Safety and Security
We take exhaustive measures to make FCPS a safe and secure place to learn and work
The Office of Safety and Security provides overall guidance, direction, and support to the safety, health, and security programs, including federal (and Commonwealth of Virginia equivalent), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) programs. Safety and Security also develops, implements, and monitors student and employee health and safety programs; monitors and standardizes chemical purchases; and implements necessary hazardous waste disposals.
After Hours Assistance
School Security is your after hours contact if you have an emergency when transportation offices are closed or inaccessible. Contact School Security at 571-423-2000. Security will contact a representative to assist you as needed.
Safety Section
The Safety Section provides technical knowledge and expertise required to keep the school division at minimal risk to liability, property, and vehicular losses. The section also complies with various federal, state, and local fire, health, and safety codes that impact the school division.
Security Services
Security Services provides 24-hour emergency communications, security patrols, response to calls for services, school inspections, and central monitoring of the Security and Fire Alarm System (SAFAS) for all FCPS facilities.
The Security Planning section provides training and assistance to all schools and centers in crisis management, facility assessments, and other security-related matters. Security specialists manage and provide expertise in emergency management, the training and certification of all central and school-based security personnel, and technology-based physical security initiatives and systems.
The school liaison commander coordinates between Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County Police on public safety matters.
FCPS Security Review Updates
Following the Parkland, Florida school shooting in February 2018, the School Board directed the superintendent's office to conduct an internal review of FCPS' security programs, policies, and practices. As a result, the School Board approved additional funding for security training, updates to locks on doors at schools, and more mental health experts. Watch this video to see updates on where FCPS is in the process of completing those upgrades.
Cybersecurity protects the digital information and privacy of FCPS students and staff across the enterprise, ranging from phones and laptops to cloud-based systems with the goal to provide a secure and reliable infrastructure that enables staff and students to engage, inspire, and thrive.
Contact Us
Gatehouse Administration Center
8115 Gatehouse Road, Suite 3600
Falls Church, Virginia 22042