade of F during the 2024-25 school year.
- This course is aligned to Virginia and US Government Standards of Learning
- Designed to develop content understanding and language proficiency simultaneously.
Literacy Foundations This course focuses on foundational literacy learning.
Math Readiness: This course extends foundational mathematics learning.
Numeracy Essentials: This course focuses on foundational mathematics learning.
Pre-Algebra for ELs: This course extends mathematics learning and introduces algebra concepts.
View Other Credit Recovery Courses
- FCPS Students: $0
- Out-of-County Students: Not Eligible
Registration Dates
- Monday, April 21 - Monday, June 23
Students will receive bus information after registering and are advised to be at the stops at least 10 minutes before the departure time.
Students have 20-30 minutes for lunch. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.
Contact the Office of ESOL Service by phone at 571-423-4673
Important Information
Credit recovery courses and test remediation classes may be canceled if they are under-enrolled. If a course or class is canceled, students will be notified using the registration contact information provided.