Student Rights and Responsibilities - Secondary Quick Guide
A brief overview of the Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) for middle school and high school students.
Schools are communities of people working and learning together. Within FCPS, we value diversity and acknowledge that all people contribute to the well-being of the community. The Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) is informed by the belief that all students are capable of achieving their personal best in the context of positive and inclusive school environments that promote safety, belonging, and supportive relationships between and among staff and students. Students are more likely to exhibit positive behavior when they feel that staff members care about them and will help them learn and grow. As a central member of the school community, you have rights, privileges, and responsibilities. These are outlined in detail in Appendix D of the Family Guide to Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), or at www.fcps.edu/SRR, and are highlighted in this guide for your quick reference.
This Quick Guide is intended for use as a brief overview for secondary students. All student behavior is governed by the detailed information found in the current version of Regulation 2601 at www.fcps.edu/srr.
Rights and Responsibilities
Rights | Responsibilities |
You have the right to learn. | You have a responsibility to work together with students and staff to help create a caring learning environment.
You have the right to feel safe while at school and on school property. | You have a responsibility to help keep your school safe.
You have the right to privacy and to receive reasonable, non-stigmatizing accommodations, regardless of underlying reasons. | You have the responsibility to respect the privacy of everyone in your school community as well as all of the property of the school community.
You have the right to feel respected and to be treated with respect at school, in the classroom, on the school bus, and at school-sponsored events. If you feel you have not been respected in any way while at school or at school events, you have the right to meet with a trusted adult in the school (i.e., principal, counselor, teacher, etc.). | You have the responsibility to respect everyone in your school community.
You have the right to use school facilities and equipment. | You have the responsibility to use the equipment and property of the school according to the school rules. All school property should be treated with care and respect.
You have the right to receive support to ensure the safe and equitable access to all school division facilities and activities, in accordance with Regulation 2603. | You have the responsibility to respect the privacy of all students.
You have the right to equitable access to the learning environment, educational materials, and extracurricular activities. | You have the responsibility to support students and staff as we work together to ensure educational equity.
You have the right to a school and classroom environment that affirms the identity of all students and is responsive, caring, and inclusive. | You have the responsibility to treat students and staff with dignity and respect.
You have the right to have your personally identifiable information and citizenship or immigration status protected from unauthorized sharing. | You have the responsibility to respect the privacy of everyone in your school community.
Some things at school are privileges, come with certain limitations, and may be suspended or discontinued if you do not use them properly.
When using the FCPS Network, you should not do anything that would disrupt the use of the network by others, and you should demonstrate respect and ethical conduct. You must also follow the teacher’s directions about when and how to use devices. On buses, you may listen to music with headphones, play games, or text, but not talk on the phone.
Listen to the driver, stay in your seat, keep your hands to yourself and inside the bus, keep your voice low, and do not block the aisles.
Parking rules must be followed. Please note that your car can be searched if there is reason to believe you might have something in the car that violates school rules, is illegal, or dangerous.
The Virginia High School League has rules about participation in sports, including the length of time you must be registered at a school, and the behavior expected. In addition, FCPS requires that students be in good standing to participate in extracurricular activities. You may not participate when you are suspended, and you may lose the right to participate for a longer period if you violate rules about drugs or alcohol.
Important Topics
Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity. Intentional demeaning and intimidating treatment, whether verbal, physical, written, or electronic, can harm an individual and the community. If you are the target of these behaviors, report them. If you witness these behaviors, offer support to the target and reach out for help from a trusted adult. This behavior is unacceptable, whether based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy and other related conditions, disability, personal or physical attributes, sexual orientation, gender identification, or expression. Hazing, or inflicting injury on someone, or recklessly endangering them as part of an initiation or condition of joining a club or other organization can result in criminal charges.
Title IX protects students against Sex Discrimination. If you have any questions or concerns about Sex Discrimination (including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy and other related conditions, sex characteristics, and/or sex stereotypes), contact the Title IX coordinator at [email protected].
A Discrimination and Harassment Reporting system is available to allow you and your family to report incidents in which you feel you have experienced bias and/or discrimination. The tool is housed within the Let’s Talk Platform and can be accessed by (a) launching the application from Student desktops; or (b) a link on the FCPS Website.
Your school respects your right to express yourself through what you wear. It is important to also understand that your clothes should be appropriate for your school day.
Students are expected to dress in accordance with the FCPS dress code which is outlined in Regulation 2613.
Attire and Accessories
- A. Students must wear each day:
- A shirt;
- A bottom (pants, sweatpants, shorts, skirts, dress, or leggings);
- Shoes;
- Clothing required by specialized courses or activities, as appropriate, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.
Please note that a one-piece garment (e.g., romper) that serves the same function as a shirt and bottom, is also permissible.
- B. Prohibited clothing and accessories, in violation of the FCPS dress code, are those that, regardless of the student’s age or gender:
- Depict or promote illegal, violent, or lewd conduct;
- Depict or promote the unlawful possession or use of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, drug paraphernalia, or other controlled substances (regardless of the student’s age);
- Expose genitalia, chest, or buttocks;
- Expose underwear or undergarments, whether due to the transparency, length, or lack of coverage. Bra and bralette straps on undergarments worn under other authorized clothing as outlined in this regulation are not a violation;
- Obscure the face, such as helmets, headgear, ski-masks, or balaclava masks (except as religious observance, medically necessary, or otherwise noted as an accommodation in a student’s individualized education program [IEP] or Section 504 plan);
- Include language, profanity, symbols (e.g., swastikas, KKK references, gang symbols), icons, or images that are reasonably foreseeable to cause a material and substantial disruption or invade the rights of others and that amount to hate speech, are highly offensive or threatening to others, or impede or distract from the School Board’s mission of instilling values necessary or appropriate for polite civil discourse or political discussion in school context;
- Accessories that constitute a health or safety hazard or are harmful to the building equipment (i.e., spiked belts);
- Sunglasses inside the school building except as an accommodation for medical use.
Dress Code Enforcement and Stakeholder Responsibility
- School-based staff shall review the dress code expectations and videos with students at least twice annually (one review must be at the beginning of the school year) and will provide reminders throughout the year, as appropriate.
- Staff (i.e., teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, etc.) are responsible for communicating and equitably enforcing the division dress code during school hours, during after-school activities, and at school-sponsored events. To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code, school staff shall enforce the dress code consistently and neutrally in accordance with the dress code requirements.
- Discussions regarding dress code violations shall be held privately and shall respect the dignity of the student.
To ensure consistent enforcement of dress code policies, please note that your school may have additional regulations in place (i.e., special attire during school theme/spirit weeks). Please speak with a school-based administrator if you have any questions.
If you or your parent/guardian believe that actions or inactions of the school officials are not in your best interests, you may present complaints via written (preferred method) or verbal notice to teachers, counselors, or school administrators who shall make themselves available or schedule appointments to hear these concerns.
If you have any questions or concerns about the right to voice concerns, contact the Office of the Ombuds at [email protected].
A healthy learning environment is free of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, inhalants, and look-alike or synthetic drugs. Possession, use, or distribution of these substances is not permitted in school, on school buses, on school grounds, or at any school-sponsored activities.
Students who become angry or frustrated are encouraged to resolve conflicts peacefully. Teachers, counselors, and other school personnel can help students find civil, non-violent ways to handle disputes. Schools can also utilize restorative justice practices to resolve disciplinary incidents when harm has been caused.
Weapons and items that could be used as weapons, including razor blades, knives, switchblades, machetes, guns, and any form of explosives, nunchucks, etc., are never permitted in the school environment. Possession of these items on school grounds will result in significant consequences. If you find that you have inadvertently brought one of these items to school, immediately bring it to the front office.
Your school attendance is very important to your academic success. Being “chronically absent” means that a student has missed 18 or more school days per year (including illness, family emergencies, suspensions, or unexcused absences).
- Studies show that regular attendance in elementary school improves the chances that students will read on grade level.
- Studies also show that students who attend 90% or more of the school year are more likely to graduate from high school on time.
- Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with schoolwork, dealing with peer conflicts, or facing some other potentially serious difficulty.
- The Virginia Department of Education’s Standards of Accreditation include chronic absenteeism as one of the school quality indicators.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact their child’s school if concerned about their child’s attendance record.
Desks, lockers, and storage spaces can be searched and contents, including student belongings, can be examined as part of a general inspection on a periodic or random basis. Student backpacks, coats, electronics, and cars parked on school grounds may also be searched if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the item contains contraband such as drugs, weapons, stolen property, or evidence of a violation of rules or unlawful activity.
All students are expected to contribute to the development and maintenance of healthy, safe school communities. If you witness harmful or unsafe behaviors, you are expected to seek out a staff member and/or trusted adult as soon as possible, alerting them of the concerns. You should not participate in behavior that may serve to escalate harmful or unsafe situations. Examples of such behaviors include the instigation of bullying behaviors and videotaping altercations such as fights and arguments.
Students have a responsibility to follow the cell phone rules to create a positive learning environment.
If you are a 7th or 8th student, here’s what you need to know:
Your phones must be silenced and put away for the entire school day. Keep phones in your locker, backpack, pencil bag, or other designated storage device determined by your school.
Students may not use phones, tablets, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms, unless there is an emergency.
Smart watches may be worn, however, phone features like texting, internet and calls, must be off during school hours.
Depending on your school, you may be allowed to use your phone during passing periods. Check out the cellphone guidelines in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for more information.
If you are a student in grades 9-12:
Phones and should be silenced and stored during all classes.
Phone accessories should also be silenced and put away.
Smart watches may be worn, however, phone features like texting, internet and calls, must be off during school hours.
Keep phones in your locker, backpack, pencil bag, or other storage device determined by your school.
Students may not use phone, tables, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms, unless there is an emergency.
During classes and school activities, keep your phone off and out of sight. This helps everyone stay focused.
Using your phone responsibly helps create a positive learning environment.
Disciplinary Consequences
Keep in mind that a school principal may impose a short-term suspension, recommend a long-term suspension, and/or make a referral to the Division Superintendent for situations involving prohibited conduct as outlined in Regulation 2601.
- Behaviors that negatively impact the educational setting or interfere with school operations
- Hate Speech
- Fireworks: use or possession
- Forgery, cheating, plagiarism, dishonesty
- Gambling
- Laser devices
- Misuse of portable communication device
- Attendance violation
- Use or possession of nonprescription drugs
- Unauthorized presence on school property
- Tobacco violations
- Use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol, inhalants, or nonalcoholic beer
- Being under the influence of marijuana or other controlled substance
- Possession of drug paraphernalia
While a school-based consequence would be typical for these violations, the principal may make a referral to the Division Superintendent if the violation substantially disrupted instruction, endangered others, or followed prior violations.
- Harassment/Discrimination based on race, disability, etc. (See R2601 for a complete list.)
- Hate Speech
- Vandalism of school property; bomb threats
- Hazing
- Distribution of nonprescription drugs for the purpose of abuse Possession or use of marijuana, imitation marijuana, synthetic marijuana, or a controlled substance, inhalants, or an imitation controlled substance; if you suspect you might be experiencing drug addiction, please seek help from your counselor, social worker, or administrator
- Endangering well-being of others, bullying
- Threat or assault of another student
- Possession or display of obscene material; indecent exposure
- Mob assault
- Threatening a staff member or assaulting a staff member without causing injury
- Gang-related activities
- Improper touching
- Unauthorized or illegal use or disruption of information technology
- Distribution of nonprescription drugs for the purpose of abuse
- Physical assault on a staff member causing injury
- Possession or use of schedule I & II drugs (with the exception of marijuana as detailed above)
- Distribution of marijuana, imitation marijuana, synthetic marijuana, or a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance
- Possession of a statutory weapon, knife with a blade three inches or longer, switchblade, or machete, or using any object as a weapon
- Using an object not generally considered to be a weapon to threaten, intimidate, or attempt to injure school personnel or students
- Sexual assault and/or sex discrimination, malicious wounding, robbery