Learn how to access Algebra 1 HN in seventh grade
Early access to Algebra 1 Honors is an option for some students.
Historically, the Fairfax County Public Schools has used the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) with students accessing Sixth Grade Advanced Math curriculum. Results from this assessment were used as one data point to support course placement decisions for Algebra 1 Honors in Grade 7.
Beginning for school year 2025-26, the course placement process for Algebra 1 Honors is changing and will no longer include IAAT results. More information about placement in Algebra 1 Honors, please reference the Honors, Grades 7-8 webpage.
When a student takes an IAAT exam, families receive a score report with cover letter within 1 month of the close of the window. The cover letter and score report are posted to the SIS ParentVUE Documents section. For families without a ParentVUE account, the cover letter and score report are distributed to the family from the school.
Printable PDFs of the family cover letter for Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) results
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Your student recently took the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test™ (IAAT) as a tool to help determine your student’s readiness to study algebra. The IAAT comprises 60 questions divided equally into four sections:
Using Symbols
Your student is currently enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Grade 6. There are two course offerings for your student in mathematics next year: Mathematics 7 Honors and Algebra 1 Honors. Starting with the current students rising to grade 7 in Fall of 2025, the requirements for enrollment in Algebra 1 Honors will be:
The IAAT will no longer be used as a requirement for enrollment. Instead, families of students who meet the above criteria may use this IAAT score as a data point when selecting either Mathematics 7 Honors or Algebra 1 Honors.
Enclosed with this communication is the IAAT Student Report, which provides:
For questions about placement in Algebra 1 Honors, please reference the Honors, Grades 7-8 webpage (https://www.fcps.edu/academics/middle-school-grades-7-8/advanced-academics/honors-grades-7-8). Course selection should be communicated with the student’s middle school in the summer after the SOL Grade 7 Mathematics test results are available.
Printable PDFs of the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) parent notification letter and opt out form
Dear Parents/Guardians:
All students who are enrolled in the Advanced Mathematics Grade 6 course are eligible for screening for placement in Algebra I Honors in grade 7. Your child is among a small number of students who is currently enrolled in Advanced Mathematics Grade 6 and eligible for screening for potential placement in Algebra I Honors next year.
To qualify for this placement, students must first demonstrate readiness for formal abstract thinking as evidenced by a score at the 91st percentile or above on the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT). In addition to readiness for abstract thinking, students must show mastery of middle school mathematics as evidenced by a score of 500 or above on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Grade 7 mathematics test at the end of grade 6. Over the summer, middle schools will use the data from these two assessments (IAAT and SOL) to place your student in the appropriate course.
Algebra 1 Honors is a rigorous course that carries high school credit and is calculated into the student's grade point average. A desire to take Algebra 1 Honors in grade 7 implies a desire to take five additional years of mathematics through high school, including college-level courses. An advanced level alternative to Algebra 1 Honors in grade 7 is Mathematics 7 Honors. It is not necessary for students to take the IAAT in order to enroll in Mathematics 7 Honors.
If you do not want your child to potentially take Algebra 1 Honors in grade 7 and would like to opt out from participating in this screening assessment for potential placement in Algebra 1 Honors in grade 7, please sign this letter and ensure that it is returned to the elementary school no later than _____________. The IAAT will be administered from ___________ to _____________.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact ___________________.
Complete this form only if you wish to opt-out of the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT).
Return this form to your child’s teacher or the school test coordinator before the testing dates above.
Student Name _________________________________
I do not want my child to be tested for potential placement in Algebra I Honors in grade 7.
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________ Date____________
Early access to Algebra 1 Honors is an option for some students.
Learn more about assessments in FCPS