Reports, articles and videos that offer a look into how Goal 1 is being put into practice
Goal 1 - Description: Strong Start: Pre-K-12
Goal 1: "Every student will develop foundational academic skills, curiosity, and a joy for learning necessary for success in pre-K through 12th grade."
Equity Commitment: We will ensure authentic and affirming partnerships with families and key stakeholders by engaging in collaborative decision making that results in each student’s success.
A. Availability of pre-K programs (including inclusive pre-K) to meet community need
B. Students meeting criteria for kindergarten readiness
C. Students demonstrating self-regulation attention skills (pre-K–3, and beyond)
D. Multilingual learners meeting expected growth and reclassification criteria
E. Early and consistent access to and preparation for advanced instruction and enrichment opportunities
F. Students meeting standards at defined entry and transition points
Goal 1 - Reports
Baseline Report:The Baseline Goal 1 Report, presented to the School Board on December 14, 2023, examines data from previous years to establish a baseline of student performance. Report data identify areas of celebration and areas of need for strategic plan work in the future.
2024-2025 Annual Report: The annual Goal 1 Report, presented to the School Board on October 24, provides an update on the Division’s progress towards meeting the 2030 goals of the Strategic Plan.
Goal 1 - In Action
Transforming Pre-K Classrooms
Pre-K classrooms are making a difference in our community. In this video, we explore the importance of bringing children under the age of five together, regardless of abilities. Learn about applying to Pre-K.