Office of the Comptroller
Responsible for the financial and accounting activity for FCPS
The mission of the Office of the Comptroller is to ensure the integrity of FCPS financial data; supply accurate and timely financial information to the School Board, FCPS management, and stakeholders; provide a system of effective and efficient financial processes; and monitor and reduce financial risk to FCPS. Financial records are maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. The Office continuously evaluates FCPS financial and business management practices; recommending and implementing business process improvements; conducting and coordinating compliance reviews; and performing risk assessments. In addition, the office is responsible for providing training and support to all FCPS staff on financial systems and procedures.
Financial Reporting and Compliance
The Financial Reporting and Compliance team maintains FCPS’ financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, ensures compliance with the requirements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, prepares the award-winning Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; performs analytical reviews and account reconciliations; coordinates the annual external audit; maintains the inventory system; completes the state-mandated annual school report and other management reports; monitors internal controls throughout FCPS’ decentralized financial operations; ensures reliable financial data, and meets the statutory responsibility of financial operations.
The Fairfax County Transparency Application allows users to search and view summary information about payments to specific vendors and budgeted vs. actual expenditures. Amounts displayed are year-to-date aggregates through the selected month for a fiscal year. The FCPS fiscal year spans from July 1 through June 30. Aggregated data from each month will be posted by the end of the subsequent month. The financial data available on this site is unaudited and therefore have not been reviewed for accuracy by an outside party. An audited Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for each fiscal year is prepared annually.
Financial Outreach and Support
Financial Outreach and Support Teams provide support and guidance for online payment service that many parents and guardians use to pay for school meals, providing them a convenient, efficient, flexible and secure way to fund school-related purchases and fees. Team members provide guidance for any durable good and financial donations to FCPS.
Online Payment of Student Fees payment
Online payment for student fees and school store items are available through the MySchoolBucks school store. This online payment service provides a quick and easy way to pay for school-related purchases.
Reimbursement Services for Equal Opportunity Funds (EOF)
Equal Opportunity Funds (EOF) are available to reimburse schools for expenditures essential to the instructional program for students who qualify for the free and reduced-priced meals. Refer to the current version of Notice 5922, Student Fees, for a list of authorized items. These items include food services, music instruments, driver education, parking, career and technical education, fine arts, health and medical education, and other instructional-related item fees. Other information can be found for reimbursement of Advanced Placement (AP)/International Baccalaureate (IB) test fees.
Accounting Operations and Payments
Payment of countywide obligations is performed by the Accounting Operations team which processes payments for the schools and offices within FCPS. Fairfax County Public Schools standard terms of payment of vendor invoices are 30 days from the date of receipt of the goods or services, or the invoice for the goods or services, whichever is later. Payments will be delayed if an invoice is incorrect, defective or otherwise improper. To ensure prompt payment of invoices vendors should ensure that:
- Invoice is properly dated
- Invoice has a valid Purchase Order Number
- Invoice is emailed to: [email protected]
- Invoice is mailed to:
FCPS Accounts Payable
P.O. Box 4000
Merrifield, VA 22116
If you have bill that is outstanding for Local School Activity Funds, please contact the school directly.
Risk Management
The Risk Management team is committed to developing programs that reduce the potential risk exposure of FCPS. Programs include reviewing school/department contract documents and unusual field trip requests, procuring commercial insurance for FCPS buildings and contents, administering the school board liability self-insurance plan and providing tools for school administrators and staff to minimize potential liability on FCPS properties or while on school sponsored activities.
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) wants to make sure everyone is safe on our property. If you get hurt or experience property loss while on FCPS grounds, we want to make it easy for you to submit Citizen Incident Reports and Claims.
Award-Winning Financial Reporting
These national awards recognize excellence in financial reporting, acknowledging the highest standards used for state and local government reports.
In order to receive a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a governmental unit must publish a Annual Comprehensive Financial Report that exhibit creativity, presentation, understandability, and reader appeal. This report must satisfy both accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. and legal requirements. FCPS has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for 29 consecutive years.
Participation in this program validates the district’s commitment to fiscal and financial integrity. The program reviews the accounting practices and reporting procedures used by FCPS in its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report based upon standards established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
Financial Links

Citizen Incident Reports and Claims

Field Trips

Students Prohibited Activities List

Financial Reports