Scholarships and Enrichment Opportunities
Scholarships and Enrichment Opportunities
For Parents and Students
Scholarships are awarded to students based on their academic record, leadership ability, talents or need for financial assistance. There are a number of Web Scholarship Searches available. Be very careful about scams and do your research.
FCPS students are encouraged to check out the scholarship opportunities available in their Naviance Student account. Scholarships offered by organizations other than FCPS are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school. Additional scholarships and awards can be searched through the Financial Aid Offices of the colleges and universities under consideration.
Step-by-step directions for finding scholarship and enrichment opportunities in Naviance Student.
It is recommended that students and parents use their judgment and discretion in determining which scholarships to apply for in the view of the sensitive and identifiable information that is often requested as part of the application process.
Scholarships for FCPS Students
For Scholarship Sponsors
Organizations wanting to provide scholarship and enrichment opportunities to FCPS students, review the guidelines for having your scholarship or enrichment opportunity entered into the database.
Guidelines for Inclusion of Scholarships in FCPS Database and Criteria for Bona Fide Scholarships
Non-FCPS organizations sponsoring bona fide student scholarships may request that their scholarships be included in the FCPS scholarship database. This database is available to all high school students. FCPS-Sponsored and non-restricted scholarships may also be published in individual school-based print and electronic publications, lists, announcements, and locations identified for flier distribution in FCPS Regulation 1367. Scholarships that do not meet the criteria or procedures will not be included in the database.
FCPS staff may not assist an organization with the administration of non-FCPS scholarships, particularly restricted scholarships as outlined in Section VI of FCPS Regulation 2515. For example, FCPS staff may not recruit applicants, assist in the selection of recipients, provide publicity beyond the limits of FCPS Regulation 2515, or distribute the scholarships of other organizations, unless they have been approved for FCPS sponsorship or assistance as provided in FCPS Regulation 2515.
Inclusion in the database does not constitute sponsorship or endorsement of the sponsoring organization or the scholarship by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific FCPS school. The following disclaimer will be included for non-FCPS scholarships:
“Scholarships offered by organizations other than FCPS are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools that have not been assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parent or guardian before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity and families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform that the enrichment opportunity may use before participating."
Students seeking further information should contact the sponsoring organization or individual directly. In order to constitute a bona fide scholarship eligible for inclusion in the database, the non-FCPS organization’s scholarship application or listing must specify:
- The information required for application
- The criteria for the award, including any:
- financial requirements
- merit requirements
- volunteer activity requirements
- The amount and number of award(s) and criteria for renewal of the award, if applicable
- The scholarship must provide cash or payment for education expenses, including but not limited to college tuition, books, supplies, etc. (not to be confused with exchanges for services, etc.)
- If a publicity release is required, it can only apply to the winner(s) of the scholarship.
Opportunities that do not meet the criterion listed above, and/or contain any of the following, are not eligible for inclusion in the scholarship database:
- Require a fee for application/award
- Require solicitation of contributions
- Use inappropriate or materials illegal for students
- Require student endorsement of a product, business, or organization
- Other indications that the scholarship is not bona fide (including, but not limited to advertising, business development, or misuse of student data)
FCPS reserves the right to use discretion when determining which opportunities do or do not meet the requirements for inclusion in the scholarship database.
Procedures for Requesting Inclusion in the Database
A non-FCPS organization or individual seeking inclusion of a scholarship in the FCPS scholarship database shall submit information satisfying the criteria outlined above to School Counseling Services in the office of Counseling and College and Career Readiness in the Instructional Services Department. School staff may also submit scholarship information to School Counseling Services for inclusion in the database. It is requested that organizations provide no less than one month lead time from the time that the information is posted in the database to the application deadline.
Scholarships that do not require a school-based nomination should be submitted by the student directly to the scholarship organization or sponsor. Scholarship sponsors are asked to only require a school-based nomination when absolutely necessary. Allowing students to apply directly to the scholarship without requiring a school-based nomination removes barriers for students, better ensures that all qualified applicants can be reviewed by the scholarship sponsor’s selection committee, and allows school staff more time to directly support students.
Guidelines for Inclusion of Enrichment Opportunities in FCPS Database and Criteria for Bona Fide Enrichment Opportunities
Non-FCPS organizations sponsoring enrichment opportunities may request that their enrichment opportunities be included in the FCPS enrichment database. This database is available to all high school students. Provided the opportunity is not restricted based on protected classes, it may be published in individual school-based print and electronic publications, lists and announcements, and locations identified for flier distribution under current version of FCPS Regulation 1367. Enrichment opportunities that do not meet the criteria or procedures will not be included in the database.
Inclusion in the database does not constitute sponsorship or endorsement of the sponsoring organization or the enrichment opportunity by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific FCPS school.
The following disclaimer will be included for non-FCPS enrichment opportunities:
“Opportunities offered by organizations other than Fairfax County Public Schools are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools that have not been assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parent or guardian before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity and families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform that the enrichment opportunity may use before participating.”
Students seeking further information should contact the sponsoring organization or individual directly.
In order to be considered eligible for inclusion in the student database, the non-FCPS organization must follow the criteria below:
- Must list specific organization contact information.
- Must support education, internships, job opportunities, service learning, or Work-Based Learning.
- Programs can be volunteer, free, or have costs. If costs are required, it must be specified for parents/students.
- Political enrichment opportunities may be posted in the database from the division level; however, schools should refer any students to the enrichment database rather than advertising any political opportunities at the school level. (e.g.: newsletters, fliers, bulletin boards, etc.).
Procedures for Requesting Inclusion in the Database:
A non-FCPS organization or individual seeking inclusion of an enrichment program in the FCPS enrichment database shall submit information satisfying the criteria outlined above to School Counseling Services in the office of Counseling and College and Career Readiness in the Instructional Services Department. It is requested that organizations provide no less than one month lead time from the time that the information is posted in the database to the application deadline/program start date.
Mentorship enrichment opportunities do not fall under the guidelines and procedures and cannot be listed in Naviance. Mentoring opportunities fall under FCPS’ MentorWorks program. Organizations or individuals interested in mentoring in FCPS should visit the FCPS MentorWorks page.