Multilingual Learners Support Process for College Board Testing
Understand the FCPS process to request multilingual learner supports for College Board tests
New for October 2024: Expanded Access of Multilingual Supports for PSAT Assessments
The College Board has extended access to multilingual learner testing supports to include the PSAT/NMSQT assessment. Families of multilingual students may request testing supports for by returning the required forms to their school by August 29, 2024.
The content on this page provides information about the Fairfax County Public Schools process for requesting College Board testing supports for multilingual students, including the parent/guardian input form and consent form. Note: If you wish to request EL testing supports for the SAT School Day, an input form and consent form are required as part of the FCPS EL support process for College Board testing. For SAT School Day, forms must be returned by August 5, 2024.
Based on the recent expansion of access to include PSAT exams, parents/guardians of students taking the October 2024 PSAT/NMSQT exam may request testing supports using the same input form and consent form . For PSAT exams, forms must be returned to the school by August 29, 2024.
Forms for the EL Supports Process
The information below was included as Enclosures 4-6 in the SAT School Day testing notification letters shared with parents and guardians in June. Based on the recent expansion to include PSAT exams, these same documents may be used to understand testing supports available for multilingual learners taking PSAT/NMSQT tests in October 2024.
Enclosure 4 - Multilingual Learner Supports Process for College Board Testing
To Parents and/or Guardians of Multilingual Learners:
Multilingual learners (MLs), defined as English Learners (ELs) under federal and state policy, are eligible for testing supports on the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT School Day assessment. College Board testing supports are different from Standards of Learning (SOL) testing accommodations.
Unlike testing accommodations for students with disabilities, multilingual learner testing supports are temporary and can only be used on the test date for which they have been requested. The school may not provide multilingual learner testing supports without consent from you and your student. Parents/guardians must give their input and consent to the school by August 29, 2024, using the forms enclosed here..
Below you will find information on possible College Board multilingual learner testing supports. As you and your student consider which testing support(s) may be appropriate for the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT School Day, please keep in mind the following:
- the content, format, and purpose of the assessment
- implications on overall testing time or setting for some accommodations (see notes on Enclosure 5).
If you would like to request College Board testing support(s) for your student, follow these three steps.
- Complete the ML Testing Support Input Form (Enclosure 5)
- Circle the support(s) in the list that you would like to request for your student;
- Initial and date at the bottom of the form to confirm your input;
- Complete the ML Testing Support Request Consent Form (Enclosure 6)
- Write in your student's name, school, and date of birth;
- With your student, sign and date to verify your consent for release of records to the College Board;
- Return copies of both forms to the high school by August 29, 2024.
After receiving your forms, school staff will review your request and contact you if there are any questions about your selected multilingual learner testing support(s).
Please contact your student's high school at ___________________ if you have questions about multilingual learner testing supports for PSAT/NMSQT or SAT School Day or wish to discuss the request process.
When returning ML testing support input and consent forms (Enclosures 5 and 6), send or deliver to:
ATTN: ______________________________
_________________________ High School
____________________, VA ___________
Enclosure 5 - ML Supports Input Form for College Board Testing
The College Board testing supports listed below apply to the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT School Day test and are available only to multilingual learners, defined as English Learners (ELs) under federal and state policy. If you would like the school to request College Board testing support(s) for your multilingual student:
- Circle the ML testing support(s) below that you would like requested;
- Initial and date at the bottom of this form to confirm your input;
- Return this form along with Enclosure 6 to the high school by August 29, 2024
College Board testing supports are different from SOL testing accommodations. Review the notes below to understand implications for testing.
ML Testing Supports for the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT School Day |
Adjust the presentation of test directions, manner in which students respond to test items, and/or the scheduling of the test:
- Extended time: Students must stay the entire amount of time for which they are approved. They cannot leave early, and they cannot move onto the next test section until the allotted time has passed, even if they finish the section early. Students will not be able to participate in the school's early dismissal on test day.
Parent/Guardian Confirmation of Selected Multilingual Learner Testing Supports:
By initialing, I confirm that I would like the high school to request the College Board testing supports circled above after considering my student's needs in relation to the information available about the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT School Day test.
Parent/Guardian Initials: ________________ Date: __________________
Enclosure 6 - ML Supports Consent Form for College Board Testing
Consent Form for Request for Multilingual Learner (ML) Testing Supports
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________
School Name: _____________________________________________________
School AI Code: ____________________________
Student’s Date of Birth: _________________________________________
I wish to use certain testing support(s) provided by my school as part of the 10/9/2024 administration of the:
____________________________ exam [“PSAT/NMSQT” or “SAT School Day”].
Student and Parent/Guardian Signature
I wish to use ML testing supports on the ______________________________________ due to my status as a multilingual learner. [“PSAT/NMSQT” or “SAT School Day”]
I authorize my school: to release to College Board copies of my records that document my need for ML testing supports; to release any other information in the school's custody that College Board requests for the purpose of determining my eligibility for ML supports on College Board tests; and to discuss my multilingual learner status and support needs with College Board. I also grant College Board permission to receive and review my records, and to discuss my status and needs with school personnel and other professionals. I understand that ML testing supports are only available for PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT and SAT School Day at this time.
Student’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________
(Parent/guardian signature is required if Student is under 18.)
Instructions to the School
Unless you have been specifically advised by your state that this consent form is not needed, this form must be completed and kept on file at the school when a request for ML testing supports on the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT School Day is submitted to College Board for the purposes of the 10/9/2024 administration. For each student for whom ML testing supports have been requested, a copy of this form bearing the signatures of the student and parent/ guardian must be obtained by the school. The school should maintain the completed, signed form with the student’s records. The signed form does not need to be sent to the College Board, but the school should indicate in the student information confirmation page of the ML testing supports request application that a signed form is on file.
College Board Multilingual Learner Testing Support Enclosures
Printable PDF translations of the process and forms needed to request College Board testing supports for multilingual learners
Additional Resources for SAT and PSAT Exams
Learn more about SAT School Day and PSAT/NMSQT exams in FCPS.