Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) Admissions
The admissions process to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Thank you for your interest in Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST). Making the decision to pursue admission to a selective secondary high school is not an easy one to make and we want you to know the Admissions Office is here to support you. Our goal is to ensure that all students and families are provided the same level of information in order to successfully navigate the process. We believe the best way to begin this journey is through open communication between our prospective students and their parents. We look forward to assisting you and exposing you to all TJHSST offers to students interested in STEM.
The process of selecting a high school can be challenging and exciting. We encourage you to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.
TJHSST Admissions
News from TJHSST
- Offers Extended to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Class of 2028 (April 2024)
- 2024 Fall TJHSST Admissions Presentation:
- Check out the TJHSST website
- Read the Student Newspaper, tjToday
- View recent news announcements regarding TJHSST
TJHSST Admissions: Contact Us
Admissions Office (general inquiries):
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Admissions Office FAX:
The TJHSST Admissions Office is located at the FCPS Gatehouse Administrative Center:
8115 Gatehouse Rd
Falls Church, VA 22042
Individual Test Site Information - Feb 8
- Carson Middle School - Enter at Door 8
- Frost Middle School - Enter at Door 3
- Rippon Middle School - Enter at Door 15
- Sandburg Middle School - Enter at Door 2
- Wakefield High School (Arlington) - Enter at Door A2

Freshman Application Process
Information and Steps for the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) Freshman Application Process.
Sophomore Application Process
TJHSST Admissions accepts a very limited number of students for its sophomore class (10th grade) each year.

Junior Application Process
TJHSST Admissions accepts a very limited number of students for its junior (11th grade) class each year.
Thomas Jefferson Outreach
The TJHSST Admissions Office participates in a number of outreach activities.