Parent Communication: Elementary Grading and Reporting Handbook for Parents
Elementary Grading and Reporting: Parent Communication
Interim Reports
Individual school administrators determine when interims are sent, which students should receive them, and what format to use. Interim reports may be used to communicate exceptional progress, improvement, or unsatisfactory progress. The choice of the instrument used as an interim report is a school-based decision.
Progress Reports will be completed at the end of each quarter. Grades will indicate knowledge and skills on specific standards covered during that quarter rather than a single grade for each content area.
Progress Reports will be sent home in an envelope that contains information about the standards-based progress report and has directions on how to access the grade level skills via the web. The envelope should be signed by the parent and returned to school as it will be used each time the progress report is sent home.
Kindergarten teachers will only complete citizenship skills and routine comments on the first quarter progress report.
This report will be distributed to parents on the same date as grades 1-6 progress reports. Additional information will be shared during parent conferences at the end of the first quarter. During these conferences, parents will receive a blank progress report to help them become familiar with its format.
The transcript of the progress report will be sent to middle schools when students move from elementary to middle. These transcripts are only provided as information. They are not used to qualify students for special programs. Grades on the elementary progress report can assist parents in making informed decisions regarding course selection at the middle school level.