Strategic Plan 2023-30: Planning Process Data Reports
A summary of the data shared with planning teams during the strategic plan planning process
We encourage you to review the following data, which was shared with strategic planning teams to help inform their work.
Data Resources Reviewed by Strategic Planning Teams
The Highlights of Student Achievement for Community Forum (2.A) provides a combination of student voice survey results and student outcome and access data. This packet is translated into frequently-requested languages for improved community access.
This combined data packet was used during Strategic Planning Community Forums in January - March 2023
The Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) provides a selection of student outcomes and access indicators for use with the Performance Fact Inc. 4-Lens Data Analysis Protocol. This revised packet includes corrections, clarifications, and enhancements made to the printed data packet used in strategic planning team meetings.
This revised version of the data packet was used by Strategic Planning Teams in November - December 2022.
A summary of corrections made to the packet based on team member feedback can be found below.
- The Highlights of Student Survey Results (Survey_Composite_A) presents a summary of student responses to surveys and focus groups eliciting student voice. This revised packet includes an updated description in the introduction section on page 3.
This student survey data packet was used by the Strategic Planning Teams in January - March 2023
The Strategic Plan Data Glossary explains what each indicator measures, how calculations were made, and how data was reported for the Highlights of Student Achievement data packets
This explanation of indicators was reviewed by Strategic Planning Teams in November - December 2022.
Page numbers in this resource align to those in the Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A), linked above.
Corrections to Printed Data Packets
Headings below summarize corrections made to the achievement data packets that were distributed during November - December 2022 convenings. The corrections are based on committee member feedback during these meetings. Corrections made to the printed data packets are reflected in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) Click on a heading to view corrections related to that topic.
(Packet p. 14) Average Daily Attendance
- Color Key Alignment for Graph and Table - The printed data packet included a color coding error. The color coding for the table rows has been corrected in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. The colors for each year align in the graph and table in this correction.
(Packet p. 15) Chronic Absenteeism
- Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Group Size - The printed data packet included a data transfer error. The 2020-21 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander student group denominator has been corrected in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. The corrected 2020-21 denominator is 219 for this group.
- Percentage Rounding Errors - Based on experiences supporting strategic planning conversations across the nation, Performance Fact Inc. elected to use whole percentages when displaying outcomes for this indicator. Unfortunately, this decision resulted in several rounding errors within the printed data packet. These errors have been corrected in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. Corrections are as follows:
- Top table
- Hispanic or Latino: 2018-19 13%, 2020-21 10%, 2021-22 24%
- Bottom table
- Region 1: Multiracial 9%, English Language Learners 22%
- Region 4 American Indian/Alaskan Native 16%, Hispanic or Latino 19%
- Top table
- Region Data Table Label - The printed data packet included an error in the heading for the table at the bottom of page 15. This heading has been updated to indicate that this Region data is for SY 2022 only. This update can be found in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. The correction shows the Region data is for SY 2022 only.
(Packet pp. 66-67) Advanced Academic Program (AAP) Participation
- Students Experiencing Homelessness and Foster Care Omissions - Participation data for these two student groups was not ready at the time of publication for the printed packets in November. Data for these groups has now been added on pages 66-67 of the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage.
(Packet pp. 69-71) 8th Grade Students Taking Algebra I or Higher
- Students Experiencing Homelessness Group Outcomes - The printed data packet included a calculator error resulting in inaccurate division and region data for this student group. Corrections have been made in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. The corrections show updated values for all data points reported for students experiencing homelessness (% of all students taking at least 1 Algebra 1 course, % of students in each subgroup taking at least 1 Algebra 1 course, and denominator for students in this group taking at least 1 Algebra 1 course).
(Packet pp. 73-75) Exclusion Days Rate
- 10-day Suspension Reporting - The printed data packet included an error in the key labels for the maroon portion of the Exclusion Days Rate bar graphs. The label has been corrected in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. The corrected maroon label shows “More than 10 Days.”
- Graph Percentages and Distribution - The printed data packet did not accurately show the distribution of cumulative days suspended for students within each student group. Corrections have been made in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage, and additions were made to the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary with information and examples to help understand the updated graph. Corrections are as follows:
- The denominator (count of students suspended at some point in the year) was added to the graph label for each student group.
- Percentages and color bands within the graph were revised to show the distribution of total time out of school for suspended students from each group.
- Counts of suspended students whose total days out of school fall within each day range (numerator for graph percentages) were added in a new table at the bottom of page 75.
Supplemental Reports to Support Strategic Planning Conversations
The following reports were offered in response to specific requests from team members during November-December 2022 strategic planning team meetings. The information in these reports is meant to supplement the Highlights of Student Achievement data packets (see links under Data Resources Reviewed by Strategic Planning Teams above).
The Diploma Details for 4-Year Graduation Outcomes report supplements the 4-year graduation data by offering a breakdown of diploma type earned by student group over three years, including applied studies diplomas. The report provides detailed diploma outcomes for students with disabilities by primary disability type.
The Gender-Based Highlights of Student Experiences report provides outcome and access data reflecting student experiences by gender, including non-binary students, for selected indicators.
The Postsecondary Outcomes for Students with Disabilities report provides a summary of outcomes and feedback for students who left FCPS in SY 2020-21 and had individualized education programs (IEPs) in effect at the time they left school. The responses highlighted in this report represent a combination of state and division survey questions collected approximately one year after the students left FCPS.
The SOL vs. VAAP Detailed State Assessment Outcomes report supplements the state assessment data by offering a breakdown of state assessment outcomes over three years by test type, Standards of Learning (SOL) versus Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP). The report provides detailed test outcomes for students with disabilities by primary disability type.
Other Data Sources for Reference and Exploration
Division, county, and state entities produce a variety of data resources that provided additional context for team members as they participated in the FCPS strategic planning process.
Data Resource | Description |
Fairfax County Youth Survey | Site offers an online dashboard and additional information about the Youth Survey. |
FCPS Equity Profile | Enrollment data for the current year and outcome data for the prior year are published annually in February or March. Reported metrics are aligned to the Strategic Plan identified by the School Board for reporting during school years 2018-2020, with goals for Student Success, Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, and Resource Stewardship. |
Strategic Plan 2018-20 - Final Reports |
Reports provide status and progress data for Strategic Plan metrics previously identified by the School Board for reporting during school years 2018-2020 |
Resource | Description |
Virginia School Quality Profiles | Provides multiple views of school, division, and statewide success including assessment results, enrollment, college-career readiness, financial investment, learning climate, teacher quality, and school readiness. |
Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Statistics and Reports | Provides a variety of public data including enrollment and demographics, assessment results, graduation outcomes, and school climate reports. |
Virginia Longitudinal Data System (VLDS) |
Evolving data tool provides a long term lens on pass rates and secondary/post-secondary success. |
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