Strategic Planning - Data Questions and Answers (Q&A)
Find answers to questions about data shared with planning teams.
During each of the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) strategic planning team meetings, questions are collected from participants. The sections below provide written answers to these questions in a Q&A format.
Q&A - General Questions About Data Reviewed by Strategic Planning Teams
Below you will find general questions and answers (Q&A) about the data reviewed by strategic planning teams in winter 2022-23. Click on a heading of interest to open the accordion section and view questions and answers for the topic.
Students with Disabilities:
Q: What disabilities and services are reported in the Students with Disabilities group for strategic planning data?
A: When reporting data for local, state, and federal accountability, the students with disabilities group is defined as students who are eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA) and have individualized education programs (IEPs). Students eligible for services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and have 504 Plans are regarded as students with disabilities for purposes of accommodations and supports but are not part of the students with disabilities group when reporting outcomes, unless they also have IEPs.
Q: Can data for students with disabilities be viewed by disability type?
A: Disaggregated data by primary disability type can be accessed from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Test Results Build-A-Table Tool and Cohort Gradation Build-A-Table Tool. Additionally, FCPS summary reports provide disaggregation by primary disability type for diploma and assessment outcomes. These supplemental reports are posted on the Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. These reports serve to supplement data reviewed by strategic planning teams within the Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A).
English Learners:
Q: What English language proficiency (ELP) levels are reported in the Multilingual Learners (ML) group for strategic planning data?
A: Most ML group reporting for local, state, and federal accountability includes only students eligible for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services, ELP levels 1-5 and 9, where level 9 reflects kindergarten students. Students formerly eligible for ESOL services--ELP levels 6a-6d and 10, are excluded from ML group reporting for most reporting. The Virginia On-Time Graduation Rate is the only exception to this general approach. The On-Time Graduation Rate incorporates both students eligible for ESOL services (ELP levels 1-5) and former MLs in their first four years of monitoring after exiting services (ELP levels 6a-6d). Details about ML group definitions within the strategic planning Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) can be found for each indicator in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Gender and Sexual Orientation:
Q: Do the reports include information by gender?
A: A supplement to the Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet reviewed by strategic planning teams, has been added to the Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. This supplemental resource highlights gender-based experiences for selected indicators, with female, male, and non-binary reporting. The selected indicators align with those identified for “intersectionality” reporting in pages 50-52 of the Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A).
Q: Do the reports include information about students identifying as LGBTQIA+?
A: Sexual orientation data is not collected within the FCPS Student Information System and is not part of state reporting. Information on experiences and perceptions of students identifying as LGBTQIA+ may be obtained through student surveys and focus groups. For example, information on LGBTQIA+ identify is available from the Fairfax County Youth Survey and is included in the Highlights of Student Survey Results (Survey_Composite_A) data packet from January-March strategic planning team meetings.
Q: Is Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) data reported with Region 2 in the indicators ?
A: Yes, TJHSST student outcomes are reported with Region 2 for all high school indicators used in the strategic plan Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet.
Q: How are Nontraditional School Programs and Special Education Centers reported within Region data?
A: Handling of Nontraditional School Programs and Special Education Centers in Region reporting varies by indicator. The differences are based on the source data available and state or local business rules for reporting. Specific information on the school/program designations used for Region reporting within each student achievement indicator can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23. Depending on the indicator, these sites may:
- Be reported with a region based on the site’s geographical location
- Be combined as a “non-region” group
- Have student outcomes distributed based on each student’s responsible base school
- Be omitted from region-level data and reported only with division-level outcomes
Q: What schools are included in REGION 9?
A: For Student Enrollment and Representation Index indicators, REGION 9 is used to report data for all sites not connected to a specific region. Additional details about what sites make up REGION 9 can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: Is a map of the geographical layout of the five Regions available to help make sense of student data disaggregated by region?
A: A map of the Fairfax County Public Schools Regions can be found on the FCPS public webpage.
Q: Where can information be found for additional reporting years (pre-COVID)?
A: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) offers longitudinal reporting for a number of measures. VDOE Statistics and Reports provide longitudinal data on enrollment and demographics, assessment results, graduation outcomes, and school climate reports. The Virginia Longitudinal Data System (VLDS) offers a long-term lens on pass rates and secondary/postsecondary success. Additionally, historical FCPS Strategic Plan Goal 1 Student Success reports are available on BoardDocs with division opportunity, access, and achievement data for 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.
Q&A - Clarifications for Understanding the Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2A) Data Packet
Below you will find questions and answers (Q&A) reflecting feedback from the November-December 2022 strategic planning team meetings, which focused on a review of student achievement data. Questions and answers in this section are grouped by indicator. Click on a heading of interest to open the accordion section and view questions and answers for that indicator.
Q: When were assessments given within each year?
A: Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program reporting consistently uses fall assessment results to best reflect readiness of students as they enter kindergarten. Year labels have been updated in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage to clarify the Fall assessment timeline.
Q: Why are some assessments missing from certain years?
A: Data was reported for every fall during which the assessment was administered. Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) assessments were not started in FCPS until fall 2022. Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) was not administered in fall 2021 due to virtual instruction during the ongoing pandemic.
Q: How is Average Daily Attendance calculated?
A: The calculation approach for this indicator can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: Why are the denominators for chronic absenteeism so much larger than the division enrollment numbers for each year?
A: The chronic absenteeism rate includes all students who were enrolled at least half of the school year, even if they are no longer in division membership on the last day of school. As a result, the total number of students counted in the chronic absenteeism denominator will be larger than the end-of-year enrollment count. For example, FCPS reported 38,689 English learners (MLs) enrolled at end-of-year for SY 2022. However, when looking across the entire year, a total of 47,641 MLs were enrolled 50% or more and counted in the SY 2022 chronic absenteeism denominator. A note with this explanation has been added to the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23, and the denominator label has been clarified in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage.
Q: What assessments are included in the reported data?
A: The data presented for this indicator reflects all federally required assessments for the state curriculum standards, known as the Virginia Standards of Learning. State assessments include both the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests and Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) tests. Data labels on pages 16-19 of the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet were updated to remove any suggestion that the indicator reports only SOL test results. Additional information about the two types of state assessments is as follows.
- SOL tests assess the regular state standards and are used by approximately 99% of the Virginia student population.
- Approximately 1% of the Virginia student population uses VAAP tests. VAAP tests are only available for students with significant cognitive disabilities meeting specific criteria and identified for the VAAP by their individualized education program (IEP) team. VAAP tests assess the Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOLs) through SY 2020-21 and assess the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOLs) beginning in SY 2021-22.
Q: Is information available about student performance on the SOL test versus the VAAP test?
A: A FCPS summary report provides detailed state assessment outcomes for VAAP versus SOL tests by student group and primary disability type. This resource, SOL vs. VAAP Detailed State Assessment Outcomes, can be located on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage.
Q: How does the size of the student group impact heat map reporting?
A: Heat maps are meant to approximate a typical classroom experience by representing outcomes per 20 students. When the actual group size is large, the heat map is more of a generalization for student outcomes. Denominators have been added on pages 17-19 in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage to offer context when interpreting the heat map.
Q: How are the rates calculated for performance on Advanced Placement (AP) exams, Career and Technical Education (CTE) certification, Dual Enrollment credit, and International Baccalaureate (IB) diplomas?
A: The approach used to calculate achievement for each type of rigorous coursework can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: What final marks are counted in this D/F reporting?
A: The calculation approach for this indicator can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: Why is the 5-Year Graduation Rate lower than the 4-Year Graduation Rate for certain student groups?
A: The 4-Year Rate and 5-Year Rate displayed on page 29 of the data packet reflect outcomes for two different senior cohorts. See the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23 for information and resources to help understand the Virginia On-Time Graduation calculations as well as tips for reviewing the 4-Year versus 5-Year data in the data packet. The following examples illustrate the differences between these rates.
- The Class of 2022 4-Year Rate reflects students who graduated “on-time” by August 2022, taking into account adjustments for students eligible for more time.
- The Class of 2021 5-Year Rate reflects students who graduated “on-time-plus-one” by August 2022. These are students who were expected to graduate by August 2021 and were not eligible for further adjustments after that date. The rate includes all students who graduated within five years, including those who graduated “on-time” with the Class of 2021 as well as those who required an additional year to complete diploma requirements.
Q: Why is there no 5-Year graduation data reported for 2022?
A: The years reported in this section of the data packet reflect the senior cohort year, which is tied to the year seniors concluded their adjusted 4-year cohort. 5-year graduation data will not be available for the Class of 2022 until one year later. The most recent 5-year data available from VDOE at this time is for the Class of 2021, and these rates are reported in the data package. The Class of 2021 5-year rate reflects outcomes as of August 2022.
Q: Is information available about student outcomes based on different diploma types: Advanced Studies, Standard, Applied Studies?
A: A FCPS summary report provides details about diploma distributions over a three-year period. This resource, Diploma Details for 4-Year Graduation Outcomes, can be located on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. Page 5 reports the number of students earning each diploma type by student group and primary disability type.
Q: How does the size of the student group impact heat map reporting?
A: Heat maps are meant to approximate a typical classroom experience by representing outcomes per 20 students. When the actual group size is large, the heat map is more of a generalization for student outcomes. Denominators have been added on pages 30-31 in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage to offer context when interpreting the heat map.
Q: What is the difference in the data found in the donut graphs and the data in the horizontal bars?
A: Information about the data presented in donut graphs and horizontal bars, including tips for reading these graphs, can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: What point in the year is reflected in the student enrollment data?
A: Student enrollment data is based on end-of-year reporting. Additional information about this metric can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: How is the Representation Index calculated?
A: Information on the Representation Index calculation can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: How does intersectionality data help me understand student outcomes?
A: Intersectionality data represent the impact of a combination of two demographic factors on student outcomes. Viewing the outcomes for students within a particular racial/ethnic group WITH and WITHOUT the intersecting demographic factor can help to understand the extent to which individual factors influence student outcomes and how the factors interrelate. Additional information about the selected intersectionality indicators and demographic groups can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: What is meant by “licensed” programs?
A: This reporting includes all FCPS division-run PreK programs, those programs providing special education services for students with disabilities and those programs serving income-eligible (economically disadvantaged) students, such as Head Start. The tables on page 53 have been renamed to clarify that the data are for students participating in division PreK programs. This update can be found in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage.
Q:What do the percentages in the second table represent?
A: Percentages represent the FCPS PreK students who fall within each reporting group. For example, 34.8% of FCPS PreK students in 2021-22 were economically disadvantaged, or 1,553 out of a 4,465 total enrolled.
Q: Who counts as an administrator in this workforce reporting?
A: Administrators for this metric only reflect those who are school-based. The section headings on page 54 have been renamed to clarify the focus on school-based administrators. This update can be found in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage.
Q: How is this indicator’s data about Advanced Placement (AP), Career and Technical Education (CTE), Dual Enrollment (DE), and International Baccalaureate (IB) different from the indicator found on pages 20-23 of the data packet?
A: The fundamental difference between the data on pages 20-23 and the data on pages 59-65 is the measure of success. For pages 20-23, success is defined based on a measure of achievement (exam score of 3 or higher or earning an industry credential, college credit, or IB diploma). For pages 59-65, success is defined based on access (taking an advanced course). See the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23 for additional information and tips for reading the graphs for this indicator.
Q: What grade levels and service levels are reported for AAP participation?
A: Data reported for this indicator reflects only full-time AAP participation. In FCPS, Level IV services represent full-time AAP participation. AAP Level IV services are available in FCPS grades 3-8. See the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23 for additional information on calculations and reading the graphs for this indicator.
Q: What students are reported as 8th graders taking Algebra 1 or higher?
A: This indicator is reported for the 8th grade cohort, based on FCPS grade 8 enrollment at the end of the school year. Students count as accessing Algebra 1 or higher if they receive a passing or failing final mark (A-F or P) in an Algebra 1 course or higher-level math course, such as Geometry, Algebra 2, etc. Additional information on the calculation can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: How were staffing rates determined for the clinical positions in this indicator?
A: Information on the staffing counts used for each position type can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: How is the Discipline Index calculated?
A: The Discipline Index reports based on the total suspension incidents in a school year. Detailed information on the Discipline Index calculation can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Q: How is the Exclusion Days Rate calculated?
A: The Exclusion Days Rate provides information about the total time individual students were out of school due to suspensions. Detailed information on the Exclusion Days Rate calculation can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23. Additionally, the graph title has been renamed on page 75 to indicate that this metric reports cumulative suspensions. This update can be found in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage.
Q: How do the Discipline Index and Exclusion Days Rate relate to each other?
A: The Discipline Index reports based on the total suspension incidents in a school year, where an individual student may have multiple suspension incidents of varying length. On the other hand, the Exclusion Days Rate provides information about the total time individual students were out of school due to suspensions, where the total time excluded could be the result of a single suspension incident or of multiple shorter suspensions. Because these two metrics report student data in very different ways, pages have been reordered in the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet posted on the FCPS Strategic Planning - Data Reports webpage. In the revised data packet, division and region data for Discipline Index are presented on pages 73-74, and data for the Exclusion Days Rate is presented on page 75.
Q: Where is information available on the relative representation of different student groups when looking at suspensions?
A: Data about a group’s relative representation within student suspensions is offered in two ways.
- The Discipline Index provides a way to see how suspension incidents for a student group compare to the group’s relative size within the overall student population. A value greater than one indicates the group is overrepresented in suspensions relative to their enrollment, and a value less than one indicates the group is underrepresented relative to enrollment. Detailed information on the Discipline Index calculation can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
- A table added for the Exclusion Days Rate on page 75 of the revised Highlights of Student Achievement (Exhibit 2.A) data packet offers percentages showing the representation of each student group among all students suspended for each total day range. For example, American Indian/Alaska Native students represent 0.2% of FCPS students suspended a total of 1 day or less in SY 2022, whereas Asian students represent 7.1% of all those suspended a total of 1 day or less. Detailed information on Exclusion Days Rate calculations can be found in the Strategic Plan - Data Glossary from winter 2022-23.
Note, for members of the Core Planning Team (CPT) and Instructional Focus Team (IFT), a summary of corrections made to the achievement data packet based on committee member feedback during in November-December 2022 meetings can be found on the Strategic Planning Committees webpage.