FCPS Decision-Making Cycle for Resource Allocation

How will FCPS align its funding to its goals?

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How will FCPS align its funding to its goals?

Fairfax County Public Schools’ Strategic Plan calls for the development of both return on investment (ROI) and decision-making frameworks. In response to the Plan, the Office of Research and Strategic Improvement (ORSI) has created a framework that will guide FCPS’ alignment of resources to division…

Office of Research and Strategic Improvement's (ORSI) - Products and Services

Learn about the standards that guide ORSI's work and the reports issued by the office.

Office of Research and Strategic Improvement

The Office of Research and Strategic Improvement supports high quality teaching and learning in Fairfax County Public Schools through research-based processes, tools, and evidence. The office reports to the Chief of Staff.

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FCPS’ budget reflects the school system's priorities. It's also a communications tool that informs parents, staff members, students, and community members about our values and goals. Find out more about the budget development calendar, budget documents, and quarterly budget reviews.