General Registration Documents
Documents needed for enrollment in kindergarten through grade 12
"Gather Documents" is the 3rd step in the 5-step student registration process outlined in General Registration Requirements (Grades 1 through 12) or Kindergarten Registration.
Registration Documentation
To register a student, parents or legal guardians will need to provide the following documents:
You will be required to show proof of residency during the registration process.
- Own or Rent Property: Parents who reside with their child in a property that they own or rent should provide the FCPS Residency Attestation AND one of the following documents:
- Deed of parent's house
- Lease agreement in parent's name signed by rental management office
- A resident manager's letter with company letterhead stating residence of parent
- Residence of Someone Else - Parents who live with the child in a residence of someone else need to provide all of the following:
- FCPS Residency Attestation - The parent of the enrolling student must complete stating his/her residence.
- Three official supporting documents as evidence of non-temporary residence. Acceptable documentation includes:
- Employment - current payroll stub or current employer verification on company letterhead
- Car - Virginia driver’s license, car registration, car insurance policy or bill, or Commonwealth of Virginia identification card
- Utilities - bills from cell phone, Internet, gas, water, electricity, cable, or telephone
- Taxes - current income tax form 1099, withholding form W-2
- Other - bank statements, Department of Family Services, medical bills, Housing Choice Voucher, U.S. government issued document or other county or agency correspondence
Physical presence of the parent in the residence of the child is required for enrollment in FCPS. If a parent initially enrolls the student, but then leaves Fairfax County, a change in enrollment status may be necessary.
Experiencing Homelessness - If students are experiencing homelessness, parents or legal guardians may contact the Homeless Liaison Office at 571-423-4332 or refer to Information for Homeless Families for additional contacts and resources. In addition, any neighborhood school can provide enrollment assistance.
An original birth certificate is required for all students. If a birth certificate is not available, an affidavit with substantiating documentation is required. A baptismal record, a hospital record, a passport, or a bona fide record should be used as documentation in support of the affidavit.
The legal name of the student as shown on the original birth certificate will be entered in the student record. If a child's name has changed, legal court documentation indicating the name change is required.
When registering, the student must be accompanied by the parent or legal guardian with whom he or she lives in Fairfax County. Only a parent who is named on the child's birth certificate is eligible to enroll the student. The accompanying parent will be required to present government-issued photo identification.
Virginia law and FCPS School Board policies and regulations set criteria regarding the enrollment of children by nonparents. Having legal custody is only one of the requirements that must be met. For nonparents seeking to enroll students, please see Special Registration Situations for additional information.
School records and/or original transcripts are required of secondary students and recommended for elementary students. If a translated document is submitted, the original document in the original language must also be supplied.
Please see FCPS Regulation 2101 for more detail.
Physical Examination (PreK, Early Head Start (EHS), Preschool and Elementary School Students)
For students being admitted for the first time into PreK, EHS, Preschool, kindergarten or elementary school, a certificate of physical examination (including required screenings) completed within the last 12 months prior to starting school is required. The person administering the physical exam must be a U.S. licensed professional and one of the following:
- physician,
- nurse practitioner, or
- physician assistant acting under the supervision of a physician.
Transfer students entering PreK, EHS, Preschool or elementary school must provide either:
- a record of a physical examination completed prior to enrolling in the previous school or
- a record of a physical examination dated within the last 12 months.
The Fairfax County Health Department provides referral information to community medical resources providing free physical examinations.
Mason and Partners Clinic (MAPs) Program
In the video below, learn about health services that are available to those without health insurance who are registering at the Dunn Loring Student Registration Welcome Center. This program, Mason and Partners Clinic (MAPs), is a partnership between FCPS and George Mason University. The clinic is housed at the FCPS Dunn Loring Administrative Center, 2334 Gallows Road. Call 703-204-6740.
Additional Requirements
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Regulation 2101, in accordance with the Code of Virginia, requires parents to provide documentation of adequate age-appropriate immunizations for students' school attendance.
A properly completed immunization record signed by a licensed health care provider or a health department employee must be provided to your child’s school. For a complete listing of required immunizations, please check General Registration Immunizations.
Families should contact their health care provider to obtain any needed immunizations and documentation. Families can request immunization records for any immunizations given in Virginia, free of charge, through the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS), a statewide registry system. For families who currently live or have lived outside of Virginia, immunization records may be obtained by contacting the state’s Immunization Information Systems (IIS).
Also, Fairfax County Health Department's five clinics offer school required immunizations.
For all students who were born in, resided in or visited a foreign country on the High TB Burden Country List for a consecutive period of four weeks or longer, one of the following is required:
- Evidence of a negative tuberculin skin test (TST) or Quantiferon TB Gold blood test (QFT) and a negative symptom screen completed within 90 calendar days prior to registration, must be certified by a U.S. licensed health department or health care provider,
- Evidence of a normal (negative) chest X-ray taken within 90 calendar days prior to registration.
- Documentation of a negative symptom screen and risk assessment from the health department or private physician for students who present written documentation of having completed treatment for latent tuberculosis infection or TB disease.
Persons from countries not found on this list should only be tested for tuberculosis (TB) if symptomatic or if they have risk factors.
Students may be conditionally enrolled in FCPS if they present a temporary medical waiver of a TST.