Grade Level Tests
Learn more about specific testing requirements by grade level
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) section 1112(e)(2)(B) requires school divisions to make available, in a clear and accessible manner, information on assessments required at each grade level served. The pages linked below provide this information for required assessments in grades PreK-12 in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS).
Grade Level Tests in FCPS
Please keep these general points in mind when reviewing information about test requirements at specific grade levels.
- Assessments are part of the teaching and learning process. Teachers give assessments to students on an ongoing basis to check for understanding and to gather information about students' knowledge or skills.
- Students who are being reviewed for or are enrolled in special services may have further testing expectations as part of these services or may be eligible for alternative or substitute assessments.
- Students in certain schools may be asked to take part in additional assessments as part of federal, state, or local data collection, such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress Assessment (NAEP).
- Parents and guardians should contact their children's schools with any testing questions or for additional information about how schools and teachers use test results to support student success.
Required Testing in FCPS
PreK Students enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) PreK: Family and Early Childhood Education Program (FECEP)/Head Start classes are assessed to monitor their early skill development. Required tests for FCPS PreK: FECEP/Head Start students are listed in the table below, organized alphabetically by test name. Test in grades K-12 extend and build on content knowledge and skills. Required tests for all grade levels are listed in the table below, organized alphabetically by test name.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Ages and Stages Questionnaire | State ONLY for students without an Individualized Education Program (IEP) | Communication, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Problem Solving, and Personal-Social Skills | To identify gaps in foundational skills and identify students who may be in need of additional supports | Approx. 30 minutes | Within 45 days of enrollment | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) | State | Social Emotional Skills | To measure self-control and the ability to successfully interact with peers and adults | Approx. 20 minutes | Sept. 23 to Oct. 18 April 7 to May 16 | Published in the Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE Documents tab within 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Early Childhood Rubric | State | Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical and Social-Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning | To measure development across a broad range of skills | Approx. 30 minutes | Jan. 21 to Jan. 28 Mar. 17 to Mar. 27 May 27 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) | State | Mathematics | To measure early mathematics abilities and growth | Approx. 20 minutes | Sept. 23 to Oct. 18 April 7 to May 16 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
PreK Progress Summary Forms | Division | Literacy, Numeracy, Social Skills | To provide parents/guardians and caregivers quarterly updates on student strengths and strategies to support at home | Ongoing | Oct. 21 to Oct. 31 Jan. 21 to Jan. 28 Mar. 17 to Mar. 27 May 27 to June 6 | Distributed to parents/guardians at the end of each quarter |
Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) | State Winter ONLY Letter Names subtest | Phonological Awareness, Literacy | To identify gaps in foundational literacy skills and measure progress | Approx. 30 minutes | Oct. 7 to Oct. 31 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 22 to May 16 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab and sent home within 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) | State | Social Emotional Skills | To measure self-control and the ability to successfully interact with peers and adults | Approx. 20 minutes | Sept. 16 to Oct. 11 April 7 to May 16 | Distributed to parents/guardians within 1 month within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) | State | Mathematics | To measure early mathematics abilities and growth | Approx. 20 minutes | Sept. 16 to Oct. 11 April 7 to May 16 | Distributed to parents/guardians within 1 month within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division | Reading | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Following each instructional unit | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) | State | Reading | To identify gaps in foundational literacy skills and measure skill progress | Approx. 30 minutes | Sept. 30 to Oct.30 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 22 to May 16 | Distributed to parents/guardians within 1 month within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Speaking, Listening Beginning Jan. 29: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 15 to 30 minutes | Within 14 days of enrollment | Distributed to parents/guardians within 1 month |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
iReady | Division Winter ONLY for students below benchmark or not previously tested | Mathematics | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth in skill development | Approx. 30 minutes | Aug. 20 to Sept. 27 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 22 to May 16 | Published in the Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT) | Division | Intelligence Quotient (IQ) | To identify potential Advanced Academic Program services. | Approx. 30 minutes | Nov. 12 to Dec. 13 | Distributed to parents/guardians within approx. 1 month |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division | Reading | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Following each instructional unit | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) | State | Reading | To identify gaps in foundational literacy skills and measure skill progress | Approx. 30 minutes | Sept. 3 to Oct. 18 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 22 to May 16 | Published in the Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE Documents tab within 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) | State Spring ONLY for identified students | Intelligence Quotient (IQ) | To identify potential Advanced Academic Program services. | Approx. 2 hours | Oct. 7 to Oct. 31 Mar. 3 to Mar. 21 | Distributed to parents/guardians prior to the winter break |
iReady | Division Winter ONLY for students below benchmark or not previously tested | Mathematics | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes | Aug. 20 to Sept. 27 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 22 to May 16 | Published in the Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division | Reading | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 20 minutes | Following each instructional unit | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) | State | Reading | To identify gaps in foundational literacy skills and measure skill progress | Approx. 45 minutes | Sept. 3 to Oct. 18 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 22 to May 16 | Published in the Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) | Division Fall ONLY students without a previous CogAT score Spring ONLY for identified students | Intelligence Quotient (IQ) | To identify potential Advanced Academic Program (AAP) services | Approx. 2 hours | Oct. 7 to Oct. 31 Mar. 3 to Mar. 21
| Distributed to parents/guardians prior to the winter break |
iReady | State | Mathematics, Reading | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes per subject | Aug. 20 to Oct. 2 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Local Alternative Assessments (LAA) | State | Science, Social Studies | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards in place of the SOL test | Approx. 10 to 45 minutes per task | Oct. 1 to May 23 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 20 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State | Reading, Mathematics | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division | Reading, Mathematics | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 30 minutes per subject | Following each instructional unit (Reading; Mathematics) | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) | State ONLY for identified students taught on an adapted curriculum | Reading, Mathematics | To measure knowledge of aligned standards for state and federal accountability | Varies Approx. 5 to 30 minutes per task | Feb. 24 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of July |
Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) | State ONLY students new to Virginia public school or showing risk on previous screener results | Reading | To identify gaps in foundational literacy skills and measure skill progress | Approx. 45 minutes | Sept. 3 to Oct. 18 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 22 to May 16 | Published in the Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) | Division Fall ONLY students without a previous CogAT score Spring ONLY for identified students | Intelligence Quotient (IQ) | To identify potential Advanced Academic Program (AAP) services. | Approx. 2 hours | Oct. 7 to Oct. 31 Mar. 3 to Mar. 21 | Distributed to parents/guardians prior to the winter break |
CORE Phonics Inventory (CORE) | Division ONLY students scoring below the 25th percentile on iReady PRF | Phonics, Phonological Awareness | To identify gaps in phonics skills | Approx. 20 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) | Division | Spelling | To measure development of spelling skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 April 7 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
iReady | State | Reading, Mathematics | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes per subject | Aug. 20 to Oct. 2 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of each non-writing assessment window |
iReady Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) | Division ONLY students scoring below the 40th percentile on iReady Reading | Reading Fluency | To identify gaps in reading skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 11 Jan. 8 to Feb. 14 April 7 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Local Alternative Assessments (LAA) | State | Social Studies | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards in place of the SOL test | Varies Approx. 10 to 40 minutes per task | Oct. 1 to May 23 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State | Reading, Mathematics | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division | Reading, Mathematic, Science | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 30 minutes per subject | Following each instructional unit (Reading; Mathematics, Science) | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) | State ONLY for identified students taught on an adapted curriculum | Reading, Mathematic, Social Studies | To measure knowledge of aligned standards for state and federal accountability | Varies Approx. 5 to 30 minutes per task | Feb. 24 to May 30 Social Studies Collections of Evidence (COE) only: Oct. 1 to May 23 | Social Studies distributed to parents/ guardians by the end of the school year. Reading / Math published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of July |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Academic and Career Planning Portfolio (ACPP) | State ONLY for students enrolled at a school that does not serve grade 6 | Career Interests | To document interests and skills supporting future career decisions | Varies Approx. 1 to 30 minutes per task | Aug. 20 to June 11 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) | Division Fall ONLY students without a previous CogAT score Spring ONLY for identified students | Intelligence Quotient (IQ) | To identify potential Advanced Academic Program (AAP) services. | Approx. 2 hours | Oct. 7 to Oct. 31 Mar. 3 to Mar. 21 | Distributed to parents/guardians prior to the winter break |
CORE Phonics Inventory (CORE) | Division ONLY students scoring below the 25th percentile on iReady PRF | Phonics, Phonemic Awareness | To identify gaps in phonics skills | Approx. 20 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) | Division | Spelling | To measure development of spelling skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 April 7 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
iReady |
State | Reading, Mathematics | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes per subject | Aug. 20 to Oct. 2 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of each non-writing assessment window |
iReady Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) | Division ONLY students scoring below the 40th percentile on iReady Reading | Reading Fluency | To identify gaps in reading skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 11 Jan. 8 to Feb. 14 April 7 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State | Reading with Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW), Mathematics, Science | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | IRW only: March 12 to April 9 April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division | Reading, Mathematic, Science | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 30 minutes per subject | Following each instructional unit (Reading; Mathematics. Science) | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) | State ONLY for identified students taught on an adapted curriculum | Reading, Mathematics, Science | To measure knowledge of aligned standards for state and federal accountability | Varies Approx. 5 to 40 minutes per task | Feb. 24 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of July |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Academic and Career Planning Portfolio (ACPP) | State ONLY for students enrolled at elementary schools | Career Interests | To document interests and skills supporting future career decisions | Varies Approx. 1 to 30 minutes per task | Aug. 20 to June 11 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) | Division Fall ONLY students without a previous CogAT score Spring ONLY for identified students | Intelligence Quotient (IQ) | To identify potential Advanced Academic Program (AAP) services. | Approx. 2 hours | Oct. 7 to Oct. 31 Mar. 3 to Mar. 21 | Distributed to parents/guardians prior to the winter break |
CORE Phonics Inventory (CORE) | Division ONLY students enrolled at elementary schools who score below the 25th percentile on iReady PRF | Phonics, Phonemic Awareness | To identify gaps in phonics skills | Approx. 20 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) | Division ONLY for students enrolled at elementary schools | Spelling | To measure development of spelling skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 April 7 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Fairfax County Youth Survey | Division | Social Behaviors and Wellness | To examine trends in factors that influence student health and well-being | Approx. 30 minutes | Nov. 12 to Nov. 22 | Division results published from Fairfax County Government within approx. 6 months; no student level reporting |
Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) | Division ONLY for students in the Advanced Mathematics 6 course Spring make-up ONLY | Pre-Algebra | To measure readiness in abstract thinking | Approx. 1 hour | Jan. 21 to Feb. 21 May 27 to June 11 | Distributed to parents/guardians within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
iReady | State Mathematics ONLY for students enrolled at elementary schools | Reading Mathematics | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 1 hour per subject | Aug. 20 to Oct. 2 Jan. 8 to Feb. 7 (Middle School Reading: Jan. 13 to Feb. 14) April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
iReady Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) | Division ONLY students scoring below the 40th percentile (elementary) or below the 15th percentile (middle school) on iReady Reading Winter only at elementary schools | Reading Fluency | To identify gaps in reading skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 Jan. 8 to Feb. 14 (elementary only) April 7 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Local Alternative Assessments (LAA) | State | Social Studies | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards in place of the SOL test | Varies Approx. 10 to 45 minutes per task | Oct. 1 to May 23 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | State ONLY for sixth grade in Middle Schools | Mathematics | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes | Oct. 15 to Nov. 22 Jan. 13 to Feb. 21 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State | Reading, Mathematics | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division Middle school Math and Science ONLY for students at participating schools | Reading, Mathematic, Science | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 30 minutes per subject | Following each instructional unit (Reading; Mathematics. Science) | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) | State ONLY for identified students taught on an adapted curriculum | Reading, Mathematics | To measure knowledge of aligned standards for state and federal accountability | Varies Approx. 5 to 40 minutes per task | Feb. 24 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of July |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Brief Screen for Adolescent Depression (BSAD) | Division | Mental Health and Wellness | To identify symptoms of depression | Approx. 10 minutes | Aug. 20 to Dec. 20 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) | Division Fall ONLY students without a previous ability score Spring ONLY for identified students | Intelligence Quotient (IQ) | To identify potential Advanced Academic Program (AAP) services. | Approx. 2 hours | Oct. 7 to Oct. 31 Mar. 3 to Mar. 21 | Distributed to parents/guardians prior to the winter break |
iReady | State | Reading | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 2 Jan. 13 to Feb. 14 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
iReady Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) | Division ONLY students scoring below 15th percentile on iReady Reading | Reading Fluency | To identify gaps in reading skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 April 7 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Local Alternative Assessments (LAA) | State | Social Studies | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards in place of the SOL test | Varies Approx. 10 to 45 minutes per task | Oct. 1 to May 23 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | State | Mathematics | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes | Oct. 15 to Nov. 22 Jan. 13 to Feb. 21 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State | Reading, Mathematics | To measure knowledge of course content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division ONLY for students at participating schools | Reading, Mathematic, Science | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 40 minutes per subject | Reading: Jan. 13 to Feb. 14 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) | State ONLY for identified students taught on an adapted curriculum | Reading, Mathematics | To measure knowledge of aligned standards for state and federal accountability | Varies Approx. 10 to 40 minutes per task | Feb. 24 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of July |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
World Language Performance Assessment for Language Students (WL-PALS) | Division ONLY for students Level 1-5, AP, IB, or DE world language courses | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive skills | Approx. 2 hours total | April 22 to June 11 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Fairfax County Youth Survey | Division | Social Behaviors and Wellness | To examine trends in factors that influence student health and well-being | Approx. 30 minutes | Nov. 12 to Nov. 22 | Division results published from Fairfax County Government within approx. 6 months; no student level reporting |
iReady | State | Reading | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 2 Jan. 13 to Feb. 14 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
iReady Passage Reading Fluency (PRF) | Division ONLY students scoring below 15th percentile on iReady Reading | Reading Fluency | To identify gaps in reading skills | Approx. 15 minutes | Aug. 20 to Oct. 25 April 7 to June 6 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Local Alternative Assessments (LAA) | State | Social Studies | To measure knowledge of grade level content standards in place of the SOL test | Approx. 10 to 45 minutes per task | Oct. 1 to May 23 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | State | Mathematics | To identify gaps in foundational academic skills and measure growth of skill development | Approx. 45 minutes | Oct. 15 to Nov. 22 Jan. 13 to Feb. 21 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State | Reading with Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW), Mathematics, Science | To measure knowledge of course content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | IRW only: April 12 to May 9 April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division ONLY for students at participating schools | Reading, Mathematic, Science | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 40 minutes per subject | Reading: Jan. 13 to Feb. 14 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) | State ONLY for identified students taught on an adapted curriculum | Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies | To measure knowledge of aligned standards for state and federal accountability | Varies Approx. 15 to 45 minutes per task | Feb. 24 to May 30 Social Studies Collections of Evidence (COE) only: Oct. 1 to May 23 | Social Studies distributed to parents/ guardians by the end of the school year Reading/ Mathematics/ Science published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of July |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
World Language Performance Assessment for Language Students (WL-PALS) | Division ONLY for students Level 1-5, AP, IB, or DE world language courses | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive skills | Approx. 2 hours total | April 22 to June 11 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Brief Screen for Adolescent Depression (BSAD) | Division | Mental Health and Wellness | To identify symptoms of depression | Approx. 10 minutes | Aug. 20 to Dec. 20 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | Division ONLY for students in select English and math courses Winter and Spring ONLY for students below benchmark or not previously tested | Reading, Mathematics | To identify a current academic skill development and measure skill growth | Approx. 45 minutes per subject | Oct. 15 to Nov. 22 Jan. 13 to Feb. 21 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State ONLY students needing a test for federal participation or verified credit | Mathematics, Science, History | To measure knowledge of course content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | Schedule based on course and graduation requirements Dec. 9 to Jan. 28 April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
State Performance-Based Assessments (PBAs) | State ONLY for students in a social studies course identified for PBAs who need verified credit | History | To measure social studies disciplinary skills as part of a collection of evidence used to locally award verified credit toward graduation | Approx. 1-3 hours | Aug. 26 to May 23 | Incorporated in performance communication to parents/guardians as part of final grades |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division ONLY for students at participating schools | English, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 40 minutes per subject | English: Jan. 13 to Feb. 14 Algebra 1, Geometry. and Biology: Following each instructional unit | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
World Language Performance Assessment for Language Students (WL-PALS) | Division ONLY for students Level 1-5, AP, IB, or DE world language courses | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive skills | Approx. 2 hours total | April 22 to June 11 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Fairfax County Youth Survey | Division | Social Behaviors and Wellness | To examine trends in factors that influence student health and well-being | Approx. 30 minutes | Nov. 12 to Nov. 22 | Division results published from Fairfax County Government within approx. 6 months; no student level reporting |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | Division ONLY for students in select English and math courses Winter and Spring ONLY for students below benchmark or not previously tested | Reading, Mathematics | To identify a current academic skill development and measure skill growth | Approx. 45 minutes per subject | Oct. 15 to Nov. 22 Jan. 13 to Feb. 21 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Preliminary SAT (PSAT) | Division | Reading, Logical Reasoning, Mathematics | To measure readiness for advanced coursework | Approx. 3 hours | Oct. 9 | Available through student College Board account and incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State ONLY students needing a test for federal participation or verified credit | Mathematics, Science, History | To measure knowledge of course content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | Schedule based on course and graduation requirements Dec. 9 to Jan. 28 April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
State Performance-Based Assessments (PBAs) | State ONLY for students in a social studies course identified for PBAs who need verified credit | History | To measure social studies disciplinary skills as part of a collection of evidence used to locally award verified credit toward graduation | Approx. 1-3 hours | Aug. 26 to May 23 | Incorporated in performance communication to parents/guardians as part of final grades |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division ONLY for students at participating schools | English, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 40 minutes per subject | English: Jan. 13 to Feb. 14 Algebra 1, Geometry. and Biology: Following each instructional unit | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) | State ONLY for identified students taught on an adapted curriculum | Science | To measure knowledge of aligned standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 15 to 45 minutes per task | Feb. 24 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of July |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
World Language Performance Assessment for Language Students (WL-PALS) | Division ONLY for students Level 1-5, AP, IB, or DE world language courses | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive skills | Approx. 2 hours total | April 22 to June 11 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Brief Screen for Adolescent Depression (BSAD) | Division | Mental Health and Wellness | To identify symptoms of depression | Approx. 10 minutes | Aug. 20 to Dec. 20 | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | Division ONLY for students in select English and math courses Winter and Spring ONLY for students below benchmark or not previously tested | Reading, Mathematics | To identify a current academic skill development and measure skill growth | Approx. 45 minutes per subject | Oct. 15 to Nov. 22 Jan. 13 to Feb. 21 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Preliminary SAT (PSAT) | Division | Reading, Logical Reasoning, Mathematics | To measure readiness for advanced coursework and eligibility for a National Merit Scholarship | Approx. 3 hours | Oct. 9 | Available through student College Board account and incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | Division | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State ONLY students needing a test for federal participation or verified credit | Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, History | To measure knowledge of course content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | Schedule based on course and graduation requirements Dec. 9 to Jan. 28 Mar. 3 to Mar. 19 (Writing only) April 28 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of each non-writing assessment window |
State Performance-Based Assessments (PBAs) | State ONLY for students in a social studies course identified for PBAs who need verified credit | History | To measure social studies disciplinary skills as part of a collection of evidence used to locally award verified credit toward graduation | Approx. 1-3 hours | Aug. 26 to May 23 | Incorporated in performance communication to parents/guardians as part of final grades |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division ONLY for students at participating schools | English, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 40 minutes per subject | English: Jan. 13 to Feb. 14 Algebra 1, Geometry. and Biology: Following each instructional unit | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) | State ONLY for identified students taught on an adapted curriculum | Reading, Mathematics | To measure knowledge of aligned standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 15 to 45 minutes per task | Feb. 24 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of July |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
WorkKeys | Division ONLY for students enrolled in English 11 who need verified credit | Writing | To measure the ability to apply content knowledge to a real-world situation | Approx. 30-45 minutes per subject | Schedule based on course Jan. 15 to Jan. 31 Feb. 18 to Feb. 25 Mar. 17 to Mar. 27 April 22 to April 30 May 19 to June 4 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the end of the window |
World Language Performance Assessment for Language Students (WL-PALS) | Division ONLY for students Level 1-5, AP, IB, or DE world language courses | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive skills | Approx. 2 hours total | April 22 to June 11 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
Test Name | Requirement Source | Content Tested | Purpose of Test | Time Needed* | Schedule** | Results Distribution |
Fairfax County Youth Survey | Division | Social Behaviors and Wellness | To examine trends in factors that influence student health and well-being | Approx. 30 minutes | Nov. 12 to Nov. 22 | Division results published from Fairfax County Government within approx. 6 months; no student level reporting |
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) | Division ONLY for students in select English and math courses Math Winter and Spring ONLY for students below benchmark or not previously tested Reading Winter and Spring ONLY for students below benchmark, not previously tested, or at participating schools | Reading, Mathematics | To identify a current academic skill development and measure skill growth | Approx. 45 minutes per subject | Oct. 15 to Nov. 22 Jan. 13 to Feb. 21 April 7 to June 6 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Senior Survey | Division Winter ONLY for students graduating in February | Post-secondary planning | To identify students' preparations and plans for life after leaving high school | Approx. 45 minutes | Nov. 6 to April 2 April 7 to June 10 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener | State | Social-Emotional Learning Skills | To measure development of social-emotional learning, relationships, and well-being | Approx. 15 minutes | Oct. 9 to Oct. 31 Mar. 10 to Mar. 28 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of the assessment window |
Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests | State ONLY students needing a test for federal participation or verified credit | Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, History | To measure knowledge of course content standards for state and federal accountability | Approx. 2 hours per subject | Schedule based on course and graduation requirements Dec. 9 to Jan. 28 Mar. 3 to Mar. 19 (Writing only) April 22 to May 30 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the close of each non-writing assessment window |
State Performance-Based Assessments (PBAs) | State ONLY for students in a social studies course identified for PBAs who need verified credit | History | To measure social studies disciplinary skills as part of a collection of evidence used to locally award verified credit toward graduation | Approx. 1-3 hours | Aug. 26 to May 23 | Incorporated in performance communication to parents/guardians as part of final grades |
Systemwide Common Assessment | Division ONLY for students at participating schools English ONLY for students taking an English 11 course | English, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology | To measure development of content standard knowledge and skills | Approx. 40 minutes per subject | English: Jan. 13 to Feb. 14 Algebra 1, Geometry. and Biology: Following each instructional unit | Incorporated in ongoing classroom performance communication to parents/guardians |
WIDA ACCESS for ELLS | State ONLY for English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure annual English language proficiency and progress in compliance with federal law | Approx. 5 hours total | Jan. 21 to Mar. 21 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab by the end of the school year |
WIDA Screener | State ONLY for potential English learners | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To determine eligibility for English learner services, in compliance with federal law | Approx. 2 hours total | Within 14 days of entry from outside Virginia public schools | Distributed to parents/ guardians within approx. 1 month |
WorkKeys | State ONLY for students who need verified credit | Writing | To measure the ability to apply content knowledge to a real-world situation | Approx. 30-45 minutes per subject | Schedule based on course Jan. 15 to Jan. 31 Feb. 18 to Feb. 25 Mar. 17 to Mar. 27 April 22 to April 30 May 19 to June 4 | Published in the SIS ParentVUE Documents tab within approx. 1 month of the end of the window |
World Language Performance Assessment for Language Students (WL-PALS) | Division ONLY for students Level 1-5, AP, IB, or DE world language courses | Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening | To measure interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive skills | Approx. 2 hours total | April 22 to June 11 | Incorporated in ongoing performance communication to parents/guardians |
* The amount of time needed for testing varies by student. All times are estimates.
** Schedule dates represent the window of time during which tests may be given. Each school sets and communicates the specific date for each test.
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